notes yoneda
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@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
@ -44,8 +44,8 @@
\item All types, maps and homotopies in these notes are pointed, unless explicitly mentioned
All types, maps and homotopies in these notes are pointed, unless explicitly mentioned
otherwise. Whenever we say that a diagram of $n$-cells commutes we mean it in the sense that there
otherwise. Whenever we say that a diagram of $n$-cells commutes we mean it in the sense that there
is an $(n+1)$-cell witnessing it.
is an $(n+1)$-cell witnessing it.
\item Pointed homotopies are equivalent to equalities of pointed types: $(f\sim g)\equiv (f=g)$. So
\item Pointed homotopies are equivalent to equalities of pointed types: $(f\sim g)\equiv (f=g)$. So
@ -56,8 +56,12 @@
started with. In diagrams, we will denote pointed homotopies by equalities, but we always mean
started with. In diagrams, we will denote pointed homotopies by equalities, but we always mean
pointed homotopies.
pointed homotopies.
\item The type $A\to B$ of pointed maps from $A$ to $B$ is itself pointed, with as basepoint the
\item The type $A\to B$ of pointed maps from $A$ to $B$ is itself pointed, with as basepoint the
constant map $0\equiv0_{A,B}:A\to B$ which has as underlying function $\lam{a:A}b_0$. We have
constant map $0\equiv0_{A,B}:A\to B$ which has as underlying function $\lam{a:A}b_0$. We have the homotopies:
$0\o g \sim 0$ and $f \o 0 \sim 0$.
s : 0 \o g &\sim 0 & s' : f \o 0 &\sim 0\\
q : f \o 1 &\sim f & q' : 1 \o g &\sim g
with $s(1) = q(0)$ and $s'(1) = q'(0)$.
\item A pointed equivalence is a pointed map $f : A \to B$ whose underlying map is an
\item A pointed equivalence is a pointed map $f : A \to B$ whose underlying map is an
equivalence. In this case, we can find a pointed map $f\sy:B\to A$ with pointed homotopies
equivalence. In this case, we can find a pointed map $f\sy:B\to A$ with pointed homotopies
$f\o f\sy\sim0$ and $f\sy\o f\sim0$.
$f\o f\sy\sim0$ and $f\sy\o f\sim0$.
@ -67,7 +71,7 @@
Given maps $f:A'\pmap A$ and $g:B\pmap B'$. Then there are maps
Given maps $f:A'\pmap A$ and $g:B\pmap B'$. Then there are maps
$(f\pmap C):(A\pmap C)\pmap(A'\pmap C)$ and $(C\pmap g):(C\pmap B)\pmap(C\pmap B')$ given by
$(f\pmap C):(A\pmap C)\pmap(A'\pmap C)$ and $(C\pmap g):(C\pmap B)\pmap(C\pmap B')$ given by
precomposition with $f$, resp. postcomposition with $g$. The map $\lam{g}C\pmap g$ preserves the basepoint, giving rise to a map $$(C\pmap ({-})):(B\pmap B')\pmap(C\pmap B)\pmap(C\pmap B').$$
precomposition with $f$, resp. postcomposition with $g$. The map $\lam{g}C\pmap g$ preserves the basepoint, giving rise to a map $$(C\pmap ({-})):(B\pmap B')\pmap(C\pmap B)\pmap(C\pmap B').$$
Also, the following square commutes
Also, the following square commutes:
(A\pmap B) \arrow[r,"A\pmap g"]\arrow[d,"f\pmap B"] & (A\pmap B')\arrow[d,"f\pmap B'"] \\
(A\pmap B) \arrow[r,"A\pmap g"]\arrow[d,"f\pmap B"] & (A\pmap B')\arrow[d,"f\pmap B'"] \\
@ -77,6 +81,8 @@
\section{Naturality and a version of the Yoneda lemma}
Let $F$, $G$ be functors of pointed types, i.e. pointed maps with a functorial action (e.g. if $f : A \to B$, then we can define $F(f) : F(A) \to F(B)$, respecting identity and composition).
Let $F$, $G$ be functors of pointed types, i.e. pointed maps with a functorial action (e.g. if $f : A \to B$, then we can define $F(f) : F(A) \to F(B)$, respecting identity and composition).
