Mostly formalize the pentagon of the smash product, fix the order of the arguments in the adjunction
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 789 additions and 421 deletions
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import ..algebra.exactness homotopy.cofiber homotopy.wedge
import ..algebra.exactness homotopy.cofiber homotopy.wedge homotopy.smash
open eq function is_trunc sigma prod lift is_equiv equiv pointed sum unit bool cofiber
@ -811,4 +811,78 @@ namespace pushout
variables {A B : Type*}
open smash
definition prod_of_wedge [unfold 3] (v : wedge A B) : A × B :=
induction v with a b ,
{ exact (a, pt) },
{ exact (pt, b) },
{ reflexivity }
definition wedge_of_sum [unfold 3] (v : A + B) : wedge A B :=
induction v with a b,
{ exact pushout.inl a },
{ exact pushout.inr b }
definition prod_of_wedge_of_sum [unfold 3] (v : A + B) :
prod_of_wedge (wedge_of_sum v) = prod_of_sum v :=
induction v with a b,
{ reflexivity },
{ reflexivity }
definition eq_inl_pushout_wedge_of_sum [unfold 3] (v : wedge A B) :
inl pt = inl v :> pushout wedge_of_sum bool_of_sum :=
induction v with a b,
{ exact glue (sum.inl pt) ⬝ (glue (sum.inl a))⁻¹, },
{ exact ap inl (glue ⋆) ⬝ glue (sum.inr pt) ⬝ (glue (sum.inr b))⁻¹, },
{ apply eq_pathover_constant_left,
refine !con.right_inv ⬝pv _ ⬝vp !con_inv_cancel_right⁻¹, exact square_of_eq idp }
variables (A B)
definition eq_inr_pushout_wedge_of_sum [unfold 3] (b : bool) :
inl pt = inr b :> pushout (@wedge_of_sum A B) bool_of_sum :=
induction b,
{ exact glue (sum.inl pt) },
{ exact ap inl (glue ⋆) ⬝ glue (sum.inr pt) }
definition is_contr_pushout_wedge_of_sum : is_contr (pushout (@wedge_of_sum A B) bool_of_sum) :=
apply (pushout.inl pt),
intro x, induction x with v b w,
{ apply eq_inl_pushout_wedge_of_sum },
{ apply eq_inr_pushout_wedge_of_sum },
{ apply eq_pathover_constant_left_id_right,
induction w with a b,
{ apply whisker_rt, exact vrfl },
{ apply whisker_rt, exact vrfl }}
definition bool_of_sum_of_bool {A B : Type*} (b : bool) : bool_of_sum (sum_of_bool A B b) = b :=
by induction b: reflexivity
/- a different proof, using pushout lemmas, and the fact that the wedge is the pushout of
A + B <-- 2 --> 1 -/
definition pushout_wedge_of_sum_equiv_unit : pushout (@wedge_of_sum A B) bool_of_sum ≃ unit :=
refine pushout_hcompose_equiv (sum_of_bool A B) (wedge_equiv_pushout_sum A B ⬝e !pushout.symm)
_ _ ⬝e _,
exact erfl,
intro x, induction x,
reflexivity, reflexivity,
exact bool_of_sum_of_bool,
apply pushout_of_equiv_right
end pushout
@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ open bool pointed eq equiv is_equiv sum bool prod unit circle cofiber prod.ops w
/- To prove: Σ(X ∧ Y) ≃ X ★ Y (?) (notation means suspension, smash, join) -/
/- To prove: A ∧ S¹ ≃ ΣA -/
/- associativity is proven in smash_adjoint -/
variables {A A' B B' C C' D E F : Type*}
/- associativity and A ∧ S¹ ≃ ΣA is proven in smash_adjoint -/
variables {A A' A'' B B' B'' C C' D E F : Type*}
namespace smash
@ -233,6 +231,8 @@ namespace smash
infixr ` ∧~ `:78 := smash_functor_phomotopy
/- a more explicit proof, if we ever need it -/
-- definition smash_functor_homotopy [unfold 11] {f f' : A →* C} {g g' : B →* D}
-- (h₁ : f ~* f') (h₂ : g ~* g') : f ∧→ g ~ f' ∧→ g' :=
@ -317,6 +317,17 @@ namespace smash
exact !smash_functor_phomotopy_refl⁻¹
definition smash_functor_eq_of_phomotopy_left (g : B →* D) {f f' : A →* C}
(p : f ~* f') : ap (λf, smash_functor f g) (eq_of_phomotopy p) =
eq_of_phomotopy (smash_functor_phomotopy p phomotopy.rfl) :=
induction p using phomotopy_rec_idp,
refine ap02 _ !eq_of_phomotopy_refl ⬝ _,
refine !eq_of_phomotopy_refl⁻¹ ⬝ _,
apply ap eq_of_phomotopy,
exact !smash_functor_phomotopy_refl⁻¹
/- the functorial action preserves compositions, the interchange law -/
definition smash_functor_pcompose_homotopy [unfold 11] {C D E F : Type}
(f' : C → E) (f : A → C) (g' : D → F) (g : B → D) :
@ -348,7 +359,11 @@ namespace smash
definition smash_functor_split (f : A →* C) (g : B →* D) :
f ∧→ g ~* (pid C) ∧→ g ∘* f ∧→ (pid B) :=
f ∧→ g ~* f ∧→ pid D ∘* pid A ∧→ g :=
smash_functor_phomotopy !pcompose_pid⁻¹* !pid_pcompose⁻¹* ⬝* !smash_functor_pcompose
definition smash_functor_split_rev (f : A →* C) (g : B →* D) :
f ∧→ g ~* pid C ∧→ g ∘* f ∧→ pid B :=
smash_functor_phomotopy !pid_pcompose⁻¹* !pcompose_pid⁻¹* ⬝* !smash_functor_pcompose
/- An alternative proof which doesn't start by applying inductions, so which is more explicit -/
@ -429,6 +444,337 @@ namespace smash
!smash_functor_pcompose⁻¹* ⬝* smash_functor_phomotopy p q ⬝* !smash_functor_pcompose
/- f ∧ g is a pointed equivalence if f and g are -/
definition smash_functor_using_pushout [unfold 7] (f : A →* C) (g : B →* D) : A ∧ B → C ∧ D :=
fapply pushout.functor (sum_functor f g) (prod_functor f g) id,
{ intro v, induction v with a b,
exact prod_eq idp (respect_pt g),
exact prod_eq (respect_pt f) idp },
{ intro v, induction v with a b: reflexivity }
definition smash_functor_homotopy_pushout_functor (f : A →* C) (g : B →* D) :
f ∧→ g ~ smash_functor_using_pushout f g :=
intro x, induction x,
{ reflexivity },
{ reflexivity },
{ reflexivity },
{ apply eq_pathover, refine !elim_gluel ⬝ph _ ⬝hp !pushout.elim_glue⁻¹,
apply hdeg_square, esimp, apply whisker_right, exact !ap_ap011⁻¹ },
{ apply eq_pathover, refine !elim_gluer ⬝ph _ ⬝hp !pushout.elim_glue⁻¹,
apply hdeg_square, esimp, apply whisker_right, exact !ap_ap011⁻¹ }
local attribute is_equiv_sum_functor [instance]
definition smash_pequiv [constructor] (f : A ≃* C) (g : B ≃* D) : A ∧ B ≃* C ∧ D :=
fapply pequiv_of_pmap (f ∧→ g),
refine @homotopy_closed _ _ _ _ _ (smash_functor_homotopy_pushout_functor f g)⁻¹ʰᵗʸ,
apply pushout.is_equiv_functor
infixr ` ∧≃ `:80 := smash_pequiv
definition smash_pequiv_left [constructor] (B : Type*) (f : A ≃* C) : A ∧ B ≃* C ∧ B :=
f ∧≃ pequiv.rfl
definition smash_pequiv_right [constructor] (A : Type*) (g : B ≃* D) : A ∧ B ≃* A ∧ D :=
pequiv.rfl ∧≃ g
/- f ∧ g is constant if f is constant -/
definition smash_functor_pconst_left_homotopy [unfold 6] {B' : Type} (f : B → B') (x : A ∧ B) :
(pconst A A' ∧→ pmap_of_map f pt) x = pt :=
induction x with a b a b,
{ exact gluer' (f b) pt },
{ exact (gluel pt)⁻¹ },
{ exact (gluer pt)⁻¹ᵖ },
{ apply eq_pathover, note x := functor_gluel2 (λx : A, Point A') f a,
refine x ⬝ph _, refine _ ⬝hp !ap_constant⁻¹, apply square_of_eq,
rexact con.right_inv (gluer (f pt)) ⬝ (con.right_inv (gluel pt))⁻¹ },
{ apply eq_pathover, note x := functor_gluer2 (λx : A, Point A') f b,
refine x ⬝ph _, refine _ ⬝hp !ap_constant⁻¹, apply square_of_eq, reflexivity }
definition smash_functor_pconst_left (f : B →* B') : pconst A A' ∧→ f ~* pconst (A ∧ B) (A' ∧ B') :=
induction B' with B', induction f with f f₀, esimp at *, induction f₀,
{ exact smash_functor_pconst_left_homotopy f },
{ rexact con.right_inv (gluer (f pt)) }
definition smash_functor_pconst_left_phomotopy {f f' : B →* B'} (p : f ~* f') :
phomotopy.refl (pconst A A') ∧~ p ⬝* smash_functor_pconst_left f' = smash_functor_pconst_left f :=
induction p using phomotopy_rec_idp,
exact !smash_functor_phomotopy_refl ◾** idp ⬝ !refl_trans
/- This makes smash_functor into a pointed map (B →* B') →* (A ∧ B →* A ∧ B') -/
definition smash_functor_left [constructor] (A A' B : Type*) :
ppmap A A' →* ppmap (A ∧ B) (A' ∧ B) :=
|||| (λf, f ∧→ pid B) (eq_of_phomotopy (smash_functor_pconst_left (pid B)))
/- We want to show that smash_functor_left is natural in A, B and C.
