diff --git a/homotopy/spectrum.hlean b/homotopy/spectrum.hlean index 79a1b0a..6f6aac1 100644 --- a/homotopy/spectrum.hlean +++ b/homotopy/spectrum.hlean @@ -673,6 +673,36 @@ set_option pp.coercions true exact sorry end /- TODO FOR SSS -/ +set_option pp.coercions true + + definition ppi_assoc_compose_left {A : Type*} {B C D : A → Type*} + (f : Π (a : A), B a →* C a) (g : Π (a : A), C a →* D a) + : (ppi_compose_left g ∘* ppi_compose_left f) ~* ppi_compose_left (λ a, g a ∘* f a) := + begin + fapply phomotopy.mk, + intro h, fapply eq_of_ppi_homotopy, + fapply ppi_homotopy.mk, + intro a, reflexivity, + esimp, + repeat exact sorry, + end + + definition psquare_of_ppi_compose_left {A : Type*} {B C D E : A → Type*} + {ftop : Π (a : A), B a →* C a} {fbot : Π (a : A), D a →* E a} + {fleft : Π (a : A), B a →* D a} {fright : Π (a : A), C a →* E a} + (psq : Π (a :A), psquare (ftop a) (fbot a) (fleft a) (fright a)) + : psquare + (ppi_compose_left ftop) + (ppi_compose_left fbot) + (ppi_compose_left fleft) + (ppi_compose_left fright) + := + begin + refine (ppi_assoc_compose_left ftop fright) ⬝* _ ⬝* (ppi_assoc_compose_left fleft fbot)⁻¹*, + refine eq_of_homotopy (λ a, eq_of_phomotopy (psq a)) ▸ phomotopy.rfl, + -- the last step is probably an unnecessary application of function extensionality. + end + definition spi_compose_left_botsq {N : succ_str} {A : Type*} {E F : A → gen_spectrum N} (f : Π a, (E a) →ₛ (F a)) (n : N) : psquare @@ -682,6 +712,7 @@ set_option pp.coercions true (pequiv.to_pmap ppi_loop_pequiv⁻¹ᵉ*) := begin +-- fapply psquare_of_ppi_compose_left, exact sorry end /- TODO FOR SSS -/