from flask import Blueprint, jsonify from decorators import admins_only, api_wrapper from models import db, Problems, Files from schemas import verify_to_schema, check import json blueprint = Blueprint("admin", __name__) @blueprint.route("/problems/list", methods=["GET"]) @api_wrapper @admins_only def problem_data(): problems = Problems.query.order_by(Problems.value).all() problems_return = [ ] for problem in problems: problems_return.append({ "pid":, "name":, "category": problem.category, "description": problem.description, "hint": problem.hint, "value": problem.value, "threshold": problem.threshold, "weightmap": json.loads(problem.weightmap) }) return { "success": 1, "problems": problems_return } """ @blueprint.route("/problems/submit", methods=["POST"]) @api_wrapper @admins_only def problem_submit(): params = utils.flat_multi(request.form) verify_to_schema(UserSchema, params) title = params.get("title") ProblemSubmissionSchema = Schema({ Required("title"): check( ([str, Length(min=4, max=64)], "The title should be between 4 and 64 characters long."), ), }, extra=True) """