import subprocess # Build a self-modifying thinga-ma-jig def run_command(cmd): proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE) stdoutput = + return stdoutput def build_bin(name): print(run_command('fasm %s.asm' % name)) def create_xor_block(last_shellcode_block, next_shellcode_block): block = bytearray(b'') for x in range(0, len(last_shellcode_block)): # each shellcode block should be 512 bytes block.append((last_shellcode_block[x]) ^ (next_shellcode_block[x])) return bytes(block) def get_shellcode_block(name): build_bin(name) f = open('%s.bin' % name, 'rb') out = f.close() return out shellcode_files = ['first', 'second', 'third', 'fourth', 'last'] shellcode_blocks = [get_shellcode_block('base_block')] morpher_file = 'morpher' morpher_template = 'morpher.template.asm' xor_blocks = [] xor_block_files = [] def build_shellcode_files(): for x in shellcode_files: shellcode_blocks.append(get_shellcode_block(x)) def gen_xor_blocks(): for x in range(0, len(shellcode_files)): xor_block = create_xor_block(shellcode_blocks[x], shellcode_blocks[x+1]) xor_blocks.append(xor_block) f = open('b%d.bin' % x, 'wb') f.write(xor_block) f.close() xor_block_files.append('b%d.bin' % x) def create_morpher_file(): _mrph = 'file \'base_block.bin\'\n' _data = '' _block_list = '' for x in xor_block_files: _data += '%s: file \'%s\'\n' % (x, x) _block_list += '%s, ' % x _data += 'block_ptrs dd %s0' % _block_list f = open(morpher_template, 'rb') template ='utf-8') f.close() result = template % (_mrph, _data) f = open('%s.asm' % morpher_file, 'wb') f.write(result.encode('utf-8')) f.close() # The morpher has 3 sections, modifiable code, static code (morphing), data # Modifiable code will be where each shellcode segment is done # Static code has the morpher that sets up each shellcode segment # Data has the XOR block pointers and indicies for the ones to use in order # Begins by the morpher creating the first shellcode block, setting it up, then running it # continues until the final block that will print the flag # Kinda like a binary bomb but in one binary # On entrance to each shellcode segment the ebx register will be a vtable of std funcs # printf # puts # scanf # esi contains the base address of the shellcode segment # edi contains the address of the part of the flag that this segment fills # edx contains the number of the block build_shellcode_files() gen_xor_blocks() create_morpher_file() build_bin(morpher_file) #print(create_xor_block(b'123', b'321')) #print(get_shellcode_block('shellcode'))