various things about higher groups
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4 changed files with 56 additions and 22 deletions
@ -13,6 +13,19 @@ namespace higher_group
set_option pp.binder_types true
set_option pp.binder_types true
universe variable u
universe variable u
/- Results not necessarily about higher groups which we repeat here, because they are mentioned in
the higher group paper -/
namespace hide
open pushout
definition connect_intro_pequiv {k : ℕ} {X : Type*} (Y : Type*) (H : is_conn k X) :
ppmap X (connect k Y) ≃* ppmap X Y :=
is_conn.connect_intro_pequiv Y H
definition is_conn_fun_prod_of_wedge (n m : ℕ) (A B : Type*)
[cA : is_conn n A] [cB : is_conn m B] : is_conn_fun (m + n) (@prod_of_wedge A B) :=
is_conn_fun_prod_of_wedge n m A B
end hide
/- We require that the carrier has a point (preserved by the equivalence) -/
/- We require that the carrier has a point (preserved by the equivalence) -/
structure Grp (n k : ℕ) : Type := /- (n,k)Grp, denoted here as [n;k]Grp -/
structure Grp (n k : ℕ) : Type := /- (n,k)Grp, denoted here as [n;k]Grp -/
@ -205,7 +218,12 @@ ( (ptrunc n (Ω[k+1] (susp (B G)))) _ pt)
exact ptrunc_change_index !of_nat_add_of_nat _
exact ptrunc_change_index !of_nat_add_of_nat _
end end
end end
/- to do: adjunction -/
definition Stabilize_adjoint_Forget (G : [n;k]Grp) (H : [n;k+1]Grp) :
ppmap (B (Stabilize G)) (B H) ≃* ppmap (B G) (B (Forget H)) :=
have is_trunc (n + k + 1) (B H), from !is_trunc_B,
pmap_ptrunc_pequiv (n + k + 1) (⅀ (B G)) (B H) ⬝e* susp_adjoint_loop (B G) (B H)
/- to do: naturality -/
definition ωForget (k : ℕ) (G : [n;ω]Grp) : [n;k]Grp :=
definition ωForget (k : ℕ) (G : [n;ω]Grp) : [n;k]Grp :=
have is_trunc (n + k) (oB G k), from _,
have is_trunc (n + k) (oB G k), from _,
@ -240,7 +258,7 @@ begin
theorem stabilization (H : k ≥ n + 2) : is_equiv (@Stabilize n k) :=
definition stabilization (H : k ≥ n + 2) : is_equiv (@Stabilize n k) :=
fapply adjointify,
fapply adjointify,
{ exact Forget },
{ exact Forget },
@ -249,9 +267,16 @@ begin
definition ωGrp.mk_le {n : ℕ} (k₀ : ℕ)
definition ωGrp.mk_le {n : ℕ} (k₀ : ℕ)
(B : Π⦃k : ℕ⦄, k₀ ≤ k → (n+k)-Type*[k.-1])
(C : Π⦃k : ℕ⦄, k₀ ≤ k → ((n+k)-Type*[k.-1] : Type.{u+1}))
(e : Π⦃k : ℕ⦄ (H : k₀ ≤ k), B H ≃* Ω (B (le.step H))) : [n;ω]Grp :=
(e : Π⦃k : ℕ⦄ (H : k₀ ≤ k), C H ≃* Ω (C (le.step H))) : ([n;ω]Grp : Type.{u+1}) :=
{ apply rec_down_le _ k₀ C, intro n' D,
refine ( (Ω D) _ pt _),
apply is_trunc_loop, apply is_trunc_ptruncconntype, apply is_conn_loop,
apply is_conn_ptruncconntype },
{ intro n', apply rec_down_le_univ, exact e, intro n D, reflexivity }
/- for l ≤ k we want to define it as Ω[k-l] (B G),
/- for l ≤ k we want to define it as Ω[k-l] (B G),
for H : l ≥ k we want to define it as nStabilize H G -/
for H : l ≥ k we want to define it as nStabilize H G -/
@ -263,7 +288,7 @@ definition ωStabilize_of_le (H : k ≥ n + 2) (G : [n;k]Grp) : [n;ω]Grp :=
definition ωStabilize (G : [n;k]Grp) : [n;ω]Grp :=
definition ωStabilize (G : [n;k]Grp) : [n;ω]Grp :=
ωStabilize_of_le !le_max_left (nStabilize !le_max_right G)
ωStabilize_of_le !le_max_left (nStabilize !le_max_right G)
theorem ωstabilization (H : k ≥ n + 2) : is_equiv (@ωStabilize n k) :=
definition ωstabilization (H : k ≥ n + 2) : is_equiv (@ωStabilize n k) :=
/- to do: adjunction (and ωStabilize ∘ ωForget =?= id) -/
/- to do: adjunction (and ωStabilize ∘ ωForget =?= id) -/
@ -302,11 +327,10 @@ _ (Grp_precategory k)
definition cGrp_equivalence_cType [constructor] (k : ℕ) : cGrp k ≃c cType*[k.-1] :=
definition cGrp_equivalence_cType [constructor] (k : ℕ) : cGrp k ≃c cType*[k.-1] :=
-- set_option pp.all true
definition cGrp_equivalence_Grp [constructor] : cGrp 1 ≃c category.Grp :=
definition cGrp_equivalence_Grp [constructor] : cGrp 1 ≃c category.Grp :=
-- set_option pp.all true
-- definition cGrp_equivalence_Grp [constructor] : cGrp 1 ≃c category.Grp :=
-- equivalence.trans
-- equivalence.trans
-- _
-- _
-- (equivalence.symm Grp_equivalence_cptruncconntype')
-- (equivalence.symm Grp_equivalence_cptruncconntype')
@ -331,6 +355,7 @@ print axioms cGrp_equivalence_Grp
-- no sorry's
-- no sorry's
print axioms Decat_adjoint_Disc
print axioms Decat_adjoint_Disc
print axioms Deloop_adjoint_Loop
print axioms Deloop_adjoint_Loop
print axioms Stabilize_adjoint_Forget
print axioms stabilization
print axioms stabilization
print axioms is_trunc_Grp
print axioms is_trunc_Grp
@ -906,7 +906,7 @@ namespace pushout -- should this be wedge?
