2024-05-15 13:57:16 -04:00
// TODO: Make this concurrent instead of serial
import { join, extname } from "node:path";
import { pipeline } from "node:stream/promises";
import { Readable } from "node:stream";
import * as ndjson from "ndjson";
import { readdir, writeFile, stat } from "node:fs/promises";
import { createWriteStream } from "node:fs";
2024-05-15 14:17:01 -05:00
import { parseSm } from "../lib/stepcharts/parseSm";
import { parseSimfile } from "../lib/stepcharts/parseSimfile";
2024-05-15 13:57:16 -04:00
const rootDir = process.env.STEPCHARTS_DIR ?? "/tmp/stepcharts";
const stepchartsDir = join(rootDir, "prodStepcharts");
const outFile = process.env.OUT_FILE ?? "data/stepData.ndjson";
async function* mixToSongs(
mixDirs: string[],
): AsyncGenerator<[string, string], void, unknown> {
for (const mix of mixDirs) {
const mixDir = join(stepchartsDir, mix);
const files = await readdir(mixDir);
for (const song of files) {
yield [mix, song];
async function* processSong(gen: AsyncGenerator<[string, string]>) {
for await (const [mix, song] of gen) {
try {
const parsed = await parseSimfile(stepchartsDir, mix, song);
yield parsed;
} catch (e) {
console.error("failed on", mix, song, ":", e.message);
const mixDirs = await readdir(stepchartsDir);
const songIter = mixToSongs(mixDirs);
const outIter = processSong(songIter);
const writer = createWriteStream(outFile);
for await (const songObj of outIter) {