# EasyCTF 2016 Platform for the EasyCTF 2016 competition. ## Installation If you have Vagrant installed, setting up the platform should be a piece of cake. 1. Navigate to the root directory of this project in Git Bash. 2. Enter the command `vagrant up` to create a virtual machine using the Vagrantfile. 3. Enter the command `vagrant ssh` to SSH into the virtual machine. 4. Once you're inside the virtual machine, run `deploy` to start the server. 5. Open [localhost:8080](http://localhost:8080) on your local machine to see if it works. If you have any issues during installation, file an issue. ## Notes ####reCAPTCHA Do not worry if you see "ERROR: Invalid domain for site key", the reCAPTCHA expects to be hosted on the domain "easyctf.com" and will not function properly until it is. Site Key: *6Lc4xhMTAAAAAIaiF3yEWGbHRaGgMg4FHor61p1G* Secret Key: *6Lc4xhMTAAAAACFaG2NyuKoMdZQtSa_1LI76BCEu* **Resources** : Flask, MySQL Main Pages: - index.html - login.html - register.html - about.html - scoreboard.html - problems.html - account.html - programming.html - chat.html - forgot_password.html - logout.html - rules.html - team.html - shell.html - updates.html - resetpassword.html Color Scheme: #69D2E7 | #A7DBDB | #E0E4CC | #F38630 | #FA6900