get everything to compile
This commit is contained in:
11 changed files with 381 additions and 902 deletions
@ -6,13 +6,14 @@ Authors: Egbert Rijke, Steve Awodey
Exact couple, derived couples, and so on
import algebra.group_theory hit.set_quotient types.sigma types.list types.sum .quotient_group .subgroup .ses
open eq algebra is_trunc set_quotient relation sigma sigma.ops prod prod.ops sum list trunc function group trunc
equiv is_equiv
-- This definition needs to be moved to exactness.hlean. However we had trouble doing so. Please help.
definition iso_ker_im_of_exact {A B C : AbGroup} (f : A →g B) (g : B →g C) (E : is_exact f g) : ab_kernel g ≃g ab_image f :=
definition iso_ker_im_of_exact {A B C : AbGroup} (f : A →g B) (g : B →g C) (E : is_exact f g) : ab_Kernel g ≃g ab_image f :=
fapply ab_subgroup_iso,
intro a,
@ -283,3 +284,5 @@ definition derived_couple_exact_ij : is_exact_ag derived_couple_i derived_couple
end derived_couple
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Authors: Jeremy Avigad
Short exact sequences
import homotopy.chain_complex eq2 .quotient_group
open pointed is_trunc equiv is_equiv eq algebra group trunc function fiber sigma
open pointed is_trunc equiv is_equiv eq algebra group trunc function fiber sigma property
structure is_exact_t {A B : Type} {C : Type*} (f : A → B) (g : B → C) :=
( im_in_ker : Π(a:A), g (f a) = pt)
@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ begin
definition is_exact_incl_of_subgroup {G H : Group} (f : G →g H) :
is_exact (incl_of_subgroup (kernel_subgroup f)) f :=
is_exact (incl_of_subgroup (kernel f)) f :=
{ intro x, cases x with x p, exact p },
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ end
definition isomorphism_kernel_of_is_exact {G₄ G₃ G₂ G₁ : Group}
{h : G₄ →g G₃} {g : G₃ →g G₂} {f : G₂ →g G₁} (H1 : is_exact h g) (H2 : is_exact g f)
(HG : is_contr G₄) : G₃ ≃g kernel f :=
(HG : is_contr G₄) : G₃ ≃g Kernel f :=
isomorphism_left_of_is_exact_g H2 (is_exact_incl_of_subgroup f)
(is_embedding_of_is_exact_g H1) (is_embedding_incl_of_subgroup _)
@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ end
/- TODO: move and remove other versions -/
definition is_surjective_qg_map {A : Group} (N : normal_subgroup_rel A) :
definition is_surjective_qg_map {A : Group} (N : property A) [is_normal_subgroup A N] :
is_surjective (qg_map N) :=
intro x, induction x,
@ -230,11 +230,12 @@ end
apply is_prop.elimo
definition is_surjective_ab_qg_map {A : AbGroup} (N : subgroup_rel A) :
definition is_surjective_ab_qg_map {A : AbGroup} (N : property A) [is_normal_subgroup A N] :
is_surjective (ab_qg_map N) :=
is_surjective_qg_map _
is_surjective_ab_qg_map _
definition qg_map_eq_one {A : Group} {K : normal_subgroup_rel A} (g : A) (H : K g) :
definition qg_map_eq_one {A : Group} {K : property A} [is_normal_subgroup A K] (g : A)
(H : g ∈ K) :
qg_map K g = 1 :=
apply set_quotient.eq_of_rel,
@ -245,11 +246,12 @@ end
exact transport (λx, K x) e⁻¹ H
definition ab_qg_map_eq_one {A : AbGroup} {K : subgroup_rel A} (g : A) (H : K g) :
definition ab_qg_map_eq_one {A : AbGroup} {K : property A} [is_subgroup A K] (g : A)
(H : g ∈ K) :
ab_qg_map K g = 1 :=
qg_map_eq_one g H
ab_qg_map_eq_one g H
definition is_short_exact_normal_subgroup {G : Group} (S : normal_subgroup_rel G) :
definition is_short_exact_normal_subgroup {G : Group} (S : property G) [is_normal_subgroup G S] :
is_short_exact (incl_of_subgroup S) (qg_map S) :=
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
import .left_module .direct_sum .submodule --..heq
open is_trunc algebra eq left_module pointed function equiv is_equiv prod group sigma sigma.ops nat
trunc_index property
namespace left_module
definition graded [reducible] (str : Type) (I : Type) : Type := I → str
@ -421,20 +421,24 @@ LeftModule_of_AddAbGroup (dirsum' N) (λr n, dirsum_smul r n)
/- graded variants of left-module constructions -/
definition graded_submodule [constructor] (S : Πi, submodule_rel (M i)) : graded_module R I :=
definition graded_submodule [constructor] (S : Πi, property (M i)) [Π i, is_submodule (M i) (S i)] :
graded_module R I :=
λi, submodule (S i)
definition graded_submodule_incl [constructor] (S : Πi, submodule_rel (M i)) :
definition graded_submodule_incl [constructor] (S : Πi, property (M i)) [H : Π i, is_submodule (M i) (S i)] :
graded_submodule S →gm M :=
have Π i, is_submodule (M (to_fun erfl i)) (S i), from H,
|||| erfl (λi, submodule_incl (S i))
definition graded_hom_lift [constructor] {S : Πi, submodule_rel (M₂ i)}
definition graded_hom_lift [constructor] (S : Πi, property (M₂ i)) [Π i, is_submodule (M₂ i) (S i)]
(φ : M₁ →gm M₂)
(h : Π(i : I) (m : M₁ i), S (deg φ i) (φ i m)) : M₁ →gm graded_submodule S :=
(h : Π(i : I) (m : M₁ i), φ i m ∈ S (deg φ i)) : M₁ →gm graded_submodule S :=
|||| (deg φ) (λi, hom_lift (φ i) (h i))
definition graded_submodule_functor [constructor] {S : Πi, submodule_rel (M₁ i)}
{T : Πi, submodule_rel (M₂ i)} (φ : M₁ →gm M₂)
definition graded_submodule_functor [constructor]
{S : Πi, property (M₁ i)} [Π i, is_submodule (M₁ i) (S i)]
{T : Πi, property (M₂ i)} [Π i, is_submodule (M₂ i) (T i)]
(φ : M₁ →gm M₂)
(h : Π(i : I) (m : M₁ i), S i m → T (deg φ i) (φ i m)) :
graded_submodule S →gm graded_submodule T :=
|||| (deg φ) (λi, submodule_functor (φ i) (h i))
@ -588,24 +592,25 @@ end
definition graded_kernel (f : M₁ →gm M₂) : graded_module R I :=
λi, kernel_module (f i)
definition graded_quotient (S : Πi, submodule_rel (M i)) : graded_module R I :=
definition graded_quotient (S : Πi, property (M i)) [Π i, is_submodule (M i) (S i)] : graded_module R I :=
λi, quotient_module (S i)
definition graded_quotient_map [constructor] (S : Πi, submodule_rel (M i)) :
definition graded_quotient_map [constructor] (S : Πi, property (M i)) [Π i, is_submodule (M i) (S i)] :
M →gm graded_quotient S :=
|||| erfl (λi, quotient_map (S i))
definition graded_quotient_elim [constructor] {S : Πi, submodule_rel (M i)} (φ : M →gm M₂)
definition graded_quotient_elim [constructor]
(S : Πi, property (M i)) [Π i, is_submodule (M i) (S i)]
(φ : M →gm M₂)
(H : Πi ⦃m⦄, S i m → φ i m = 0) : graded_quotient S →gm M₂ :=
|||| (deg φ) (λi, quotient_elim (φ i) (H i))
definition graded_homology (g : M₂ →gm M₃) (f : M₁ →gm M₂) : graded_module R I :=
graded_quotient (λi, submodule_rel_submodule (kernel_rel (g i)) (image_rel (f ← i)))
graded_quotient (λ i, homology_quotient_property (g i) (f ← i))
-- the two reasonable definitions of graded_homology are definitionally equal
example (g : M₂ →gm M₃) (f : M₁ →gm M₂) :
(λi, homology (g i) (f ← i)) =
graded_quotient (λi, submodule_rel_submodule (kernel_rel (g i)) (image_rel (f ← i))) := idp
(λi, homology (g i) (f ← i)) = graded_homology g f := idp
definition (g : M₂ →gm M₃) (f : M₁ →gm M₂) {i : I} (m : M₂ i) (h : g i m = 0) :
graded_homology g f i :=
@ -613,18 +618,18 @@ _ m h
definition graded_homology_intro [constructor] (g : M₂ →gm M₃) (f : M₁ →gm M₂) :
graded_kernel g →gm graded_homology g f :=
graded_quotient_map _
@graded_quotient_map _ _ _ (λ i, homology_quotient_property (g i) (f ← i)) _
definition graded_homology_elim {g : M₂ →gm M₃} {f : M₁ →gm M₂} (h : M₂ →gm M)
(H : compose_constant h f) : graded_homology g f →gm M :=
|||| (deg h) (λi, homology_elim (h i) (H _ _))
open trunc
definition image_of_graded_homology_intro_eq_zero {g : M₂ →gm M₃} {f : M₁ →gm M₂}
⦃i j : I⦄ (p : deg f i = j) (m : graded_kernel g j) (H : graded_homology_intro g f j m = 0) :
image (f ↘ p) m.1 :=
induction p, exact graded_hom_change_image _ _ (rel_of_quotient_map_eq_zero m H)
induction p, exact graded_hom_change_image _ _
(@rel_of_quotient_map_eq_zero _ _ _ _ m H)
definition is_exact_gmod (f : M₁ →gm M₂) (f' : M₂ →gm M₃) : Type :=
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ open eq algebra is_trunc set_quotient relation sigma prod prod.ops sum list trun
namespace group
variables {G G' : Group} (H : subgroup_rel G) (N : normal_subgroup_rel G) {g g' h h' k : G}
variables {G G' : Group} {g g' h h' k : G}
{A B : AbGroup}
/- Binary products (direct product) of Groups -/
@ -1,716 +0,0 @@
Copyright (c) 2015 Floris van Doorn. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Floris van Doorn, Egbert Rijke, Jeremy Avigad
Constructions with groups
import hit.set_quotient .subgroup ..move_to_lib types.equiv
open eq algebra is_trunc set_quotient relation sigma sigma.ops prod trunc function equiv is_equiv
open property
namespace group
variables {G G' : Group}
(H : property G) [is_subgroup G H]
(N : property G) [is_normal_subgroup G N]
{g g' h h' k : G}
(N' : property G') [is_normal_subgroup G' N']
variables {A B : AbGroup}
/- Quotient Group -/
definition homotopy_of_homomorphism_eq {f g : G →g G'}(p : f = g) : f ~ g :=
λx : G , ap010 group_fun p x
definition quotient_rel [constructor] (g h : G) : Prop := g * h⁻¹ ∈ N
variable {N}
-- We prove that quotient_rel is an equivalence relation
theorem quotient_rel_refl (g : G) : quotient_rel N g g :=
transport (λx, N x) !mul.right_inv⁻¹ (subgroup_one_mem N)
theorem quotient_rel_symm (r : quotient_rel N g h) : quotient_rel N h g :=
transport (λx, N x) (!mul_inv ⬝ ap (λx, x * _) !inv_inv)
begin apply subgroup_inv_mem r end
theorem quotient_rel_trans (r : quotient_rel N g h) (s : quotient_rel N h k)
: quotient_rel N g k :=
have H1 : N ((g * h⁻¹) * (h * k⁻¹)), from subgroup_mul_mem r s,
have H2 : (g * h⁻¹) * (h * k⁻¹) = g * k⁻¹, from calc
(g * h⁻¹) * (h * k⁻¹) = ((g * h⁻¹) * h) * k⁻¹ : by rewrite [mul.assoc (g * h⁻¹)]
... = g * k⁻¹ : by rewrite inv_mul_cancel_right,
show N (g * k⁻¹), by rewrite [-H2]; exact H1
theorem is_equivalence_quotient_rel : is_equivalence (quotient_rel N) :=
|||| quotient_rel_refl
(λg h, quotient_rel_symm)
(λg h k, quotient_rel_trans)
