fix definition of homotopy group of spectrum, continue of LES of spectra
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@ -356,13 +356,13 @@ namespace spectrum
-- read off the homotopy groups without any tedious case-analysis of
-- read off the homotopy groups without any tedious case-analysis of
-- n. We increment by 2 in order to ensure that they are all
-- n. We increment by 2 in order to ensure that they are all
-- automatically abelian groups.
-- automatically abelian groups.
definition shomotopy_group [constructor] (n : ℤ) (E : spectrum) : CommGroup := πag[0+2] (E (n + 2))
definition shomotopy_group [constructor] (n : ℤ) (E : spectrum) : CommGroup := πag[0+2] (E (2 - n))
notation `πₛ[`:95 n:0 `]`:0 := shomotopy_group n
notation `πₛ[`:95 n:0 `]`:0 := shomotopy_group n
definition shomotopy_group_fun [constructor] (n : ℤ) {E F : spectrum} (f : E →ₛ F) :
definition shomotopy_group_fun [constructor] (n : ℤ) {E F : spectrum} (f : E →ₛ F) :
πₛ[n] E →g πₛ[n] F :=
πₛ[n] E →g πₛ[n] F :=
π→g[1+1] (f (n + 2))
π→g[1+1] (f (2 - n))
notation `πₛ→[`:95 n:0 `]`:0 := shomotopy_group_fun n
notation `πₛ→[`:95 n:0 `]`:0 := shomotopy_group_fun n
@ -393,18 +393,24 @@ namespace spectrum
(λn, pfiber_loop_space (f (S n)) ∘*ᵉ pfiber_equiv_of_square (sglue_square f n))
(λn, pfiber_loop_space (f (S n)) ∘*ᵉ pfiber_equiv_of_square (sglue_square f n))
/- the map from the fiber to the domain. The fact that the square commutes requires work -/
/- the map from the fiber to the domain. The fact that the square commutes requires work -/
-- definition spoint {N : succ_str} {X Y : gen_spectrum N} (f : X →ₛ Y) : sfiber f →ₛ X :=
definition spoint {N : succ_str} {X Y : gen_spectrum N} (f : X →ₛ Y) : sfiber f →ₛ X :=
-- (λn, ppoint (f n))
| (λn, ppoint (f n))
-- begin
-- intro n, exact sorry
intro n, exact sorry
-- end
/- TODO: fill in sorry's (and possibly generalize 2 to n) -/
definition π_glue (X : spectrum) (n : ℤ) : π*[2] (X (2 - succ n)) ≃* π*[3] (X (2 - n)) :=
definition π_glue (X : spectrum) (n : ℤ) : π*[2] (X (pred n)) ≃* π*[3] (X n) :=
refine pequiv_of_eq (phomotopy_group_succ_in (X (2 - n)) 2) ⬝e* _,
assert H : 2 - n = succ (2 - succ n), exact (sub_add_cancel (2-n) 1)⁻¹ ⬝ ap succ !sub_sub,
refine phomotopy_group_pequiv 2 (loop_pequiv_loop (pequiv_of_eq (ap X H))) ⬝e* _,
exact phomotopy_group_pequiv 2 (equiv_glue X (2 - succ n))⁻¹ᵉ*
/- TODO: fill in sorry -/
definition π_glue_square {X Y : spectrum} (f : X →ₛ Y) (n : ℤ) :
definition π_glue_square {X Y : spectrum} (f : X →ₛ Y) (n : ℤ) :
π_glue Y n ∘* π→*[2] (f (pred n)) ~* π→*[3] (f n) ∘* π_glue X n :=
π_glue Y n ∘* π→*[2] (f (2 - succ n)) ~* π→*[3] (f (2 - n)) ∘* π_glue X n :=
@ -413,8 +419,31 @@ namespace spectrum
universe variable u
universe variable u
parameters {X Y : spectrum.{u}} (f : X →ₛ Y)
parameters {X Y : spectrum.{u}} (f : X →ₛ Y)
definition LES_of_shomotopy_groups : chain_complex -3ℤ :=
definition LES_of_shomotopy_groups : chain_complex +3ℤ :=
splice (λ(n : ℤ), LES_of_homotopy_groups (f n)) (2, 0) (π_glue Y) (π_glue X) (π_glue_square f)
splice (λ(n : ℤ), LES_of_homotopy_groups (f (2 - n))) (2, 0)
(π_glue Y) (π_glue X) (π_glue_square f)
-- This LES is definitionally what we want:
example (n : ℤ) : LES_of_shomotopy_groups (n, 0) = πₛ[n] Y := idp
example (n : ℤ) : LES_of_shomotopy_groups (n, 1) = πₛ[n] X := idp
example (n : ℤ) : LES_of_shomotopy_groups (n, 2) = πₛ[n] (sfiber f) := idp
example (n : ℤ) : cc_to_fn LES_of_shomotopy_groups (n, 0) = πₛ→[n] f := idp
example (n : ℤ) : cc_to_fn LES_of_shomotopy_groups (n, 1) = πₛ→[n] (spoint f) := idp
-- the maps are ugly for (n, 2)
definition comm_group_LES_of_shomotopy_groups : Π(v : +3ℤ), comm_group (LES_of_shomotopy_groups v)
| (n, 0 H) := proof CommGroup.struct (πₛ[n] Y) qed
| (n, 1 H) := proof CommGroup.struct (πₛ[n] X) qed
| (n, 2 H) := proof CommGroup.struct (πₛ[n] (sfiber f)) qed
| (n, (k+3) H) := begin exfalso, apply lt_le_antisymm H, apply le_add_left end
local attribute comm_group_LES_of_shomotopy_groups [instance]
definition is_homomorphism_LES_of_shomotopy_groups :
Π(v : +3ℤ), is_homomorphism (cc_to_fn LES_of_shomotopy_groups v)
| (n, 0 H) := proof homomorphism.struct (πₛ→[n] f) qed
| (n, 1 H) := proof homomorphism.struct (πₛ→[n] (spoint f)) qed
| (n, 2 H) := proof is_homomorphism_compose sorry sorry qed
| (n, (k+3) H) := begin exfalso, apply lt_le_antisymm H, apply le_add_left end
-- In the comments below is a start on an explicit description of the LES for spectra
-- In the comments below is a start on an explicit description of the LES for spectra
-- Maybe it's slightly nicer to work with than the above version
-- Maybe it's slightly nicer to work with than the above version
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