For this we need two coherence rules. Given the function h := (f' ∘ f) ∧→ (g' ∘ g) and suppose
that either f' or f is constant. There are two ways to show that h is constant: either by using
exchange, or directly. We need to show that these two proofs result in the same pointed
homotopy. First we do the case where f is constant -/
private definition my_squarel {A : Type} {a₁ a₂ a₃ : A} (p₁ : a₁ = a₃) (p₂ : a₂ = a₃) :
square (p₁ ⬝ p₂⁻¹) p₂⁻¹ p₁ idp :=
proof square_of_eq idp qed
private definition my_squarer {A : Type} {a₁ a₂ a₃ : A} (p₁ : a₁ = a₃) (p₂ : a₁ = a₂) :
square (p₁ ⬝ p₁⁻¹) p₂⁻¹ p₂ idp :=
proof square_of_eq (con.right_inv p₁ ⬝ (con.right_inv p₂)⁻¹) qed
private definition my_cube_fillerl {A B C : Type} {g : B → C} {f : A → B} {a₁ a₂ : A} {b₀ : B}
{p : f ~ λa, b₀} {q : Πa, g (f a) = g b₀} (r : (λa, ap g (p a)) ~ q) :
cube (hrfl ⬝hp (r a₁)⁻¹) hrfl
(my_squarel (q a₁) (q a₂)) (aps g (my_squarel (p a₁) (p a₂)))
(hrfl ⬝hp (!ap_con ⬝ whisker_left _ !ap_inv ⬝ (r a₁) ◾ (r a₂)⁻²)⁻¹)
(hrfl ⬝hp (r a₂)⁻²⁻¹ ⬝hp !ap_inv⁻¹) :=
induction r using homotopy.rec_on_idp, induction p using homotopy.rec_on_idp_left, exact idc
private definition my_cube_fillerr {B C : Type} {g : B → C} {b₀ bl br : B}
{pl : b₀ = bl} {pr : b₀ = br} {ql : g b₀ = g bl} {qr : g b₀ = g br}
(sl : ap g pl = ql) (sr : ap g pr = qr) :
cube (hrfl ⬝hp sr⁻¹) hrfl
(my_squarer ql qr) (aps g (my_squarer pl pr))
(hrfl ⬝hp (!ap_con ⬝ whisker_left _ !ap_inv ⬝ sl ◾ sl⁻²)⁻¹)
(hrfl ⬝hp sr⁻²⁻¹ ⬝hp !ap_inv⁻¹) :=
induction sr, induction sl, induction pr, induction pl, exact idc
definition smash_functor_pcompose_pconst2_homotopy {A A' A'' B B' B'' : Type}
(a₀ : A) (b₀ : B) (a₀' : A') (f' : A' → A'') (g' : B' → B'') (g : B → B')
(x : pointed.MK A a₀ ∧ pointed.MK B b₀) :
square (smash_functor_pcompose_homotopy f' (λ a, a₀') g' g x)
(smash_functor_pconst_left_homotopy (λ a, g' (g a)) x)
(ap (smash_functor' ( f' (refl (f' a₀'))) ( g' (refl (g' (g b₀)))))
(smash_functor_pconst_left_homotopy g x)) :=
induction x with a b a b,
{ refine _ ⬝hp (functor_gluer'2 f' g' (g b) (g b₀))⁻¹, exact hrfl },
{ refine _ ⬝hp !ap_inv⁻¹, refine _ ⬝hp !functor_gluel2⁻²⁻¹, exact hrfl },
{ refine _ ⬝hp !ap_inv⁻¹, refine _ ⬝hp !functor_gluer2⁻²⁻¹, exact hrfl },
{ exact abstract begin apply square_pathover,
refine !rec_eq_gluel ⬝p1 _ ⬝1p !natural_square_refl⁻¹,
refine !rec_eq_gluel ⬝p2 _ ⬝2p !natural_square_ap_fn⁻¹,
apply whisker001, apply whisker021,
apply move201, refine _ ⬝1p !eq_hconcat_hdeg_square⁻¹,
apply move221, refine _ ⬝1p !hdeg_square_hconcat_eq⁻¹,
refine ap (hconcat_eq _) !ap_inv ⬝p1 _ ⬝2p (ap (aps _) !rec_eq_gluel ⬝ !aps_eq_hconcat)⁻¹,
apply whisker021, refine _ ⬝2p !aps_hconcat_eq⁻¹, apply move221,
refine _ ⬝1p !hdeg_square_hconcat_eq⁻¹,
refine _ ⬝1p ap hdeg_square (eq_bot_of_square (transpose !ap02_ap_constant)),
apply my_cube_fillerr end end },
{ exact abstract begin apply square_pathover,
refine !rec_eq_gluer ⬝p1 _ ⬝1p !natural_square_refl⁻¹,
refine !rec_eq_gluer ⬝p2 _ ⬝2p !natural_square_ap_fn⁻¹,
apply whisker001, apply whisker021,
apply move201, refine _ ⬝1p !eq_hconcat_hdeg_square⁻¹,
apply move221, refine _ ⬝1p !hdeg_square_hconcat_eq⁻¹,
refine ap (hconcat_eq _) !ap_inv ⬝p1 _ ⬝2p (ap (aps _) !rec_eq_gluer ⬝ !aps_eq_hconcat)⁻¹,
apply whisker021, refine _ ⬝2p !aps_hconcat_eq⁻¹, apply move221,
refine _ ⬝1p !hdeg_square_hconcat_eq⁻¹,
refine _ ⬝1p ap hdeg_square (eq_bot_of_square (transpose !ap02_ap_constant)),
apply my_cube_fillerl end end }
definition smash_functor_pcompose_pconst2 (f' : A' →* A'') (g' : B' →* B'') (g : B →* B') :
phsquare (smash_functor_pcompose f' (pconst A A') g' g)
(smash_functor_pconst_left (g' ∘* g))
(smash_functor_phomotopy (pcompose_pconst f') phomotopy.rfl)
(pwhisker_left (f' ∧→ g') (smash_functor_pconst_left g) ⬝*
pcompose_pconst (f' ∧→ g')) :=
induction A with A a₀, induction B with B b₀,
induction A' with A' a₀', induction B' with B' b₀',
induction A'' with A'' a₀'', induction B'' with B'' b₀'',
induction f' with f' f'₀, induction g' with g' g₀', induction g with g g₀,
esimp at *, induction f'₀, induction g₀', induction g₀,
refine !smash_functor_phomotopy_refl ⬝ph** _, refine _ ⬝ !refl_trans⁻¹,
fapply phomotopy_eq,
{ intro x, refine eq_of_square _ ⬝ !con_idp,
exact smash_functor_pcompose_pconst2_homotopy a₀ b₀ a₀' f' g' g x },
{ refine _ ⬝ !idp_con⁻¹,
refine whisker_right _ (!whisker_right_idp ⬝ !eq_of_square_hrfl_hconcat_eq) ⬝ _,
refine !con.assoc ⬝ _, apply con_eq_of_eq_inv_con,
refine whisker_right _ _ ⬝ _, rotate 1, rexact functor_gluer'2_same f' g' (g b₀),
refine !inv_con_cancel_right ⬝ _,
exact sorry, -- TODO: FIX, the proof below should work (with some small changes)
-- refine _ ⬝ whisker_left _ _,
-- rotate 2, refine ap (whisker_left _) _, symmetry, exact !idp_con ⬝ !idp_con ⬝ !whisker_right_idp ⬝ !idp_con,
-- symmetry, apply whisker_left_idp
/- a version where the left maps are identities -/
definition smash_functor_pcompose_pconst2_pid (f' : A' →* A'') :
phsquare (smash_functor_pcompose_pid B f' (pconst A A'))
(smash_functor_pconst_left (pid B))
(pcompose_pconst f' ∧~ phomotopy.rfl)
(pwhisker_left (f' ∧→ pid B) (smash_functor_pconst_left (pid B)) ⬝*
pcompose_pconst (f' ∧→ pid B)) :=
(!smash_functor_phomotopy_refl ◾** idp ⬝ !refl_trans) ⬝pv**
smash_functor_pcompose_pconst2 f' (pid B) (pid B)
/- a small rewrite of the previous -/
-- definition smash_functor_pcompose_pid_pconst' (f' : A' →* A'') :
-- pwhisker_left (f' ∧→ pid B) (smash_functor_pconst_left (pid B)) ⬝*
-- pcompose_pconst (f' ∧→ pid B) =
-- (smash_functor_pcompose_pid B f' (pconst A A'))⁻¹* ⬝*
-- (pcompose_pconst f' ∧~ phomotopy.rfl ⬝*
-- smash_functor_pconst_left (pid B)) :=
-- begin
-- apply eq_symm_trans_of_trans_eq,
-- exact smash_functor_pcompose_pid_pconst f'
-- end
/- if f' is constant -/
definition smash_functor_pcompose_pconst1_homotopy [unfold 13] {A A' A'' B B' B'' : Type}
(a₀ : A) (b₀ : B) (a₀'' : A'') (f : A → A') (g' : B' → B'') (g : B → B')
(x : pointed.MK A a₀ ∧ pointed.MK B b₀) :
square (smash_functor_pcompose_homotopy (λa', a₀'') f g' g x)
(smash_functor_pconst_left_homotopy (λ a, g' (g a)) x)
(smash_functor_pconst_left_homotopy g'
((pmap_of_map f a₀ ∧→ pmap_of_map g b₀) x)) :=
induction x with a b a b,
{ exact hrfl },
{ exact hrfl },
{ exact hrfl },
{ exact abstract begin apply square_pathover,
refine !rec_eq_gluel ⬝p1 _ ⬝1p !natural_square_refl⁻¹,
refine !rec_eq_gluel ⬝p2 _ ⬝2p
(natural_square_compose (smash_functor_pconst_left_homotopy g') _ _)⁻¹ᵖ,
apply whisker001, apply whisker021,
apply move201, refine _ ⬝1p !eq_hconcat_hdeg_square⁻¹,
apply move221, refine _ ⬝1p !hdeg_square_hconcat_eq⁻¹,
refine ap (hconcat_eq _) !ap_inv ⬝p1 _ ⬝2p (natural_square_eq2 _ !functor_gluel2)⁻¹ᵖ,
apply whisker021,
refine _ ⬝1p ap hdeg_square (eq_of_square (!ap_constant_compose⁻¹ʰ) ⬝ !idp_con)⁻¹,
apply move221, refine _ ⬝1p !hdeg_square_hconcat_eq⁻¹,
refine _ ⬝2p !rec_eq_gluel⁻¹, apply whisker021,
apply move221, refine _ ⬝1p !hdeg_square_hconcat_eq⁻¹,
refine _ ⬝1p ap hdeg_square (eq_bot_of_square (transpose !ap02_constant)),
exact rfl2 end end },
{ exact abstract begin apply square_pathover,
refine !rec_eq_gluer ⬝p1 _ ⬝1p !natural_square_refl⁻¹,
refine !rec_eq_gluer ⬝p2 _ ⬝2p
(natural_square_compose (smash_functor_pconst_left_homotopy g') _ _)⁻¹ᵖ,
apply whisker001, apply whisker021,
apply move201, refine _ ⬝1p !eq_hconcat_hdeg_square⁻¹,
apply move221, refine _ ⬝1p !hdeg_square_hconcat_eq⁻¹,
refine ap (hconcat_eq _) !ap_inv ⬝p1 _ ⬝2p (natural_square_eq2 _ !functor_gluer2)⁻¹ᵖ,
apply whisker021,
refine _ ⬝1p ap hdeg_square (eq_of_square (!ap_constant_compose⁻¹ʰ) ⬝ !idp_con)⁻¹,
apply move221, refine _ ⬝1p !hdeg_square_hconcat_eq⁻¹,
refine _ ⬝2p !rec_eq_gluer⁻¹, apply whisker021,
apply move221, refine _ ⬝1p !hdeg_square_hconcat_eq⁻¹,
refine _ ⬝1p ap hdeg_square (eq_bot_of_square (transpose !ap02_constant)),
exact rfl2 end end },
definition smash_functor_pcompose_pconst1 (f : A →* A') (g' : B' →* B'') (g : B →* B') :
phsquare (smash_functor_pcompose (pconst A' A'') f g' g)
(smash_functor_pconst_left (g' ∘* g))
(pconst_pcompose f ∧~ phomotopy.rfl)
(pwhisker_right (f ∧→ g) (smash_functor_pconst_left g') ⬝*
pconst_pcompose (f ∧→ g)) :=
induction A with A a₀, induction B with B b₀,
induction A' with A' a₀', induction B' with B' b₀',
induction A'' with A'' a₀'', induction B'' with B'' b₀'',
induction f with f f₀, induction g' with g' g₀', induction g with g g₀,
esimp at *, induction f₀, induction g₀', induction g₀,
refine !smash_functor_phomotopy_refl ⬝ph** _, refine _ ⬝ !refl_trans⁻¹,
fapply phomotopy_eq,
{ intro x, refine eq_of_square (smash_functor_pcompose_pconst1_homotopy a₀ b₀ a₀'' f g' g x) },
{ refine whisker_right _ (!whisker_right_idp ⬝ !eq_of_square_hrfl) ⬝ _,
have H : Π{A : Type} {a a' : A} (p : a = a'),
idp_con (p ⬝ p⁻¹) ⬝ con.right_inv p = idp ⬝
whisker_left idp (idp ⬝ (idp ⬝ proof whisker_right idp (idp_con (p ⬝ p⁻¹ᵖ))⁻¹ᵖ qed ⬝
whisker_left idp (con.right_inv p))), by intros; induction p; reflexivity,
rexact H (gluer (g' (g b₀))) }
/- a version where the left maps are identities -/
definition smash_functor_pcompose_pconst1_pid (f : A →* A') :
phsquare (smash_functor_pcompose_pid B (pconst A' A'') f)
(smash_functor_pconst_left (pid B))
(pconst_pcompose f ∧~ phomotopy.rfl)
(pwhisker_right (f ∧→ pid B) (smash_functor_pconst_left (pid B)) ⬝*
pconst_pcompose (f ∧→ pid B)) :=
(!smash_functor_phomotopy_refl ◾** idp ⬝ !refl_trans) ⬝pv**
smash_functor_pcompose_pconst1 f (pid B) (pid B)
/- Using these lemmas we show that smash_functor_left is natural in all arguments -/