-- We prove that quotient_rel respects inverses and multiplication, so
-- it is a congruence relation
theorem quotient_rel_resp_inv (r : quotient_rel N g h) : quotient_rel N g⁻¹ h⁻¹ :=
have H1 : g⁻¹ * (h * g⁻¹) * g ∈ N, from
is_normal_subgroup' g (quotient_rel_symm r),
have H2 : g⁻¹ * (h * g⁻¹) * g = g⁻¹ * h⁻¹⁻¹, from calc
g⁻¹ * (h * g⁻¹) * g = g⁻¹ * h * g⁻¹ * g : by rewrite -mul.assoc
... = g⁻¹ * h : inv_mul_cancel_right
... = g⁻¹ * h⁻¹⁻¹ : by rewrite algebra.inv_inv,
show g⁻¹ * h⁻¹⁻¹ ∈ N, by rewrite [-H2]; exact H1
theorem quotient_rel_resp_mul (r : quotient_rel N g h) (r' : quotient_rel N g' h')
: quotient_rel N (g * g') (h * h') :=
have H1 : g * ((g' * h'⁻¹) * h⁻¹) ∈ N, from
normal_subgroup_insert r' r,
have H2 : g * ((g' * h'⁻¹) * h⁻¹) = (g * g') * (h * h')⁻¹, from calc
g * ((g' * h'⁻¹) * h⁻¹) = g * (g' * (h'⁻¹ * h⁻¹)) : by rewrite [mul.assoc]
... = (g * g') * (h'⁻¹ * h⁻¹) : mul.assoc
... = (g * g') * (h * h')⁻¹ : by rewrite [mul_inv],
show N ((g * g') * (h * h')⁻¹), from transport (λx, N x) H2 H1
local attribute is_equivalence_quotient_rel [instance]
variable (N)
definition qg : Type := set_quotient (quotient_rel N)
variable {N}
local attribute qg [reducible]
definition quotient_one [constructor] : qg N := class_of one
definition quotient_inv [unfold 3] : qg N → qg N :=
quotient_unary_map has_inv.inv (λg g' r, quotient_rel_resp_inv r)
definition quotient_mul [unfold 3 4] : qg N → qg N → qg N :=
quotient_binary_map has_mul.mul (λg g' r h h' r', quotient_rel_resp_mul r r')
local notation 1 := quotient_one
local postfix ⁻¹ := quotient_inv
local infix * := quotient_mul
theorem quotient_mul_assoc (g₁ g₂ g₃ : qg N) : g₁ * g₂ * g₃ = g₁ * (g₂ * g₃) :=
refine set_quotient.rec_prop _ g₁,
refine set_quotient.rec_prop _ g₂,
refine set_quotient.rec_prop _ g₃,
clear g₁ g₂ g₃, intro g₁ g₂ g₃,
exact ap class_of !mul.assoc
theorem quotient_one_mul (g : qg N) : 1 * g = g :=
refine set_quotient.rec_prop _ g, clear g, intro g,
exact ap class_of !one_mul
theorem quotient_mul_one (g : qg N) : g * 1 = g :=
refine set_quotient.rec_prop _ g, clear g, intro g,
exact ap class_of !mul_one
theorem quotient_mul_left_inv (g : qg N) : g⁻¹ * g = 1 :=
refine set_quotient.rec_prop _ g, clear g, intro g,
exact ap class_of !mul.left_inv
theorem quotient_mul_comm {G : AbGroup} {N : property G} [is_normal_subgroup G N] (g h : qg N)
: g * h = h * g :=
refine set_quotient.rec_prop _ g, clear g, intro g,
refine set_quotient.rec_prop _ h, clear h, intro h,
apply ap class_of, esimp, apply mul.comm
variable (N)
definition group_qg [constructor] : group (qg N) :=
|||| _ quotient_mul quotient_mul_assoc quotient_one quotient_one_mul quotient_mul_one
quotient_inv quotient_mul_left_inv
definition quotient_group [constructor] : Group :=
|||| _ (group_qg N)
definition ab_group_qg [constructor] {G : AbGroup} (N : property G) [is_normal_subgroup G N]
: ab_group (qg N) :=
⦃ab_group, group_qg N, mul_comm := quotient_mul_comm⦄
definition quotient_ab_group [constructor] {G : AbGroup} (N : property G) [is_subgroup G N]
: AbGroup :=
|||| _ (@ab_group_qg G N (is_normal_subgroup_ab _))
definition qg_map [constructor] : G →g quotient_group N :=
|||| class_of (λ g h, idp)
definition ab_qg_map {G : AbGroup} (N : property G) [is_subgroup G N] : G →g quotient_ab_group N :=
@qg_map _ N (is_normal_subgroup_ab _)
definition is_surjective_ab_qg_map {A : AbGroup} (N : property A) [is_subgroup A N] : is_surjective (ab_qg_map N) :=
intro x, induction x,
exact a, reflexivity,
apply is_prop.elimo
namespace quotient
notation `⟦`:max a `⟧`:0 := qg_map _ a
end quotient
open quotient
variables {N N'}
definition qg_map_eq_one (g : G) (H : N g) : qg_map N g = 1 :=
apply eq_of_rel,
have e : (g * 1⁻¹ = g),
from calc
g * 1⁻¹ = g * 1 : one_inv
... = g : mul_one,
unfold quotient_rel, rewrite e, exact H
definition ab_qg_map_eq_one {K : property A} [is_subgroup A K] (g :A) (H : K g) : ab_qg_map K g = 1 :=
apply eq_of_rel,
have e : (g * 1⁻¹ = g),
from calc
g * 1⁻¹ = g * 1 : one_inv
... = g : mul_one,
unfold quotient_rel, xrewrite e, exact H
--- there should be a smarter way to do this!! Please have a look, Floris.
definition rel_of_qg_map_eq_one (g : G) (H : qg_map N g = 1) : g ∈ N :=
have e : (g * 1⁻¹ = g),
from calc
g * 1⁻¹ = g * 1 : one_inv
... = g : mul_one,
rewrite (inverse e),
apply rel_of_eq _ H
definition rel_of_ab_qg_map_eq_one {K : property A} [is_subgroup A K] (a :A) (H : ab_qg_map K a = 1) : a ∈ K :=
have e : (a * 1⁻¹ = a),
from calc
a * 1⁻¹ = a * 1 : one_inv
... = a : mul_one,
rewrite (inverse e),
have is_normal_subgroup A K, from is_normal_subgroup_ab _,
apply rel_of_eq (quotient_rel K) H
definition quotient_group_elim_fun [unfold 6] (f : G →g G') (H : Π⦃g⦄, N g → f g = 1)
(g : quotient_group N) : G' :=
refine set_quotient.elim f _ g,
intro g h K,
apply eq_of_mul_inv_eq_one,
have e : f (g * h⁻¹) = f g * (f h)⁻¹,
from calc
f (g * h⁻¹) = f g * (f h⁻¹) : to_respect_mul
... = f g * (f h)⁻¹ : to_respect_inv,
rewrite (inverse e),
apply H, exact K
definition quotient_group_elim [constructor] (f : G →g G') (H : Π⦃g⦄, g ∈ N → f g = 1) : quotient_group N →g G' :=
-- define function
{ exact quotient_group_elim_fun f H },
{ intro g h, induction g using set_quotient.rec_prop with g,
induction h using set_quotient.rec_prop with h,
krewrite (inverse (to_respect_mul (qg_map N) g h)),
unfold qg_map, esimp, exact to_respect_mul f g h }
example {K : property A} [is_subgroup A K] :
quotient_ab_group K = @quotient_group A K (is_normal_subgroup_ab _) := rfl
definition quotient_ab_group_elim [constructor] {K : property A} [is_subgroup A K] (f : A →g B)
(H : Π⦃g⦄, g ∈ K → f g = 1) : quotient_ab_group K →g B :=
@quotient_group_elim A B K (is_normal_subgroup_ab _) f H
definition quotient_group_compute (f : G →g G') (H : Π⦃g⦄, N g → f g = 1) (g : G) :
quotient_group_elim f H (qg_map N g) = f g :=
definition gelim_unique (f : G →g G') (H : Π⦃g⦄, g ∈ N → f g = 1) (k : quotient_group N →g G')
: ( k ∘g qg_map N ~ f ) → k ~ quotient_group_elim f H :=
intro K cg, induction cg using set_quotient.rec_prop with g,
exact K g
definition ab_gelim_unique {K : property A} [is_subgroup A K] (f : A →g B) (H : Π (a :A), a ∈ K → f a = 1) (k : quotient_ab_group K →g B)
: ( k ∘g ab_qg_map K ~ f) → k ~ quotient_ab_group_elim f H :=
--@quotient_group_elim A B K (is_normal_subgroup_ab _) f H :=
@gelim_unique _ _ K (is_normal_subgroup_ab _) f H _
definition qg_universal_property (f : G →g G') (H : Π⦃g⦄, N g → f g = 1) :
is_contr (Σ(g : quotient_group N →g G'), g ∘ qg_map N ~ f) :=
-- give center of contraction
{ fapply, exact quotient_group_elim f H, exact quotient_group_compute f H },
-- give contraction
{ intro pair, induction pair with g p, fapply sigma_eq,
{esimp, apply homomorphism_eq, symmetry, exact gelim_unique f H g p},
{fapply is_prop.elimo} }
definition ab_qg_universal_property {K : property A} [is_subgroup A K] (f : A →g B) (H : Π (a :A), K a → f a = 1) :
is_contr ((Σ(g : quotient_ab_group K →g B), g ∘g ab_qg_map K ~ f) ) :=
fapply @qg_universal_property _ _ K (is_normal_subgroup_ab _),
exact H
definition quotient_group_functor_contr {K L : property A} [is_subgroup A K] [is_subgroup A L]
(H : Π (a : A), K a → L a) :
is_contr ((Σ(g : quotient_ab_group K →g quotient_ab_group L), g ∘g ab_qg_map K ~ ab_qg_map L) ) :=
fapply ab_qg_universal_property,
intro a p,
fapply ab_qg_map_eq_one,
exact H a p
definition quotient_group_functor_id {K : property A} [is_subgroup A K] (H : Π (a : A), K a → K a) :
center' (@quotient_group_functor_contr _ K K _ _ H) = ⟨gid (quotient_ab_group K), λ x, rfl⟩ :=
note p := @quotient_group_functor_contr _ K K _ _ H,
fapply eq_of_is_contr,
section quotient_group_iso_ua
set_option pp.universes true
definition subgroup_rel_eq' {K L : property A} [HK : is_subgroup A K] [HL : is_subgroup A L] (htpy : Π (a : A), K a ≃ L a) : K = L :=
induction HK with Rone Rmul Rinv, induction HL with Rone' Rmul' Rinv', esimp at *,
assert q : K = L,
fapply eq_of_homotopy,
intro a,
fapply tua,
exact htpy a,
induction q,
assert q : Rone = Rone',
fapply is_prop.elim,
induction q,
assert q2 : @Rmul = @Rmul',
fapply is_prop.elim,
induction q2,
assert q : @Rinv = @Rinv',
fapply is_prop.elim,
induction q,
definition subgroup_rel_eq {K L : property A} [is_subgroup A K] [is_subgroup A L] (K_in_L : Π (a : A), a ∈ K → a ∈ L) (L_in_K : Π (a : A), a ∈ L → a ∈ K) : K = L :=
have htpy : Π (a : A), K a ≃ L a,
intro a,
apply @equiv_of_is_prop (a ∈ K) (a ∈ L) _ _ (K_in_L a) (L_in_K a),
exact subgroup_rel_eq' htpy,
definition eq_of_ab_qg_group' {K L : property A} [HK : is_subgroup A K] [HL : is_subgroup A L] (p : K = L) : quotient_ab_group K = quotient_ab_group L :=
revert HK, revert HL, induction p, intros,
have HK = HL, begin apply @is_prop.elim _ _ HK HL end,
rewrite this
definition iso_of_eq {B : AbGroup} (p : A = B) : A ≃g B :=
induction p, fapply, exact gid A, fapply adjointify, exact id, intro a, reflexivity, intro a, reflexivity
definition iso_of_ab_qg_group' {K L : property A} [is_subgroup A K] [is_subgroup A L] (p : K = L) : quotient_ab_group K ≃g quotient_ab_group L :=
iso_of_eq (eq_of_ab_qg_group' p)
definition htpy_of_ab_qg_group' {K L : property A} [HK : is_subgroup A K] [HL : is_subgroup A L] (p : K = L) : (iso_of_ab_qg_group' p) ∘g ab_qg_map K ~ ab_qg_map L :=
revert HK, revert HL, induction p, intros HK HL, unfold iso_of_ab_qg_group', unfold ab_qg_map
-- have HK = HL, begin apply @is_prop.elim _ _ HK HL end,
-- rewrite this
-- induction p, reflexivity
definition eq_of_ab_qg_group {K L : property A} [is_subgroup A K] [is_subgroup A L] (K_in_L : Π (a : A), K a → L a) (L_in_K : Π (a : A), L a → K a) : quotient_ab_group K = quotient_ab_group L :=
eq_of_ab_qg_group' (subgroup_rel_eq K_in_L L_in_K)
