Add binary_dirsum.

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favonia 2017-06-08 09:28:52 -06:00
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commit 8e3c2d020f

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@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ Authors: Floris van Doorn, Egbert Rijke
Constructions with groups
import .quotient_group .free_commutative_group
import .quotient_group .free_commutative_group .product_group
open eq algebra is_trunc set_quotient relation sigma prod sum list trunc function equiv sigma.ops
open eq is_equiv algebra is_trunc set_quotient relation sigma prod sum list trunc function equiv sigma.ops
namespace group
@ -89,6 +89,35 @@ namespace group
definition binary_dirsum (G H : AbGroup) : dirsum (bool.rec G H) ≃g G ×ag H :=
let branch := bool.rec G H in
let to_hom := (dirsum_elim (bool.rec (product_inl G H) (product_inr G H))
: dirsum (bool.rec G H) →g G ×ag H) in
let from_hom := (Group_sum_elim G H (dirsum (bool.rec G H))
(dirsum_incl branch bool.ff) (dirsum_incl branch
: G ×g H →g dirsum branch) in
{ exact dirsum_elim (bool.rec (product_inl G H) (product_inr G H)) },
fapply adjointify,
{ exact from_hom },
{ intro gh, induction gh with g h,
exact prod_eq (mul_one (1 * g) ⬝ one_mul g) (ap (λ o, o * h) (mul_one 1) ⬝ one_mul h) },
{ refine dirsum.rec _ _ _,
{ intro b x,
refine ap from_hom (dirsum_elim_compute (bool.rec (product_inl G H) (product_inr G H)) b x) ⬝ _,
induction b,
{ exact ap (λ y, dirsum_incl branch bool.ff x * y) (to_respect_one (dirsum_incl branch ⬝ mul_one _ },
{ exact ap (λ y, y * dirsum_incl branch x) (to_respect_one (dirsum_incl branch bool.ff)) ⬝ one_mul _ }
{ refine ap from_hom (to_respect_one to_hom) ⬝ to_respect_one from_hom },
{ intro g h gβ hβ,
refine ap from_hom (to_respect_mul to_hom _ _) ⬝ to_respect_mul from_hom _ _ ⬝ _,
exact ap011 mul gβ hβ
variables {I J : Set} {Y Y' Y'' : I → AbGroup}
definition dirsum_functor [constructor] (f : Πi, Y i →g Y' i) : dirsum Y →g dirsum Y' :=