definition smash_functor_left_natural_left (f : A' →* A) :
psquare (smash_functor_left A B C) (smash_functor_left A' B C)
(ppcompose_right f) (ppcompose_right (f ∧→ pid C)) :=
refine _⁻¹*,
fapply phomotopy_mk_ppmap,
{ intro g, exact smash_functor_pcompose_pid C g f },
{ refine idp ◾** (!phomotopy_of_eq_con ⬝ (ap phomotopy_of_eq !pcompose_right_eq_of_phomotopy ⬝
!phomotopy_of_eq_of_phomotopy) ◾** !phomotopy_of_eq_of_phomotopy) ⬝ _ ,
refine _ ⬝ (!phomotopy_of_eq_con ⬝ (ap phomotopy_of_eq !smash_functor_eq_of_phomotopy_left ⬝
!phomotopy_of_eq_of_phomotopy) ◾** !phomotopy_of_eq_of_phomotopy)⁻¹,
apply smash_functor_pcompose_pconst1_pid }
definition smash_functor_left_natural_middle (f : B →* B') :
psquare (smash_functor_left A B C) (smash_functor_left A B' C)
(ppcompose_left f) (ppcompose_left (f ∧→ pid C)) :=
refine _⁻¹*,
fapply phomotopy_mk_ppmap,
{ exact smash_functor_pcompose_pid C f },
{ refine idp ◾** (!phomotopy_of_eq_con ⬝ (ap phomotopy_of_eq !pcompose_left_eq_of_phomotopy ⬝
!phomotopy_of_eq_of_phomotopy) ◾** !phomotopy_of_eq_of_phomotopy) ⬝ _ ,
refine _ ⬝ (!phomotopy_of_eq_con ⬝ (ap phomotopy_of_eq !smash_functor_eq_of_phomotopy_left ⬝
!phomotopy_of_eq_of_phomotopy) ◾** !phomotopy_of_eq_of_phomotopy)⁻¹,
apply smash_functor_pcompose_pconst2_pid }
definition smash_functor_left_natural_right (f : C →* C') :
psquare (smash_functor_left A B C) (ppcompose_right (pid A ∧→ f))
(smash_functor_left A B C') (ppcompose_left (pid B ∧→ f)) :=
refine _⁻¹*,
fapply phomotopy_mk_ppmap,
{ intro g, exact smash_functor_psquare proof phomotopy.rfl qed proof phomotopy.rfl qed },
{ esimp,
refine idp ◾** (!phomotopy_of_eq_con ⬝ (ap phomotopy_of_eq !pcompose_left_eq_of_phomotopy ⬝
!phomotopy_of_eq_of_phomotopy) ◾** !phomotopy_of_eq_of_phomotopy) ⬝ _ ,
refine _ ⬝ (!phomotopy_of_eq_con ⬝ (ap phomotopy_of_eq !pcompose_right_eq_of_phomotopy ⬝
!phomotopy_of_eq_of_phomotopy) ◾** !phomotopy_of_eq_of_phomotopy)⁻¹,
apply eq_of_phsquare,
refine (phmove_bot_of_left _ !smash_functor_pcompose_pconst1⁻¹ʰ**) ⬝h**
(!smash_functor_phomotopy_refl ⬝pv** !phhrfl) ⬝h** !smash_functor_pcompose_pconst2 ⬝vp** _,
refine !trans_assoc ⬝ !trans_assoc ⬝ idp ◾** _ ⬝ !trans_refl,
refine idp ◾** !refl_trans ⬝ !trans_left_inv }
/- the following is not really used, but a symmetric version of the natural equivalence
smash_functor_left -/
/- f ∧ g is constant if g is constant -/
definition smash_functor_pconst_right_homotopy [unfold 6] {C : Type} (f : A → C) (x : A ∧ B) :
(pmap_of_map f pt ∧→ pconst B D) x = pt :=
@ -474,36 +820,7 @@ namespace smash
exchange, or directly. We need to show that these two proofs result in the same pointed
homotopy. First we do the case where g is constant -/
private definition my_squarel {A : Type} {a₁ a₂ a₃ : A} (p₁ : a₁ = a₃) (p₂ : a₂ = a₃) :
square (p₁ ⬝ p₂⁻¹) p₂⁻¹ p₁ idp :=
proof square_of_eq idp qed
private definition my_squarer {A : Type} {a₁ a₂ a₃ : A} (p₁ : a₁ = a₃) (p₂ : a₁ = a₂) :
square (p₁ ⬝ p₁⁻¹) p₂⁻¹ p₂ idp :=
proof square_of_eq (con.right_inv p₁ ⬝ (con.right_inv p₂)⁻¹) qed
private definition my_cube_fillerl {A B C : Type} {g : B → C} {f : A → B} {a₁ a₂ : A} {b₀ : B}
{p : f ~ λa, b₀} {q : Πa, g (f a) = g b₀} (r : (λa, ap g (p a)) ~ q) :
cube (hrfl ⬝hp (r a₁)⁻¹) hrfl
(my_squarel (q a₁) (q a₂)) (aps g (my_squarel (p a₁) (p a₂)))
(hrfl ⬝hp (!ap_con ⬝ whisker_left _ !ap_inv ⬝ (r a₁) ◾ (r a₂)⁻²)⁻¹)
(hrfl ⬝hp (r a₂)⁻²⁻¹ ⬝hp !ap_inv⁻¹) :=
induction r using homotopy.rec_on_idp, induction p using homotopy.rec_on_idp_left, exact idc
private definition my_cube_fillerr {B C : Type} {g : B → C} {b₀ bl br : B}
{pl : b₀ = bl} {pr : b₀ = br} {ql : g b₀ = g bl} {qr : g b₀ = g br}
(sl : ap g pl = ql) (sr : ap g pr = qr) :
cube (hrfl ⬝hp sr⁻¹) hrfl
(my_squarer ql qr) (aps g (my_squarer pl pr))
(hrfl ⬝hp (!ap_con ⬝ whisker_left _ !ap_inv ⬝ sl ◾ sl⁻²)⁻¹)
(hrfl ⬝hp sr⁻²⁻¹ ⬝hp !ap_inv⁻¹) :=
induction sr, induction sl, induction pr, induction pl, exact idc
definition smash_functor_pcompose_pconst_homotopy {A B C D E F : Type}
definition smash_functor_pcompose_pconst4_homotopy {A B C D E F : Type}
(a₀ : A) (b₀ : B) (d₀ : D) (f' : C → E) (f : A → C) (g : D → F)
(x : pointed.MK A a₀ ∧ pointed.MK B b₀) :
square (smash_functor_pcompose_homotopy f' f g (λ a, d₀) x)
@ -540,7 +857,7 @@ namespace smash
apply my_cube_fillerr end end }
definition smash_functor_pcompose_pconst (f' : C →* E) (f : A →* C) (g : D →* F) :
definition smash_functor_pcompose_pconst4 (f' : C →* E) (f : A →* C) (g : D →* F) :
phsquare (smash_functor_pcompose f' f g (pconst B D))
(smash_functor_pconst_right (f' ∘* f))
(smash_functor_phomotopy phomotopy.rfl (pcompose_pconst g))
@ -554,7 +871,7 @@ namespace smash
refine !smash_functor_phomotopy_refl ⬝ph** _, refine _ ⬝ !refl_trans⁻¹,
fapply phomotopy_eq,
{ intro x, refine eq_of_square _ ⬝ !con_idp,
exact smash_functor_pcompose_pconst_homotopy a₀ b₀ d₀ f' f g x, },
exact smash_functor_pcompose_pconst4_homotopy a₀ b₀ d₀ f' f g x, },
{ refine _ ⬝ !idp_con⁻¹,
refine whisker_right _ (!whisker_right_idp ⬝ !eq_of_square_hrfl_hconcat_eq) ⬝ _,
refine !con.assoc ⬝ _, apply con_eq_of_eq_inv_con,
@ -568,29 +885,29 @@ namespace smash
/- a version where the left maps are identities -/
definition smash_functor_pid_pcompose_pconst (g : D →* F) :
definition smash_functor_pcompose_pconst4_pid (g : D →* F) :
phsquare (smash_functor_pid_pcompose A g (pconst B D))
(smash_functor_pconst_right (pid A))
(smash_functor_phomotopy phomotopy.rfl (pcompose_pconst g))
(pwhisker_left (pid A ∧→ g) (smash_functor_pconst_right (pid A)) ⬝*
pcompose_pconst (pid A ∧→ g)) :=
(!smash_functor_phomotopy_refl ◾** idp ⬝ !refl_trans) ⬝pv**
smash_functor_pcompose_pconst (pid A) (pid A) g
smash_functor_pcompose_pconst4 (pid A) (pid A) g
/- a small rewrite of the previous -/
definition smash_functor_pid_pcompose_pconst' (g : D →* F) :
pwhisker_left (pid A ∧→ g) (smash_functor_pconst_right (pid A)) ⬝*
pcompose_pconst (pid A ∧→ g) =
(smash_functor_pid_pcompose A g (pconst B D))⁻¹* ⬝*
(smash_functor_phomotopy phomotopy.rfl (pcompose_pconst g) ⬝*
smash_functor_pconst_right (pid A)) :=
apply eq_symm_trans_of_trans_eq,
exact smash_functor_pid_pcompose_pconst g
-- definition smash_functor_pid_pcompose_pconst' (g : D →* F) :
-- pwhisker_left (pid A ∧→ g) (smash_functor_pconst_right (pid A)) ⬝*
-- pcompose_pconst (pid A ∧→ g) =
-- (smash_functor_pid_pcompose A g (pconst B D))⁻¹* ⬝*
-- (smash_functor_phomotopy phomotopy.rfl (pcompose_pconst g) ⬝*
-- smash_functor_pconst_right (pid A)) :=
-- begin
-- apply eq_symm_trans_of_trans_eq,
-- exact smash_functor_pid_pcompose_pconst g
-- end
/- if g' is constant -/
definition smash_functor_pconst_pcompose_homotopy [unfold 13] {A B C D E F : Type}
definition smash_functor_pcompose_pconst3_homotopy [unfold 13] {A B C D E F : Type}
(a₀ : A) (b₀ : B) (x₀ : F) (f' : C → E) (f : A → C) (g : B → D)
(x : pointed.MK A a₀ ∧ pointed.MK B b₀) :
square (smash_functor_pcompose_homotopy f' f (λ a, x₀) g x)
@ -635,7 +952,7 @@ namespace smash
exact rfl2 end end },
definition smash_functor_pconst_pcompose (f' : C →* E) (f : A →* C) (g : B →* D) :
definition smash_functor_pcompose_pconst3 (f' : C →* E) (f : A →* C) (g : B →* D) :
phsquare (smash_functor_pcompose f' f (pconst D F) g)
(smash_functor_pconst_right (f' ∘* f))
(smash_functor_phomotopy phomotopy.rfl (pconst_pcompose g))
@ -648,7 +965,7 @@ namespace smash
esimp at *, induction f'₀, induction f₀, induction g₀,
refine !smash_functor_phomotopy_refl ⬝ph** _, refine _ ⬝ !refl_trans⁻¹,
fapply phomotopy_eq,
{ intro x, refine eq_of_square (smash_functor_pconst_pcompose_homotopy a₀ b₀ x₀ f' f g x) },
{ intro x, refine eq_of_square (smash_functor_pcompose_pconst3_homotopy a₀ b₀ x₀ f' f g x) },
{ refine whisker_right _ (!whisker_right_idp ⬝ !eq_of_square_hrfl) ⬝ _,
have H : Π{A : Type} {a a' : A} (p : a = a'),
idp_con (p ⬝ p⁻¹) ⬝ con.right_inv p = idp ⬝
@ -658,14 +975,14 @@ namespace smash
/- a version where the left maps are identities -/
definition smash_functor_pid_pconst_pcompose (g : B →* D) :
definition smash_functor_pcompose_pconst3_pid (g : B →* D) :
phsquare (smash_functor_pid_pcompose A (pconst D F) g)
(smash_functor_pconst_right (pid A))
(smash_functor_phomotopy phomotopy.rfl (pconst_pcompose g))
(pwhisker_right (pid A ∧→ g) (smash_functor_pconst_right (pid A)) ⬝*
pconst_pcompose (pid A ∧→ g)) :=
(!smash_functor_phomotopy_refl ◾** idp ⬝ !refl_trans) ⬝pv**
smash_functor_pconst_pcompose (pid A) (pid A) g
smash_functor_pcompose_pconst3 (pid A) (pid A) g
/- Using these lemmas we show that smash_functor_right is natural in all arguments -/
definition smash_functor_right_natural_right (f : C →* C') :
@ -679,7 +996,7 @@ namespace smash
!phomotopy_of_eq_of_phomotopy) ◾** !phomotopy_of_eq_of_phomotopy) ⬝ _ ,
refine _ ⬝ (!phomotopy_of_eq_con ⬝ (ap phomotopy_of_eq !smash_functor_eq_of_phomotopy ⬝
!phomotopy_of_eq_of_phomotopy) ◾** !phomotopy_of_eq_of_phomotopy)⁻¹,
apply smash_functor_pid_pcompose_pconst }
apply smash_functor_pcompose_pconst4_pid }
definition smash_functor_right_natural_middle (f : B' →* B) :
@ -693,7 +1010,7 @@ namespace smash
!phomotopy_of_eq_of_phomotopy) ◾** !phomotopy_of_eq_of_phomotopy) ⬝ _ ,
refine _ ⬝ (!phomotopy_of_eq_con ⬝ (ap phomotopy_of_eq !smash_functor_eq_of_phomotopy ⬝
!phomotopy_of_eq_of_phomotopy) ◾** !phomotopy_of_eq_of_phomotopy)⁻¹,
apply smash_functor_pid_pconst_pcompose }
apply smash_functor_pcompose_pconst3_pid }
definition smash_functor_right_natural_left (f : A →* A') :
@ -709,129 +1026,16 @@ namespace smash