definition iso_of_ab_qg_group {K L : property A} [is_subgroup A K] [is_subgroup A L] (K_in_L : Π (a : A), K a → L a) (L_in_K : Π (a : A), L a → K a) : quotient_ab_group K ≃g quotient_ab_group L :=
iso_of_eq (eq_of_ab_qg_group K_in_L L_in_K)
definition htpy_of_ab_qg_group {K L : property A} [is_subgroup A K] [is_subgroup A L] (K_in_L : Π (a : A), K a → L a) (L_in_K : Π (a : A), L a → K a) : iso_of_ab_qg_group K_in_L L_in_K ∘g ab_qg_map K ~ ab_qg_map L :=
fapply htpy_of_ab_qg_group'
end quotient_group_iso_ua
section quotient_group_iso
variables {K L : property A} [is_subgroup A K] [is_subgroup A L] (H1 : Π (a : A), K a → L a) (H2 : Π (a : A), L a → K a)
include H1
include H2
definition quotient_group_iso_contr_KL_map :
quotient_ab_group K →g quotient_ab_group L :=
pr1 (center' (quotient_group_functor_contr H1))
definition quotient_group_iso_contr_KL_triangle :
quotient_group_iso_contr_KL_map H1 H2 ∘g ab_qg_map K ~ ab_qg_map L :=
pr2 (center' (quotient_group_functor_contr H1))
definition quotient_group_iso_contr_KK :
is_contr (Σ (g : quotient_ab_group K →g quotient_ab_group K), g ∘g ab_qg_map K ~ ab_qg_map K) :=
@quotient_group_functor_contr A K K _ _ (λ a, H2 a ∘ H1 a)
definition quotient_group_iso_contr_LK :
quotient_ab_group L →g quotient_ab_group K :=
pr1 (center' (@quotient_group_functor_contr A L K _ _ H2))
definition quotient_group_iso_contr_LL :
quotient_ab_group L →g quotient_ab_group L :=
pr1 (center' (@quotient_group_functor_contr A L L _ _ (λ a, H1 a ∘ H2 a)))
definition quotient_group_iso : quotient_ab_group K ≃g quotient_ab_group L :=
exact pr1 (center' (quotient_group_iso_contr_KL H1 H2)),
fapply adjointify,
exact quotient_group_iso_contr_LK H1 H2,
intro x,
induction x, reflexivity,
definition quotient_group_iso_contr_aux :
is_contr (Σ(gh : Σ (g : quotient_ab_group K →g quotient_ab_group L), g ∘g ab_qg_map K ~ ab_qg_map L), is_equiv (group_fun (pr1 gh))) :=
fapply is_trunc_sigma,
exact quotient_group_functor_contr H1,
intro a, induction a with g h,
fapply is_contr_of_inhabited_prop,
fapply adjointify,
rexact group_fun (pr1 (center' (@quotient_group_functor_contr A L K _ _ H2))),
note htpy := homotopy_of_eq (ap group_fun (ap sigma.pr1 (@quotient_group_functor_id _ L _ (λ a, (H1 a) ∘ (H2 a))))),
have KK : is_contr ((Σ(g' : quotient_ab_group K →g quotient_ab_group K), g' ∘g ab_qg_map K ~ ab_qg_map K) ), from
quotient_group_functor_contr (λ a, (H2 a) ∘ (H1 a)),
-- have KK_path : ⟨g, h⟩ = ⟨id, λ a, refl (ab_qg_map K a)⟩, from eq_of_is_contr ⟨g, h⟩ ⟨id, λ a, refl (ab_qg_map K a)⟩,
repeat exact sorry
definition quotient_group_iso_contr {K L : property A} [is_subgroup A K] [is_subgroup A L] (H1 : Π (a : A), K a → L a) (H2 : Π (a : A), L a → K a) :
is_contr (Σ (g : quotient_ab_group K ≃g quotient_ab_group L), g ∘g ab_qg_map K ~ ab_qg_map L) :=
refine @is_trunc_equiv_closed (Σ(gh : Σ (g : quotient_ab_group K →g quotient_ab_group L), g ∘g ab_qg_map K ~ ab_qg_map L), is_equiv (group_fun (pr1 gh))) (Σ (g : quotient_ab_group K ≃g quotient_ab_group L), g ∘g ab_qg_map K ~ ab_qg_map L) -2 _ (quotient_group_iso_contr_aux H1 H2),
exact calc
(Σ gh, is_equiv (group_fun gh.1)) ≃ Σ (g : quotient_ab_group K →g quotient_ab_group L) (h : g ∘g ab_qg_map K ~ ab_qg_map L), is_equiv (group_fun g) : by exact (sigma_assoc_equiv (λ gh, is_equiv (group_fun gh.1)))⁻¹
... ≃ (Σ (g : quotient_ab_group K ≃g quotient_ab_group L), g ∘g ab_qg_map K ~ ab_qg_map L) : _
end quotient_group_iso
definition quotient_group_functor [constructor] (φ : G →g G') (h : Πg, g ∈ N → φ g ∈ N') :
quotient_group N →g quotient_group N' :=
apply quotient_group_elim (qg_map N' ∘g φ),
intro g Ng, esimp,
refine qg_map_eq_one (φ g) (h g Ng)
definition kernel_quotient_extension {A B : AbGroup} (f : A →g B) : quotient_ab_group (kernel f) →g B :=
unfold quotient_ab_group,
fapply @quotient_group_elim A B _ (@is_normal_subgroup_ab _ (kernel f) _) f,
intro a, intro p, exact p
definition kernel_quotient_extension_triangle {A B : AbGroup} (f : A →g B) :
kernel_quotient_extension f ∘ ab_qg_map (kernel f) ~ f :=
intro a,
apply @quotient_group_compute _ _ _ (@is_normal_subgroup_ab _ (kernel f) _)
definition is_embedding_kernel_quotient_extension {A B : AbGroup} (f : A →g B) :
is_embedding (kernel_quotient_extension f) :=
fapply is_embedding_of_is_mul_hom,
intro x,
note H := is_surjective_ab_qg_map (kernel f) x,
induction H, induction p,
intro q,
apply @qg_map_eq_one _ _ (@is_normal_subgroup_ab _ (kernel f) _),
refine _ ⬝ q,
rexact kernel_quotient_extension_triangle f a
definition ab_group_quotient_homomorphism (A B : AbGroup)(K : property A)(L : property B) [is_subgroup A K] [is_subgroup B L] (f : A →g B)
(p : Π(a:A), a ∈ K → f a ∈ L) : quotient_ab_group K →g quotient_ab_group L :=
fapply @quotient_group_elim,
exact (ab_qg_map L) ∘g f,
intro a,
intro k,
exact @ab_qg_map_eq_one B L _ (f a) (p a k),
definition ab_group_kernel_factor {A B C: AbGroup} (f : A →g B)(g : A →g C){i : C →g B}(H : f = i ∘g g )
: kernel g ⊆ kernel f :=
intro a,
intro p,
exact calc
f a = i (g a) : homotopy_of_eq (ap group_fun H) a
... = i 1 : ap i p
... = 1 : respect_one i
definition ab_group_triv_kernel_factor {A B C: AbGroup} (f : A →g B)(g : A →g C){i : C →g B}(H : f = i ∘g g ) :
kernel f ⊆ '{1} → kernel g ⊆ '{1} :=
λ p, subproperty.trans (ab_group_kernel_factor f g H) p
definition is_embedding_of_kernel_subproperty_one {A B : AbGroup} (f : A →g B) :
kernel f ⊆ '{1} → is_embedding f :=
λ p, is_embedding_of_is_mul_hom _
(take x, assume h : f x = 1,
show x = 1, from eq_of_mem_singleton (p _ h))
definition kernel_subproperty_one {A B : AbGroup} (f : A →g B) :
is_embedding f → kernel f ⊆ '{1} :=
λ h x hx,
have x = 1, from eq_one_of_is_mul_hom hx,
show x ∈ '{1}, from mem_singleton_of_eq this
definition ab_group_kernel_equivalent {A B : AbGroup} (C : AbGroup) (f : A →g B)(g : A →g C)(i : C →g B)(H : f = i ∘g g )(K : is_embedding i)
: Π a:A, a ∈ kernel g ↔ a ∈ kernel f :=
(show kernel g ⊆ kernel f, from ab_group_kernel_factor f g H)
(show kernel f ⊆ kernel g, from
take a,
suppose f a = 1,
have i (g a) = i 1, from calc
i (g a) = f a : (homotopy_of_eq (ap group_fun H) a)⁻¹
... = 1 : this
... = i 1 : (respect_one i)⁻¹,
is_injective_of_is_embedding this)
definition ab_group_kernel_image_lift (A B : AbGroup) (f : A →g B)
: Π a : A, a ∈ kernel (image_lift f) ↔ a ∈ kernel f :=
fapply ab_group_kernel_equivalent (ab_image f) (f) (image_lift(f)) (image_incl(f)),
exact image_factor f,
exact is_embedding_of_is_injective (image_incl_injective(f)),
definition ab_group_kernel_quotient_to_image {A B : AbGroup} (f : A →g B)
: quotient_ab_group (kernel f) →g ab_image (f) :=
fapply quotient_ab_group_elim (image_lift f), intro a, intro p,
apply iff.mpr (ab_group_kernel_image_lift _ _ f a) p
definition ab_group_kernel_quotient_to_image_domain_triangle {A B : AbGroup} (f : A →g B)
: ab_group_kernel_quotient_to_image (f) ∘g ab_qg_map (kernel f) ~ image_lift(f) :=
intros a,
definition ab_group_kernel_quotient_to_image_codomain_triangle {A B : AbGroup} (f : A →g B)
: image_incl f ∘g ab_group_kernel_quotient_to_image f ~ kernel_quotient_extension f :=
intro x,
induction x,
fapply is_prop.elimo
definition is_surjective_kernel_quotient_to_image {A B : AbGroup} (f : A →g B)
: is_surjective (ab_group_kernel_quotient_to_image f) :=
fapply is_surjective_factor (group_fun (ab_qg_map (kernel f))),
exact image_lift f,
apply @quotient_group_compute _ _ _ (@is_normal_subgroup_ab _ (kernel f) _),
exact is_surjective_image_lift f
definition is_embedding_kernel_quotient_to_image {A B : AbGroup} (f : A →g B)
: is_embedding (ab_group_kernel_quotient_to_image f) :=
fapply is_embedding_factor (ab_group_kernel_quotient_to_image f) (image_incl f) (kernel_quotient_extension f),
exact ab_group_kernel_quotient_to_image_codomain_triangle f,
exact is_embedding_kernel_quotient_extension f
definition ab_group_first_iso_thm {A B : AbGroup} (f : A →g B)
: quotient_ab_group (kernel f) ≃g ab_image f :=
exact ab_group_kernel_quotient_to_image f,
fapply is_equiv_of_is_surjective_of_is_embedding,
exact is_embedding_kernel_quotient_to_image f,
exact is_surjective_kernel_quotient_to_image f
definition codomain_surjection_is_quotient {A B : AbGroup} (f : A →g B)( H : is_surjective f)
: quotient_ab_group (kernel f) ≃g B :=
exact (ab_group_first_iso_thm f) ⬝g (iso_surjection_ab_image_incl f H)
definition codomain_surjection_is_quotient_triangle {A B : AbGroup} (f : A →g B)( H : is_surjective f)
: codomain_surjection_is_quotient (f)(H) ∘g ab_qg_map (kernel f) ~ f :=
intro a,
-- print iff.mpr
/- set generating normal subgroup -/
parameters {A₁ : AbGroup} (S : A₁ → Prop)
variable {A₂ : AbGroup}
inductive generating_relation' : A₁ → Type :=
| rincl : Π{g}, S g → generating_relation' g
| rmul : Π{g h}, generating_relation' g → generating_relation' h → generating_relation' (g * h)
| rinv : Π{g}, generating_relation' g → generating_relation' g⁻¹
| rone : generating_relation' 1
open generating_relation'
definition generating_relation (g : A₁) : Prop := ∥ generating_relation' g ∥
local abbreviation R := generating_relation
definition gr_one : R 1 := tr (rone S)
definition gr_inv (g : A₁) : R g → R g⁻¹ :=
trunc_functor -1 rinv
definition gr_mul (g h : A₁) : R g → R h → R (g * h) :=
trunc_functor2 rmul
definition normal_generating_relation [instance] : is_subgroup A₁ generating_relation :=
⦃ is_subgroup,
one_mem := gr_one,
inv_mem := gr_inv,
mul_mem := gr_mul⦄
parameter (A₁)
definition quotient_ab_group_gen : AbGroup := quotient_ab_group generating_relation
definition gqg_map [constructor] : A₁ →g quotient_ab_group_gen :=
ab_qg_map _
parameter {A₁}
definition gqg_eq_of_rel {g h : A₁} (H : S (g * h⁻¹)) : gqg_map g = gqg_map h :=
eq_of_rel (tr (rincl H))
-- this one might work if the previous one doesn't (maybe make this the default one?)