Let $\theta : F \Rightarrow G$ be a natural transformation from $F$ to $G$, i.e. a pointed map $F(X) \to G(X)$ for all pointed types $X$. For every $f : A \to B$, there is a diagram:
Let $\theta : F \Rightarrow G$ be a natural transformation from $F$ to $G$, i.e. a pointed map $F(X) \to G(X)$ for all pointed types $X$. For every $f : A \to B$, there is a diagram:
@ -89,18 +95,18 @@
\arrow[d, "\theta_B"]
\arrow[d, "\theta_B"]
\arrow[r, swap, "F(g)"]
\arrow[r, swap, "G(f)"]
& G(B)
& G(B)
We define the following notions of naturality for $\theta$:
We define the following notions of naturality for $\theta$:
\item \textbf{(strong) naturality} will refer to a pointed homotopy
\item \textbf{(strong) naturality} will refer to a pointed homotopy
\[p(f) : \theta_B \o F(f) \sim G(f) \o \theta_A\]
\[p(f) : G(f) \o \theta_A \sim \theta_B \o F(f)\]
for every $f : A \to B$ and \textbf{weak naturality} to the underlying (non-pointed) homotopy;
for every $f : A \to B$ and \textbf{weak naturality} to the underlying (non-pointed) homotopy;
\item \textbf{pointed (strong) naturality} will refer to the same pointed homotopy, with the additional condition that $p(0) = p_0$, where
\item \textbf{pointed (strong) naturality} will refer to the same pointed homotopy, with the additional condition that $p(0) = p_0$, where
\[p_0 : \theta_B \o F(0) \sim \theta_B \o 0 \sim 0 \sim 0 \o \theta_A \sim G(0) \o \theta_A\]
\[p_0 : G(0) \o \theta_A \sim 0 \o \theta_A \sim 0 \sim \theta_B \o 0 \sim \theta_B \o F(0)\]
is the canonical proof of the pointed homotopy $\theta_B \o F(0) \sim G(0) \o \theta_A$, whereas \textbf{pointed weak naturality} will refer to the corresponding non-pointed condition.
is the canonical proof of the pointed homotopy $G(0) \o \theta_A \sim \theta_B \o F(0)$, whereas \textbf{pointed weak naturality} will refer to the corresponding non-pointed condition.
@ -108,6 +114,62 @@
The relation between the four notions of naturality is as expected: strong implies weak, and pointed implies simple. Weak naturality is generally ill-behaved: for example, weak naturality of $\theta$ does not imply weak naturality of $\theta \to X$ or $X \to \theta$, whereas the implication holds for strong naturality.
The relation between the four notions of naturality is as expected: strong implies weak, and pointed implies simple. Weak naturality is generally ill-behaved: for example, weak naturality of $\theta$ does not imply weak naturality of $\theta \to X$ or $X \to \theta$, whereas the implication holds for strong naturality.
Let $A$, $B$ be pointed types, and assume, for all pointed types $X$, a pointed equivalence $\phi_X : (B \to X) \simeq (A \to X)$, natural in $X$, i.e. for all $f : X \to X'$ there is a homotopy \[ p_\phi(f) : (A \to f) \o \phi_X \sim \phi_X' \o (B \to f) \]
% making the following diagram commute for all $f : X \to X'$:
% \begin{center}
% \begin{tikzcd}
% (B \to X)
% \arrow[r, "\phi_X"]
% \arrow[d, swap, "f \o -"]
% & (A \to X)
% \arrow[d, "f \o -"]
% \\
% (B \to X')
% \arrow[r, swap,"\phi_{X'}"]
% & (A \to X')
% \end{tikzcd}
% \end{center}
Then there exists a pointed equivalence $\psi_\phi : A \simeq B$.
We define $\psi_\phi \defeq \phi_B(\idfunc[B]) : A \to B$ and $\psi_\phi\sy \defeq \phi_A\sy(\idfunc[A])$. The given naturality square for $X \defeq B$ and $g \defeq \psi_\phi\sy$ yields $\psi_\phi\sy \o \phi_B (\idfunc[B]) \judgeq \psi_\phi\sy \o \psi_\phi \sim \phi_A (\psi_\phi\sy \o \idfunc[B]) \judgeq \phi_A (\phi_A\sy (\idfunc[A])) \sim \idfunc[A]$, and similarly for the inverse composition.
Assume $A$, $B$, $\phi_X$ and $p$ as in \autoref{lem:yoneda}, and assume moreover that $\phi_X$ is pointed natural. Then there is a pointed homotopy $(\psi_\phi \to X) \sim \phi_X$.
