finish categorical structure of graded modules

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Floris van Doorn 2017-03-30 18:27:09 -04:00
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@ -13,51 +13,161 @@ definition graded_module (R : Ring) : Type → Type := graded (LeftModule R)
variables {R : Ring} {I : Type} {M M₁ M₂ M₃ : graded_module R I} variables {R : Ring} {I : Type} {M M₁ M₂ M₃ : graded_module R I}
structure graded_module_hom (M₁ M₂ : graded_module R I) : Type := /-
morphisms between graded modules.
The definition is unconventional in two ways:
(1) The degree is determined by an endofunction instead of a element of I (and in this case we
don't need to assume that I is a group). The "standard" degree i corresponds to the endofunction
which is addition with i on the right. However, this is more flexible. For example, the
composition of two graded module homomorphisms φ₂ and φ₁ with degrees i₂ and i₁ has type
M₁ i → M₂ ((i + i₁) + i₂).
However, a homomorphism with degree i₁ + i₂ must have type
M₁ i → M₂ (i + (i₁ + i₂)),
which means that we need to insert a transport. With endofunctions this is not a problem:
λi, (i + i₁) + i₂
is a perfectly fine degree of a map
(2) Since we cannot eliminate all possible transports, we don't define a homomorphism as function
M₁ i →lm M₂ (i + deg f) or M₁ i →lm M₂ (deg f i)
but as a function taking a path as argument. Specifically, for every path
deg f i = j
we get a function M₁ i → M₂ j.
structure graded_hom (M₁ M₂ : graded_module R I) : Type :=
mk' :: (d : I → I) mk' :: (d : I → I)
(fn : Π⦃i j : I⦄ (p : d i = j), M₁ i →lm M₂ j) (fn' : Π⦃i j : I⦄ (p : d i = j), M₁ i →lm M₂ j)
abbreviation degree := @graded_module_hom.d notation M₁ ` →gm ` M₂ := graded_hom M₁ M₂
attribute graded_module_hom.fn [coercion]
definition {M₁ M₂ : graded_module R I} (d : I → I) abbreviation deg [unfold 5] := @graded_hom.d
(fn : Πi, M₁ i →lm M₂ (d i)) : graded_module_hom M₁ M₂ := notation `↘` := graded_hom.fn' -- there is probably a better character for this?' d (λi j p, homomorphism_of_eq (ap M₂ p) ∘lm fn i)
notation M₁ ` →gm ` M₂ := graded_module_hom M₁ M₂ definition graded_hom_fn [unfold 5] [coercion] (f : M₁ →gm M₂) (i : I) : M₁ i →lm M₂ (deg f i) :=
↘f idp
-- definition graded_module_hom (d : I → I) (M₁ M₂ : graded_module R I) : Type := definition [constructor] {M₁ M₂ : graded_module R I} (d : I → I)
-- Π⦃i j : I⦄ (p : d i = j), M₁ i →lm M₂ j (fn : Πi, M₁ i →lm M₂ (d i)) : M₁ →gm M₂ :=
exit' d (λi j p, homomorphism_of_eq (ap M₂ p) ∘lm fn i)
-- notation M₁ ` →[` d `] ` M₂ := graded_module_hom d M₁ M₂
variables {d d' d₁ d₂ d₃ : I → I} {f' : M₂ →[d'] M₃} {f : M₁ →[d] M₂} {f₁ : M₁ →[d₁] M₂}