definition gqg_eq_of_rel' {g h : A₁} (H : S (g * h⁻¹)) : class_of g = class_of h :> quotient_ab_group_gen :=
gqg_eq_of_rel H
definition gqg_elim [constructor] (f : A₁ →g A₂) (H : Π⦃g⦄, S g → f g = 1)
: quotient_ab_group_gen →g A₂ :=
apply quotient_ab_group_elim f,
intro g r, induction r with r,
induction r with g s g h r r' IH1 IH2 g r IH,
{ exact H s },
{ exact !respect_mul ⬝ ap011 mul IH1 IH2 ⬝ !one_mul },
{ exact !respect_inv ⬝ ap inv IH ⬝ !one_inv },
{ apply respect_one }
definition gqg_elim_compute (f : A₁ →g A₂) (H : Π⦃g⦄, S g → f g = 1)
: gqg_elim f H ∘ gqg_map ~ f :=
intro g, reflexivity
definition gqg_elim_unique (f : A₁ →g A₂) (H : Π⦃g⦄, S g → f g = 1)
(k : quotient_ab_group_gen →g A₂) : ( k ∘g gqg_map ~ f ) → k ~ gqg_elim f H :=
end group
namespace group
variables {G H K : Group} {R : property G} [is_normal_subgroup G R]
{S : property H} [is_normal_subgroup H S]
{T : property K} [is_normal_subgroup K T]
definition quotient_ab_group_functor [constructor] {G H : AbGroup}
{R : property G} [is_subgroup G R]
{S : property H} [is_subgroup H S] (φ : G →g H)
(h : Πg, g ∈ R → φ g ∈ S) : quotient_ab_group R →g quotient_ab_group S :=
@quotient_group_functor G H R (is_normal_subgroup_ab _) S (is_normal_subgroup_ab _) φ h
theorem quotient_group_functor_compose (ψ : H →g K) (φ : G →g H)
(hψ : Πg, g ∈ S → ψ g ∈ T) (hφ : Πg, g ∈ R → φ g ∈ S) :
quotient_group_functor ψ hψ ∘g quotient_group_functor φ hφ ~
quotient_group_functor (ψ ∘g φ) (λg, proof hψ (φ g) qed ∘ hφ g) :=
intro g, induction g using set_quotient.rec_prop with g hg, reflexivity
definition quotient_group_functor_gid :
quotient_group_functor (gid G) (λg, id) ~ gid (quotient_group R) :=
intro g, induction g using set_quotient.rec_prop with g hg, reflexivity
definition quotient_group_functor_mul
{G H : AbGroup} {R : property G} [is_subgroup G R] {S : property H} [is_subgroup H S]
(ψ φ : G →g H) (hψ : Πg, g ∈ R → ψ g ∈ S) (hφ : Πg, g ∈ R → φ g ∈ S) :
homomorphism_mul (quotient_ab_group_functor ψ hψ) (quotient_ab_group_functor φ hφ) ~
quotient_ab_group_functor (homomorphism_mul ψ φ)
(λg hg, is_subgroup.mul_mem (hψ g hg) (hφ g hg)) :=
intro g, induction g using set_quotient.rec_prop with g hg, reflexivity
definition quotient_group_functor_homotopy {ψ φ : G →g H} (hψ : Πg, R g → S (ψ g))
(hφ : Πg, g ∈ R → φ g ∈ S) (p : φ ~ ψ) :
quotient_group_functor φ hφ ~ quotient_group_functor ψ hψ :=
intro g, induction g using set_quotient.rec_prop with g hg,
exact ap set_quotient.class_of (p g)
end group
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ At the moment, it only covers short exact sequences of abelian groups, but this
import algebra.group_theory hit.set_quotient types.sigma types.list types.sum .quotient_group .subgroup .exactness
open eq algebra is_trunc set_quotient relation sigma sigma.ops prod prod.ops sum list trunc function group trunc
equiv is_equiv
equiv is_equiv property
structure SES (A B C : AbGroup) :=
( f : A →g B)
@ -20,23 +20,23 @@ structure SES (A B C : AbGroup) :=
( Hg : is_surjective g)
( ex : is_exact_ag f g)
definition SES_of_inclusion {A B : AbGroup} (f : A →g B) (Hf : is_embedding f) : SES A B (quotient_ab_group (image_subgroup f)) :=
definition SES_of_inclusion {A B : AbGroup} (f : A →g B) (Hf : is_embedding f) : SES A B (quotient_ab_group (image f)) :=
have Hg : is_surjective (ab_qg_map (image_subgroup f)),
from is_surjective_ab_qg_map (image_subgroup f),
have Hg : is_surjective (ab_qg_map (image f)),
from is_surjective_ab_qg_map (image f),
exact f,
exact ab_qg_map (image_subgroup f),
exact ab_qg_map (image f),
exact Hf,
exact Hg,
intro a,
fapply qg_map_eq_one, fapply tr, fapply, exact a, reflexivity,
fapply ab_qg_map_eq_one, fapply tr, fapply, exact a, reflexivity,
intro b, intro p,
exact rel_of_ab_qg_map_eq_one _ p
definition SES_of_subgroup {B : AbGroup} (S : subgroup_rel B) : SES (ab_subgroup S) B (quotient_ab_group S) :=
definition SES_of_subgroup {B : AbGroup} (S : property B) [is_subgroup B S] : SES (ab_subgroup S) B (quotient_ab_group S) :=
exact incl_of_subgroup S,
@ -48,10 +48,10 @@ definition SES_of_subgroup {B : AbGroup} (S : subgroup_rel B) : SES (ab_subgroup
intro b p, fapply tr, fapply, fapply b, fapply rel_of_ab_qg_map_eq_one, exact p, reflexivity,
definition SES_of_surjective_map {B C : AbGroup} (g : B →g C) (Hg : is_surjective g) : SES (ab_kernel g) B C :=
definition SES_of_surjective_map {B C : AbGroup} (g : B →g C) (Hg : is_surjective g) : SES (ab_Kernel g) B C :=
exact ab_kernel_incl g,
exact ab_Kernel_incl g,
exact g,
exact is_embedding_ab_kernel_incl g,
exact Hg,
@ -60,10 +60,10 @@ definition SES_of_surjective_map {B C : AbGroup} (g : B →g C) (Hg : is_surject
intro b p, fapply tr, fapply, fapply, exact b, exact p, reflexivity,
definition SES_of_homomorphism {A B : AbGroup} (f : A →g B) : SES (ab_kernel f) A (ab_image f) :=
definition SES_of_homomorphism {A B : AbGroup} (f : A →g B) : SES (ab_Kernel f) A (ab_Image f) :=
exact ab_kernel_incl f,
exact ab_Kernel_incl f,
exact image_lift f,
exact is_embedding_ab_kernel_incl f,
exact is_surjective_image_lift f,
@ -106,8 +106,8 @@ parameters {A B C : AbGroup} (ses : SES A B C)
local abbreviation f := SES.f ses
local notation `g` := SES.g ses
local abbreviation ex := SES.ex ses
local abbreviation q := ab_qg_map (kernel_subgroup g)
local abbreviation B_mod_A := quotient_ab_group (kernel_subgroup g)
local abbreviation q := ab_qg_map (kernel g)
local abbreviation B_mod_A := quotient_ab_group (kernel g)
definition SES_iso_stable {A' B' C' : AbGroup} (f' : A' →g B') (g' : B' →g C') (α : A' ≃g A) (β : B' ≃g B) (γ : C' ≃g C) (Hαβ : f ∘g α ~ β ∘g f') (Hβγ : g ∘g β ~ γ ∘g g') : SES A' B' C' :=
@ -142,9 +142,9 @@ begin
rewrite [(H a')⁻¹],
fapply is_exact.im_in_ker (SES.ex ses),
intro b p,
have t : trunctype.carrier (subgroup_to_rel (image_subgroup f) b), from is_exact.ker_in_im (SES.ex ses) b p,
induction t, fapply tr, induction a with a q, fapply, exact α⁻¹ᵍ a, rewrite [(H (α⁻¹ᵍ a))⁻¹],
krewrite [right_inv (equiv_of_isomorphism α) a], assumption
have t : image' f b, from is_exact.ker_in_im (SES.ex ses) b p,
unfold image' at t, induction t, fapply tr, induction a with a h, fapply, exact α⁻¹ᵍ a, rewrite [(H (α⁻¹ᵍ a))⁻¹],
krewrite [right_inv (equiv_of_isomorphism α) a], exact h
--definition quotient_SES {A B C : AbGroup} (ses : SES A B C) :
@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ definition quotient_triangle_extend_SES {C': AbGroup} (k : B →g C') :
local abbreviation f' := SES.f ses'
local notation `g'` := SES.g ses'
local abbreviation ex' := SES.ex ses'
local abbreviation q' := ab_qg_map (kernel_subgroup g')
local abbreviation q' := ab_qg_map (kernel g')
local abbreviation α' := quotient_codomain_SES
include htpy1
@ -204,8 +204,8 @@ definition quotient_triangle_extend_SES {C': AbGroup} (k : B →g C') :
fapply @(is_trunc_equiv_closed_rev _ (quotient_triangle_extend_SES (g' ∘g hB))),
fapply ab_qg_universal_property,
intro b, intro K,
have k : trunctype.carrier (image_subgroup f b), from is_exact.ker_in_im ex b K,
induction k, induction a with a p,
have k : image' f b, from is_exact.ker_in_im ex b K,
unfold image' at k, induction k, induction a with a p,
induction p,
refine (ap g' (htpy1 a)) ⬝ _,
fapply is_exact.im_in_ker ex' (hA a)
@ -46,8 +46,7 @@ namespace left_module
definition i' : D' →gm D' :=
graded_image_lift i ∘gm graded_submodule_incl (λx, image_rel (i ← x))
-- degree i + 0
graded_image_lift i ∘gm graded_submodule_incl (λx, image (i ← x))
lemma is_surjective_i' {x y : I} (p : deg i' x = y)
(H : Π⦃z⦄ (q : deg i z = x), is_surjective (i ↘ q)) : is_surjective (i' ↘ p) :=
@ -69,7 +68,7 @@ namespace left_module
lemma j_lemma2 : Π⦃x : I⦄ ⦃m : D x⦄ (p : i x m = 0),
(graded_quotient_map _ ∘gm graded_hom_lift j j_lemma1) x m = 0 :> E' _ :=
(graded_homology_intro _ _ ∘gm graded_hom_lift _ j j_lemma1) x m = 0 :> E' _ :=
have Π⦃x y : I⦄ (q : deg k x = y) (r : deg d x = deg j y)
(s : ap (deg j) q = r) ⦃m : D y⦄ (p : i y m = 0), image (d ↘ r) (j y m),
@ -90,11 +89,11 @@ namespace left_module
rewrite [graded_hom_compose_fn],
exact quotient_map_eq_zero _ (this p)
exact @quotient_map_eq_zero _ _ _ _ _ (this p)
definition j' : D' →gm E' :=
graded_image_elim (graded_homology_intro d d ∘gm graded_hom_lift j j_lemma1) j_lemma2
graded_image_elim (graded_homology_intro d d ∘gm graded_hom_lift _ j j_lemma1) j_lemma2
-- degree deg j - deg i
lemma k_lemma1 ⦃x : I⦄ (m : E x) (p : d x m = 0) : image (i ← (deg k x)) (k x m) :=
@ -102,7 +101,7 @@ namespace left_module
definition k₂ : graded_kernel d →gm D' := graded_submodule_functor k k_lemma1
