completed definition of k prime

This commit is contained in:
Egbert Rijke 2017-06-16 17:06:04 -04:00
parent a1e01456f1
commit 313754ee2b
2 changed files with 77 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -11,6 +11,18 @@ import algebra.group_theory hit.set_quotient types.sigma types.list types.sum .q
open eq algebra is_trunc set_quotient relation sigma sigma.ops prod prod.ops sum list trunc function group trunc open eq algebra is_trunc set_quotient relation sigma sigma.ops prod prod.ops sum list trunc function group trunc
equiv is_equiv equiv is_equiv
-- This definition needs to be moved to exactness.hlean. However we had trouble doing so. Please help.
definition iso_ker_im_of_exact {A B C : AbGroup} (f : A →g B) (g : B →g C) (E : is_exact f g) : ab_kernel g ≃g ab_image f :=
fapply ab_subgroup_iso,
intro a,
induction E,
exact ker_in_im a,
intro a b, induction b with q, induction q with b p, induction p,
induction E,
exact im_in_ker b,
definition is_differential {B : AbGroup} (d : B →g B) := Π(b:B), d (d b) = 1 definition is_differential {B : AbGroup} (d : B →g B) := Π(b:B), d (d b) = 1
definition image_subgroup_of_diff {B : AbGroup} (d : B →g B) (H : is_differential d) : subgroup_rel (ab_kernel d) := definition image_subgroup_of_diff {B : AbGroup} (d : B →g B) (H : is_differential d) : subgroup_rel (ab_kernel d) :=
@ -214,10 +226,57 @@ definition derived_couple_j_htpy : group_fun (derived_couple_j ∘g SES.g SES_of
exact pr2 (center' (derived_couple_j_unique)), exact pr2 (center' (derived_couple_j_unique)),
end end
/-definition derived_couple_j : derived_couple_A EC →g derived_couple_B EC := definition SES_im_i_trivial : SES trivial_ab_group derived_couple_A derived_couple_A :=
begin begin
exact sorry, fapply SES_of_isomorphism_right,
-- refine (comm_gq_map (comm_kernel (boundary CC)) (image_subgroup_of_bd (boundary CC) (boundary_is_boundary CC))) ∘g _, fapply isomorphism.refl,
end-/ end
definition subgroup_iso_exact_kerj_imi : ab_kernel j ≃g ab_image i :=
fapply iso_ker_im_of_exact,
induction EC,
exact exact_ij,
definition k_restrict_aux : ab_kernel d →g ab_kernel j :=
fapply ab_hom_lift_kernel,
exact k ∘g ab_kernel_incl d,
intro p, induction p with b p, exact p,
definition k_restrict : ab_kernel d →g derived_couple_A :=
subgroup_iso_exact_kerj_imi ∘g k_restrict_aux
definition k_restrict_square_left : k_restrict ∘g (SES.f (SES_of_differential d H)) ~ λ x, 1 :=
intro x,
induction x with b' p,
induction p with q,
induction q with b p,
induction p,
fapply subtype_eq,
induction EC,
induction exact_jk,
fapply im_in_ker,
definition derived_couple_k_unique : is_contr
(Σ hC, group_fun (hC ∘g SES.g (SES_of_differential d H)) ~ group_fun
(SES.g SES_im_i_trivial ∘g k_restrict))
quotient_extend_unique_SES (SES_of_differential d H) (SES_im_i_trivial) (trivial_homomorphism (ab_image d) trivial_ab_group) (k_restrict) (k_restrict_square_left)
definition derived_couple_k : derived_couple_B →g derived_couple_A :=
exact pr1 (center' (derived_couple_k_unique)),
definition derived_couple_k_htpy : group_fun (derived_couple_k ∘g SES.g (SES_of_differential d H)) ~ group_fun
(SES.g (SES_im_i_trivial) ∘g k_restrict) :=
exact pr2 (center' (derived_couple_k_unique)),
end derived_couple end derived_couple

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@ -332,6 +332,20 @@ f = incl_of_subgroup K ∘g hom_lift f K Hyp :=
reflexivity reflexivity
end end
definition ab_hom_lift_kernel [constructor] {A B C : AbGroup} (f : A →g B) (g : B →g C) (Hyp : Π (a : A), g (f a) = 1) : A →g ab_kernel g :=
fapply ab_hom_lift,
exact f,
intro a,
exact Hyp a,
definition ab_hom_lift_kernel_factors {A B C : AbGroup} (f : A →g B) (g : B →g C) (Hyp : Π (a : A), g (f a) = 1) :
f = ab_kernel_incl g ∘g ab_hom_lift_kernel f g Hyp :=
fapply ab_hom_factors_through_lift,
definition image_lift [constructor] {G H : Group} (f : G →g H) : G →g image f := definition image_lift [constructor] {G H : Group} (f : G →g H) : G →g image f :=
begin begin
fapply hom_lift f, fapply hom_lift f,