var app = angular.module("easyctf", [ "ngRoute" ]); app.config(["$compileProvider", function($compileProvider) { $compileProvider.aHrefSanitizationWhitelist(/^\s*(https?|ftp|mailto|file|javascript):/); }]); app.config(function($routeProvider, $locationProvider) { $routeProvider.when("/", { templateUrl: "pages/home.html", controller: "mainController" }) .when("/about", { templateUrl: "pages/about.html", controller: "mainController" }) .when("/chat", { templateUrl: "pages/chat.html", controller: "mainController" }) .when("/learn", { templateUrl: "pages/learn.html", controller: "mainController" }) .when("/login", { templateUrl: "pages/login.html", controller: "mainController" }) .when("/logout", { templateUrl: "pages/blank.html", controller: "logoutController" }) .when("/profile", { templateUrl: "pages/profile.html", controller: "profileController" }) .when("/profile/:username", { templateUrl: "pages/profile.html", controller: "profileController" }) .when("/register", { templateUrl: "pages/register.html", controller: "mainController" }) .when("/scoreboard", { templateUrl: "pages/scoreboard.html", controller: "mainController" }) .when("/settings", { templateUrl: "pages/settings.html", controller: "mainController" }) .when("/forgot", { templateUrl: "pages/forgot.html", controller: "resetController" }) .when("/forgot/:token", { templateUrl: "pages/forgot.html", controller: "resetController" }) .when("/team", { templateUrl: "pages/team.html", controller: "teamController" }) .when("/team/:teamname", { templateUrl: "pages/team.html", controller: "teamController" }) .when("/admin/problems", { templateUrl: "pages/admin/problems.html", controller: "adminProblemsController" }) .otherwise({ templateUrl: "pages/404.html", controller: "mainController" }); $locationProvider.html5Mode(true); }); app.controller("mainController", ["$scope", "$http", function($scope, $http) { $scope.config = { navbar: { } }; $.get("/api/user/status", function(result) { if (result["success"] == 1) { delete result["success"]; $scope.config.navbar = result; $scope.$emit("loginStatus"); } else { $scope.config.navbar.logged_in = false; } $scope.$apply(); }).fail(function() { $scope.config.navbar.logged_in = false; $scope.$apply(); }); }]); app.controller("logoutController", function() { $.get("/api/user/logout", function(result) { location.href = "/"; }); }); app.controller("profileController", ["$controller", "$scope", "$http", "$routeParams", function($controller, $scope, $http, $routeParams) { var data = { }; if ("username" in $routeParams) data["username"] = $routeParams["username"]; $controller("mainController", { $scope: $scope }); $.get("/api/user/info", data, function(result) { if (result["success"] == 1) { $scope.user = result["user"]; } $scope.$apply(); $(".timeago").timeago(); }); }]); app.controller("loginController", ["$controller", "$scope", "$http", function($controller, $scope, $http) { $controller("mainController", { $scope: $scope }); $scope.$on("loginStatus", function() { if ($scope.config["navbar"].logged_in != true) { location.href = "/login"; return; } }); }]); app.controller("teamController", ["$controller", "$scope", "$http", "$routeParams", function($controller, $scope, $http, $routeParams) { var data = { }; if ("teamname" in $routeParams) { data["teamname"] = $routeParams["teamname"]; } else { $controller("loginController", { $scope: $scope }); } }]); app.controller("resetController", ["$controller", "$scope", "$http", "$routeParams", function($controller, $scope, $http, $routeParams) { var data = { }; $scope.token = false; data["csrf_token"] = $.cookie("csrf_token"); if ("token" in $routeParams) { $scope.token = true; token = $routeParams["token"]; $.get("/api/user/forgot/" + token, data, function(data) { $scope.body = data["message"]; $scope.success = data["success"] $scope.$apply(); }); } else { $controller("mainController", { $scope: $scope }); } }]); app.controller("adminController", ["$controller", "$scope", "$http", function($controller, $scope, $http) { $controller("mainController", { $scope: $scope }); $scope.$on("loginStatus", function() { if ($scope.config["navbar"].logged_in != true) { location.href = "/login"; return; } if ($scope.config["navbar"].admin != true) { location.href = "/profile"; return; } }); }]); app.controller("adminProblemsController", ["$controller", "$scope", "$http", function($controller, $scope, $http) { $controller("adminController", { $scope: $scope }); $.get("/api/admin/problems/list", function(result) { if (result["success"] == 1) { $scope.problems = result["problems"]; } $scope.$apply(); }); }]); function display_message(containerId, alertType, message, callback) { $("#" + containerId).html("
" + message + "
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