refine _ ⬝ (!phomotopy_of_eq_con ⬝ (ap phomotopy_of_eq !pcompose_right_eq_of_phomotopy ⬝
!phomotopy_of_eq_of_phomotopy) ◾** !phomotopy_of_eq_of_phomotopy)⁻¹,
apply eq_of_phsquare,
refine (phmove_bot_of_left _ !smash_functor_pconst_pcompose⁻¹ʰ**) ⬝h**
(!smash_functor_phomotopy_refl ⬝pv** !phhrfl) ⬝h** !smash_functor_pcompose_pconst ⬝vp** _,
refine (phmove_bot_of_left _ !smash_functor_pcompose_pconst3⁻¹ʰ**) ⬝h**
(!smash_functor_phomotopy_refl ⬝pv** !phhrfl) ⬝h** !smash_functor_pcompose_pconst4 ⬝vp** _,
refine !trans_assoc ⬝ !trans_assoc ⬝ idp ◾** _ ⬝ !trans_refl,
refine idp ◾** !refl_trans ⬝ !trans_left_inv }
/- f ∧ g is a pointed equivalence if f and g are -/
definition smash_functor_using_pushout [unfold 7] (f : A →* C) (g : B →* D) : A ∧ B → C ∧ D :=
fapply pushout.functor (sum_functor f g) (prod_functor f g) id,
{ intro v, induction v with a b,
exact prod_eq idp (respect_pt g),
exact prod_eq (respect_pt f) idp },
{ intro v, induction v with a b: reflexivity }
definition smash_functor_homotopy_pushout_functor (f : A →* C) (g : B →* D) :
f ∧→ g ~ smash_functor_using_pushout f g :=
intro x, induction x,
{ reflexivity },
{ reflexivity },
{ reflexivity },
{ apply eq_pathover, refine !elim_gluel ⬝ph _ ⬝hp !pushout.elim_glue⁻¹,
apply hdeg_square, esimp, apply whisker_right, exact !ap_ap011⁻¹ },
{ apply eq_pathover, refine !elim_gluer ⬝ph _ ⬝hp !pushout.elim_glue⁻¹,
apply hdeg_square, esimp, apply whisker_right, exact !ap_ap011⁻¹ }
local attribute is_equiv_sum_functor [instance]
definition smash_pequiv [constructor] (f : A ≃* C) (g : B ≃* D) : A ∧ B ≃* C ∧ D :=
fapply pequiv_of_pmap (f ∧→ g),
refine @homotopy_closed _ _ _ _ _ (smash_functor_homotopy_pushout_functor f g)⁻¹ʰᵗʸ,
apply pushout.is_equiv_functor
definition smash_pequiv_left [constructor] (B : Type*) (f : A ≃* C) : A ∧ B ≃* C ∧ B :=
smash_pequiv f pequiv.rfl
definition smash_pequiv_right [constructor] (A : Type*) (g : B ≃* D) : A ∧ B ≃* A ∧ D :=
smash_pequiv pequiv.rfl g
/- A ∧ B ≃* pcofiber (pprod_of_wedge A B) -/
definition prod_of_wedge [unfold 3] (v : wedge A B) : A × B :=
induction v with a b ,
{ exact (a, pt) },
{ exact (pt, b) },
{ reflexivity }
definition wedge_of_sum [unfold 3] (v : A + B) : wedge A B :=
induction v with a b,
{ exact pushout.inl a },
{ exact pushout.inr b }
definition prod_of_wedge_of_sum [unfold 3] (v : A + B) : prod_of_wedge (wedge_of_sum v) = prod_of_sum v :=
induction v with a b,
{ reflexivity },
{ reflexivity }
end smash open smash
namespace pushout
definition eq_inl_pushout_wedge_of_sum [unfold 3] (v : wedge A B) :
inl pt = inl v :> pushout wedge_of_sum bool_of_sum :=
induction v with a b,
{ exact glue (sum.inl pt) ⬝ (glue (sum.inl a))⁻¹, },
{ exact ap inl (glue ⋆) ⬝ glue (sum.inr pt) ⬝ (glue (sum.inr b))⁻¹, },
{ apply eq_pathover_constant_left,
refine !con.right_inv ⬝pv _ ⬝vp !con_inv_cancel_right⁻¹, exact square_of_eq idp }
variables (A B)
definition eq_inr_pushout_wedge_of_sum [unfold 3] (b : bool) :
inl pt = inr b :> pushout (@wedge_of_sum A B) bool_of_sum :=
induction b,
{ exact glue (sum.inl pt) },
{ exact ap inl (glue ⋆) ⬝ glue (sum.inr pt) }
definition is_contr_pushout_wedge_of_sum : is_contr (pushout (@wedge_of_sum A B) bool_of_sum) :=
apply (pushout.inl pt),
intro x, induction x with v b w,
{ apply eq_inl_pushout_wedge_of_sum },
{ apply eq_inr_pushout_wedge_of_sum },
{ apply eq_pathover_constant_left_id_right,
induction w with a b,
{ apply whisker_rt, exact vrfl },
{ apply whisker_rt, exact vrfl }}
definition bool_of_sum_of_bool {A B : Type*} (b : bool) : bool_of_sum (sum_of_bool A B b) = b :=
by induction b: reflexivity
/- a different proof, using pushout lemmas, and the fact that the wedge is the pushout of
A + B <-- 2 --> 1 -/
definition pushout_wedge_of_sum_equiv_unit : pushout (@wedge_of_sum A B) bool_of_sum ≃ unit :=
refine pushout_hcompose_equiv (sum_of_bool A B) (wedge_equiv_pushout_sum A B ⬝e !pushout.symm)
_ _ ⬝e _,
exact erfl,
intro x, induction x,
reflexivity, reflexivity,
exact bool_of_sum_of_bool,
apply pushout_of_equiv_right
end pushout open pushout
namespace smash
variables (A B)
open pushout
definition smash_equiv_cofiber : smash A B ≃ cofiber (@prod_of_wedge A B) :=
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-- Authors: Floris van Doorn
-- in collaboration with Egbert, Stefano, Robin, Ulrik
-- informal proofs in collaboration with Egbert, Stefano, Robin, Ulrik
/- the adjunction between the smash product and pointed maps -/
import .smash .susp ..pointed ..move_to_lib
import .smash .susp ..pointed ..move_to_lib ..pyoneda
open bool pointed eq equiv is_equiv sum bool prod unit circle cofiber prod.ops wedge is_trunc
function unit sigma susp sphere
@ -12,62 +12,59 @@ namespace smash
variables {A A' B B' C C' X X' : Type*}
/- we start by defining the unit of the adjunction -/
definition pinl [constructor] (A : Type*) {B : Type*} (b : B) : A →* A ∧ B :=
definition pinr [constructor] {A : Type*} (B : Type*) (a : A) : B →* A ∧ B :=
{ intro a, exact a b },
{ exact gluer' b pt }
{ intro b, exact a b },
{ exact gluel' a pt }
definition pinl_phomotopy {b b' : B} (p : b = b') : pinl A b ~* pinl A b' :=
definition pinr_phomotopy {a a' : A} (p : a = a') : pinr B a ~* pinr B a' :=
{ exact ap010 (pmap.to_fun ∘ pinl A) p },
{ exact ap010 (pmap.to_fun ∘ pinr B) p },
{ induction p, apply idp_con }
definition smash_pmap_unit_pt [constructor] (A B : Type*)
: pinl A pt ~* pconst A (A ∧ B) :=
: pinr B pt ~* pconst B (A ∧ B) :=
{ intro a, exact gluel' a pt },
{ rexact con.right_inv (gluel pt) ⬝ (con.right_inv (gluer pt))⁻¹ }
{ intro b, exact gluer' b pt },
{ rexact con.right_inv (gluer pt) ⬝ (con.right_inv (gluel pt))⁻¹ }
/- We chose an unfortunate order of arguments, but it might be bothersome to change it-/
definition smash_pmap_unit [constructor] (A B : Type*) : B →* ppmap A (A ∧ B) :=
definition smash_pmap_unit [constructor] (A B : Type*) : A →* ppmap B (A ∧ B) :=
{ exact pinl A },
{ exact pinr B },
{ apply eq_of_phomotopy, exact smash_pmap_unit_pt A B }
/- The unit is natural in the second argument -/
definition smash_functor_pid_pinl' [constructor] {A B C : Type*} (b : B) (f : B →* C) :
pinl A (f b) ~* smash_functor (pid A) f ∘* pinl A b :=
/- The unit is natural in the first argument -/
definition smash_functor_pid_pinr' [constructor] (B : Type*) (f : A →* A') (a : A) :
pinr B (f a) ~* smash_functor f (pid B) ∘* pinr B a :=
{ intro a, reflexivity },
{ intro b, reflexivity },
{ refine !idp_con ⬝ _,
induction C with C c₀, induction f with f f₀, esimp at *,
induction f₀, rexact functor_gluer'2 (@id A) f b pt }
induction A' with A' a₀', induction f with f f₀, esimp at *,
induction f₀, rexact functor_gluel'2 f (@id B) a pt }
definition smash_pmap_unit_pt_natural [constructor] (f : B →* C) :
smash_functor_pid_pinl' pt f ⬝*
pwhisker_left (smash_functor (pid A) f) (smash_pmap_unit_pt A B) ⬝*
pcompose_pconst (smash_functor (pid A) f) =
pinl_phomotopy (respect_pt f) ⬝* smash_pmap_unit_pt A C :=
definition smash_pmap_unit_pt_natural [constructor] (B : Type*) (f : A →* A') :
smash_functor_pid_pinr' B f pt ⬝* pwhisker_left (smash_functor f (pid B)) (smash_pmap_unit_pt A B) ⬝*
pcompose_pconst (f ∧→ (pid B)) = pinr_phomotopy (respect_pt f) ⬝* smash_pmap_unit_pt A' B :=
induction f with f f₀, induction C with C c₀, esimp at *,
induction f with f f₀, induction A' with A' a₀', esimp at *,
induction f₀, refine _ ⬝ !refl_trans⁻¹,
refine !trans_refl ⬝ _,
fapply phomotopy_eq',
{ intro a, refine !idp_con ⬝ _,
rexact functor_gluel'2 (pid A) f a pt },
{ intro b, refine !idp_con ⬝ _,
rexact functor_gluer'2 f (pid B) b pt },
{ refine whisker_right_idp _ ⬝ph _,
refine ap (λx, _ ⬝ x) _ ⬝ph _,
rotate 1, rexact (functor_gluel'2_same (pid A) f pt),
rotate 1, rexact (functor_gluer'2_same f (pid B) pt),
refine whisker_right _ !idp_con ⬝pv _,
refine !con.assoc⁻¹ ⬝ph _, apply whisker_bl,
refine whisker_left _ !to_homotopy_pt_mk ⬝pv _,
@ -80,16 +77,16 @@ namespace smash
apply whisker_tl,
apply vdeg_square,
refine whisker_right _ !ap_inv ⬝ _, apply inv_con_eq_of_eq_con,
rexact functor_gluer'2_same (pmap_of_map id (Point A)) (pmap_of_map f pt) pt }
rexact functor_gluel'2_same (pmap_of_map f pt) (pmap_of_map id (Point B)) pt }
definition smash_pmap_unit_natural (f : B →* C) :
smash_pmap_unit A C ∘* f ~*
ppcompose_left (smash_functor (pid A) f) ∘* smash_pmap_unit A B :=
definition smash_pmap_unit_natural (B : Type*) (f : A →* A') :
psquare (smash_pmap_unit A B) (smash_pmap_unit A' B) f (ppcompose_left (f ∧→ pid B)) :=
induction A with A a₀, induction B with B b₀, induction C with C c₀,
apply ptranspose,
induction A with A a₀, induction B with B b₀, induction A' with A' a₀',
induction f with f f₀, esimp at *, induction f₀, fapply phomotopy_mk_ppmap,
{ esimp [pcompose], intro b, exact smash_functor_pid_pinl' b (pmap_of_map f b₀) },
{ intro a, exact smash_functor_pid_pinr' _ (pmap_of_map f a₀) a },
{ refine ap (λx, _ ⬝* phomotopy_of_eq x) !respect_pt_pcompose ⬝ _
⬝ ap phomotopy_of_eq !respect_pt_pcompose⁻¹,
esimp, refine _ ⬝ ap phomotopy_of_eq !idp_con⁻¹,
@ -97,23 +94,26 @@ namespace smash
refine ap (λx, _ ⬝* phomotopy_of_eq (x ⬝ _)) !pcompose_left_eq_of_phomotopy ⬝ _,
refine ap (λx, _ ⬝* x) (!phomotopy_of_eq_con ⬝
!phomotopy_of_eq_of_phomotopy ◾** !phomotopy_of_eq_of_phomotopy ⬝ !trans_refl) ⬝ _,
refine _ ⬝ smash_pmap_unit_pt_natural (pmap_of_map f b₀) ⬝ _,
refine _ ⬝ smash_pmap_unit_pt_natural _ (pmap_of_map f a₀) ⬝ _,
{ exact !trans_refl⁻¹ },
{ exact !refl_trans }}
/- The unit is also dinatural in the first argument, but that's easier to prove after the adjunction.
