continue working on higher groups

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Floris van Doorn 2018-01-17 18:43:50 -05:00
parent aa191493e9
commit 9cf33dd3a7
2 changed files with 189 additions and 99 deletions

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@ -7,8 +7,9 @@ Formalization of the higher groups paper
-/ -/
import .move_to_lib import .move_to_lib
open eq is_conn pointed is_trunc trunc equiv is_equiv trunc_index susp nat algebra open eq is_conn pointed is_trunc trunc equiv is_equiv trunc_index susp nat algebra prod.ops sigma sigma.ops
namespace higher_group namespace higher_group
set_option pp.binder_types true
/- We require that the carrier has a point (preserved by the equivalence) -/ /- We require that the carrier has a point (preserved by the equivalence) -/
@ -38,13 +39,39 @@ namespace higher_group
open ωGrp (renaming B→oB e→oe) open ωGrp (renaming B→oB e→oe)
/- some basic properties -/ /- some basic properties -/
lemma is_trunc_B' (G : [n;k]Grp) : is_trunc (k+n) (B G) :=
apply is_trunc_of_is_trunc_loopn,
exact is_trunc_equiv_closed _ (e G),
exact _
lemma is_trunc_B (G : [n;k]Grp) : is_trunc (n+k) (B G) := lemma is_trunc_B (G : [n;k]Grp) : is_trunc (n+k) (B G) :=
sorry transport (λm, is_trunc m (B G)) (add.comm k n) (is_trunc_B' G)
local attribute [instance] is_trunc_B
/- some equivalences -/ /- some equivalences -/
definition Grp_equiv (n k : ) : [n;k]Grp ≃ (n+k)-Type*[k] := definition Grp_equiv (n k : ) : [n;k]Grp ≃ (n+k)-Type*[k] :=
let f : Π(B : Type*[k]) (H : Σ(X : n-Type*), X ≃* Ω[k] B), (n+k)-Type*[k] :=
λB' H, B' (is_trunc_B ( H.1 B' H.2)) pt _
[n;k]Grp ≃ Σ(B : Type*[k]), Σ(X : n-Type*), X ≃* Ω[k] B : sorry
... ≃ Σ(B : (n+k)-Type*[k]), Σ(X : n-Type*), X ≃* Ω[k] B :
@sigma_equiv_of_is_embedding_left _ _ _ sorry ptruncconntype.to_pconntype sorry
(λB' H, (f B' H) sorry)
... ≃ Σ(B : (n+k)-Type*[k]), Σ(X : n-Type*),
X = ptrunctype_of_pType (Ω[k] B) !is_trunc_loopn_nat :> n-Type* :
sigma_equiv_sigma_right (λB, sigma_equiv_sigma_right (λX, sorry))
... ≃ (n+k)-Type*[k] : sigma_equiv_of_is_contr_right
definition Grp_eq_equiv {n k : } (G H : [n;k]Grp) : (G = H) ≃ (B G ≃* B H) :=
sorry sorry
definition Grp_eq {n k : } {G H : [n;k]Grp} (e : B G ≃* B H) : G = H :=
(Grp_eq_equiv G H)⁻¹ᵉ e
definition InfGrp_equiv (k : ) : [∞;k]Grp ≃ Type*[k] := definition InfGrp_equiv (k : ) : [∞;k]Grp ≃ Type*[k] :=
sorry sorry
@ -52,57 +79,61 @@ namespace higher_group
/- Constructions -/ /- Constructions -/
definition Decat (G : [n+1;k]Grp) : [n;k]Grp := definition Decat (G : [n+1;k]Grp) : [n;k]Grp := ( (ptrunc n G) _ pt) ( (ptrunc (n +[ℕ₋₂] k) (B G)) _ pt) ( (ptrunc n G) _ pt) ( (ptrunc (n + k) (B G)) _ pt)
abstract begin abstract begin
refine ptrunc_pequiv_ptrunc n (e G) ⬝e* _, refine ptrunc_pequiv_ptrunc n (e G) ⬝e* _,
symmetry, exact !loopn_ptrunc_pequiv symmetry, exact sorry --!loopn_ptrunc_pequiv
end end end end