{f₂ : M₁ →[d₂] M₂} {f₃ : M₁ →[d₃] M₂}
definition graded_module_hom_ap (f : M₁ →[d] M₂) {i : I} (x : M₁ i) : M₂ (d i) := variables {f' : M₂ →gm M₃} {f : M₁ →gm M₂}
f idp x
abbreviation gap := @graded_module_hom_ap definition graded_hom_compose [constructor] (f' : M₂ →gm M₃) (f : M₁ →gm M₂) : M₁ →gm M₃ := (deg f' ∘ deg f) (λi, f' (deg f i) ∘lm f i)
definition is_exact_gmod (f : M₁ →[d] M₂) (f' : M₂ →[d'] M₃) : Type := variable (M)
Π{i j k} (p : d i = j) (q : d' j = k), is_exact_mod (f p) (f' q) definition graded_hom_id [constructor] [refl] : M →gm M := id (λi, lmid)
variable {M}
abbreviation gmid [constructor] := graded_hom_id M
infixr ` ∘gm `:75 := graded_hom_compose
structure graded_iso (M₁ M₂ : graded_module R I) : Type :=
(to_hom : M₁ →gm M₂)
(is_equiv_deg : is_equiv (deg to_hom))
(is_equiv_to_hom : Π⦃i j⦄ (p : deg to_hom i = j), is_equiv (↘to_hom p))
infix ` ≃gm `:25 := graded_iso
attribute graded_iso.to_hom [coercion]
attribute graded_iso.is_equiv_deg [instance] [priority 1010]
attribute graded_iso._trans_of_to_hom [unfold 5]
definition is_equiv_graded_iso [instance] [priority 1010] (φ : M₁ ≃gm M₂) (i : I) :
is_equiv (φ i) :=
graded_iso.is_equiv_to_hom φ idp
definition isomorphism_of_graded_iso' [constructor] (φ : M₁ ≃gm M₂) {i j : I} (p : deg φ i = j) :
M₁ i ≃lm M₂ j := (↘φ p) !graded_iso.is_equiv_to_hom
definition isomorphism_of_graded_iso [constructor] (φ : M₁ ≃gm M₂) (i : I) :
M₁ i ≃lm M₂ (deg φ i) := (φ i) _
definition graded_iso_of_isomorphism [constructor] (d : I ≃ I) (φ : Πi, M₁ i ≃lm M₂ (d i)) :
M₁ ≃gm M₂ :=
apply ( d φ), apply to_is_equiv, intro i j p, induction p,
exact to_is_equiv (equiv_of_isomorphism (φ i)),
definition graded_iso_of_eq [constructor] {M₁ M₂ : graded_module R I} (p : M₁ ~ M₂)
: M₁ ≃gm M₂ :=
graded_iso_of_isomorphism erfl (λi, isomorphism_of_eq (p i))
-- definition graded_iso.MK [constructor] (d : I ≃ I) (fn : Πi, M₁ i →lm M₂ (d i))
-- : M₁ ≃gm M₂ :=
-- _ _ _ --d (λi j p, homomorphism_of_eq (ap M₂ p) ∘lm fn i)
definition isodeg [unfold 5] (φ : M₁ ≃gm M₂) : I ≃ I := (deg φ) _
definition graded_iso_to_lminv [constructor] (φ : M₁ ≃gm M₂) : M₂ →gm M₁ := (deg φ)⁻¹
abstract begin
intro i, apply to_lminv,
apply isomorphism_of_graded_iso' φ,
apply to_right_inv (isodeg φ) i
end end
definition to_gminv [constructor] (φ : M₁ ≃gm M₂) : M₂ →gm M₁ := (deg φ)⁻¹
abstract begin
intro i, apply isomorphism.to_hom, symmetry,
apply isomorphism_of_graded_iso' φ,
apply to_right_inv (isodeg φ) i
end end
variable (M)
definition graded_iso.refl [refl] [constructor] : M ≃gm M :=
graded_iso_of_isomorphism equiv.rfl (λi, isomorphism.rfl)
variable {M}