We don't need it for the adjunction -/
/- The counit -/
definition smash_pmap_counit_map [unfold 3] (af : A ∧ (ppmap A B)) : B :=
definition smash_pmap_counit_map [unfold 3] (fb : ppmap B C ∧ B) : C :=
induction af with a f a f,
{ exact f a },
induction fb with f b f b,
{ exact f b },
{ exact pt },
{ exact pt },
{ reflexivity },
{ exact respect_pt f }
{ exact respect_pt f },
{ reflexivity }
definition smash_pmap_counit [constructor] (A B : Type*) : A ∧ (ppmap A B) →* B :=
definition smash_pmap_counit [constructor] (B C : Type*) : ppmap B C ∧ B →* C :=
{ exact smash_pmap_counit_map },
@ -121,35 +121,35 @@ namespace smash
/- The counit is natural in both arguments -/
definition smash_pmap_counit_natural_right (g : B →* C) : g ∘* smash_pmap_counit A B ~*
smash_pmap_counit A C ∘* smash_functor (pid A) (ppcompose_left g) :=
definition smash_pmap_counit_natural_right (B : Type*) (g : C →* C') :
psquare (smash_pmap_counit B C) (smash_pmap_counit B C') (ppcompose_left g ∧→ pid B) g :=
apply ptranspose,
{ intro af, induction af with a f a f,
{ intro fb, induction fb with f b f b,
{ reflexivity },
{ exact (respect_pt g)⁻¹ },
{ exact (respect_pt g)⁻¹ },
{ apply eq_pathover,
refine ap_compose (smash_pmap_counit A C) _ _ ⬝ph _ ⬝hp (ap_compose g _ _)⁻¹,
refine ap_compose (smash_pmap_counit B C') _ _ ⬝ph _ ⬝hp (ap_compose g _ _)⁻¹,
refine ap02 _ !functor_gluel ⬝ph _ ⬝hp ap02 _ !elim_gluel⁻¹,
refine !ap_con ⬝ !ap_compose'⁻¹ ◾ !elim_gluel ⬝ph _⁻¹ʰ,
apply square_of_eq_bot, refine !idp_con ⬝ _,
induction C with C c₀, induction g with g g₀, esimp at *,
induction g₀, refine ap02 _ !eq_of_phomotopy_refl },
{ apply eq_pathover,
refine ap_compose (smash_pmap_counit A C) _ _ ⬝ph _ ⬝hp (ap_compose g _ _)⁻¹,
refine ap02 _ !functor_gluer ⬝ph _ ⬝hp ap02 _ !elim_gluer⁻¹,
refine !ap_con ⬝ !ap_compose'⁻¹ ◾ !elim_gluer ⬝ph _,
refine !ap_con ⬝ !ap_compose'⁻¹ ◾ !elim_gluel ⬝ph _,
refine !idp_con ⬝ph _, apply square_of_eq,
refine !idp_con ⬝ !con_inv_cancel_right⁻¹ }},
refine !idp_con ⬝ !con_inv_cancel_right⁻¹ },
{ apply eq_pathover,
refine ap_compose (smash_pmap_counit B C') _ _ ⬝ph _ ⬝hp (ap_compose g _ _)⁻¹,
refine ap02 _ !functor_gluer ⬝ph _ ⬝hp ap02 _ !elim_gluer⁻¹,
refine !ap_con ⬝ !ap_compose'⁻¹ ◾ !elim_gluer ⬝ph _⁻¹ʰ,
apply square_of_eq_bot, refine !idp_con ⬝ _,
induction C' with C' c₀', induction g with g g₀, esimp at *,
induction g₀, refine ap02 _ !eq_of_phomotopy_refl }},
{ refine !idp_con ⬝ !idp_con ⬝ _, refine _ ⬝ !ap_compose',
refine _ ⬝ (ap_is_constant respect_pt _)⁻¹, refine !idp_con⁻¹ }
definition smash_pmap_counit_natural_left (g : A →* A') :
smash_pmap_counit A' B ∘* g ∧→ (pid (ppmap A' B)) ~*
smash_pmap_counit A B ∘* (pid A) ∧→ (ppcompose_right g) :=
definition smash_pmap_counit_natural_left (g : B →* B') :
psquare (pid (ppmap B' C) ∧→ g) (smash_pmap_counit B C)
(ppcompose_right g ∧→ pid B) (smash_pmap_counit B' C) :=
{ intro af, induction af with a f a f,
@ -157,23 +157,23 @@ namespace smash
{ reflexivity },
{ reflexivity },
{ apply eq_pathover, apply hdeg_square,
refine ap_compose !smash_pmap_counit _ _ ⬝ ap02 _ (!elim_gluel ⬝ !idp_con) ⬝
!elim_gluel ⬝ _,
refine ap_compose !smash_pmap_counit _ _ ⬝ ap02 _ !elim_gluel ⬝ !ap_con ⬝
!ap_compose'⁻¹ ◾ !elim_gluel ⬝ _,
refine (ap_compose !smash_pmap_counit _ _ ⬝ ap02 _ !elim_gluel ⬝ !ap_con ⬝
!ap_compose'⁻¹ ◾ !elim_gluel ⬝ !con_idp ⬝ _)⁻¹,
refine !to_fun_eq_of_phomotopy ⬝ _, reflexivity },
!ap_compose'⁻¹ ◾ !elim_gluel ⬝ !idp_con)⁻¹ },
{ apply eq_pathover, apply hdeg_square,
refine ap_compose !smash_pmap_counit _ _ ⬝ ap02 _ !elim_gluer ⬝ !ap_con ⬝
!ap_compose'⁻¹ ◾ !elim_gluer ⬝ _,
refine ap_compose !smash_pmap_counit _ _ ⬝ ap02 _ (!elim_gluer ⬝ !idp_con) ⬝
!elim_gluer ⬝ _,
refine (ap_compose !smash_pmap_counit _ _ ⬝ ap02 _ !elim_gluer ⬝ !ap_con ⬝
!ap_compose'⁻¹ ◾ !elim_gluer ⬝ !idp_con)⁻¹ }},
!ap_compose'⁻¹ ◾ !elim_gluer ⬝ !con_idp ⬝ _)⁻¹,
refine !to_fun_eq_of_phomotopy ⬝ _, reflexivity }},
{ refine !idp_con ⬝ _, refine !ap_compose'⁻¹ ⬝ _ ⬝ !ap_ap011⁻¹, esimp,
refine !to_fun_eq_of_phomotopy ⬝ _, exact !ap_constant⁻¹, }
refine !to_fun_eq_of_phomotopy ⬝ _, exact !ap_constant⁻¹ }
/- The unit-counit laws -/
definition smash_pmap_unit_counit (A B : Type*) :
smash_pmap_counit A (A ∧ B) ∘* smash_functor (pid A) (smash_pmap_unit A B) ~* pid (A ∧ B) :=
smash_pmap_counit B (A ∧ B) ∘* smash_pmap_unit A B ∧→ pid B ~* pid (A ∧ B) :=
{ intro x,
@ -184,27 +184,27 @@ namespace smash
{ apply eq_pathover_id_right,
refine ap_compose smash_pmap_counit_map _ _ ⬝ ap02 _ !functor_gluel ⬝ph _,
refine !ap_con ⬝ !ap_compose'⁻¹ ◾ !elim_gluel ⬝ph _,
refine !ap_eq_of_phomotopy ⬝ph _,
refine !idp_con ⬝ph _,
apply square_of_eq, refine !idp_con ⬝ !inv_con_cancel_right⁻¹ },
{ apply eq_pathover_id_right,
refine ap_compose smash_pmap_counit_map _ _ ⬝ ap02 _ !functor_gluer ⬝ph _,
refine !ap_con ⬝ !ap_compose'⁻¹ ◾ !elim_gluer ⬝ph _,
refine !idp_con ⬝ph _,
refine !ap_eq_of_phomotopy ⬝ph _,
apply square_of_eq, refine !idp_con ⬝ !inv_con_cancel_right⁻¹ }},
{ refine _ ⬝ !ap_compose', refine _ ⬝ (ap_is_constant respect_pt _)⁻¹,
rexact (con.right_inv (gluer pt))⁻¹ }
rexact (con.right_inv (gluel pt))⁻¹ }
definition smash_pmap_counit_unit_pt [constructor] (f : A →* B) :
smash_pmap_counit A B ∘* pinl A f ~* f :=
smash_pmap_counit A B ∘* pinr A f ~* f :=
{ intro a, reflexivity },
{ refine !idp_con ⬝ !elim_gluer'⁻¹ }
{ refine !idp_con ⬝ !elim_gluel'⁻¹ }
definition smash_pmap_counit_unit (A B : Type*) :
ppcompose_left (smash_pmap_counit A B) ∘* smash_pmap_unit A (ppmap A B) ~* pid (ppmap A B) :=
ppcompose_left (smash_pmap_counit A B) ∘* smash_pmap_unit (ppmap A B) A ~* pid (ppmap A B) :=
fapply phomotopy_mk_ppmap,
{ intro f, exact smash_pmap_counit_unit_pt f },
@ -214,9 +214,9 @@ namespace smash
refine _ ⬝ !phomotopy_of_eq_of_phomotopy⁻¹ ◾** !phomotopy_of_eq_of_phomotopy⁻¹,
refine _ ⬝ !trans_refl⁻¹,
fapply phomotopy_eq,
{ intro a, esimp, refine !elim_gluel'⁻¹ },
{ intro a, esimp, refine !elim_gluer'⁻¹ },
{ esimp, refine whisker_right _ !whisker_right_idp ⬝ _ ⬝ !idp_con⁻¹,
refine whisker_right _ !elim_gluel'_same⁻² ⬝ _ ⬝ !elim_gluer'_same⁻¹⁻²,
refine whisker_right _ !elim_gluer'_same⁻² ⬝ _ ⬝ !elim_gluel'_same⁻¹⁻²,
apply inv_con_eq_of_eq_con, refine !idp_con ⬝ _, esimp,
refine _ ⬝ !ap02_con ⬝ whisker_left _ !ap_inv,
refine !whisker_right_idp ⬝ _,
@ -224,10 +224,10 @@ namespace smash
/- The underlying (unpointed) functions of the equivalence A →* (B →* C) ≃* A ∧ B →* C) -/
definition smash_elim [constructor] (f : A →* ppmap B C) : B ∧ A →* C :=
smash_pmap_counit B C ∘* smash_functor (pid B) f
definition smash_elim [constructor] (f : A →* ppmap B C) : A ∧ B →* C :=
smash_pmap_counit B C ∘* f ∧→ pid B
definition smash_elim_inv [constructor] (g : A ∧ B →* C) : B →* ppmap A C :=
definition smash_elim_inv [constructor] (g : A ∧ B →* C) : A →* ppmap B C :=
ppcompose_left g ∘* smash_pmap_unit A B
/- They are inverses, constant on the constant function and natural -/
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ namespace smash
refine !pwhisker_right !ppcompose_left_pcompose ⬝* _,
refine !passoc ⬝* _,
refine !pwhisker_left !smash_pmap_unit_natural⁻¹* ⬝* _,
refine !pwhisker_left !smash_pmap_unit_natural ⬝* _,
refine !passoc⁻¹* ⬝* _,
refine !pwhisker_right !smash_pmap_counit_unit ⬝* _,
apply pid_pcompose
@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ namespace smash
definition smash_elim_right_inv (g : A ∧ B →* C) : smash_elim (smash_elim_inv g) ~* g :=
refine !pwhisker_left !smash_functor_pid_pcompose ⬝* _,
refine !pwhisker_left !smash_functor_pcompose_pid ⬝* _,
refine !passoc⁻¹* ⬝* _,
refine !pwhisker_right !smash_pmap_counit_natural_right⁻¹* ⬝* _,
refine !passoc ⬝* _,
@ -252,13 +252,13 @@ namespace smash
definition smash_elim_pconst (A B C : Type*) :
smash_elim (pconst B (ppmap A C)) ~* pconst (A ∧ B) C :=
smash_elim (pconst A (ppmap B C)) ~* pconst (A ∧ B) C :=
refine pwhisker_left _ (smash_functor_pconst_right (pid A)) ⬝* !pcompose_pconst
refine pwhisker_left _ (smash_functor_pconst_left (pid B)) ⬝* !pcompose_pconst
definition smash_elim_inv_pconst (A B C : Type*) :
smash_elim_inv (pconst (A ∧ B) C) ~* pconst B (ppmap A C) :=
smash_elim_inv (pconst (A ∧ B) C) ~* pconst A (ppmap B C) :=
fapply phomotopy_mk_ppmap,
{ intro f, apply pconst_pcompose },
@ -268,10 +268,10 @@ namespace smash
apply pconst_pcompose_phomotopy_pconst }
definition smash_elim_natural_right {A B C C' : Type*} (f : C →* C')
(g : B →* ppmap A C) : f ∘* smash_elim g ~* smash_elim (ppcompose_left f ∘* g) :=
