\item The type $A\to B$ of pointed maps from $A$ to $B$ is itself pointed, with as basepoint the
constant map $0\equiv0_{A,B}:A\to B$ which has as underlying function $\lam{a:A}b_0$. In these
notes we will not use $0$ for the empty type (since that is not pointed, we will not use the empty
Given maps $f:A'\pmap A$ and $g:B\pmap B'$. Then there are maps
$(f\pmap C):(A\pmap C)\pmap(A'\pmap C)$ and $(C\pmap g):(C\pmap B)\pmap(C\pmap B')$ given by
precomposition with $f$, resp. postcomposition with $g$. The map $\lam{g}C\pmap g$ preserves the basepoint, giving rise to a map $$(C\pmap({-})):(B\pmap B')\pmap(C\pmap B)\pmap(C\pmap B').$$
Also, the following square commutes
(A\pmap B) \arrow[r,"A\pmap g"]\arrow[d,"f\pmap B"]& (A\pmap B')\arrow[d,"f\pmap B'"]\\
(A'\pmap B) \arrow[r,"A'\pmap g"]& (A'\pmap B')
\section{Smash Product}
\item The smash is functorial: if $f:A\pmap A'$ and $g:B\pmap B'$ then
$f\smash g:A\smash B\pmap A'\smash B'$. We write $A\smash g$ or $f\smash B$ if one of the
functions is the identity function.
\item Smash preserves composition, which gives rise to the interchange law:
$(f' \o f)\smash(g' \o g)\sim f' \smash g' \o f \smash g$
\item If $p:f\sim f'$ and $q:g\sim g'$ then $p\smash q:f\smash g\sim f'\smash g'$. This operation
preserves reflexivities, symmetries and transitivies.
We will only do the case where $g_1\jdeq0$, the other case is similar (but slightly easier). In this case, we need to show that the following diagram commutes.
Let $k:A\pmap B$. Then as homotopy the naturality in $A$ becomes
$(k\o f)\smash C=k\smash C\o f\smash C$. To prove an equality between pointed maps, we need to give a pointed homotopy, which is given by interchange. To show that this homotopy
is pointed, we need to fill the following square, which follows from \autoref{lem:smash-coh}.
(0 \o f)\smash C \arrow[r, equals]\arrow[dd,equals]&
(0 \smash C)\o (f \smash C)\arrow[d,equals]\\
& 0 \o (f \smash C)\arrow[d,equals]\\
0\smash C \arrow[r,equals]&
The naturality in $B$ is almost the same: for the underlying homotopy we need to show
$(g \o k)\smash C = g\smash C \o k\smash C$. For the pointedness we need to fill the following
square, which follows from \autoref{lem:smash-coh}.
(g \o 0)\smash C \arrow[r, equals]\arrow[dd,equals]&
(g \smash C)\o (0 \smash C)\arrow[d,equals]\\
& (g\smash C) \o 0\arrow[d,equals]\\
0\smash C \arrow[r,equals]&
The naturality in $C$ is harder. For the underlying homotopy we need to show
$B\smash h\o g\smash C=g\smash C'\o A\smash h$. This follows by applying interchange twice:
We do not actually use that $\inv{e}_{A,B,C}$ has this form in later proofs, we only use that $e$ is invertible (the former fact is also not formalized). Proof to do.
$e$ is natural in $A$, $B$ and $C$.
\textbf{$e$ is natural in $A$}. Suppose that $f:A'\pmap A$. Then the following diagram commutes. The left square commutes by naturality of $({-})\smash B$ in the first argument and the right square commutes because composition on the left commutes with composition on the right.
(A\pmap B\pmap C) \arrow[r,"({-})\smash B"]\arrow[d,"f\pmap B\pmap C"]&
(A\smash B\pmap (B\pmap C)\smash B) \arrow[r,"A\smash B\pmap\epsilon"]\arrow[d,"f\smash B\pmap\cdots"]&
(A\smash B\pmap C)\arrow[d,"f\smash B\pmap C"]\\
(A'\pmap B\pmap C) \arrow[r,"({-})\smash B"]&
(A'\smash B\pmap (B\pmap C)\smash B) \arrow[r,"A\smash B\pmap\epsilon"]&
(A'\smash B\pmap C)
\textbf{$e$ is natural in $C$}. Suppose that $f:C\pmap C'$. Then in the following diagram the left square commutes by naturality of $({-})\smash B$ in the second argument (applied to $B\pmap f$) and the right square commutes by applying the functor $A\smash B \pmap({-})$ to the naturality of $\epsilon$ in the second argument.
(A\pmap B\pmap C) \arrow[r]\arrow[d]&
(A\smash B\pmap (B\pmap C)\smash B) \arrow[r]\arrow[d]&
(A\smash B\pmap C)\arrow[d]\\
(A\pmap B\pmap C') \arrow[r]&
(A\smash B\pmap (B\pmap C')\smash B) \arrow[r]&
(A\smash B\pmap C')
\textbf{$e$ is natural in $B$}. Suppose that $f:B'\pmap B$. The diagram looks weird since $({-})\smash B$ is both contravariant and covariant in $B$. Then we get the following diagram. The front square commutes by naturality of $({-})\smash B$ in the second argument (applied to $f\pmap C$). The top square commutes by naturality of $({-})\smash B$ in the third argument, the back square commutes because composition on the left commutes with composition on the right, and finally the right square commutes by applying the functor $A\smash B' \pmap({-})$ to the naturality of $\epsilon$ in the first argument.
The order of arguments are different in the formalization here and there.
Also, some smashes are commuted. This is because some unfortunate choices have been made in the formalization. Reversing these choices is possible, but probably more work than it's worth (the final result is exactly the same).