exact (eq_con_of_inv_con_eq H)⁻¹,
exact (eq_con_of_inv_con_eq H)⁻¹,
parameters {A B : Type*}
parameters (n m : ℕ) {A B : Type*}
private definition section_of_glue (P : A × B → Type)
private definition section_of_glue (P : A × B → Type)
(s : Π w, P (prod_of_wedge w))
(s : Π w, P (prod_of_wedge w))
@ -915,7 +915,8 @@ namespace pushout -- should this be wedge?
⬝ (ap (λ q, transport P q (s (inl pt)))
⬝ (ap (λ q, transport P q (s (inl pt)))
(wedge.elim_glue (λ a, (a, pt)) (λ b, (pt, b)) idp)))⁻¹ ⬝ (apdt s (glue star))
(wedge.elim_glue (λ a, (a, pt)) (λ b, (pt, b)) idp)))⁻¹ ⬝ (apdt s (glue star))
parameters (n m : ℕ) [cA : is_conn n A] [cB : is_conn m B]
parameters (A B)
parameters [cA : is_conn n A] [cB : is_conn m B]
include cA cB
include cA cB
definition is_conn_fun_prod_of_wedge : is_conn_fun (m + n) (@prod_of_wedge A B) :=
definition is_conn_fun_prod_of_wedge : is_conn_fun (m + n) (@prod_of_wedge A B) :=
@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ sorry
apply trans (nat.mul_comm 2 n),
apply trans (nat.mul_comm 2 n),
apply ap (λ k, k + n), exact nat.zero_add n },
apply ap (λ k, k + n), exact nat.zero_add n },
rewrite H,
rewrite H,
exact is_conn_fun_prod_of_wedge n n (a, a)
exact is_conn_fun_prod_of_wedge n n A A (a, a)
@ -373,19 +373,27 @@ namespace nat
{ exact H0 },
{ exact H0 },
{ exact IH (Hs s H0) }
{ exact IH (Hs s H0) }
/- have Hp : Πn, P n → P (pred n),
definition rec_down_le (P : ℕ → Type) (s : ℕ) (H0 : Πn, s ≤ n → P n) (Hs : Πn, P (n+1) → P n)
: Πn, P n :=
intro n p, cases n with n,
induction s with s IH: intro n,
{ exact p },
{ exact H0 n (zero_le n) },
{ exact Hs n p }
{ apply IH, intro n' H, induction H with n' H IH2, apply Hs, exact H0 _ !le.refl,
exact H0 _ (succ_le_succ H) }
have H : Πn, P (s - n),
definition rec_down_le_univ {P : ℕ → Type} {s : ℕ} {H0 : Π⦃n⦄, s ≤ n → P n}
{Hs : Π⦃n⦄, P (n+1) → P n} (Q : Π⦃n⦄, P n → P (n + 1) → Type)
(HQ0 : Πn (H : s ≤ n), Q (H0 H) (H0 (le.step H))) (HQs : Πn (p : P (n+1)), Q (Hs p) p) :
Πn, Q (rec_down_le P s H0 Hs n) (rec_down_le P s H0 Hs (n + 1)) :=
intro n, induction n with n p,
induction s with s IH: intro n,
{ exact H0 },
{ apply HQ0 },
{ exact Hp (s - n) p }
{ apply IH, intro n' H, induction H with n' H IH2,
{ apply HQs },
transport P (nat.sub_self s) (H s)-/
{ apply HQ0 }}
/- this generalizes iterate_commute -/
/- this generalizes iterate_commute -/
definition iterate_hsquare {A B : Type} {f : A → A} {g : B → B}
definition iterate_hsquare {A B : Type} {f : A → A} {g : B → B}
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