definition smash_elim_natural_right (f : C →* C') (g : A →* ppmap B C) :
f ∘* smash_elim g ~* smash_elim (ppcompose_left f ∘* g) :=
refine _ ⬝* pwhisker_left _ !smash_functor_pid_pcompose⁻¹*,
refine _ ⬝* pwhisker_left _ !smash_functor_pcompose_pid⁻¹*,
refine !passoc⁻¹* ⬝* pwhisker_right _ _ ⬝* !passoc,
apply smash_pmap_counit_natural_right
@ -283,27 +283,27 @@ namespace smash
exact !ppcompose_left_pcompose⁻¹*
definition smash_elim_natural_left (f : A →* A') (g : B →* B')
(h : B' →* ppmap A' C) : smash_elim h ∘* (f ∧→ g) ~* smash_elim (ppcompose_right f ∘* h ∘* g) :=
definition smash_elim_natural_left (f : A →* A') (g : B →* B') (h : A' →* ppmap B' C) :
smash_elim h ∘* (f ∧→ g) ~* smash_elim (ppcompose_right g ∘* h ∘* f) :=
refine !smash_functor_pid_pcompose ⬝ph* _,
refine !smash_functor_pcompose_pid ⬝ph* _,
refine _ ⬝v* !smash_pmap_counit_natural_left,
refine smash_functor_psquare (pvrefl f) !pid_pcompose⁻¹*
refine smash_functor_psquare !pid_pcompose⁻¹* (phrefl g)
definition smash_elim_phomotopy {f f' : A →* ppmap B C}
(p : f ~* f') : smash_elim f ~* smash_elim f' :=
definition smash_elim_phomotopy {f f' : A →* ppmap B C} (p : f ~* f') :
smash_elim f ~* smash_elim f' :=
apply pwhisker_left,
exact smash_functor_phomotopy phomotopy.rfl p
exact smash_functor_phomotopy p phomotopy.rfl
definition smash_elim_inv_phomotopy {f f' : A ∧ B →* C}
(p : f ~* f') : smash_elim_inv f ~* smash_elim_inv f' :=
definition smash_elim_inv_phomotopy {f f' : A ∧ B →* C} (p : f ~* f') :
smash_elim_inv f ~* smash_elim_inv f' :=
pwhisker_right _ (ppcompose_left_phomotopy p)
definition smash_elim_eq_of_phomotopy {f f' : A →* ppmap B C}
(p : f ~* f') : ap smash_elim (eq_of_phomotopy p) = eq_of_phomotopy (smash_elim_phomotopy p) :=
definition smash_elim_eq_of_phomotopy {f f' : A →* ppmap B C} (p : f ~* f') :
ap smash_elim (eq_of_phomotopy p) = eq_of_phomotopy (smash_elim_phomotopy p) :=
induction p using phomotopy_rec_idp,
refine ap02 _ !eq_of_phomotopy_refl ⬝ _,
@ -325,38 +325,46 @@ namespace smash
/- The pointed maps of the equivalence A →* (B →* C) ≃* A ∧ B →* C -/
definition smash_pelim [constructor] (A B C : Type*) : ppmap A (ppmap B C) →* ppmap (B ∧ A) C :=
ppcompose_left (smash_pmap_counit B C) ∘* smash_functor_right B A (ppmap B C)
definition smash_pelim (A B C : Type*) : ppmap A (ppmap B C) →* ppmap (A ∧ B) C :=
ppcompose_left (smash_pmap_counit B C) ∘* smash_functor_left A (ppmap B C) B
definition smash_pelim_inv [constructor] (A B C : Type*) :
ppmap (B ∧ A) C →* ppmap A (ppmap B C) :=
definition smash_pelim_inv (A B C : Type*) :
ppmap (A ∧ B) C →* ppmap A (ppmap B C) :=
|||| smash_elim_inv (eq_of_phomotopy !smash_elim_inv_pconst)
/- The forward function is natural in all three arguments -/
definition smash_pelim_natural_left (B C : Type*) (f : A' →* A) :
psquare (smash_pelim A B C) (smash_pelim A' B C)
(ppcompose_right f) (ppcompose_right (f ∧→ pid B)) :=
smash_functor_left_natural_left f ⬝h* !ppcompose_left_ppcompose_right
definition smash_pelim_natural_middle (A C : Type*) (f : B' →* B) :
psquare (smash_pelim A B C) (smash_pelim A B' C)
(ppcompose_left (ppcompose_right f)) (ppcompose_right (pid A ∧→ f)) :=
pwhisker_tl _ !ppcompose_left_ppcompose_right ⬝*
(!smash_functor_left_natural_right⁻¹* ⬝pv*
smash_functor_left_natural_middle (ppcompose_right f) ⬝h*
ppcompose_left_psquare !smash_pmap_counit_natural_left)
definition smash_pelim_natural_right (f : C →* C') :
psquare (smash_pelim A B C) (smash_pelim A B C')
(ppcompose_left (ppcompose_left f)) (ppcompose_left f) :=
smash_functor_right_natural_right (ppcompose_left f) ⬝h*
ppcompose_left_psquare (smash_pmap_counit_natural_right f)
definition smash_pelim_natural_left (B C : Type*) (f : A' →* A) :
psquare (smash_pelim A B C) (smash_pelim A' B C)
(ppcompose_right f) (ppcompose_right (pid B ∧→ f)) :=
smash_functor_right_natural_middle f ⬝h* !ppcompose_left_ppcompose_right
definition smash_pelim_natural_middle (A C : Type*) (g : B' →* B) :
psquare (smash_pelim A B C) (smash_pelim A B' C)
(ppcompose_left (ppcompose_right g)) (ppcompose_right (g ∧→ pid A)) :=
pwhisker_tl _ !ppcompose_left_ppcompose_right ⬝*
(!smash_functor_right_natural_left⁻¹* ⬝pv*
smash_functor_right_natural_right (ppcompose_right g) ⬝h*
ppcompose_left_psquare !smash_pmap_counit_natural_left)
smash_functor_left_natural_middle (ppcompose_left f) ⬝h*
ppcompose_left_psquare (smash_pmap_counit_natural_right _ f)
definition smash_pelim_natural_lm (C : Type*) (f : A' →* A) (g : B' →* B) :
psquare (smash_pelim A B C) (smash_pelim A' B' C)
(ppcompose_left (ppcompose_right g) ∘* ppcompose_right f) (ppcompose_right (g ∧→ f)) :=
(ppcompose_left (ppcompose_right g) ∘* ppcompose_right f) (ppcompose_right (f ∧→ g)) :=
smash_pelim_natural_left B C f ⬝v* smash_pelim_natural_middle A' C g ⬝hp*
ppcompose_right_phomotopy proof !smash_functor_split qed ⬝* !ppcompose_right_pcompose
ppcompose_right_phomotopy (smash_functor_split f g) ⬝* !ppcompose_right_pcompose
definition smash_pelim_pid (B C : Type*) :
smash_pelim (ppmap B C) B C !pid ~* smash_pmap_counit B C :=
pwhisker_left _ !smash_functor_pid ⬝* !pcompose_pid
definition smash_pelim_inv_pid (A B : Type*) :
smash_pelim_inv A B (A ∧ B) !pid ~* smash_pmap_unit A B :=
pwhisker_right _ !ppcompose_left_pid ⬝* !pid_pcompose
/- The equivalence (note: the forward function of smash_adjoint_pmap is smash_pelim_inv) -/
definition is_equiv_smash_elim [constructor] (A B C : Type*) : is_equiv (@smash_elim A B C) :=
@ -368,29 +376,22 @@ namespace smash
definition smash_adjoint_pmap_inv [constructor] (A B C : Type*) :
ppmap B (ppmap A C) ≃* ppmap (A ∧ B) C :=
pequiv_of_pmap (smash_pelim B A C) (is_equiv_smash_elim B A C)
ppmap A (ppmap B C) ≃* ppmap (A ∧ B) C :=
pequiv_of_pmap (smash_pelim A B C) (is_equiv_smash_elim A B C)
definition smash_adjoint_pmap [constructor] (A B C : Type*) :
ppmap (A ∧ B) C ≃* ppmap B (ppmap A C) :=
ppmap (A ∧ B) C ≃* ppmap A (ppmap B C) :=
(smash_adjoint_pmap_inv A B C)⁻¹ᵉ*
/- The naturality of the equivalence is a direct consequence of the earlier naturalities -/
definition smash_adjoint_pmap_natural_right_pt {A B C C' : Type*} (f : C →* C') (g : A ∧ B →* C) :
ppcompose_left f ∘* smash_adjoint_pmap A B C g ~* smash_adjoint_pmap A B C' (f ∘* g) :=
refine !passoc⁻¹* ⬝* pwhisker_right _ _,
exact !ppcompose_left_pcompose⁻¹*
smash_elim_inv_natural_right f g
definition smash_adjoint_pmap_inv_natural_right_pt {A B C C' : Type*} (f : C →* C')
(g : B →* ppmap A C) : f ∘* (smash_adjoint_pmap A B C)⁻¹ᵉ* g ~*
(g : A →* ppmap B C) : f ∘* (smash_adjoint_pmap A B C)⁻¹ᵉ* g ~*
(smash_adjoint_pmap A B C')⁻¹ᵉ* (ppcompose_left f ∘* g) :=
refine _ ⬝* pwhisker_left _ !smash_functor_pid_pcompose⁻¹*,
refine !passoc⁻¹* ⬝* pwhisker_right _ _ ⬝* !passoc,
apply smash_pmap_counit_natural_right
smash_elim_natural_right f g
definition smash_adjoint_pmap_inv_natural_right [constructor] {A B C C' : Type*} (f : C →* C') :
ppcompose_left f ∘* smash_adjoint_pmap_inv A B C ~*
@ -404,161 +405,244 @@ namespace smash
definition smash_adjoint_pmap_natural_lm (C : Type*) (f : A →* A') (g : B →* B') :
psquare (smash_adjoint_pmap A' B' C) (smash_adjoint_pmap A B C)
(ppcompose_right (f ∧→ g)) (ppcompose_left (ppcompose_right f) ∘* ppcompose_right g) :=
proof (!smash_pelim_natural_lm)⁻¹ʰ* qed
(ppcompose_right (f ∧→ g)) (ppcompose_left (ppcompose_right g) ∘* ppcompose_right f) :=
(smash_pelim_natural_lm C f g)⁻¹ʰ*
definition smash_elim_inv_natural_middle (f : B' →* B)
(g : A ∧ B →* C) : ppcompose_right f ∘* smash_elim_inv g ~* smash_elim_inv (g ∘* pid A ∧→ f) :=
!pcompose_pid⁻¹* ⬝* !passoc ⬝* phomotopy_of_eq (smash_adjoint_pmap_natural_lm C (pid A) f g)
definition smash_pmap_unit_natural_left (f : B →* B') :
ppcompose_left (pid A ∧→ f) ∘* smash_pmap_unit A B ~*
ppcompose_right f ∘* smash_pmap_unit A B' :=
refine pwhisker_left _ !smash_pelim_inv_pid⁻¹* ⬝* _ ⬝* pwhisker_left _ !smash_pelim_inv_pid,
refine !smash_elim_inv_natural_right ⬝* _ ⬝* !smash_elim_inv_natural_middle⁻¹*,
refine pap smash_elim_inv (!pcompose_pid ⬝* !pid_pcompose⁻¹*),
/- Corollary: associativity of smash -/
definition smash_assoc_elim_equiv (A B C X : Type*) :
definition smash_assoc_elim_pequiv (A B C X : Type*) :
ppmap (A ∧ (B ∧ C)) X ≃* ppmap ((A ∧ B) ∧ C) X :=
ppmap (A ∧ (B ∧ C)) X ≃* ppmap (B ∧ C) (ppmap A X) : smash_adjoint_pmap A (B ∧ C) X
... ≃* ppmap C (ppmap B (ppmap A X)) : smash_adjoint_pmap B C (ppmap A X)
... ≃* ppmap C (ppmap (A ∧ B) X) : pequiv_ppcompose_left (smash_adjoint_pmap_inv A B X)
