from flask import Blueprint, request from flask import current_app as app from voluptuous import Schema, Length, Required from models import db, Teams, Users from decorators import api_wrapper, login_required, WebException from schemas import verify_to_schema, check import user import utils blueprint = Blueprint("team", __name__) ############### # TEAM ROUTES # ############### @blueprint.route("/create", methods=["POST"]) @api_wrapper @login_required def team_create(): params = utils.flat_multi(request.form) _user = user.get_user().first() if _user.tid is not None or _user.tid >= 0 or get_team(owner=_user.uid).first() is not None: raise WebException("You're already in a team!") verify_to_schema(TeamSchema, params) teamname = params.get("teamname") school = params.get("school") team = Teams(teamname, school, _user.uid, _user.utype != 1) with app.app_context(): db.session.add(team) db.session.commit() Users.query.filter_by(uid=_user.uid).update({ "tid": team.tid }) db.session.commit() return { "success": 1, "message": "Success!" } @blueprint.route("/info", methods=["GET"]) @api_wrapper def team_info(): logged_in = user.is_logged_in() me = False teamname = utils.flat_multi(request.args).get("teamname") if logged_in: my_team = get_team().first() if my_team is not None: if teamname is None: teamname = my_team.teamname me = True elif teamname.lower() == my_team.teamname.lower(): me = True if teamname is None: raise WebException("No team specified.") team = get_team(teamname_lower=teamname.lower()).first() if team is None: raise WebException("Team not found.") teamdata = { "teamname": team.teamname, "school": } teamdata["in_team"] = me return { "success": 1, "team": teamdata } ################## # TEAM FUNCTIONS # ################## __check_teamname = lambda teamname: get_team(teamname_lower=teamname.lower()).first() is None TeamSchema = Schema({ Required("teamname"): check( ([str, Length(min=4, max=32)], "Your teamname should be between 4 and 32 characters long."), ([utils.__check_ascii], "Please only use ASCII characters in your teamname."), ([__check_teamname], "This teamname is taken, did you forget your password?") ), Required("school"): check( ([str, Length(min=4, max=60)], "Your school name should be between 4 and 60 characters long."), ([utils.__check_ascii], "Please only use ASCII characters in your school name."), ), }, extra=True) def get_team_info(tid=None, teamname=None, teamname_lower=None, owner=None): team = get_team(tid=tid, teamname=teamname, teamname_lower=teamname_lower, owner=owner).first() place_number, place = result = { "tid": team.tid, "teamname": team.teamname, "school":, "place": place, "place_number": place_number, "points": team.points() } return result def get_team(tid=None, teamname=None, teamname_lower=None, owner=None): match = {} if teamname != None: match.update({ "teamname": teamname }) elif teamname_lower != None: match.update({ "teamname_lower": teamname_lower }) elif tid != None: match.update({ "tid": tid }) elif owner != None: match.update({ "owner": owner }) elif user.is_logged_in(): _user = user.get_user().first() if _user.tid is not None: match.update({ "tid": _user.tid }) with app.app_context(): result = Teams.query.filter_by(**match) return result