definition Disc (G : [n;k]Grp) : [n+1;k]Grp := definition Disc (G : [n;k]Grp) : [n+1;k]Grp := ( G (show is_trunc (n.+1) G, from _) pt) (B G) (e G) ( G (show is_trunc (n.+1) G, from _) pt) (B G) (e G)
definition Disc_adjoint_Decat (G : [n;k]Grp) (H : [n+1;k]Grp) : definition Decat_adjoint_Disc (G : [n+1;k]Grp) (H : [n;k]Grp) :
ppmap (B (Disc G)) (B H) ≃* ppmap (B G) (B (Decat H)) := ppmap (B (Decat G)) (B H) ≃* ppmap (B G) (B (Disc H)) :=
pmap_ptrunc_pequiv (n + k) (B G) (B H)
definition Decat_adjoint_Disc_natural {G G' : [n+1;k]Grp} {H H' : [n;k]Grp}
(eG : B G' ≃* B G) (eH : B H ≃* B H') :
psquare (Decat_adjoint_Disc G H)
(Decat_adjoint_Disc G' H')
(ppcompose_left eH ∘* ppcompose_right (ptrunc_functor _ eG))
(ppcompose_left eH ∘* ppcompose_right eG) :=
sorry sorry
/- To do: naturality -/
definition Decat_Disc (G : [n;k]Grp) : Decat (Disc G) = G := definition Decat_Disc (G : [n;k]Grp) : Decat (Disc G) = G :=
sorry Grp_eq !ptrunc_pequiv
definition InfDecat (n : ) (G : [∞;k]Grp) : [n;k]Grp := definition InfDecat (n : ) (G : [∞;k]Grp) : [n;k]Grp := ( (ptrunc n G) _ pt) ( (ptrunc (n +[ℕ₋₂] k) (iB G)) _ pt) ( (ptrunc n G) _ pt) ( (ptrunc (n + k) (iB G)) _ pt)
abstract begin abstract begin
refine ptrunc_pequiv_ptrunc n (ie G) ⬝e* _, refine ptrunc_pequiv_ptrunc n (ie G) ⬝e* _,
symmetry, exact !loopn_ptrunc_pequiv symmetry, exact !loopn_ptrunc_pequiv_nat
end end end end
definition InfDisc (n : ) (G : [n;k]Grp) : [∞;k]Grp := definition InfDisc (n : ) (G : [n;k]Grp) : [∞;k]Grp := G (B G) (e G) G (B G) (e G)
definition InfDisc_adjoint_InfDecat (G : [n;k]Grp) (H : [∞;k]Grp) : definition InfDecat_adjoint_InfDisc (G : [∞;k]Grp) (H : [n;k]Grp) :
ppmap (iB (InfDisc n G)) (iB H) ≃* ppmap (B G) (B (InfDecat n H)) := ppmap (B (InfDecat n G)) (B H) ≃* ppmap (iB G) (iB (InfDisc n H)) :=
sorry pmap_ptrunc_pequiv (n + k) (iB G) (B H)
/- To do: naturality -/ /- To do: naturality -/
definition InfDecat_InfDisc (G : [n;k]Grp) : InfDecat n (InfDisc n G) = G := definition InfDecat_InfDisc (G : [n;k]Grp) : InfDecat n (InfDisc n G) = G :=
sorry sorry
definition Loop (G : [n+1;k]Grp) : [n;k+1]Grp := definition Loop (G : [n+1;k]Grp) : [n;k+1]Grp :=
have is_trunc (n.+1) G, from !is_trunc_ptrunctype, ( (Ω G) !is_trunc_loop_nat pt) ( (Ω G) !is_trunc_loop pt) (connconnect (k+1) (B G))
abstract begin abstract begin
exact sorry exact loop_pequiv_loop (e G) ⬝e* (loopn_connect k (B G))⁻¹ᵉ* ⬝e* _
end end end end
definition Deloop (G : [n;k+1]Grp) : [n+1;k]Grp := definition Deloop (G : [n;k+1]Grp) : [n+1;k]Grp :=
have is_conn (k.+1) (B G), from !is_conn_pconntype,
have is_trunc (n + (k + 1)) (B G), from is_trunc_B G, have is_trunc (n + (k + 1)) (B G), from is_trunc_B G,
have is_trunc (n +[] 1 +[ℕ₋₂] k) (pconntype.to_pType (B G)), from transport (λn, is_trunc n _) have is_trunc ((n + 1) + k) (B G), from transport (λ(n : ), is_trunc n _) (succ_add n k)⁻¹ this,