lemma k_lemma2 ⦃x : I⦄ (m : E x) (h₁ : kernel_rel (d x) m) (h₂ : image (d ← x) m) :
lemma k_lemma2 ⦃x : I⦄ (m : E x) (h₁ : lm_kernel (d x) m) (h₂ : image (d ← x) m) :
k₂ x ⟨m, h₁⟩ = 0 :=
assert H₁ : Π⦃x' y z w : I⦄ (p : deg k x' = y) (q : deg j y = z) (r : deg k z = w) (n : E x'),
@ -115,8 +114,8 @@ namespace left_module
definition k' : E' →gm D' :=
graded_quotient_elim (graded_submodule_functor k k_lemma1)
(by intro x m h; exact k_lemma2 m.1 m.2 h)
@graded_quotient_elim _ _ _ _ _ _ (graded_submodule_functor k k_lemma1)
(by intro x m h; cases m with [m1, m2]; exact k_lemma2 m1 m2 h)
definition i'_eq ⦃x : I⦄ (m : D x) (h : image (i ← x) m) : (i' x ⟨m, h⟩).1 = i x m :=
by reflexivity
@ -125,7 +124,7 @@ namespace left_module
by reflexivity
lemma j'_eq {x : I} (m : D x) : j' ↘ (ap (deg j) (left_inv (deg i) x)) (graded_image_lift i x m) =
class_of (graded_hom_lift j proof j_lemma1 qed x m) :=
class_of (graded_hom_lift _ j proof j_lemma1 qed x m) :=
refine graded_image_elim_destruct _ _ _ idp _ m,
apply is_set.elim,
@ -155,9 +154,9 @@ namespace left_module
{ revert x, refine equiv_rect (deg k) _ _, intro x,
refine graded_image.rec _, intro m p,
assert q : graded_homology_intro d d (deg j (deg k x))
(graded_hom_lift j j_lemma1 (deg k x) m) = 0,
(graded_hom_lift _ j j_lemma1 (deg k x) m) = 0,
{ exact !j'_eq⁻¹ ⬝ p },
note q2 := image_of_graded_homology_intro_eq_zero idp (graded_hom_lift j _ _ m) q,
note q2 := image_of_graded_homology_intro_eq_zero idp (graded_hom_lift _ j _ _ m) q,
induction q2 with n r,
assert s : j (deg k x) (m - k x n) = 0,
{ refine respect_sub (j (deg k x)) m (k x n) ⬝ _,
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ namespace group
that the image of f is closed under the group operations is part
of the definition of the image of f. --/
definition image_subgroup [instance] {G : Group} {H : Group} (f : G →g H) :
definition is_subgroup_image [instance] {G : Group} {H : Group} (f : G →g H) :
is_subgroup H (image f) :=
@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ section
-- this is just (Σ(g : G), H g), but only defined if (H g) is a prop
definition sg {G : Group} (H : property G) : Type := {g : G | g ∈ H}
definition sg {G : Group} (H : property G) : Type := subtype (λ x, x ∈ H)
local attribute sg [reducible]
definition subgroup_one [constructor] : sg H := ⟨one, subgroup_one_mem H⟩
@ -232,9 +232,7 @@ section
definition Kernel {G H : Group} (f : G →g H) : Group := subgroup (kernel f)
set_option trace.class_instances true
definition ab_kernel {G H : AbGroup} (f : G →g H) : AbGroup := ab_subgroup (kernel f)
definition ab_Kernel {G H : AbGroup} (f : G →g H) : AbGroup := ab_subgroup (kernel f)
definition incl_of_subgroup [constructor] {G : Group} (H : property G) [is_subgroup G H] :
subgroup H →g G :=
@ -254,12 +252,12 @@ set_option trace.class_instances true
fapply subtype_eq
definition ab_kernel_incl {G H : AbGroup} (f : G →g H) : ab_kernel f →g G :=
definition ab_Kernel_incl {G H : AbGroup} (f : G →g H) : ab_Kernel f →g G :=
fapply incl_of_subgroup,
definition is_embedding_ab_kernel_incl {G H : AbGroup} (f : G →g H) : is_embedding (ab_kernel_incl f) :=
definition is_embedding_ab_kernel_incl {G H : AbGroup} (f : G →g H) : is_embedding (ab_Kernel_incl f) :=
fapply is_embedding_incl_of_subgroup,
@ -283,7 +281,7 @@ set_option trace.class_instances true
definition Image {G H : Group} (f : G →g H) : Group :=
subgroup (image f)
definition ab_image {G : AbGroup} {H : Group} (f : G →g H) : AbGroup :=
definition ab_Image {G : AbGroup} {H : Group} (f : G →g H) : AbGroup :=
AbGroup_of_Group (Image f)
intro g h,
@ -298,11 +296,11 @@ set_option trace.class_instances true
definition image_incl {G H : Group} (f : G →g H) : Image f →g H :=
incl_of_subgroup (image f)
definition ab_image_incl {A B : AbGroup} (f : A →g B) : ab_image f →g B := incl_of_subgroup (image f)
definition ab_Image_incl {A B : AbGroup} (f : A →g B) : ab_Image f →g B := incl_of_subgroup (image f)
definition is_equiv_surjection_ab_image_incl {A B : AbGroup} (f : A →g B) (H : is_surjective f) : is_equiv (ab_image_incl f ) :=
definition is_equiv_surjection_ab_image_incl {A B : AbGroup} (f : A →g B) (H : is_surjective f) : is_equiv (ab_Image_incl f ) :=
fapply is_equiv.adjointify (ab_image_incl f),
fapply is_equiv.adjointify (ab_Image_incl f),
intro b,
exact b,
@ -314,10 +312,10 @@ definition is_equiv_surjection_ab_image_incl {A B : AbGroup} (f : A →g B) (H :
definition iso_surjection_ab_image_incl [constructor] {A B : AbGroup} (f : A →g B) (H : is_surjective f) : ab_image f ≃g B :=
definition iso_surjection_ab_image_incl [constructor] {A B : AbGroup} (f : A →g B) (H : is_surjective f) : ab_Image f ≃g B :=
exact (ab_image_incl f),
exact (ab_Image_incl f),
exact is_equiv_surjection_ab_image_incl f H
@ -355,7 +353,7 @@ f = incl_of_subgroup K ∘g hom_lift f K Hyp :=
definition ab_hom_lift_kernel [constructor] {A B C : AbGroup} (f : A →g B) (g : B →g C) (Hyp : Π (a : A), g (f a) = 1) : A →g ab_kernel g :=
definition ab_hom_lift_kernel [constructor] {A B C : AbGroup} (f : A →g B) (g : B →g C) (Hyp : Π (a : A), g (f a) = 1) : A →g ab_Kernel g :=
fapply ab_hom_lift,
exact f,
@ -364,7 +362,7 @@ definition ab_hom_lift_kernel [constructor] {A B C : AbGroup} (f : A →g B) (g
definition ab_hom_lift_kernel_factors {A B C : AbGroup} (f : A →g B) (g : B →g C) (Hyp : Π (a : A), g (f a) = 1) :
f = ab_kernel_incl g ∘g ab_hom_lift_kernel f g Hyp :=
f = ab_Kernel_incl g ∘g ab_hom_lift_kernel f g Hyp :=
fapply ab_hom_factors_through_lift,
@ -436,7 +434,7 @@ definition ab_image_lift [constructor] {G H : AbGroup} (f : G →g H) : G →g I
definition image_homomorphism {A B C : AbGroup} (f : A →g B) (g : B →g C) :
ab_image f →g ab_image (g ∘g f) :=
ab_Image f →g ab_Image (g ∘g f) :=
fapply image_elim,
exact image_lift (g ∘g f),
@ -539,7 +537,7 @@ end
definition ab_subgroup_iso {A : AbGroup} {R S : property A} [is_subgroup A R] [is_subgroup A S]
(H : Π (a : A), R a -> S a) (K : Π (a : A), S a -> R a) :
(H : Π (a : A), a ∈ R → a ∈ S) (K : Π (a : A), a ∈ S → a ∈ R) :
ab_subgroup R ≃g ab_subgroup S :=
@ -551,7 +549,7 @@ end
definition ab_subgroup_iso_triangle {A : AbGroup} {R S : property A} [is_subgroup A R] [is_subgroup A S]
(H : Π (a : A), R a -> S a) (K : Π (a : A), S a -> R a) :
(H : Π (a : A), a ∈ R → a ∈ S) (K : Π (a : A), a ∈ S → a ∈ R) :
incl_of_subgroup R ~ incl_of_subgroup S ∘g ab_subgroup_iso H K :=
intro r, induction r, reflexivity
@ -560,4 +558,5 @@ end
end group
open group
attribute image_subgroup [constructor]
attribute is_subgroup_image [constructor]
attribute is_subgroup_kernel [constructor]
@ -1,40 +1,42 @@
/- submodules and quotient modules -/
-- Authors: Floris van Doorn
-- Authors: Floris van Doorn, Jeremy Avigad
import .left_module .quotient_group
open algebra eq group sigma sigma.ops is_trunc function trunc equiv is_equiv
open algebra eq group sigma sigma.ops is_trunc function trunc equiv is_equiv property
definition group_homomorphism_of_add_group_homomorphism [constructor] {G₁ G₂ : AddGroup}
(φ : G₁ →a G₂) : G₁ →g G₂ :=
-- move to subgroup
attribute normal_subgroup_rel._trans_of_to_subgroup_rel [unfold 2]
attribute normal_subgroup_rel.to_subgroup_rel [constructor]
-- attribute normal_subgroup_rel._trans_of_to_subgroup_rel [unfold 2]
-- attribute normal_subgroup_rel.to_subgroup_rel [constructor]
definition is_equiv_incl_of_subgroup {G : Group} (H : subgroup_rel G) (h : Πg, H g) :
definition is_equiv_incl_of_subgroup {G : Group} (H : property G) [is_subgroup G H] (h : Πg, g ∈ H) :
is_equiv (incl_of_subgroup H) :=
have is_surjective (incl_of_subgroup H),
begin intro g, exact ⟨g, h g⟩ idp end,
have is_embedding (incl_of_subgroup H), from is_embedding_incl_of_subgroup H,
function.is_equiv_of_is_surjective_of_is_embedding (incl_of_subgroup H)
definition subgroup_isomorphism [constructor] {G : Group} (H : subgroup_rel G) (h : Πg, H g) :
definition subgroup_isomorphism [constructor] {G : Group} (H : property G) [is_subgroup G H] (h : Πg, g ∈ H) :
subgroup H ≃g G :=
|||| _ (is_equiv_incl_of_subgroup H h)
definition is_equiv_qg_map {G : Group} (H : normal_subgroup_rel G) (H₂ : Π⦃g⦄, H g → g = 1) :
definition is_equiv_qg_map {G : Group} (H : property G) [is_normal_subgroup G H] (H₂ : Π⦃g⦄, g ∈ H → g = 1) :
is_equiv (qg_map H) :=
set_quotient.is_equiv_class_of _ (λg h r, eq_of_mul_inv_eq_one (H₂ r))
definition quotient_group_isomorphism [constructor] {G : Group} (H : normal_subgroup_rel G)
(h : Πg, H g → g = 1) : quotient_group H ≃g G :=