Let $f : B \to X$. The underlying homotopy is obtained by:
(\psi_\phi \to X)(f) &\judgeq f \o \psi_\phi\\
&\sim \phi_X (f \o \idfunc) &&\text{(by $p_\phi(f)(\idfunc)$)}\\
&\sim \phi_X (f) &&\text{(by $\mapfunc{\phi_X}(q_f)$)}
To show that this is a pointed homotopy, we need to prove that the following diagram commutes:
\begin{tikzcd}[column sep=4em]
(\psi_\phi \to X)(0)
\arrow[rr, equals, "p_\phi(0)(\idfunc)\tr\mapfunc{\phi_X}(q_0)"]
\arrow[dr, equals, swap, "s_{\psi_\phi}"]
\arrow[dl, equals, "(\phi_X)_0"]
where the top-left expression is definitionally equal to $0 \o \phi_X(\idfunc)$, the horizontal path comes from the underlying homotopy and $(\phi_X)_0$ is the canonical path from $\phi_X(0)$ to $0$. Since $\phi_X$ is pointed natural, we have that
$p_{\phi_X}(0)(\idfunc) = (p_{\phi_X})_0(\idfunc)$, which, in this case, is:
0\o \phi_X(\idfunc)
&= 0 &&\text{(by $s_{q_X(\idfunc)}$)}\\
&= \phi_X(0) &&\text{(by $(\phi_X)_0\sy$)}\\
&= \phi_X(0\o 1) &&\text{(by $(\mapfunc{\phi_X}(s_1))\sy$)}
The diagram then commutes by cancellation of inverses and using that $s_1 = q_0$.
\section{Smash Product}
\section{Smash Product}
@ -460,29 +522,7 @@ We aim to prove that the smash product is a (1-coherent) symmetric monoidal prod
\[(\pType,\, \two,\, \smash,\, \alpha,\, \lambda,\, \rho,\, \gamma)\]
\[(\pType,\, \two,\, \smash,\, \alpha,\, \lambda,\, \rho,\, \gamma)\]
is a symmetric monoidal category, with the type of booleans $\two$ (pointed in $0_\two$) as unit, and for suitable instances of $\alpha$, $\lambda$, $\rho$ and $\gamma$ witnessing associativity, left- and right unitality and the braiding for $\smash$ and satisfying appropriate coherence relations (associativity pentagon; unitors triangle; braiding-unitors triangle; associativity-braiding hexagon; double braiding).
is a symmetric monoidal category, with the type of booleans $\two$ (pointed in $0_\two$) as unit, and for suitable instances of $\alpha$, $\lambda$, $\rho$ and $\gamma$ witnessing associativity, left- and right unitality and the braiding for $\smash$ and satisfying appropriate coherence relations (associativity pentagon; unitors triangle; braiding-unitors triangle; associativity-braiding hexagon; double braiding).
We will make use of the following lemma.
Using \autoref{lem:yoneda} we can prove associativity, left- and right unitality and braiding equivalences for the smash product, in the following way.
Let $A$, $B$ be pointed types, and assume, for all pointed types $X$, a pointed equivalence $\phi_X : (A \to X) \simeq (B \to X)$, natural in $X$, i.e. making the following diagram commute for all $f : X \to X'$:
(A \to X)
\arrow[r, "\phi_X"]
\arrow[d, swap, "f \o -"]
& (B \to X)
\arrow[d, "f \o -"]
(A \to X')
\arrow[r, swap,"\phi_{X'}"]
& (B \to X')
Then we have a pointed equivalence $\yoneda_\phi : B \simeq A$.
We define $\yoneda_\phi \defeq \phi_A(\idfunc[A]) : B \to A$ and $\yoneda_\phi\sy \defeq \phi_B\sy(\idfunc[B])$. The given naturality square for $X \defeq A$ and $g \defeq \yoneda_\phi\sy$ yields $\yoneda_\phi\sy \o \phi_A (\idfunc[A]) \judgeq \yoneda_\phi\sy \o \yoneda_\phi \sim \phi_B (\yoneda_\phi\sy \o \idfunc[A]) \judgeq \phi_B (\phi_B\sy (\idfunc[B])) \sim \idfunc[B]$, and similarly for the inverse composition.
By \autoref{lem:yoneda} we can prove associativity, left- and right unitality and braiding equivalences for the smash product, in the following way.