(ap trunc_index.of_nat (nat.succ_add n k)⁻¹ ⬝ !of_nat_add_of_nat⁻¹) this, ( (Ω[k] (B G)) !is_trunc_loopn_nat pt)
have is_trunc (n + 1) (Ω[k] (B G)), from !is_trunc_loopn, ( (B G) !is_conn_of_is_conn_succ_nat pt) ( (Ω[k] (B G)) _ pt)
( (B G) !is_conn_of_is_conn_succ pt)
(pequiv_of_equiv erfl idp) (pequiv_of_equiv erfl idp)
/- to do: adjunction, and Loop ∘ Deloop = id -/ /- to do: adjunction, and Loop ∘ Deloop = id -/

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@ -568,69 +568,70 @@ end lift
namespace trunc namespace trunc
open trunc_index open trunc_index
definition Prop_eq {P Q : Prop} (H : P ↔ Q) : P = Q := definition Prop_eq {P Q : Prop} (H : P ↔ Q) : P = Q :=
tua (equiv_of_is_prop ( H) (iff.mpr H)) tua (equiv_of_is_prop ( H) (iff.mpr H))
definition trunc_index_equiv_nat [constructor] : ℕ₋₂ ≃ := definition trunc_index_equiv_nat [constructor] : ℕ₋₂ ≃ :=
equiv.MK add_two sub_two add_two_sub_two sub_two_add_two equiv.MK add_two sub_two add_two_sub_two sub_two_add_two
definition is_set_trunc_index [instance] : is_set ℕ₋₂ := definition is_set_trunc_index [instance] : is_set ℕ₋₂ :=
is_trunc_equiv_closed_rev 0 trunc_index_equiv_nat is_trunc_equiv_closed_rev 0 trunc_index_equiv_nat
definition is_contr_ptrunc_minus_one (A : Type*) : is_contr (ptrunc -1 A) := definition is_contr_ptrunc_minus_one (A : Type*) : is_contr (ptrunc -1 A) :=
is_contr_of_inhabited_prop pt is_contr_of_inhabited_prop pt
-- TODO: redefine loopn_ptrunc_pequiv -- TODO: redefine loopn_ptrunc_pequiv
definition apn_ptrunc_functor (n : ℕ₋₂) (k : ) {A B : Type*} (f : A →* B) : definition apn_ptrunc_functor (n : ℕ₋₂) (k : ) {A B : Type*} (f : A →* B) :
Ω→[k] (ptrunc_functor (n+k) f) ∘* (loopn_ptrunc_pequiv n k A)⁻¹ᵉ* ~* Ω→[k] (ptrunc_functor (n+k) f) ∘* (loopn_ptrunc_pequiv n k A)⁻¹ᵉ* ~*
(loopn_ptrunc_pequiv n k B)⁻¹ᵉ* ∘* ptrunc_functor n (Ω→[k] f) := (loopn_ptrunc_pequiv n k B)⁻¹ᵉ* ∘* ptrunc_functor n (Ω→[k] f) :=
begin begin
revert n, induction k with k IH: intro n, revert n, induction k with k IH: intro n,
{ reflexivity }, { reflexivity },
{ exact sorry } { exact sorry }
end end
definition ptrunc_pequiv_natural [constructor] (n : ℕ₋₂) {A B : Type*} (f : A →* B) [is_trunc n A] definition ptrunc_pequiv_natural [constructor] (n : ℕ₋₂) {A B : Type*} (f : A →* B) [is_trunc n A]
[is_trunc n B] : f ∘* ptrunc_pequiv n A ~* ptrunc_pequiv n B ∘* ptrunc_functor n f := [is_trunc n B] : f ∘* ptrunc_pequiv n A ~* ptrunc_pequiv n B ∘* ptrunc_functor n f :=
begin begin
fapply, fapply,
{ intro a, induction a with a, reflexivity }, { intro a, induction a with a, reflexivity },
{ refine !idp_con ⬝ _ ⬝ !idp_con⁻¹, refine !ap_compose'⁻¹ ⬝ _, apply ap_id } { refine !idp_con ⬝ _ ⬝ !idp_con⁻¹, refine !ap_compose'⁻¹ ⬝ _, apply ap_id }
end end
definition ptr_natural [constructor] (n : ℕ₋₂) {A B : Type*} (f : A →* B) : definition ptr_natural [constructor] (n : ℕ₋₂) {A B : Type*} (f : A →* B) :