definition graded_iso.rfl [refl] [constructor] : M ≃gm M := graded_iso.refl M
definition graded_iso.symm [symm] [constructor] (φ : M₁ ≃gm M₂) : M₂ ≃gm M₁ := (to_gminv φ) !is_equiv_inv
(λi j p, @is_equiv_compose _ _ _ _ _ !isomorphism.is_equiv_to_hom !is_equiv_cast)
definition graded_iso.trans [trans] [constructor] (φ : M₁ ≃gm M₂) (ψ : M₂ ≃gm M₃) : M₁ ≃gm M₃ :=
graded_iso_of_isomorphism (isodeg φ ⬝e isodeg ψ)
(λi, isomorphism_of_graded_iso φ i ⬝lm isomorphism_of_graded_iso ψ (deg φ i))
definition graded_iso.eq_trans [trans] [constructor]
{M₁ M₂ : graded_module R I} {M₃ : graded_module R I} (φ : M₁ ~ M₂) (ψ : M₂ ≃gm M₃) : M₁ ≃gm M₃ :=
proof graded_iso.trans (graded_iso_of_eq φ) ψ qed
definition graded_iso.trans_eq [trans] [constructor]
{M₁ : graded_module R I} {M₂ M₃ : graded_module R I} (φ : M₁ ≃gm M₂) (ψ : M₂ ~ M₃) : M₁ ≃gm M₃ :=
graded_iso.trans φ (graded_iso_of_eq ψ)
postfix `⁻¹ᵍᵐ`:(max + 1) := graded_iso.symm
infixl ` ⬝gm `:75 := graded_iso.trans
infixl ` ⬝gmp `:75 := graded_iso.trans_eq
infixl ` ⬝pgm `:75 := graded_iso.eq_trans
definition graded_hom_of_eq [constructor] {M₁ M₂ : graded_module R I} (p : M₁ ~ M₂)
: M₁ →gm M₂ :=
graded_iso_of_eq p
/- exact couples -/
definition is_exact_gmod (f : M₁ →gm M₂) (f' : M₂ →gm M₃) : Type :=
Π{i j k} (p : deg f i = j) (q : deg f' j = k), is_exact_mod (↘f p) (↘f' q)
structure exact_couple (M₁ M₂ : graded_module R I) : Type := structure exact_couple (M₁ M₂ : graded_module R I) : Type :=
(di dj dk : I → I) (i : M₁ →gm M₁) (j : M₁ →gm M₂) (k : M₂ →gm M₁)
( i : M₁ →[di] M₁) (j : M₁ →[dj] M₂) (k : M₂ →[dk] M₁)
(exact_ij : is_exact_gmod i j) (exact_ij : is_exact_gmod i j)
(exact_jk : is_exact_gmod j k) (exact_jk : is_exact_gmod j k)
(exact_ki : is_exact_gmod k i) (exact_ki : is_exact_gmod k i)
variables {di dj dk : I → I} variables {i : M₁ →gm M₁} {j : M₁ →gm M₂} {k : M₂ →gm M₁}
{i : M₁ →[di] M₁} {j : M₁ →[dj] M₂} {k : M₂ →[dk] M₁}
(exact_ij : is_exact_gmod i j) (exact_ij : is_exact_gmod i j)
(exact_jk : is_exact_gmod j k) (exact_jk : is_exact_gmod j k)
(exact_ki : is_exact_gmod k i) (exact_ki : is_exact_gmod k i)
namespace derived_couple namespace derived_couple
definition d : graded_module_hom _ M₂ M₂ := definition d : M₂ →gm M₂ := j ∘gm k
end derived_couple end derived_couple

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/- /-
Copyright (c) 2015 Nathaniel Thomas. All rights reserved. Copyright (c) 2015 Nathaniel Thomas. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Nathaniel Thomas, Jeremy Avigad Authors: Nathaniel Thomas, Jeremy Avigad, Floris van Doorn
Modules prod vector spaces over a ring. Modules prod vector spaces over a ring.