The following pointed equivalences are defined for $A$, $B$, $C$ and $X$ pointed types:
The following pointed equivalences are defined for $A$, $B$, $C$ and $X$ pointed types:
@ -499,7 +539,7 @@ By \autoref{lem:yoneda} we can prove associativity, left- and right unitality an
B \to X &\simeq \two \to B \to X && (t\sy)\\
B \to X &\simeq \two \to B \to X && (t\sy)\\
&\simeq \two \smash B \to X && (e)
&\simeq \two \smash B \to X && (e)
with $t : (\two \to X) \simeq X$ the pointed equivalence, natural in $X$, sending $f : \two \to X$ to $f(1_\two) : X$;
with $t : (\two \to X) \simeq X$ the pointed equivalence, pointed natural in $X$, sending $f : \two \to X$ to $f(1_\two) : X$;
\item $\rhobar_X : (A \to X) \simeq (A \smash \two \to X)$ as the composition of the equivalences:
\item $\rhobar_X : (A \to X) \simeq (A \smash \two \to X)$ as the composition of the equivalences:
A \to X &\simeq A \to \two \to X && (A \to t\sy)\\
A \to X &\simeq A \to \two \to X && (A \to t\sy)\\
@ -512,12 +552,12 @@ By \autoref{lem:yoneda} we can prove associativity, left- and right unitality an
&\simeq A \to B \to X && (c)\\
&\simeq A \to B \to X && (c)\\
&\simeq A \smash B \to X && (e)
&\simeq A \smash B \to X && (e)
where $c : (A \to B \to X) \simeq (B \to A \to X)$ is the obvious pointed equivalence, natural in $A$, $B$ and $X$.
where $c : (A \to B \to X) \simeq (B \to A \to X)$ is the obvious pointed equivalence, natural in all its arguments and pointed natural in $X$.
The equivalences defined in \autoref{def:equiv-precursors} are natural in all their arguments by naturality of $e$ (\autoref{e-natural}), $c$ and $t$. In particular, we will use:
The equivalences in \autoref{def:equiv-precursors} are natural in all their arguments and pointed natural in $X$, by (pointed) naturality of $e$ (\autoref{e-natural} and \autoref{e-pointed-natural}), $c$ and $t$. In particular, we will use:
f \o \alphabar(g) &\sim \alphabar(f \o g) & f \o \lambdabar(g) &\sim \lambdabar(f \o g)\\
f \o \alphabar(g) &\sim \alphabar(f \o g) & f \o \lambdabar(g) &\sim \lambdabar(f \o g)\\
f \o \rhobar(g) &\sim \rhobar(f \o g) & f \o \gammabar(g) &\sim \gammabar(f \o g)
f \o \rhobar(g) &\sim \rhobar(f \o g) & f \o \gammabar(g) &\sim \gammabar(f \o g)
@ -534,6 +574,21 @@ By \autoref{lem:yoneda} we can prove associativity, left- and right unitality an
$\alpha$, $\lambda$, $\rho$ and $\gamma$ are natural in all their arguments, as $\alphabar$, $\lambdabar$, $\rhobar$ and $\gammabar$ are.
$\alpha$, $\lambda$, $\rho$ and $\gamma$ are natural in all their arguments, as $\alphabar$, $\lambdabar$, $\rhobar$ and $\gammabar$ are.
There are pointed homotopies
\alphabar_X &\sim \alpha \to X
& \lambdabar_X &\sim \lambda \to X
\rhobar_X &\sim \rho \to X
& \gammabar_X &\sim \gamma \to X
This follows directly from \autoref{lem:yoneda-pointed} and \autoref{rmk:alrg-pointed-natural}.
\begin{thm}[Associativity pentagon]\label{thm:smash-associativity-pentagon}
\begin{thm}[Associativity pentagon]\label{thm:smash-associativity-pentagon}
For $A$, $B$, $C$ and $D$ pointed types, there is a homotopy
For $A$, $B$, $C$ and $D$ pointed types, there is a homotopy
\[\alpha \o \alpha \sim (A \smash \alpha) \o \alpha \o (\alpha \smash D)\]
\[\alpha \o \alpha \sim (A \smash \alpha) \o \alpha \o (\alpha \smash D)\]
@ -665,7 +720,7 @@ By \autoref{lem:yoneda} we can prove associativity, left- and right unitality an
&\judgeq e(\alphabar \o e\sy(\idfunc))\\
&\judgeq e(\alphabar \o e\sy(\idfunc))\\
&\sim e(\alphabar \o \eta) &&\text{(unit-counit)}\\
&\sim e(\alphabar \o \eta) &&\text{(unit-counit)}\\