ptrunc_functor n f ∘* ptr n A ~* ptr n B ∘* f := ptrunc_functor n f ∘* ptr n A ~* ptr n B ∘* f :=
begin begin
fapply, fapply,
{ intro a, reflexivity }, { intro a, reflexivity },
{ reflexivity } { reflexivity }
end end
definition ptrunc_elim_pcompose (n : ℕ₋₂) {A B C : Type*} (g : B →* C) (f : A →* B) [is_trunc n B] definition ptrunc_elim_pcompose (n : ℕ₋₂) {A B C : Type*} (g : B →* C) (f : A →* B) [is_trunc n B]
[is_trunc n C] : ptrunc.elim n (g ∘* f) ~* g ∘* ptrunc.elim n f := [is_trunc n C] : ptrunc.elim n (g ∘* f) ~* g ∘* ptrunc.elim n f :=
begin begin
fapply, fapply,
{ intro a, induction a with a, reflexivity }, { intro a, induction a with a, reflexivity },
{ apply idp_con } { apply idp_con }
end end
definition ptrunc_elim_ptr_phomotopy_pid (n : ℕ₋₂) (A : Type*): definition ptrunc_elim_ptr_phomotopy_pid (n : ℕ₋₂) (A : Type*):
ptrunc.elim n (ptr n A) ~* pid (ptrunc n A) := ptrunc.elim n (ptr n A) ~* pid (ptrunc n A) :=
begin begin
fapply, fapply,
{ intro a, induction a with a, reflexivity }, { intro a, induction a with a, reflexivity },
{ apply idp_con } { apply idp_con }
end end
definition is_trunc_ptrunc_of_is_trunc [instance] [priority 500] (A : Type*) definition is_trunc_ptrunc_of_is_trunc [instance] [priority 500] (A : Type*)
(n m : ℕ₋₂) [H : is_trunc n A] : is_trunc n (ptrunc m A) := (n m : ℕ₋₂) [H : is_trunc n A] : is_trunc n (ptrunc m A) :=
is_trunc_trunc_of_is_trunc A n m is_trunc_trunc_of_is_trunc A n m
definition ptrunc_pequiv_ptrunc_of_is_trunc {n m k : ℕ₋₂} {A : Type*} definition ptrunc_pequiv_ptrunc_of_is_trunc {n m k : ℕ₋₂} {A : Type*}
(H1 : n ≤ m) (H2 : n ≤ k) (H : is_trunc n A) : ptrunc m A ≃* ptrunc k A := (H1 : n ≤ m) (H2 : n ≤ k) (H : is_trunc n A) : ptrunc m A ≃* ptrunc k A :=
have is_trunc m A, from is_trunc_of_le A H1, have is_trunc m A, from is_trunc_of_le A H1,
have is_trunc k A, from is_trunc_of_le A H2, have is_trunc k A, from is_trunc_of_le A H2,
pequiv.MK (ptrunc.elim _ (ptr k A)) (ptrunc.elim _ (ptr m A)) pequiv.MK (ptrunc.elim _ (ptr k A)) (ptrunc.elim _ (ptr m A))
abstract begin abstract begin
refine !ptrunc_elim_pcompose⁻¹* ⬝* _, refine !ptrunc_elim_pcompose⁻¹* ⬝* _,
exact ptrunc_elim_phomotopy _ !ptrunc_elim_ptr ⬝* !ptrunc_elim_ptr_phomotopy_pid, exact ptrunc_elim_phomotopy _ !ptrunc_elim_ptr ⬝* !ptrunc_elim_ptr_phomotopy_pid,
@ -640,26 +641,46 @@ tua (equiv_of_is_prop ( H) (iff.mpr H))
exact ptrunc_elim_phomotopy _ !ptrunc_elim_ptr ⬝* !ptrunc_elim_ptr_phomotopy_pid, exact ptrunc_elim_phomotopy _ !ptrunc_elim_ptr ⬝* !ptrunc_elim_ptr_phomotopy_pid,
end end end end
definition ptrunc_change_index {k l : ℕ₋₂} (p : k = l) (X : Type*) definition ptrunc_change_index {k l : ℕ₋₂} (p : k = l) (X : Type*)
: ptrunc k X ≃* ptrunc l X := : ptrunc k X ≃* ptrunc l X :=
pequiv_ap (λ n, ptrunc n X) p pequiv_ap (λ n, ptrunc n X) p
definition ptrunc_functor_le {k l : ℕ₋₂} (p : l ≤ k) (X : Type*) definition ptrunc_functor_le {k l : ℕ₋₂} (p : l ≤ k) (X : Type*)