definition quotient_group_isomorphism [constructor] {G : Group} (H : property G) [is_normal_subgroup G H]
(h : Πg, g ∈ H → g = 1) : quotient_group H ≃g G :=
( _ (is_equiv_qg_map H h))⁻¹ᵍ
definition is_equiv_ab_qg_map {G : AbGroup} (H : subgroup_rel G) (h : Π⦃g⦄, H g → g = 1) :
definition is_equiv_ab_qg_map {G : AbGroup} (H : property G) [is_subgroup G H] (h : Π⦃g⦄, g ∈ H → g = 1) :
is_equiv (ab_qg_map H) :=
proof is_equiv_qg_map _ h qed
proof @is_equiv_qg_map G H (is_normal_subgroup_ab _) h qed
definition ab_quotient_group_isomorphism [constructor] {G : AbGroup} (H : subgroup_rel G)
definition ab_quotient_group_isomorphism [constructor] {G : AbGroup} (H : property G) [is_subgroup G H]
(h : Πg, H g → g = 1) : quotient_ab_group H ≃g G :=
( _ (is_equiv_ab_qg_map H h))⁻¹ᵍ
@ -42,41 +44,38 @@ namespace left_module
/- submodules -/
variables {R : Ring} {M M₁ M₂ M₃ : LeftModule R} {m m₁ m₂ : M}
structure submodule_rel (M : LeftModule R) : Type :=
(S : M → Prop)
(Szero : S 0)
(Sadd : Π⦃g h⦄, S g → S h → S (g + h))
(Ssmul : Π⦃g⦄ (r : R), S g → S (r • g))
structure is_submodule [class] (M : LeftModule R) (S : property M) : Type :=
(zero_mem : 0 ∈ S)
(add_mem : Π⦃g h⦄, g ∈ S → h ∈ S → g + h ∈ S)
(smul_mem : Π⦃g⦄ (r : R), g ∈ S → r • g ∈ S)
definition contains_zero := @submodule_rel.Szero
definition contains_add := @submodule_rel.Sadd
definition contains_smul := @submodule_rel.Ssmul
attribute submodule_rel.S [coercion]
definition zero_mem {R : Ring} {M : LeftModule R} (S : property M) [is_submodule M S] := is_submodule.zero_mem S
definition add_mem {R : Ring} {M : LeftModule R} (S : property M) [is_submodule M S] := @is_submodule.add_mem R M S
definition smul_mem {R : Ring} {M : LeftModule R} (S : property M) [is_submodule M S] := @is_submodule.smul_mem R M S
theorem contains_neg (S : submodule_rel M) ⦃m⦄ (H : S m) : S (-m) :=
transport (λx, S x) (neg_one_smul m) (contains_smul S (- 1) H)
theorem neg_mem (S : property M) [is_submodule M S] ⦃m⦄ (H : m ∈ S) : -m ∈ S :=
transport (λx, x ∈ S) (neg_one_smul m) (smul_mem S (- 1) H)
theorem is_normal_submodule (S : submodule_rel M) ⦃m₁ m₂⦄ (H : S m₁) : S (m₂ + m₁ + (-m₂)) :=
theorem is_normal_submodule (S : property M) [is_submodule M S] ⦃m₁ m₂⦄ (H : S m₁) : S (m₂ + m₁ + (-m₂)) :=
transport (λx, S x) (by rewrite [add.comm, neg_add_cancel_left]) H
open submodule_rel
-- open is_submodule
variables {S : submodule_rel M}
variables {S : property M} [is_submodule M S]
definition subgroup_rel_of_submodule_rel [constructor] (S : submodule_rel M) :
subgroup_rel (AddGroup_of_AddAbGroup M) :=
|||| S (contains_zero S) (contains_add S) (contains_neg S)
definition is_subgroup_of_is_submodule [instance] (S : property M) [is_submodule M S] :
is_subgroup (AddGroup_of_AddAbGroup M) S :=
|||| (zero_mem S) (add_mem S) (neg_mem S)
definition submodule_rel_of_subgroup_rel [constructor] (S : subgroup_rel (AddGroup_of_AddAbGroup M))
(h : Π⦃g⦄ (r : R), S g → S (r • g)) : submodule_rel M :=
|||| S (subgroup_has_one S) @(subgroup_respect_mul S) h
definition is_subgroup_of_is_submodule' [instance] (S : property M) [is_submodule M S] : is_subgroup (Group_of_AbGroup (AddAbGroup_of_LeftModule M)) S :=
|||| (zero_mem S) (add_mem S) (neg_mem S)
definition submodule' (S : submodule_rel M) : AddAbGroup :=
ab_subgroup (subgroup_rel_of_submodule_rel S)
definition submodule' (S : property M) [is_submodule M S] : AddAbGroup :=
ab_subgroup S -- (subgroup_rel_of_submodule_rel S)
definition submodule_smul [constructor] (S : submodule_rel M) (r : R) :
definition submodule_smul [constructor] (S : property M) [is_submodule M S] (r : R) :
submodule' S →a submodule' S :=
ab_subgroup_functor (smul_homomorphism M r) (λg, contains_smul S r)
ab_subgroup_functor (smul_homomorphism M r) (λg, smul_mem S r)
definition submodule_smul_right_distrib (r s : R) (n : submodule' S) :
submodule_smul S (r + s) n = submodule_smul S r n + submodule_smul S s n :=
@ -96,148 +95,158 @@ definition submodule_mul_smul (r s : R) (n : submodule' S) :
submodule_smul S (r * s) n = submodule_smul S r (submodule_smul S s n) :=
by rexact submodule_mul_smul' r s n
definition submodule_one_smul (n : submodule' S) : submodule_smul S 1 n = n :=
definition submodule_one_smul (n : submodule' S) : submodule_smul S (1 : R) n = n :=
refine subgroup_functor_homotopy _ _ _ n ⬝ !subgroup_functor_gid,
intro m, exact to_one_smul m
definition submodule (S : submodule_rel M) : LeftModule R :=
definition submodule (S : property M) [is_submodule M S] : LeftModule R :=
LeftModule_of_AddAbGroup (submodule' S) (submodule_smul S)
(λr, homomorphism.addstruct (submodule_smul S r))
definition submodule_incl [constructor] (S : submodule_rel M) : submodule S →lm M :=
definition submodule_incl [constructor] (S : property M) [is_submodule M S] : submodule S →lm M :=
lm_homomorphism_of_group_homomorphism (incl_of_subgroup _)
intro r m, induction m with m hm, reflexivity
definition hom_lift [constructor] {K : submodule_rel M₂} (φ : M₁ →lm M₂)
(h : Π (m : M₁), K (φ m)) : M₁ →lm submodule K :=
definition hom_lift [constructor] {K : property M₂} [is_submodule M₂ K] (φ : M₁ →lm M₂)
(h : Π (m : M₁), φ m ∈ K) : M₁ →lm submodule K :=
lm_homomorphism_of_group_homomorphism (hom_lift (group_homomorphism_of_lm_homomorphism φ) _ h)
intro r g, exact subtype_eq (to_respect_smul φ r g)
definition submodule_functor [constructor] {S : submodule_rel M₁} {K : submodule_rel M₂}
(φ : M₁ →lm M₂) (h : Π (m : M₁), S m → K (φ m)) : submodule S →lm submodule K :=
definition submodule_functor [constructor] {S : property M₁} [is_submodule M₁ S]
{K : property M₂} [is_submodule M₂ K]
(φ : M₁ →lm M₂) (h : Π (m : M₁), m ∈ S → φ m ∈ K) : submodule S →lm submodule K :=
hom_lift (φ ∘lm submodule_incl S) (by intro m; exact h m.1 m.2)
definition hom_lift_compose {K : submodule_rel M₃}
(φ : M₂ →lm M₃) (h : Π (m : M₂), K (φ m)) (ψ : M₁ →lm M₂) :
definition hom_lift_compose {K : property M₃} [is_submodule M₃ K]
(φ : M₂ →lm M₃) (h : Π (m : M₂), φ m ∈ K) (ψ : M₁ →lm M₂) :
hom_lift φ h ∘lm ψ ~ hom_lift (φ ∘lm ψ) proof (λm, h (ψ m)) qed :=
by reflexivity
definition hom_lift_homotopy {K : submodule_rel M₂} {φ : M₁ →lm M₂}
{h : Π (m : M₁), K (φ m)} {φ' : M₁ →lm M₂}
{h' : Π (m : M₁), K (φ' m)} (p : φ ~ φ') : hom_lift φ h ~ hom_lift φ' h' :=
definition hom_lift_homotopy {K : property M₂} [is_submodule M₂ K] {φ : M₁ →lm M₂}
{h : Π (m : M₁), φ m ∈ K} {φ' : M₁ →lm M₂}
{h' : Π (m : M₁), φ' m ∈ K} (p : φ ~ φ') : hom_lift φ h ~ hom_lift φ' h' :=
λg, subtype_eq (p g)
definition incl_smul (S : submodule_rel M) (r : R) (m : M) (h : S m) :
r • ⟨m, h⟩ = ⟨_, contains_smul S r h⟩ :> submodule S :=
definition incl_smul (S : property M) [is_submodule M S] (r : R) (m : M) (h : S m) :
r • ⟨m, h⟩ = ⟨_, smul_mem S r h⟩ :> submodule S :=
by reflexivity
definition submodule_rel_submodule [constructor] (S₂ S₁ : submodule_rel M) :
submodule_rel (submodule S₂) :=
|||| (λm, S₁ (submodule_incl S₂ m))
(contains_zero S₁)
(λm n p q, contains_add S₁ p q)
definition property_submodule (S₁ S₂ : property M) [is_submodule M S₁] [is_submodule M S₂] :
property (submodule S₁) := {m | submodule_incl S₁ m ∈ S₂}
definition is_submodule_property_submodule [instance] (S₁ S₂ : property M) [is_submodule M S₁] [is_submodule M S₂] :
is_submodule (submodule S₁) (property_submodule S₁ S₂) :=
(mem_property_of (zero_mem S₂))
(λm n p q, mem_property_of (add_mem S₂ (of_mem_property_of p) (of_mem_property_of q)))
intro m r p, induction m with m hm, exact contains_smul S₁ r p
intro m r p, induction m with m hm, apply mem_property_of,
apply smul_mem S₂, exact (of_mem_property_of p)
definition submodule_rel_submodule_trivial [constructor] {S₂ S₁ : submodule_rel M}
(h : Π⦃m⦄, S₁ m → m = 0) ⦃m : submodule S₂⦄ (Sm : submodule_rel_submodule S₂ S₁ m) : m = 0 :=
definition eq_zero_of_mem_property_submodule_trivial [constructor] {S₁ S₂ : property M} [is_submodule M S₁] [is_submodule M S₂]
(h : Π⦃m⦄, m ∈ S₂ → m = 0) ⦃m : submodule S₁⦄ (Sm : m ∈ property_submodule S₁ S₂) : m = 0 :=
fapply subtype_eq,
apply h Sm
apply h (of_mem_property_of Sm)
definition is_prop_submodule (S : submodule_rel M) [H : is_prop M] : is_prop (submodule S) :=
definition is_prop_submodule (S : property M) [is_submodule M S] [H : is_prop M] : is_prop (submodule S) :=
begin apply @is_trunc_sigma, exact H end
local attribute is_prop_submodule [instance]
definition is_contr_submodule [instance] (S : submodule_rel M) [is_contr M] : is_contr (submodule S) :=
definition is_contr_submodule [instance] (S : property M) [is_submodule M S] [is_contr M] : is_contr (submodule S) :=
is_contr_of_inhabited_prop 0