... ≃* ppmap ((A ∧ B) ∧ C) X : smash_adjoint_pmap_inv (A ∧ B) C X
ppmap (A ∧ (B ∧ C)) X
≃* ppmap A (ppmap (B ∧ C) X) : smash_adjoint_pmap A (B ∧ C) X
... ≃* ppmap A (ppmap B (ppmap C X)) : pequiv_ppcompose_left (smash_adjoint_pmap B C X)
... ≃* ppmap (A ∧ B) (ppmap C X) : smash_adjoint_pmap_inv A B (ppmap C X)
... ≃* ppmap ((A ∧ B) ∧ C) X : smash_adjoint_pmap_inv (A ∧ B) C X
definition smash_assoc_elim_equiv_fn (A B C X : Type*) (f : A ∧ (B ∧ C) →* X) :
(A ∧ B) ∧ C →* X :=
smash_elim (ppcompose_left (smash_adjoint_pmap A B X)⁻¹ᵉ* (smash_elim_inv (smash_elim_inv f)))
-- definition smash_assoc_elim_pequiv_fn (A B C X : Type*) (f : A ∧ (B ∧ C) →* X) :
-- (A ∧ B) ∧ C →* X :=
-- smash_elim (ppcompose_left (smash_adjoint_pmap A B X)⁻¹ᵉ* (smash_elim_inv (smash_elim_inv f)))
definition smash_assoc_elim_natural_right (A B C : Type*) (f : X →* X') :
psquare (smash_assoc_elim_equiv A B C X) (smash_assoc_elim_equiv A B C X')
(ppcompose_left f) (ppcompose_left f) :=
!smash_adjoint_pmap_natural_right ⬝h*
!smash_adjoint_pmap_natural_right ⬝h*
ppcompose_left_psquare !smash_adjoint_pmap_inv_natural_right ⬝h*
We could prove the following two pointed homotopies by applying smash_assoc_elim_natural_right
to g, but we give a more explicit proof
definition smash_assoc_elim_natural_right_pt {A B C X X' : Type*} (f : X →* X')
(g : A ∧ (B ∧ C) →* X) :
f ∘* smash_assoc_elim_equiv A B C X g ~* smash_assoc_elim_equiv A B C X' (f ∘* g) :=
refine !smash_adjoint_pmap_inv_natural_right_pt ⬝* _,
apply smash_elim_phomotopy,
refine !passoc⁻¹* ⬝* _,
refine pwhisker_right _ !smash_adjoint_pmap_inv_natural_right ⬝* _,
refine !passoc ⬝* _,
apply pwhisker_left,
refine !smash_adjoint_pmap_natural_right_pt ⬝* _,
apply smash_elim_inv_phomotopy,
refine !smash_adjoint_pmap_natural_right_pt
definition smash_assoc_elim_inv_natural_right_pt {A B C X X' : Type*} (f : X →* X')
(g : (A ∧ B) ∧ C →* X) :
f ∘* (smash_assoc_elim_equiv A B C X)⁻¹ᵉ* g ~* (smash_assoc_elim_equiv A B C X')⁻¹ᵉ* (f ∘* g) :=
refine !smash_adjoint_pmap_inv_natural_right_pt ⬝* _,
apply smash_elim_phomotopy,
refine !passoc⁻¹* ⬝* _,
refine pwhisker_right _ !smash_pmap_counit_natural_right ⬝* _,
refine !passoc ⬝* _,
apply pwhisker_left,
refine !smash_functor_pid_pcompose⁻¹* ⬝* _,
apply smash_functor_phomotopy phomotopy.rfl,
refine !passoc⁻¹* ⬝* _,
refine pwhisker_right _ (smash_adjoint_pmap_natural_right f) ⬝* _,
refine !passoc ⬝* _,
apply pwhisker_left,
apply smash_elim_inv_natural_right
definition smash_assoc (A B C : Type*) : A ∧ (B ∧ C) ≃* (A ∧ B) ∧ C :=
fapply pequiv.MK,
{ exact !smash_assoc_elim_equiv⁻¹ᵉ* !pid },
{ exact !smash_assoc_elim_equiv !pid },
{ refine !smash_assoc_elim_inv_natural_right_pt ⬝* _,
refine pap !smash_assoc_elim_equiv⁻¹ᵉ* !pcompose_pid ⬝* _,
apply phomotopy_of_eq, apply to_left_inv !smash_assoc_elim_equiv },
{ refine !smash_assoc_elim_natural_right_pt ⬝* _,
refine pap !smash_assoc_elim_equiv !pcompose_pid ⬝* _,
apply phomotopy_of_eq, apply to_right_inv !smash_assoc_elim_equiv }
/- the associativity of smash is natural in all arguments -/
definition smash_assoc_elim_natural_left (X : Type*)
(f : A →* A') (g : B →* B') (h : C →* C') :
psquare (smash_assoc_elim_equiv A' B' C' X) (smash_assoc_elim_equiv A B C X)
(f : A' →* A) (g : B' →* B) (h : C' →* C) :
psquare (smash_assoc_elim_pequiv A B C X) (smash_assoc_elim_pequiv A' B' C' X)
(ppcompose_right (f ∧→ g ∧→ h)) (ppcompose_right ((f ∧→ g) ∧→ h)) :=
refine !smash_adjoint_pmap_natural_lm ⬝h* _ ⬝h*
(!ppcompose_left_ppcompose_right ⬝v* ppcompose_left_psquare !smash_pelim_natural_lm) ⬝h*
refine !ppcompose_left_ppcompose_right⁻¹* ⬝ph* _,
refine _ ⬝hp* pwhisker_right _ (ppcompose_left_phomotopy !ppcompose_left_ppcompose_right⁻¹* ⬝*
refine !smash_adjoint_pmap_natural_lm ⬝h*
(!ppcompose_left_ppcompose_right ⬝v* ppcompose_left_psquare !smash_adjoint_pmap_natural_lm) ⬝h*
_ ⬝h* !smash_pelim_natural_lm,
refine pwhisker_right _ (ppcompose_left_phomotopy !ppcompose_left_ppcompose_right⁻¹* ⬝*
!ppcompose_left_pcompose) ⬝* !passoc ⬝* pwhisker_left _ !ppcompose_left_ppcompose_right⁻¹* ⬝*
refine _ ⬝v* !smash_adjoint_pmap_natural_lm,
refine !smash_adjoint_pmap_natural_right
!passoc⁻¹* ⬝ph* _,
refine _ ⬝hp* !ppcompose_left_ppcompose_right⁻¹*,
refine !smash_pelim_natural_right ⬝v* !smash_pelim_natural_lm
definition smash_assoc_elim_natural_right (A B C : Type*) (f : X →* X') :
psquare (smash_assoc_elim_pequiv A B C X) (smash_assoc_elim_pequiv A B C X')
(ppcompose_left f) (ppcompose_left f) :=
!smash_adjoint_pmap_natural_right ⬝h*
ppcompose_left_psquare !smash_adjoint_pmap_natural_right ⬝h*
!smash_adjoint_pmap_inv_natural_right ⬝h*
definition smash_assoc_elim_natural_right_pt (f : X →* X') (g : A ∧ (B ∧ C) →* X) :
f ∘* smash_assoc_elim_pequiv A B C X g ~* smash_assoc_elim_pequiv A B C X' (f ∘* g) :=
phomotopy_of_eq (smash_assoc_elim_natural_right A B C f g)
definition smash_assoc_elim_inv_natural_right_pt (f : X →* X') (g : (A ∧ B) ∧ C →* X) :
f ∘* (smash_assoc_elim_pequiv A B C X)⁻¹ᵉ* g ~*
(smash_assoc_elim_pequiv A B C X')⁻¹ᵉ* (f ∘* g) :=
phomotopy_of_eq ((smash_assoc_elim_natural_right A B C f)⁻¹ʰ* g)
definition smash_assoc (A B C : Type*) : (A ∧ B) ∧ C ≃* A ∧ (B ∧ C) :=
pyoneda (smash_assoc_elim_pequiv A B C) (λX X' f, smash_assoc_elim_natural_right A B C f)
-- begin
-- fapply pequiv.MK,
-- { exact !smash_assoc_elim_pequiv !pid },
-- { exact !smash_assoc_elim_pequiv⁻¹ᵉ* !pid },
-- { refine !smash_assoc_elim_natural_right_pt ⬝* _,
-- refine pap !smash_assoc_elim_pequiv !pcompose_pid ⬝* _,
-- apply phomotopy_of_eq, apply to_right_inv !smash_assoc_elim_pequiv },
-- { refine !smash_assoc_elim_inv_natural_right_pt ⬝* _,
-- refine pap !smash_assoc_elim_pequiv⁻¹ᵉ* !pcompose_pid ⬝* _,
-- apply phomotopy_of_eq, apply to_left_inv !smash_assoc_elim_pequiv }
-- end
definition pcompose_smash_assoc {A B C X : Type*} (f : A ∧ (B ∧ C) →* X) :
f ∘* smash_assoc A B C ~* smash_assoc_elim_pequiv A B C X f :=
smash_assoc_elim_natural_right_pt f !pid ⬝* pap !smash_assoc_elim_pequiv !pcompose_pid
definition pcompose_smash_assoc_pinv {A B C X : Type*} (f : (A ∧ B) ∧ C →* X) :
f ∘* (smash_assoc A B C)⁻¹ᵉ* ~* (smash_assoc_elim_pequiv A B C X)⁻¹ᵉ* f :=
smash_assoc_elim_inv_natural_right_pt f !pid ⬝* pap !smash_assoc_elim_pequiv⁻¹ᵉ* !pcompose_pid
/- the associativity of smash is natural in all arguments -/
definition smash_assoc_natural (f : A →* A') (g : B →* B') (h : C →* C') :
psquare (smash_assoc A B C) (smash_assoc A' B' C') (f ∧→ (g ∧→ h)) ((f ∧→ g) ∧→ h) :=
psquare (smash_assoc A B C) (smash_assoc A' B' C') ((f ∧→ g) ∧→ h) (f ∧→ (g ∧→ h)) :=
refine !smash_assoc_elim_inv_natural_right_pt ⬝* _,
refine pap !smash_assoc_elim_equiv⁻¹ᵉ* (!pcompose_pid ⬝* !pid_pcompose⁻¹*) ⬝* _,
rexact phomotopy_of_eq ((smash_assoc_elim_natural_left _ f g h)⁻¹ʰ* !pid)⁻¹
refine !pcompose_smash_assoc ⬝* _,
refine pap !smash_assoc_elim_pequiv !pid_pcompose⁻¹* ⬝* _,
rexact phomotopy_of_eq (smash_assoc_elim_natural_left _ f g h !pid)⁻¹
/- we prove the pentagon for the associativity -/
definition smash_assoc_elim_left_pequiv (A B C D X : Type*) :
ppmap (D ∧ (A ∧ (B ∧ C))) X ≃* ppmap (D ∧ ((A ∧ B) ∧ C)) X :=
calc ppmap (D ∧ (A ∧ (B ∧ C))) X
≃* ppmap D (ppmap (A ∧ (B ∧ C)) X) : smash_adjoint_pmap D (A ∧ (B ∧ C)) X
... ≃* ppmap D (ppmap ((A ∧ B) ∧ C) X) : pequiv_ppcompose_left (smash_assoc_elim_pequiv A B C X)
... ≃* ppmap (D ∧ ((A ∧ B) ∧ C)) X : smash_adjoint_pmap_inv D ((A ∧ B) ∧ C) X
definition smash_assoc_elim_right_pequiv (A B C D X : Type*) :
ppmap ((A ∧ (B ∧ C)) ∧ D) X ≃* ppmap (((A ∧ B) ∧ C) ∧ D) X :=
calc ppmap ((A ∧ (B ∧ C)) ∧ D) X
≃* ppmap (A ∧ (B ∧ C)) (ppmap D X) : smash_adjoint_pmap (A ∧ (B ∧ C)) D X
... ≃* ppmap ((A ∧ B) ∧ C) (ppmap D X) : smash_assoc_elim_pequiv A B C (ppmap D X)
... ≃* ppmap (((A ∧ B) ∧ C) ∧ D) X : smash_adjoint_pmap_inv ((A ∧ B) ∧ C) D X
definition smash_assoc_elim_right_natural_right (A B C D : Type*) (f : X →* X') :
psquare (smash_assoc_elim_right_pequiv A B C D X) (smash_assoc_elim_right_pequiv A B C D X')
(ppcompose_left f) (ppcompose_left f) :=
smash_adjoint_pmap_natural_right f ⬝h*
smash_assoc_elim_natural_right A B C (ppcompose_left f) ⬝h*
smash_adjoint_pmap_inv_natural_right f
definition smash_assoc_smash_functor (A B C D : Type*) :
smash_assoc A B C ∧→ pid D ~* !smash_assoc_elim_right_pequiv (pid _) :=
refine pap (!smash_adjoint_pmap_inv ∘* !smash_assoc_elim_pequiv) !smash_pelim_inv_pid ⬝* _,
refine pap !smash_adjoint_pmap_inv !pcompose_smash_assoc⁻¹* ⬝* _,
