format binary use32 include '' ; On entrance to each shellcode segment the ebx register will be a vtable of std funcs ; printf ; puts ; scanf ; sin ; cos ; tan ; asin ; acos ; atan ; malloc ; free ; esi contains the base address of the shellcode segment ; edi contains the address of the part of the flag that this segment fills ; edx contains the number of the block ; 2 - 3,5 - '-' ; 3 - 5,7 - '_' ; 5 - 7,11 - 'e' ; 7 - 11,13 - 'x' ; 11 - 13,17 - 'z' ; 13 - 17,19 - '}' ; 17 - 19,23 - '}' ; 19 - 23,29 - '}' ; 2 * 7 * 11 * 17 = 0x74e ; answer "0 4 8 13" ; flag -ez} start: push edi lea eax, [ebx + 0x4] lea ecx, [esi+startup_txt] mov eax, dword [eax] push ecx call dword [eax] pop ebp pop edi lea ebp, [esi+one] .lp: call process cmp byte [ebp+8], 125 jnz .lp mov eax, dword [esi+super_val] cmp eax, 0x74e jnz .bad jmp .finish .bad: lea eax, [ebx + 0x4] lea ecx, [esi+wrong_txt] mov eax, dword [eax] push ecx call dword [eax] pop ebp inc esp .finish: ret two: dd three,five db '-',2 startup_txt db 'Numberz?', 0 three: dd five,seven db '_',3 fmt_txt db '%u',0 five: dd seven,eleven db 'e',5 ; ebp = current node process: push ebp push ebp mov eax, esp push eax lea eax, [ebx + 8] lea ecx, [esi+fmt_txt] mov eax, dword [eax] push ecx call dword [eax] pop ebp pop eax pop ecx pop ebp movzx eax, byte [ebp+9] cmp eax, ecx jle above_handler jmp below_handler seven: dd eleven,thirteen db 'x',7 above_handler: mov ecx, dword [ebp+4] lea ebp, [esi+ecx] jmp add_next_char eleven: dd thirteen,seventeen db 'z',11 mul_handler: movzx eax, byte [ebp+9] mov edx, dword [esi+super_val] mul edx mov dword [esi+super_val], eax ret thirteen: dd seventeen, nineteen db '}',13 below_handler: mov ecx, dword [ebp] lea ebp, [esi+ecx] jmp add_next_char seventeen: dd nineteen, twentythree db '}',17 add_next_char: movzx eax, byte [ebp+8] mov byte [edi], al inc edi jmp mul_handler nineteen: dd twentythree, twentynine db '}',19 super_val dd 1 twentythree: dd 0, 0 db ':',23 twentynine: dd 0, 0 db ')',29 wrong_txt db 'Nope!',0 one: dd two, three db 0,1 resv_stuff 512-$