induction on ~~*
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2 changed files with 29 additions and 4 deletions
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ The goal of this file is to extend the library of pointed types and pointed maps
import types.pointed2
import types.pointed2 ..pointed_pi
open eq pointed
@ -122,18 +122,20 @@ structure p2homotopy {A B : Type*} {f g : A →* B} (H K : f ~* g) : Type :=
( to_2htpy : H ~ K)
( respect_pt : p2homotopy_ty_respect_pt to_2htpy)
definition phsquare_of_p2homotopy {A B : Type*} {f g h i : A →* B} {phtpy_top : f ~* g} {phtpy_bot : h ~* i} {phtpy_left : f ~* h} {phtpy_right : g ~* i} (p2htpy : p2homotopy (phtpy_top ⬝* phtpy_right) (phtpy_left ⬝* phtpy_bot)) : phsquare phtpy_top phtpy_bot phtpy_left phtpy_right :=
definition phsquare_of_p2homotopy {A B : Type*} {f g h i : A →* B} {phtpy_top : f ~* g} {phtpy_bot : h ~* i} {phtpy_left : f ~* h} {phtpy_right : g ~* i} (p2htpy : (phtpy_top ⬝* phtpy_right) ~~* (phtpy_left ⬝* phtpy_bot)) : phsquare phtpy_top phtpy_bot phtpy_left phtpy_right :=
induction p2htpy,
induction phtpy_left using phomotopy_rec_on_idp,
induction phtpy_right using phomotopy_rec_on_idp,
induction to_2htpy, unfold phsquare,
repeat exact sorry
definition ptube_v_phtpy_bot {A B C D : Type*} {ftop ftop' : A →* B} {phtpy_top : ftop ~* ftop'} {fbot fbot' fbot'' : C →* D} {phtpy_bot : fbot ~* fbot'} {phtpy_bot' : fbot' ~* fbot''} {fleft : A →* C} {fright : B →* D} {psq_back : psquare ftop fbot fleft fright} {psq_front : psquare ftop' fbot' fleft fright} {psq_front' : psquare ftop' fbot'' fleft fright} (ptb : ptube_v phtpy_top phtpy_bot psq_back psq_front) (ptb' : ptube_v phomotopy.rfl phtpy_bot' psq_front psq_front') : ptube_v phtpy_top (phtpy_bot ⬝* phtpy_bot') psq_back psq_front' :=
unfold ptube_v,
unfold phsquare
unfold phsquare,
repeat exact sorry
definition ptube_v_left_inv {A B C D : Type*} {ftop : A ≃* B} {fbot : C ≃* D} {fleft : A →* C} {fright : B →* D}
@ -168,6 +168,29 @@ namespace pointed
ppi_homotopy_of_eq (eq_of_ppi_homotopy h) = h :=
to_right_inv (ppi_eq_equiv k l) h
print pointed.phomotopy_rec_on_idp
print ppi_gen
variable (k)
definition eq_ppi_homotopy_refl_ppi_homotopy_of_eq_refl : ppi_homotopy.refl k = ppi_homotopy_of_eq (refl k) :=
induction k with k p,
induction p, reflexivity
definition ppi_homotopy_rec_on_eq [recursor] {k' : ppi_gen B x₀}
{Q : (k ~~* k') → Type} (p : k ~~* k') (H : Π(q : k = k'), Q (ppi_homotopy_of_eq q)) : Q p :=
ppi_homotopy_of_eq_of_ppi_homotopy p ▸ H (eq_of_ppi_homotopy p)
definition ppi_homotopy_rec_on_idp [recursor]
{Q : Π {k' : ppi_gen B x₀}, (k ~~* k') → Type}
(q : Q (ppi_homotopy.refl k)) {k' : ppi_gen B x₀} (H : k ~~* k') : Q H :=
induction H using ppi_homotopy_rec_on_eq with t,
induction t, exact eq_ppi_homotopy_refl_ppi_homotopy_of_eq_refl k ▸ q,
definition ppi_loop_equiv_lemma (p : k ~ k)
: (p pt ⬝ ppi_gen.resp_pt k = ppi_gen.resp_pt k) ≃ (p pt = idp) :=
calc (p pt ⬝ ppi_gen.resp_pt k = ppi_gen.resp_pt k)
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