progress on LES of spectrum maps

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Floris van Doorn 2016-09-15 16:24:01 -04:00
parent f826a7a711
commit 683a515178
3 changed files with 34 additions and 35 deletions

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@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ namespace group
is_contr (Σ(g : quotient_group N →g G'), g ∘g gq_map N = f) := is_contr (Σ(g : quotient_group N →g G'), g ∘g gq_map N = f) :=
sorry sorry
/- Binary products (direct sums) of Groups -/ /- Binary products (direct product) of Groups -/
definition product_one [constructor] : G × G' := (one, one) definition product_one [constructor] : G × G' := (one, one)
definition product_inv [unfold 3] : G × G' → G × G' := definition product_inv [unfold 3] : G × G' → G × G' :=
λv, (v.1⁻¹, v.2⁻¹) λv, (v.1⁻¹, v.2⁻¹)

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@ -170,6 +170,16 @@ namespace pointed
pequiv_of_equiv (pi_equiv_pi_right g) pequiv_of_equiv (pi_equiv_pi_right g)
begin esimp, apply eq_of_homotopy, intros a, esimp, exact (respect_pt (g a)) end begin esimp, apply eq_of_homotopy, intros a, esimp, exact (respect_pt (g a)) end
definition pcast_commute [constructor] {A : Type} {B C : A → Type*} (f : Πa, B a →* C a)
{a₁ a₂ : A} (p : a₁ = a₂) : pcast (ap C p) ∘* f a₁ ~* f a₂ ∘* pcast (ap B p) :=
begin induction p, reflexivity end
begin induction p, esimp, refine !idp_con ⬝ !idp_con ⬝ !ap_id⁻¹ end
definition pequiv_of_eq_commute [constructor] {A : Type} {B C : A → Type*} (f : Πa, B a →* C a)
{a₁ a₂ : A} (p : a₁ = a₂) : pequiv_of_eq (ap C p) ∘* f a₁ ~* f a₂ ∘* pequiv_of_eq (ap B p) :=
pcast_commute f p
end pointed end pointed
open pointed open pointed
@ -401,17 +411,30 @@ namespace spectrum
definition π_glue (X : spectrum) (n : ) : π*[2] (X (2 - succ n)) ≃* π*[3] (X (2 - n)) := definition π_glue (X : spectrum) (n : ) : π*[2] (X (2 - succ n)) ≃* π*[3] (X (2 - n)) :=
begin begin
symmetry, refine phomotopy_group_pequiv 2 (equiv_glue X (2 - succ n)) ⬝e* _,
refine pequiv_of_eq (phomotopy_group_succ_in (X (2 - n)) 2) ⬝e* _, assert H : succ (2 - succ n) = 2 - n, exact ap succ !sub_sub⁻¹ ⬝ sub_add_cancel (2-n) 1,
assert H : 2 - n = succ (2 - succ n), exact (sub_add_cancel (2-n) 1)⁻¹ ⬝ ap succ !sub_sub, refine pequiv_of_eq (ap (λn, π*[2] (Ω (X n))) H) ⬝e* _,
refine phomotopy_group_pequiv 2 (loop_pequiv_loop (pequiv_of_eq (ap X H))) ⬝e* _, refine (pequiv_of_eq (phomotopy_group_succ_in (X (2 - n)) 2))⁻¹ᵉ*,
exact phomotopy_group_pequiv 2 (equiv_glue X (2 - succ n))⁻¹ᵉ*
end end
/- TODO: fill in sorry -/
definition π_glue_square {X Y : spectrum} (f : X →ₛ Y) (n : ) : definition π_glue_square {X Y : spectrum} (f : X →ₛ Y) (n : ) :
π_glue Y n ∘* π→*[2] (f (2 - succ n)) ~* π→*[3] (f (2 - n)) ∘* π_glue X n := π_glue Y n ∘* π→*[2] (f (2 - succ n)) ~* π→*[3] (f (2 - n)) ∘* π_glue X n :=
sorry begin
refine !passoc ⬝* _,
assert H1 : phomotopy_group_pequiv 2 (equiv_glue Y (2 - succ n)) ∘* π→*[2] (f (2 - succ n))
~* π→*[2] (Ω→ (f (succ (2 - succ n)))) ∘* phomotopy_group_pequiv 2 (equiv_glue X (2 - succ n)),
{ refine !phomotopy_group_functor_compose⁻¹* ⬝* _,
refine phomotopy_group_functor_phomotopy 2 !sglue_square ⬝* _,
apply phomotopy_group_functor_compose },
refine pwhisker_left _ H1 ⬝* _, clear H1,
refine !passoc⁻¹* ⬝* _ ⬝* !passoc,
apply pwhisker_right,
rewrite [+ to_pmap_pequiv_trans],
refine !passoc ⬝* _,
refine pwhisker_left _ !pequiv_of_eq_commute ⬝* _,
refine !passoc⁻¹* ⬝* _ ⬝* !passoc,
reflexivity -- if we generalize 2 to n, this is not reflexivity anymore
section section
open chain_complex prod fin group open chain_complex prod fin group
@ -441,8 +464,8 @@ namespace spectrum
definition is_homomorphism_LES_of_shomotopy_groups : definition is_homomorphism_LES_of_shomotopy_groups :
Π(v : +3), is_homomorphism (cc_to_fn LES_of_shomotopy_groups v) Π(v : +3), is_homomorphism (cc_to_fn LES_of_shomotopy_groups v)
| (n, 0 H) := proof homomorphism.struct (πₛ→[n] f) qed | (n, 0 H) := proof homomorphism.struct (πₛ→[n] f) qed
| (n, 1 H) := proof homomorphism.struct (πₛ→[n] (spoint f)) qed | (n, 1 H) := proof homomorphism.struct (πₛ→[n] (spoint f)) qed
| (n, 2 H) := proof is_homomorphism_compose sorry sorry qed | (n, 2 H) := begin exact sorry end
| (n, (k+3) H) := begin exfalso, apply lt_le_antisymm H, apply le_add_left end | (n, (k+3) H) := begin exfalso, apply lt_le_antisymm H, apply le_add_left end
-- In the comments below is a start on an explicit description of the LES for spectra -- In the comments below is a start on an explicit description of the LES for spectra

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@ -63,31 +63,7 @@ begin
{ exact dif_pos p} { exact dif_pos p}
end end
-- definition splice_type {N M : succ_str} (G : N → chain_complex M) (k : ) (m : M) --move
-- (x : stratified N k) : Set* :=
-- G x.1 (iterate S (val x.2) m)
-- -- definition splice_map {N M : succ_str} (G : N → chain_complex M) (k : ) (m : M)
-- -- (x : stratified N k) : Set* :=
-- -- G x.1 (iterate S (val x.2) m)
-- definition splice (N M : succ_str) (G : N → chain_complex M) (k : ) (m : M)
-- (e0 : Πn, G n m ≃* G (S n) (S (iterate S k m))) :
-- chain_complex (stratified N k) :=
-- (splice_type G k m)
-- begin
-- intro x, cases x with n l, cases l with l H,
-- refine if K : l = k then _ else _,
-- { intro p, induction p, exact sorry},
-- { exact sorry}
-- -- cases l with l,
-- -- { },
-- -- { }
-- end
-- begin
-- exact sorry
-- end
definition succ_str.add [reducible] {N : succ_str} (n : N) (k : ) : N := definition succ_str.add [reducible] {N : succ_str} (n : N) (k : ) : N :=
iterate S k n iterate S k n