refine pwhisker_left _ !smash_functor_pcompose_pid ⬝* _,
refine !passoc⁻¹* ⬝* _,
exact pwhisker_right _ !smash_pmap_unit_counit ⬝* !pid_pcompose,
definition ppcompose_right_smash_assoc (A B C X : Type*) :
ppcompose_right (smash_assoc A B C) ~* smash_assoc_elim_pequiv A B C X :=
sorry -- one hole left
definition smash_functor_smash_assoc (A B C D : Type*) :
pid A ∧→ smash_assoc B C D ~* !smash_assoc_elim_left_pequiv (pid _) :=
refine pap (!smash_adjoint_pmap_inv ∘* ppcompose_left _) !smash_pelim_inv_pid ⬝* _,
refine pap !smash_adjoint_pmap_inv (pwhisker_right _ !ppcompose_right_smash_assoc⁻¹* ⬝*
!smash_pmap_unit_natural_left⁻¹*) ⬝* _,
refine phomotopy_of_eq (smash_adjoint_pmap_inv_natural_right (pid A ∧→ smash_assoc B C D)
!smash_pmap_unit)⁻¹ ⬝* _,
refine pwhisker_left _ _ ⬝* !pcompose_pid,
apply smash_pmap_unit_counit
definition smash_assoc_pentagon (A B C D : Type*) :
smash_assoc A B (C ∧ D) ∘* smash_assoc (A ∧ B) C D ~*
pid A ∧→ smash_assoc B C D ∘* smash_assoc A (B ∧ C) D ∘* smash_assoc A B C ∧→ pid D :=
refine !pcompose_smash_assoc ⬝* _,
refine pap (!smash_adjoint_pmap_inv ∘* !smash_adjoint_pmap_inv ∘*
ppcompose_left !smash_adjoint_pmap)
(phomotopy_of_eq (to_left_inv !smash_adjoint_pmap_inv _)) ⬝* _,
refine pap (!smash_adjoint_pmap_inv ∘* !smash_adjoint_pmap_inv)
(phomotopy_of_eq (!smash_pelim_natural_right _)) ⬝* _,
refine !smash_functor_smash_assoc ◾* pwhisker_left _ !smash_assoc_smash_functor ⬝* _,
refine !passoc⁻¹* ⬝* _,
refine phomotopy_of_eq (smash_assoc_elim_right_natural_right A B C D _ _) ⬝*
pap !smash_assoc_elim_right_pequiv (!pcompose_pid ⬝* !pcompose_smash_assoc) ⬝* _,
apply phomotopy_of_eq,
apply ap (!smash_adjoint_pmap_inv ∘ !smash_adjoint_pmap_inv ∘ !smash_adjoint_pmap_inv),
refine ap (ppcompose_left _ ∘ !smash_adjoint_pmap) (to_left_inv !smash_adjoint_pmap_inv _) ⬝ _,
refine ap (ppcompose_left _) (to_left_inv !smash_adjoint_pmap_inv _) ⬝ _,
refine ap (ppcompose_left _ ∘ ppcompose_left _) (to_left_inv !smash_adjoint_pmap_inv _) ⬝ _,
refine ap (ppcompose_left _) ((ppcompose_left_pcompose _ _ _)⁻¹ ⬝
ppcompose_left_phomotopy !pinv_pcompose_cancel_left _) ⬝ _,
refine (ppcompose_left_pcompose _ _ _)⁻¹ ⬝
ppcompose_left_phomotopy !pinv_pcompose_cancel_left _ ⬝ _,
exact ppcompose_left_pcompose _ _ _,
/- Corollary 2: smashing with a suspension -/
definition smash_susp_elim_equiv (A B X : Type*) :
ppmap (A ∧ susp B) X ≃* ppmap (susp (A ∧ B)) X :=
definition smash_susp_elim_pequiv (A B X : Type*) :
ppmap (⅀ A ∧ B) X ≃* ppmap (⅀ (A ∧ B)) X :=
ppmap (A ∧ susp B) X ≃* ppmap (susp B) (ppmap A X) : smash_adjoint_pmap A (susp B) X
... ≃* ppmap B (Ω (ppmap A X)) : susp_adjoint_loop B (ppmap A X)
... ≃* ppmap B (ppmap A (Ω X)) : pequiv_ppcompose_left (loop_ppmap_commute A X)
ppmap (⅀ A ∧ B) X ≃* ppmap (⅀ A) (ppmap B X) : smash_adjoint_pmap (⅀ A) B X
... ≃* ppmap A (Ω (ppmap B X)) : susp_adjoint_loop A (ppmap B X)
... ≃* ppmap A (ppmap B (Ω X)) : pequiv_ppcompose_left (loop_ppmap_commute B X)
... ≃* ppmap (A ∧ B) (Ω X) : smash_adjoint_pmap A B (Ω X)
... ≃* ppmap (susp (A ∧ B)) X : susp_adjoint_loop (A ∧ B) X
... ≃* ppmap (⅀ (A ∧ B)) X : susp_adjoint_loop (A ∧ B) X
definition smash_susp_elim_natural_right (A B : Type*) (f : X →* X') :
psquare (smash_susp_elim_equiv A B X) (smash_susp_elim_equiv A B X')
psquare (smash_susp_elim_pequiv A B X) (smash_susp_elim_pequiv A B X')
(ppcompose_left f) (ppcompose_left f) :=
smash_adjoint_pmap_natural_right f ⬝h*
susp_adjoint_loop_natural_right (ppcompose_left f) ⬝h*
ppcompose_left_psquare (loop_pmap_commute_natural_right A f) ⬝h*
ppcompose_left_psquare (loop_pmap_commute_natural_right B f) ⬝h*
(smash_adjoint_pmap_natural_right (Ω→ f))⁻¹ʰ* ⬝h*
(susp_adjoint_loop_natural_right f)⁻¹ʰ*
definition smash_susp_elim_natural_left (X : Type*) (f : A' →* A) (g : B' →* B) :
psquare (smash_susp_elim_equiv A B X) (smash_susp_elim_equiv A' B' X)
(ppcompose_right (f ∧→ susp_functor g)) (ppcompose_right (susp_functor (f ∧→ g))) :=
psquare (smash_susp_elim_pequiv A B X) (smash_susp_elim_pequiv A' B' X)
(ppcompose_right (⅀→ f ∧→ g)) (ppcompose_right (susp_functor (f ∧→ g))) :=
refine smash_adjoint_pmap_natural_lm X f (susp_functor g) ⬝h*
refine smash_adjoint_pmap_natural_lm X (⅀→ f) g ⬝h*
_ ⬝h* _ ⬝h*
(smash_adjoint_pmap_natural_lm (Ω X) f g)⁻¹ʰ* ⬝h*
(susp_adjoint_loop_natural_left (f ∧→ g))⁻¹ʰ*,
rotate 2,
exact !ppcompose_left_ppcompose_right ⬝v* ppcompose_left_psquare (loop_pmap_commute_natural_left X f),
exact susp_adjoint_loop_natural_left g ⬝v* susp_adjoint_loop_natural_right (ppcompose_right f)
exact !ppcompose_left_ppcompose_right ⬝v*
ppcompose_left_psquare (loop_pmap_commute_natural_left X g),
exact susp_adjoint_loop_natural_left f ⬝v* susp_adjoint_loop_natural_right (ppcompose_right g)
definition smash_susp (A B : Type*) : A ∧ ⅀ B ≃* ⅀(A ∧ B) :=
definition susp_smash_rev (A B : Type*) : ⅀ (A ∧ B) ≃* ⅀ A ∧ B :=
pyoneda (smash_susp_elim_pequiv A B) (λX X' f, smash_susp_elim_natural_right A B f)
-- begin
-- fapply pequiv.MK,
-- { exact !smash_susp_elim_pequiv⁻¹ᵉ* !pid },
-- { exact !smash_susp_elim_pequiv !pid },
-- { refine phomotopy_of_eq (!smash_susp_elim_natural_right⁻¹ʰ* _) ⬝* _,
-- refine pap !smash_susp_elim_pequiv⁻¹ᵉ* !pcompose_pid ⬝* _,
-- apply phomotopy_of_eq, apply to_left_inv !smash_susp_elim_pequiv },
-- { refine phomotopy_of_eq (!smash_susp_elim_natural_right _) ⬝* _,
-- refine pap !smash_susp_elim_pequiv !pcompose_pid ⬝* _,
-- apply phomotopy_of_eq, apply to_right_inv !smash_susp_elim_pequiv }
-- end
definition susp_smash_rev_natural (f : A →* A') (g : B →* B') :
psquare (susp_smash_rev A B) (susp_smash_rev A' B') (⅀→ (f ∧→ g)) (⅀→ f ∧→ g) :=
fapply pequiv.MK,
{ exact !smash_susp_elim_equiv⁻¹ᵉ* !pid },
{ exact !smash_susp_elim_equiv !pid },
{ refine phomotopy_of_eq (!smash_susp_elim_natural_right⁻¹ʰ* _) ⬝* _,
refine pap !smash_susp_elim_equiv⁻¹ᵉ* !pcompose_pid ⬝* _,
apply phomotopy_of_eq, apply to_left_inv !smash_susp_elim_equiv },
{ refine phomotopy_of_eq (!smash_susp_elim_natural_right _) ⬝* _,
refine pap !smash_susp_elim_equiv !pcompose_pid ⬝* _,
apply phomotopy_of_eq, apply to_right_inv !smash_susp_elim_equiv }
refine phomotopy_of_eq (smash_susp_elim_natural_right _ _ _ _) ⬝* _,
refine pap !smash_susp_elim_pequiv (!pcompose_pid ⬝* !pid_pcompose⁻¹*) ⬝* _,
rexact phomotopy_of_eq (smash_susp_elim_natural_left _ f g !pid)⁻¹
definition smash_susp_natural (f : A →* A') (g : B →* B') :
psquare (smash_susp A B) (smash_susp A' B') (f ∧→ (susp_functor g)) (susp_functor (f ∧→ g)) :=
refine phomotopy_of_eq (!smash_susp_elim_natural_right⁻¹ʰ* _) ⬝* _,
refine pap !smash_susp_elim_equiv⁻¹ᵉ* (!pcompose_pid ⬝* !pid_pcompose⁻¹*) ⬝* _,
rexact phomotopy_of_eq ((smash_susp_elim_natural_left _ f g)⁻¹ʰ* !pid)⁻¹
definition susp_smash (A B : Type*) : ⅀ A ∧ B ≃* ⅀ (A ∧ B) :=
(susp_smash_rev A B)⁻¹ᵉ*
definition smash_susp (A B : Type*) : A ∧ ⅀ B ≃* ⅀ (A ∧ B) :=
calc A ∧ ⅀ B
≃* ⅀ B ∧ A : smash_comm A (⅀ B)
... ≃* ⅀(B ∧ A) : susp_smash B A
... ≃* ⅀(A ∧ B) : susp_pequiv (smash_comm B A)
definition susp_smash_move (A B : Type*) : ⅀ A ∧ B ≃* A ∧ ⅀ B :=
susp_smash A B ⬝e* (smash_susp A B)⁻¹ᵉ*
print axioms smash_susp_natural
definition smash_iterate_susp (n : ℕ) (A B : Type*) :
A ∧ iterate_susp n B ≃* iterate_susp n (A ∧ B) :=
@ -568,11 +652,11 @@ print axioms smash_susp_natural
definition smash_sphere (A : Type*) (n : ℕ) : A ∧ sphere n ≃* iterate_susp n A :=
smash_pequiv pequiv.rfl (sphere_pequiv_iterate_susp n) ⬝e*
pequiv.rfl ∧≃ (sphere_pequiv_iterate_susp n) ⬝e*
smash_iterate_susp n A pbool ⬝e*
iterate_susp_pequiv n (smash_pbool_pequiv A)
definition smash_pcircle (A : Type*) : A ∧ pcircle ≃* susp A :=
definition smash_pcircle (A : Type*) : A ∧ S¹* ≃* susp A :=
smash_sphere A 1
definition sphere_smash_sphere (n m : ℕ) : sphere n ∧ sphere m ≃* sphere (n+m) :=
@ -33,6 +33,12 @@ namespace pointed
-- apply equiv_eq_closed_right, exact !idp_con⁻¹ }
-- end
definition ppcompose_left_pid [constructor] (A B : Type*) : ppcompose_left (pid B) ~* pid (ppmap A B) :=
phomotopy_mk_ppmap (λf, pid_pcompose f) (!trans_refl ⬝ !phomotopy_of_eq_of_phomotopy⁻¹)
definition ppcompose_right_pid [constructor] (A B : Type*) : ppcompose_right (pid A) ~* pid (ppmap A B) :=
phomotopy_mk_ppmap (λf, pcompose_pid f) (!trans_refl ⬝ !phomotopy_of_eq_of_phomotopy⁻¹)
/- remove some duplicates: loop_ppmap_commute, loop_ppmap_pequiv, loop_ppmap_pequiv', pfunext -/
definition pfunext (X Y : Type*) : ppmap X (Ω Y) ≃* Ω (ppmap X Y) :=
(loop_ppmap_commute X Y)⁻¹ᵉ*
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