109 lines
3.6 KiB
109 lines
3.6 KiB
open Lexer
open Lexing
open Parser
open Types
exception UnboundVariable of string
exception EvaluationComplete
((\a.(\b.((a a) b))) (\a.(\b.a))) (\a.(\b.a))
((\a.(\b.((a b) a))) (\a.(\b.a))) (\a.(\b.b))
let rec string_of_term (t: Types.term) =
match t with
| TmAbs(x, t1) ->
"(\\" ^ x ^ "." ^ (string_of_term t1) ^ ")"
| TmApp(t1, t2) ->
"(" ^ (string_of_term t1) ^ " " ^ (string_of_term t2) ^ ")"
| TmVar(x) -> x
let rec string_of_term_in_ctx ctx tm =
match ctx with
| [] -> (string_of_term tm)
| (n, t)::r -> if t = tm then n else (string_of_term_in_ctx r tm)
let rec string_of_ctx (c: Types.context) =
match c with
| [] -> ""
| (n, t)::r -> (n ^ ": " ^ (string_of_term t) ^ "\n" ^ (string_of_ctx r))
let assign ctx (name, t) : Types.context =
(name, t)::ctx
let remove ctx name =
List.filter (fun (a, b) -> a != name) ctx
let rec lookup ctx name : Types.term =
match ctx with
| [] -> raise (UnboundVariable name)
| (n, t)::tail ->
if n = name then t else lookup tail name
let rec subst name tm repl =
match tm with
| TmVar(x) -> if x = name then repl else TmVar(x)
| TmAbs(n, t) -> if n = name then TmAbs(n, t) else TmAbs(n, subst name t repl)
| TmApp(a, b) -> TmApp(subst name a repl, subst name b repl)
let rec try_subst name tm repl =
match tm with
| TmVar(x) -> if x = name then (true, repl) else (false, TmVar(x))
| TmAbs(n, t) -> if n = name then (false, TmAbs(n, t)) else (let (s, t') = try_subst name t repl in (s, TmAbs(n, t')))
| TmApp(a, b) -> (let ((sa, a'), (sb, b')) = (try_subst name a repl, try_subst name b repl) in (sa || sb, TmApp(a', b')))
let rec eval (ctx, t) =
let rec helper (ctx, t) d =
(*print_endline ((String.init (d * 2) (fun _ -> ' ')) ^ "helper" ^ (string_of_term t));
print_endline (string_of_ctx ctx);*)
match t with
| TmApp(TmApp(_, _) as a, b) ->
let (_, a') = helper (ctx, a) (d + 1) in
helper (ctx, TmApp(a', b)) (d + 1)
| TmApp(TmAbs(n, t), r) ->
(* let ctx' = assign ctx (n, r) in
helper (ctx', t) (d + 1) *)
let (s, t') = try_subst n t r in
(*print_endline ("try_subst('" ^ n ^ "', " ^ (string_of_term t) ^ ", " ^ (string_of_term r) ^ ") = " ^ (if s then "true" else "false"));*)
if s then helper (ctx, t') (d + 1) else (ctx, t')
| TmApp(TmVar(n), b) ->
let (_, a) = helper (ctx, lookup ctx n) (d + 1) in
helper (ctx, TmApp(a, b)) (d + 1)
| TmVar(n) -> (ctx, lookup ctx n)
| TmAbs(_, TmVar(_)) as t -> (ctx, t)
| TmAbs(n, _) as t ->
let r = TmVar(n) in
let (s, t') = try_subst n t r in
(*print_endline ("try_subst('" ^ n ^ "', " ^ (string_of_term t) ^ ", " ^ (string_of_term r) ^ ") = " ^ (if s then "true" else "false"));*)
if s then helper (ctx, t') (d + 1) else (ctx, t')
in try
let (ctx', t') = helper (ctx, t) 0 in
if t = t' then raise EvaluationComplete else
eval (ctx', t')
| UnboundVariable v -> raise (Failure ("unbound variable '" ^ v ^ "'"))
| EvaluationComplete -> (ctx, t)
let _ =
let rec loop ctx =
print_string "> "; flush stdout;
let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel stdin in
let x = Parser.main Lexer.token lexbuf in
match x with
| Types.Term t ->
let (ctx', r) = eval (ctx, t) in
print_endline (string_of_term_in_ctx ctx r); flush stdout;
loop ctx'
| Types.Assign (n, t) ->
let (ctx', r) = eval (ctx, t) in
loop (assign ctx' (n, r))
| Lexer.Eof ->
loop ctx
| End_of_file ->
print_endline "^D";
exit 0
in loop []