definition submodule_isomorphism [constructor] (S : submodule_rel M) (h : Πg, S g) :
definition submodule_isomorphism [constructor] (S : property M) [is_submodule M S] (h : Πg, g ∈ S) :
submodule S ≃lm M :=
|||| (submodule_incl S) (is_equiv_incl_of_subgroup (subgroup_rel_of_submodule_rel S) h)
|||| (submodule_incl S) (is_equiv_incl_of_subgroup S h)
/- quotient modules -/
definition quotient_module' (S : submodule_rel M) : AddAbGroup :=
quotient_ab_group (subgroup_rel_of_submodule_rel S)
definition quotient_module' (S : property M) [is_submodule M S] : AddAbGroup :=
quotient_ab_group S -- (subgroup_rel_of_submodule_rel S)
definition quotient_module_smul [constructor] (S : submodule_rel M) (r : R) :
definition quotient_module_smul [constructor] (S : property M) [is_submodule M S] (r : R) :
quotient_module' S →a quotient_module' S :=
quotient_ab_group_functor (smul_homomorphism M r) (λg, contains_smul S r)
quotient_ab_group_functor (smul_homomorphism M r) (λg, smul_mem S r)
definition quotient_module_smul_right_distrib (r s : R) (n : quotient_module' S) :
quotient_module_smul S (r + s) n = quotient_module_smul S r n + quotient_module_smul S s n :=
refine quotient_group_functor_homotopy _ _ _ n ⬝ !quotient_group_functor_mul⁻¹,
refine quotient_ab_group_functor_homotopy _ _ _ n ⬝ !quotient_ab_group_functor_mul⁻¹,
intro m, exact to_smul_right_distrib r s m
definition quotient_module_mul_smul' (r s : R) (n : quotient_module' S) :
quotient_module_smul S (r * s) n = (quotient_module_smul S r ∘g quotient_module_smul S s) n :=
refine quotient_group_functor_homotopy _ _ _ n ⬝ (quotient_group_functor_compose _ _ _ _ n)⁻¹ᵖ,
intro m, exact to_mul_smul r s m
apply eq.symm,
apply eq.trans (quotient_ab_group_functor_compose _ _ _ _ n),
apply quotient_ab_group_functor_homotopy,
intro m, exact eq.symm (to_mul_smul r s m)
-- previous proof:
-- refine quotient_ab_group_functor_homotopy _ _ _ n ⬝
-- (quotient_ab_group_functor_compose (quotient_module_smul S r) (quotient_module_smul S s) _ _ n)⁻¹ᵖ,
-- intro m, to_mul_smul r s m
definition quotient_module_mul_smul (r s : R) (n : quotient_module' S) :
quotient_module_smul S (r * s) n = quotient_module_smul S r (quotient_module_smul S s n) :=
by rexact quotient_module_mul_smul' r s n
definition quotient_module_one_smul (n : quotient_module' S) : quotient_module_smul S 1 n = n :=
definition quotient_module_one_smul (n : quotient_module' S) : quotient_module_smul S (1 : R) n = n :=
refine quotient_group_functor_homotopy _ _ _ n ⬝ !quotient_group_functor_gid,
refine quotient_ab_group_functor_homotopy _ _ _ n ⬝ !quotient_ab_group_functor_gid,
intro m, exact to_one_smul m
definition quotient_module (S : submodule_rel M) : LeftModule R :=
definition quotient_module (S : property M) [is_submodule M S] : LeftModule R :=
LeftModule_of_AddAbGroup (quotient_module' S) (quotient_module_smul S)
(λr, homomorphism.addstruct (quotient_module_smul S r))
definition quotient_map [constructor] (S : submodule_rel M) : M →lm quotient_module S :=
definition quotient_map [constructor] (S : property M) [is_submodule M S] : M →lm quotient_module S :=
lm_homomorphism_of_group_homomorphism (ab_qg_map _) (λr g, idp)
definition quotient_map_eq_zero (m : M) (H : S m) : quotient_map S m = 0 :=
qg_map_eq_one _ H
@qg_map_eq_one _ _ (is_normal_subgroup_ab _) _ H
definition rel_of_quotient_map_eq_zero (m : M) (H : quotient_map S m = 0) : S m :=
rel_of_qg_map_eq_one m H
@rel_of_qg_map_eq_one _ _ (is_normal_subgroup_ab _) m H
definition quotient_elim [constructor] (φ : M →lm M₂) (H : Π⦃m⦄, S m → φ m = 0) :
definition quotient_elim [constructor] (φ : M →lm M₂) (H : Π⦃m⦄, m ∈ S → φ m = 0) :
quotient_module S →lm M₂ :=
(quotient_group_elim (group_homomorphism_of_lm_homomorphism φ) H)
(quotient_ab_group_elim (group_homomorphism_of_lm_homomorphism φ) H)
intro r m, esimp,
induction m using set_quotient.rec_prop with m,
intro r, esimp,
refine @set_quotient.rec_prop _ _ _ (λ x, !is_trunc_eq) _,
intro m,
exact to_respect_smul φ r m
definition is_prop_quotient_module (S : submodule_rel M) [H : is_prop M] : is_prop (quotient_module S) :=
definition is_prop_quotient_module (S : property M) [is_submodule M S] [H : is_prop M] : is_prop (quotient_module S) :=
begin apply @set_quotient.is_trunc_set_quotient, exact H end
local attribute is_prop_quotient_module [instance]
definition is_contr_quotient_module [instance] (S : submodule_rel M) [is_contr M] :
definition is_contr_quotient_module [instance] (S : property M) [is_submodule M S] [is_contr M] :
is_contr (quotient_module S) :=
is_contr_of_inhabited_prop 0
definition quotient_module_isomorphism [constructor] (S : submodule_rel M) (h : Π⦃m⦄, S m → m = 0) :
definition quotient_module_isomorphism [constructor] (S : property M) [is_submodule M S] (h : Π⦃m⦄, S m → m = 0) :
quotient_module S ≃lm M :=
( (quotient_map S) (is_equiv_ab_qg_map (subgroup_rel_of_submodule_rel S) h))⁻¹ˡᵐ
( (quotient_map S) (is_equiv_ab_qg_map S h))⁻¹ˡᵐ
/- specific submodules -/
definition has_scalar_image (φ : M₁ →lm M₂) ⦃m : M₂⦄ (r : R)
@ -248,12 +257,26 @@ begin
refine to_respect_smul φ r m' ⬝ ap (λx, r • x) p,
definition is_submodule_image [instance] (φ : M₁ →lm M₂) : is_submodule M₂ (image φ) :=
(show 0 ∈ image (group_homomorphism_of_lm_homomorphism φ),
begin apply is_subgroup.one_mem, apply is_subgroup_image end)
(λ g₁ g₂ hg₁ hg₂,
show g₁ + g₂ ∈ image (group_homomorphism_of_lm_homomorphism φ),
apply @is_subgroup.mul_mem,
apply is_subgroup_image, exact hg₁, exact hg₂
(has_scalar_image φ)
definition image_rel [constructor] (φ : M₁ →lm M₂) : submodule_rel M₂ :=
(image_subgroup (group_homomorphism_of_lm_homomorphism φ))
(has_scalar_image φ)
definition image_rel_trivial (φ : M₁ →lm M₂) [H : is_contr M₁] ⦃m : M₂⦄ (h : image_rel φ m) : m = 0 :=
definition image_trivial (φ : M₁ →lm M₂) [H : is_contr M₁] ⦃m : M₂⦄ (h : m ∈ image φ) : m = 0 :=
refine image.rec _ h,
intro x p,
@ -261,7 +284,7 @@ begin
apply @is_prop.elim, apply is_trunc_succ, exact H
definition image_module [constructor] (φ : M₁ →lm M₂) : LeftModule R := submodule (image_rel φ)
definition image_module [constructor] (φ : M₁ →lm M₂) : LeftModule R := submodule (image φ)
-- unfortunately this is note definitionally equal:
-- definition foo (φ : M₁ →lm M₂) :
@ -281,7 +304,9 @@ variables {ψ : M₂ →lm M₃} {φ : M₁ →lm M₂} {θ : M₁ →lm M₃}
definition image_elim [constructor] (θ : M₁ →lm M₃) (h : Π⦃g⦄, φ g = 0 → θ g = 0) :
image_module φ →lm M₃ :=
refine (image_elim (group_homomorphism_of_lm_homomorphism θ) h) _,
change Image (group_homomorphism_of_lm_homomorphism φ) → M₃,
exact image_elim (group_homomorphism_of_lm_homomorphism θ) h,
{ exact homomorphism.struct (image_elim (group_homomorphism_of_lm_homomorphism θ) _) },
{ intro r, refine @total_image.rec _ _ _ _ (λx, !is_trunc_eq) _, intro g,
@ -304,7 +329,7 @@ definition is_contr_image_module [instance] (φ : M₁ →lm M₂) [is_contr M
is_contr (image_module φ) :=
definition is_contr_image_module_of_is_contr_dom (φ : M₁ →lm M₂) [is_contr M₁] :
definition is_contr_image_module_of_is_contr_dom (φ : M₁ →lm M₂) [is_contrM₁ : is_contr M₁] :
is_contr (image_module φ) :=
|||| 0
@ -312,7 +337,8 @@ 0
apply @total_image.rec,
exact this,
intro m,
induction (is_prop.elim 0 m), apply subtype_eq,
have h : is_contr (LeftModule.carrier M₁), from is_contrM₁,
induction (eq_of_is_contr 0 m), apply subtype_eq,
exact (to_respect_zero φ)⁻¹
@ -326,28 +352,41 @@ begin
refine to_respect_smul φ r m ⬝ ap (λx, r • x) p ⬝ smul_zero r,
definition kernel_rel [constructor] (φ : M₁ →lm M₂) : submodule_rel M₁ :=
(kernel_subgroup (group_homomorphism_of_lm_homomorphism φ))
definition lm_kernel [reducible] (φ : M₁ →lm M₂) : property M₁ := kernel (group_homomorphism_of_lm_homomorphism φ)
definition is_submodule_kernel [instance] (φ : M₁ →lm M₂) : is_submodule M₁ (lm_kernel φ) :=
(show 0 ∈ kernel (group_homomorphism_of_lm_homomorphism φ),
begin apply is_subgroup.one_mem, apply is_subgroup_kernel end)
(λ g₁ g₂ hg₁ hg₂,
show g₁ + g₂ ∈ kernel (group_homomorphism_of_lm_homomorphism φ),
begin apply @is_subgroup.mul_mem, apply is_subgroup_kernel, exact hg₁, exact hg₂ end)
(has_scalar_kernel φ)
definition kernel_rel_full (φ : M₁ →lm M₂) [is_contr M₂] (m : M₁) : kernel_rel φ m :=
definition kernel_full (φ : M₁ →lm M₂) [is_contr M₂] (m : M₁) : m ∈ lm_kernel φ :=
definition kernel_module [constructor] (φ : M₁ →lm M₂) : LeftModule R := submodule (kernel_rel φ)
definition kernel_module [reducible] (φ : M₁ →lm M₂) : LeftModule R := submodule (lm_kernel φ)
definition is_contr_kernel_module [instance] (φ : M₁ →lm M₂) [is_contr M₁] :
