import hashlib import logger import os from flask import Blueprint, jsonify, session, request from flask import current_app as app from werkzeug import secure_filename from models import db, Files, Problems, Solves, Teams from decorators import admins_only, api_wrapper, login_required, InternalException, WebException blueprint = Blueprint("problem", __name__) @blueprint.route("/add", methods=["POST"]) @admins_only @api_wrapper def problem_add(): name = request.form["name"] category = request.form["category"] description = request.form["description"] hint = request.form["problem-hint"] flag = request.form["flag"] value = request.form["value"] name_exists = Problems.query.filter_by(name=name).first() if name_exists: raise WebException("Problem name already taken.") problem = Problems(name, category, description, hint, flag, value) db.session.add(problem) db.session.commit() files = request.files.getlist("files[]") for _file in files: filename = secure_filename(_file.filename) if len(filename) == 0: continue file_path = os.path.join(app.config["UPLOAD_FOLDER"], filename) db_file = Files(, "/".join(file_path.split("/")[2:])) db.session.add(db_file) db.session.commit() return { "success": 1, "message": "Success!" } @blueprint.route("/delete", methods=["POST"]) @admins_only @api_wrapper def problem_delete(): pid = request.form["pid"] problem = Problems.query.filter_by(pid=pid).first() if problem: Solves.query.filter_by(pid=pid).delete() Problems.query.filter_by(pid=pid).delete() db.session.commit() return { "success": 1, "message": "Success!" } raise WebException("Problem does not exist!") @blueprint.route("/update", methods=["POST"]) @admins_only @api_wrapper def problem_update(): pid = request.form["pid"] name = request.form["name"] category = request.form["category"] description = request.form["description"] hint = request.form["hint"] flag = request.form["flag"] disabled = request.form.get("disabled", 0) value = request.form["value"] problem = Problems.query.filter_by(pid=pid).first() if problem: = name problem.category = category problem.description = description problem.hint = hint problem.flag = flag problem.disabled = disabled problem.value = value db.session.add(problem) db.session.commit() return { "success": 1, "message": "Success!" } raise WebException("Problem does not exist!") @blueprint.route("/submit", methods=["POST"]) @api_wrapper @login_required def problem_submit(): pid = request.form["pid"] flag = request.form["flag"] tid = session["tid"] problem = Problems.query.filter_by(pid=pid).first() team = Teams.query.filter_by(tid=tid).first() if problem: if flag == problem.flag: solve = Solves(pid, tid) team.score += problem.value problem.solves += 1 db.session.add(solve) db.session.add(team) db.session.add(problem) db.session.commit() logger.log(__name__, logger.WARNING, "%s has solved %s by submitting %s" % (,, flag)) return { "success": 1, "message": "Correct!" } else: logger.log(__name__, logger.WARNING, "%s has incorrectly submitted %s to %s" % (, flag, raise WebException("Incorrect.") else: raise WebException("Problem does not exist!") @blueprint.route("/data", methods=["POST"]) #@api_wrapper # Disable atm due to json serialization issues: will fix @login_required def problem_data(): problems = Problems.query.add_columns("pid", "name", "category", "description", "hint", "value", "solves").order_by(Problems.value).filter_by(disabled=False).all() jason = [] for problem in problems: problem_files = [ str(_file.location) for _file in Files.query.filter_by(pid=int( ] jason.append({"pid": problem[1], "name": problem[2] ,"category": problem[3], "description": problem[4], "hint": problem[5], "value": problem[6], "solves": problem[7], "files": problem_files}) return jsonify(data=jason) def insert_problem(data, force=False): with app.app_context(): if len(list(get_problem(pid=data["pid"]).all())) > 0: if force == True: _problem = Problems.query.filter_by(pid=data["pid"]).first() db.session.delete(_problem) db.session.commit() else: raise InternalException("Problem already exists.") insert = Problems(data["pid"], data["title"], data["category"], data["description"], data["value"]) if "hint" in data: insert.hint = data["hint"] if "autogen" in data: insert.autogen = data["autogen"] if "bonus" in data: insert.bonus = data["bonus"] if "threshold" in data: insert.threshold = data["threshold"] if "weightmap" in data: insert.weightmap = data["weightmap"] db.session.add(insert) db.session.commit() return True def get_problem(title=None, pid=None): match = {} if title != None: match.update({ "title": title }) elif pid != None: match.update({ "pid": pid }) with app.app_context(): result = Problems.query.filter_by(**match) return result