@ -221,13 +221,19 @@ end
section section
variables {M M₁ M₂ M₃ : LeftModule R} variables {M M₁ M₂ M₃ : LeftModule R}
definition LeftModule.struct2 [instance] (M : LeftModule R) : left_module R M :=
LeftModule.struct M
definition' [constructor] (φ : M₁ → M₂)
(p : Π(g₁ g₂ : M₁), φ (g₁ + g₂) = φ g₁ + φ g₂)
(q : Π(r : R) x, φ (r • x) = r • φ x) : M₁ →lm M₂ := φ (p, q)
definition to_respect_zero (φ : M₁ →lm M₂) : φ 0 = 0 := definition to_respect_zero (φ : M₁ →lm M₂) : φ 0 = 0 :=
respect_zero φ respect_zero φ
definition is_exact_mod (f : M₁ →lm M₂) (f' : M₂ →lm M₃) : Type := definition homomorphism_compose [constructor] (f' : M₂ →lm M₃) (f : M₁ →lm M₂) : M₁ →lm M₃ :=
@is_exact M₁ M₂ M₃ (homomorphism_fn f) (homomorphism_fn f')
definition homomorphism_compose (f' : M₂ →lm M₃) (f : M₁ →lm M₂) : M₁ →lm M₃ := (f' ∘ f) !is_module_hom_comp (f' ∘ f) !is_module_hom_comp
variable (M) variable (M)
@ -253,13 +259,6 @@ end
definition pequiv_of_isomorphism [constructor] (φ : M₁ ≃lm M₂) : M₁ ≃* M₂ := definition pequiv_of_isomorphism [constructor] (φ : M₁ ≃lm M₂) : M₁ ≃* M₂ :=
pequiv_of_equiv (equiv_of_isomorphism φ) (to_respect_zero φ) pequiv_of_equiv (equiv_of_isomorphism φ) (to_respect_zero φ)
definition LeftModule.struct2 [instance] (M : LeftModule R) : left_module R M :=
LeftModule.struct M
definition' (φ : M₁ → M₂) (p : Π(g₁ g₂ : M₁), φ (g₁ + g₂) = φ g₁ + φ g₂)
(q : Π(r : R) x, φ (r • x) = r • φ x) : M₁ →lm M₂ := φ (p, q)
definition isomorphism_of_equiv [constructor] (φ : M₁ ≃ M₂) definition isomorphism_of_equiv [constructor] (φ : M₁ ≃ M₂)
(p : Π(g₁ g₂ : M₁), φ (g₁ + g₂) = φ g₁ + φ g₂) (p : Π(g₁ g₂ : M₁), φ (g₁ + g₂) = φ g₁ + φ g₂)
(q : Πr x, φ (r • x) = r • φ x) : M₁ ≃lm M₂ := (q : Πr x, φ (r • x) = r • φ x) : M₁ ≃lm M₂ :=
@ -281,7 +280,7 @@ end
-- { apply is_prop.elim} -- { apply is_prop.elim}
-- end -- end
definition to_ginv [constructor] (φ : M₁ ≃lm M₂) : M₂ →lm M₁ := definition to_lminv [constructor] (φ : M₁ ≃lm M₂) : M₂ →lm M₁ := φ⁻¹ φ⁻¹
abstract begin abstract begin
split, split,
@ -296,8 +295,10 @@ end lmid !is_equiv_id lmid !is_equiv_id
variable {M} variable {M}
definition isomorphism.rfl [refl] [constructor] : M ≃lm M := isomorphism.refl M
definition isomorphism.symm [symm] [constructor] (φ : M₁ ≃lm M₂) : M₂ ≃lm M₁ := definition isomorphism.symm [symm] [constructor] (φ : M₁ ≃lm M₂) : M₂ ≃lm M₁ := (to_ginv φ) !is_equiv_inv (to_lminv φ) !is_equiv_inv
definition isomorphism.trans [trans] [constructor] (φ : M₁ ≃lm M₂) (ψ : M₂ ≃lm M₃) : M₁ ≃lm M₃ := definition isomorphism.trans [trans] [constructor] (φ : M₁ ≃lm M₂) (ψ : M₂ ≃lm M₃) : M₁ ≃lm M₃ := (ψ ∘lm φ) !is_equiv_compose (ψ ∘lm φ) !is_equiv_compose
@ -319,6 +320,9 @@ end
: M₁ →lm M₂ := : M₁ →lm M₂ :=
isomorphism_of_eq p isomorphism_of_eq p
definition is_exact_mod (f : M₁ →lm M₂) (f' : M₂ →lm M₃) : Type :=
@is_exact M₁ M₂ M₃ (homomorphism_fn f) (homomorphism_fn f')
end end
end end