&\sim e((\alpha \to A \smash (B \smash (C \smash D))) \o \eta) &&\text{($\alphabar_X \sim (\alpha \to X)$)}\\
&\sim e((\alpha \to A \smash (B \smash (C \smash D))) \o \eta) &&\text{(\autoref{cor:bar-homotopy})}\\
&\sim e((B \smash (C \smash D) \to A \smash \alpha) \o \eta) &&\text{(dinaturality of $\eta$)}\\
&\sim e((B \smash (C \smash D) \to A \smash \alpha) \o \eta) &&\text{(dinaturality of $\eta$)}\\
&\sim (A \smash \alpha) \o e(\eta) &&\text{(naturality of $e$)}\\
&\sim (A \smash \alpha) \o e(\eta) &&\text{(naturality of $e$)}\\
&\sim A \smash \alpha &&\text{(unit-counit)}
&\sim A \smash \alpha &&\text{(unit-counit)}
@ -738,21 +793,53 @@ By \autoref{lem:yoneda} we can prove associativity, left- and right unitality an
The following diagram commutes, for $A$, $B$, $C$ and $X$ pointed types:
The following diagram commutes, for $A$, $B$, $C$ and $X$ pointed types:
\begin{tikzcd}[column sep=7em]
(B \to C \to A \to X)
(B \smash C \to A \to X)
\arrow[rr, "B\to c"]
\arrow[r, "e\sy"]
\arrow[d, swap, "e"]
\arrow[dd, swap, "c"]
&& (B \to A \to C \to X)
& (B \to C \to A \to X)
\arrow[d, "B \to c"]
& (B \to A \to C \to X)
\arrow[d, "c"]
\arrow[d, "c"]
(B \smash C \to A \to X)
(A \to B \smash C \to X)
\arrow[r, swap, "c"]
& (A \to B \smash C \to X)
\arrow[r, swap, "A \to e\sy"]
\arrow[r, swap, "A \to e\sy"]
& (A \to B \to C \to X)
& (A \to B \to C \to X)
Unfolding the definition of $e\sy$, we get the diagram:
\begin{tikzcd}[column sep=6em]
(B \smash C \to A \to X)
\arrow[rr, bend left=10, "e\sy"]
\arrow[r, swap, "C\to -"]
\arrow[dd, swap, "c"]
& ((C \to B \smash C) \to C \to A \to X)
\arrow[r, swap, "\eta \to C \to A \to X"]
\arrow[d, swap, "(C \to B \smash C) \to c"]
& (B \to C \to A \to X)
\arrow[d, "B \to c"]
& ((C \to B \smash C) \to A \to C \to X)
\arrow[r, swap, "\eta \to A \to C \to X"]
\arrow[d, swap, "c"]
& (B \to A \to C \to X)
\arrow[d, "c"]
(A \to B \smash C \to X)
\arrow[rr, swap, bend right=10, "A \to e\sy"]
\arrow[r, "A \to (C \to -)"]
& (A \to (C \to B \smash C) \to C \to X)
\arrow[r, "A \to (\eta \to C \to X)"]
& (A \to B \to C \to X)
where the squares on the right are instances of naturality of $c$, while the commutativity of the pentagon on the left follows easily from the definition of $c$.
\begin{thm}[Associativity-braiding hexagon]\label{thm:smash-associativity-braiding}
\begin{thm}[Associativity-braiding hexagon]\label{thm:smash-associativity-braiding}
For pointed types $A$, $B$ and $C$, there is a homotopy
For pointed types $A$, $B$ and $C$, there is a homotopy
@ -789,7 +876,8 @@ By \autoref{lem:yoneda} we can prove associativity, left- and right unitality an
&\sim (\alphabar \o \gammabar \o \alphabar)(\idfunc) &&\text{(naturality of $\gammabar$ and $\alphabar$)}\\
&\sim (\alphabar \o \gammabar \o \alphabar)(\idfunc) &&\text{(naturality of $\gammabar$ and $\alphabar$)}\\
&\judgeq (e \o e \o (A \to e\sy) \o e\sy \o e \o c \o e\sy \o e \o e \o (B \to e\sy) \o e\sy)(\idfunc)\\
&\judgeq (e \o e \o (A \to e\sy) \o e\sy \o e \o c \o e\sy \o e \o e \o (B \to e\sy) \o e\sy)(\idfunc)\\
&\sim (e \o e \o (A \to e\sy) \o c \o e \o (B \to e\sy) \o e\sy)(\idfunc) &&\text{(cancelling)}\\
&\sim (e \o e \o (A \to e\sy) \o c \o e \o (B \to e\sy) \o e\sy)(\idfunc) &&\text{(cancelling)}\\
&\sim (e \o e \o c \o (B \to c) \o (B \to e\sy) \o e\sy)(\idfunc) &&\text{(\autoref{lem:pentagon-c})}
&\sim (e \o e \o c \o (B \to c) \o e\sy \o e \o (B \to e\sy) \o e\sy)(\idfunc) &&\text{(\autoref{lem:pentagon-c})}\\
&\sim (e \o e \o c \o (B \to c) \o (B \to e\sy) \o e\sy)(\idfunc) &&\text{(cancelling)}
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