is_contr (kernel_module φ) :=
definition kernel_module_isomorphism [constructor] (φ : M₁ →lm M₂) [is_contr M₂] : kernel_module φ ≃lm M₁ :=
submodule_isomorphism _ (kernel_rel_full φ)
submodule_isomorphism _ (kernel_full φ)
definition homology_quotient_property (ψ : M₂ →lm M₃) (φ : M₁ →lm M₂) : property (kernel_module ψ) :=
property_submodule (lm_kernel ψ) (image (homomorphism_fn φ))
definition is_submodule_homology_property [instance] (ψ : M₂ →lm M₃) (φ : M₁ →lm M₂) :
is_submodule (kernel_module ψ) (homology_quotient_property ψ φ) :=
(is_submodule_property_submodule _ (image φ))
definition homology (ψ : M₂ →lm M₃) (φ : M₁ →lm M₂) : LeftModule R :=
@quotient_module R (submodule (kernel_rel ψ)) (submodule_rel_submodule _ (image_rel φ))
quotient_module (homology_quotient_property ψ φ)
definition (φ : M₁ →lm M₂) (m : M₂) (h : ψ m = 0) : homology ψ φ :=
quotient_map _ ⟨m, h⟩
quotient_map (homology_quotient_property ψ φ) ⟨m, h⟩
definition homology_eq0 {m : M₂} {hm : ψ m = 0} (h : image φ m) :
|||| φ m hm = 0 :=
@ -368,8 +407,8 @@ quotient_elim (θ ∘lm submodule_incl _)
intro m x,
induction m with m h,
esimp at *,
induction x with v, induction v with m' p,
exact ap θ p⁻¹ ⬝ H m'
induction x with v,
exact ap θ p⁻¹ ⬝ H v -- m'
definition is_contr_homology [instance] (ψ : M₂ →lm M₃) (φ : M₁ →lm M₂) [is_contr M₂] :
@ -378,8 +417,8 @@ begin apply @is_contr_quotient_module end
definition homology_isomorphism [constructor] (ψ : M₂ →lm M₃) (φ : M₁ →lm M₂)
[is_contr M₁] [is_contr M₃] : homology ψ φ ≃lm M₂ :=
quotient_module_isomorphism _ (submodule_rel_submodule_trivial (image_rel_trivial φ)) ⬝lm
(quotient_module_isomorphism (homology_quotient_property ψ φ)
(eq_zero_of_mem_property_submodule_trivial (image_trivial _))) ⬝lm (kernel_module_isomorphism ψ)
-- remove:
@ -626,7 +626,7 @@ namespace EM
/- TODO: other cases -/
definition LES_isomorphism_kernel_of_trivial.{u}
{X Y : pType.{u}} (f : X →* Y) (n : ℕ) [H : is_succ n]
(H1 : is_contr (πg[n+1] Y)) : πg[n] (pfiber f) ≃g kernel (π→g[n] f) :=
(H1 : is_contr (πg[n+1] Y)) : πg[n] (pfiber f) ≃g Kernel (π→g[n] f) :=
induction H with n,
have H2 : is_exact (π→g[n+1] (ppoint f)) (π→g[n+1] f),
@ -641,7 +641,7 @@ namespace EM
open group algebra is_trunc
definition homotopy_group_fiber_EM1_functor.{u} {G H : Group.{u}} (φ : G →g H) :
π₁ (pfiber (EM1_functor φ)) ≃g kernel φ :=
π₁ (pfiber (EM1_functor φ)) ≃g Kernel φ :=
have H1 : is_trunc 1 (EM1 H), from sorry,
have H2 : 1 <[ℕ] 1 + 1, from sorry,
LES_isomorphism_kernel_of_trivial (EM1_functor φ) 1
@ -649,12 +649,12 @@ namespace EM
definition homotopy_group_fiber_EMadd1_functor {G H : AbGroup} (φ : G →g H) (n : ℕ) :
πg[n+1] (pfiber (EMadd1_functor φ n)) ≃g kernel φ :=
πg[n+1] (pfiber (EMadd1_functor φ n)) ≃g Kernel φ :=
/- TODO: move-/
definition cokernel {G H : AbGroup} (φ : G →g H) : AbGroup :=
quotient_ab_group (image_subgroup φ)
quotient_ab_group (image φ)
definition trunc_fiber_EM1_functor {G H : Group} (φ : G →g H) :
ptrunc 0 (pfiber (EM1_functor φ)) ≃* sorry :=
@ -105,6 +105,154 @@ theorem eq_univ_of_forall {s : property X} (H : ∀ x, x ∈ s) : s = univ :=
ext (take x, iff.intro (assume H', trivial) (assume H', H x))
/- union -/
definition union (a b : property X) : property X := λx, x ∈ a ∨ x ∈ b
notation a ∪ b := union a b
theorem mem_union_left {x : X} {a : property X} (b : property X) : x ∈ a → x ∈ a ∪ b :=
assume h, or.inl h
theorem mem_union_right {x : X} {b : property X} (a : property X) : x ∈ b → x ∈ a ∪ b :=
assume h, or.inr h
theorem mem_unionl {x : X} {a b : property X} : x ∈ a → x ∈ a ∪ b :=
assume h, or.inl h
theorem mem_unionr {x : X} {a b : property X} : x ∈ b → x ∈ a ∪ b :=
assume h, or.inr h
theorem mem_or_mem_of_mem_union {x : X} {a b : property X} (H : x ∈ a ∪ b) : x ∈ a ∨ x ∈ b := H
theorem mem_union.elim {x : X} {a b : property X} {P : Prop}
(H₁ : x ∈ a ∪ b) (H₂ : x ∈ a → P) (H₃ : x ∈ b → P) : P :=
or.elim H₁ H₂ H₃
theorem mem_union_iff (x : X) (a b : property X) : x ∈ a ∪ b ↔ x ∈ a ∨ x ∈ b := !iff.refl
theorem mem_union_eq (x : X) (a b : property X) : x ∈ a ∪ b = (x ∈ a ∨ x ∈ b) := rfl
--theorem union_self (a : property X) : a ∪ a = a :=
--ext (take x, !or_self)
--theorem union_empty (a : property X) : a ∪ ∅ = a :=
--ext (take x, !or_false)
--theorem empty_union (a : property X) : ∅ ∪ a = a :=
--ext (take x, !false_or)
--theorem union_comm (a b : property X) : a ∪ b = b ∪ a :=
--ext (take x, or.comm)
--theorem union_assoc (a b c : property X) : (a ∪ b) ∪ c = a ∪ (b ∪ c) :=
--ext (take x, or.assoc)
--theorem union_left_comm (s₁ s₂ s₃ : property X) : s₁ ∪ (s₂ ∪ s₃) = s₂ ∪ (s₁ ∪ s₃) :=
--!left_comm union_comm union_assoc s₁ s₂ s₃
--theorem union_right_comm (s₁ s₂ s₃ : property X) : (s₁ ∪ s₂) ∪ s₃ = (s₁ ∪ s₃) ∪ s₂ :=
--!right_comm union_comm union_assoc s₁ s₂ s₃
theorem subproperty_union_left (s t : property X) : s ⊆ s ∪ t := λ x H, or.inl H
theorem subproperty_union_right (s t : property X) : t ⊆ s ∪ t := λ x H, or.inr H
theorem union_subproperty {s t r : property X} (sr : s ⊆ r) (tr : t ⊆ r) : s ∪ t ⊆ r :=
λ x xst, or.elim xst (λ xs, sr xs) (λ xt, tr xt)
/- intersection -/
definition inter (a b : property X) : property X := λx, x ∈ a ∧ x ∈ b
notation a ∩ b := inter a b
theorem mem_inter_iff (x : X) (a b : property X) : x ∈ a ∩ b ↔ x ∈ a ∧ x ∈ b := !iff.refl
theorem mem_inter_eq (x : X) (a b : property X) : x ∈ a ∩ b = (x ∈ a ∧ x ∈ b) := rfl
theorem mem_inter {x : X} {a b : property X} (Ha : x ∈ a) (Hb : x ∈ b) : x ∈ a ∩ b :=
and.intro Ha Hb
theorem mem_of_mem_inter_left {x : X} {a b : property X} (H : x ∈ a ∩ b) : x ∈ a :=
and.left H
theorem mem_of_mem_inter_right {x : X} {a b : property X} (H : x ∈ a ∩ b) : x ∈ b :=
and.right H
--theorem inter_self (a : property X) : a ∩ a = a :=
--ext (take x, !and_self)
--theorem inter_empty (a : property X) : a ∩ ∅ = ∅ :=
--ext (take x, !and_false)
--theorem empty_inter (a : property X) : ∅ ∩ a = ∅ :=
--ext (take x, !false_and)
--theorem nonempty_of_inter_nonempty_right {T : Type} {s t : property T} (H : s ∩ t ≠ ∅) : t ≠ ∅ :=
--suppose t = ∅,
--have s ∩ t = ∅, by rewrite this; apply inter_empty,
--H this
--theorem nonempty_of_inter_nonempty_left {T : Type} {s t : property T} (H : s ∩ t ≠ ∅) : s ≠ ∅ :=
--suppose s = ∅,
--have s ∩ t = ∅, by rewrite this; apply empty_inter,
--H this
--theorem inter_comm (a b : property X) : a ∩ b = b ∩ a :=
--ext (take x, !and.comm)
--theorem inter_assoc (a b c : property X) : (a ∩ b) ∩ c = a ∩ (b ∩ c) :=
--ext (take x, !and.assoc)
--theorem inter_left_comm (s₁ s₂ s₃ : property X) : s₁ ∩ (s₂ ∩ s₃) = s₂ ∩ (s₁ ∩ s₃) :=
--!left_comm inter_comm inter_assoc s₁ s₂ s₃
--theorem inter_right_comm (s₁ s₂ s₃ : property X) : (s₁ ∩ s₂) ∩ s₃ = (s₁ ∩ s₃) ∩ s₂ :=
--!right_comm inter_comm inter_assoc s₁ s₂ s₃
--theorem inter_univ (a : property X) : a ∩ univ = a :=
--ext (take x, !and_true)
--theorem univ_inter (a : property X) : univ ∩ a = a :=
--ext (take x, !true_and)
theorem inter_subproperty_left (s t : property X) : s ∩ t ⊆ s := λ x H, and.left H
theorem inter_subproperty_right (s t : property X) : s ∩ t ⊆ t := λ x H, and.right H
theorem inter_subproperty_inter_right {s t : property X} (u : property X) (H : s ⊆ t) : s ∩ u ⊆ t ∩ u :=
take x, assume xsu, and.intro (H (and.left xsu)) (and.right xsu)
theorem inter_subproperty_inter_left {s t : property X} (u : property X) (H : s ⊆ t) : u ∩ s ⊆ u ∩ t :=
take x, assume xus, and.intro (and.left xus) (H (and.right xus))
theorem subproperty_inter {s t r : property X} (rs : r ⊆ s) (rt : r ⊆ t) : r ⊆ s ∩ t :=
λ x xr, and.intro (rs xr) (rt xr)
--theorem not_mem_of_mem_of_not_mem_inter_left {s t : property X} {x : X} (Hxs : x ∈ s) (Hnm : x ∉ s ∩ t) : x ∉ t :=
-- suppose x ∈ t,
-- have x ∈ s ∩ t, from and.intro Hxs this,
-- show false, from Hnm this
--theorem not_mem_of_mem_of_not_mem_inter_right {s t : property X} {x : X} (Hxs : x ∈ t) (Hnm : x ∉ s ∩ t) : x ∉ s :=
-- suppose x ∈ s,
-- have x ∈ s ∩ t, from and.intro this Hxs,
-- show false, from Hnm this
/- distributivity laws -/
--theorem inter_distrib_left (s t u : property X) : s ∩ (t ∪ u) = (s ∩ t) ∪ (s ∩ u) :=
--ext (take x, !and.left_distrib)
--theorem inter_distrib_right (s t u : property X) : (s ∪ t) ∩ u = (s ∩ u) ∪ (t ∩ u) :=
--ext (take x, !and.right_distrib)
--theorem union_distrib_left (s t u : property X) : s ∪ (t ∩ u) = (s ∪ t) ∩ (s ∪ u) :=
--ext (take x, !or.left_distrib)
--theorem union_distrib_right (s t u : property X) : (s ∩ t) ∪ u = (s ∪ u) ∩ (t ∪ u) :=
--ext (take x, !or.right_distrib)
/- property-builder notation -/
-- {x : X | P}
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