: ptrunc k X →* ptrunc l X := : ptrunc k X →* ptrunc l X :=
have is_trunc k (ptrunc l X), from is_trunc_of_le _ p, have is_trunc k (ptrunc l X), from is_trunc_of_le _ p,
ptrunc.elim _ (ptr l X) ptrunc.elim _ (ptr l X)
definition trunc_index.pred [unfold 1] (n : ℕ₋₂) : ℕ₋₂ := definition trunc_index.pred [unfold 1] (n : ℕ₋₂) : ℕ₋₂ :=
begin cases n with n, exact -2, exact n end begin cases n with n, exact -2, exact n end
/- A more general version of ptrunc_elim_phomotopy, where the proofs of truncatedness might be different -/ /- A more general version of ptrunc_elim_phomotopy, where the proofs of truncatedness might be different -/
definition ptrunc_elim_phomotopy2 [constructor] (k : ℕ₋₂) {A B : Type*} {f g : A →* B} (H₁ : is_trunc k B) definition ptrunc_elim_phomotopy2 [constructor] (k : ℕ₋₂) {A B : Type*} {f g : A →* B} (H₁ : is_trunc k B)
(H₂ : is_trunc k B) (p : f ~* g) : @ptrunc.elim k A B H₁ f ~* @ptrunc.elim k A B H₂ g := (H₂ : is_trunc k B) (p : f ~* g) : @ptrunc.elim k A B H₁ f ~* @ptrunc.elim k A B H₂ g :=
begin begin
fapply, fapply,
{ intro x, induction x with a, exact p a }, { intro x, induction x with a, exact p a },
{ exact to_homotopy_pt p } { exact to_homotopy_pt p }
end end
definition pmap_ptrunc_equiv [constructor] (n : ℕ₋₂) (A B : Type*) [H : is_trunc n B] :
(ptrunc n A →* B) ≃ (A →* B) :=
fapply equiv.MK,
{ intro g, exact g ∘* ptr n A },
{ exact ptrunc.elim n },
{ intro f, apply eq_of_phomotopy, apply ptrunc_elim_ptr },
{ intro g, apply eq_of_phomotopy,
exact ptrunc_elim_pcompose n g (ptr n A) ⬝* pwhisker_left g (ptrunc_elim_ptr_phomotopy_pid n A) ⬝*
pcompose_pid g }
definition pmap_ptrunc_pequiv [constructor] (n : ℕ₋₂) (A B : Type*) [H : is_trunc n B] :
ppmap (ptrunc n A) B ≃* ppmap A B :=
pequiv_of_equiv (pmap_ptrunc_equiv n A B) (eq_of_phomotopy (pconst_pcompose (ptr n A)))
definition loopn_ptrunc_pequiv_nat (n : ) (k : ) (A : Type*) :
Ω[k] (ptrunc (n+k) A) ≃* ptrunc n (Ω[k] A) :=
loopn_pequiv_loopn k (ptrunc_change_index (of_nat_add_of_nat n k)⁻¹ A) ⬝e* loopn_ptrunc_pequiv n k A
end trunc end trunc
@ -667,6 +688,14 @@ namespace is_trunc
open trunc_index is_conn open trunc_index is_conn
lemma is_trunc_loopn_nat (m n : ) (A : Type*) [H : is_trunc (n + m) A] :
is_trunc n (Ω[m] A) :=
@is_trunc_loopn n m A (transport (λk, is_trunc k _) (of_nat_add_of_nat n m)⁻¹ H)
lemma is_trunc_loop_nat (n : ) (A : Type*) [H : is_trunc (n + 1) A] :
is_trunc n (Ω A) :=
is_trunc_loop A n
definition is_trunc_of_eq {n m : ℕ₋₂} (p : n = m) {A : Type} (H : is_trunc n A) : is_trunc m A := definition is_trunc_of_eq {n m : ℕ₋₂} (p : n = m) {A : Type} (H : is_trunc n A) : is_trunc m A :=
transport (λk, is_trunc k A) p H transport (λk, is_trunc k A) p H
@ -794,6 +823,20 @@ by induction q'; reflexivity
sigma_functor_homotopy h k x ⬝ sigma_functor_homotopy h k x ⬝
(sigma_functor_compose g₁₂ g₀₁ x)⁻¹ (sigma_functor_compose g₁₂ g₀₁ x)⁻¹
definition sigma_equiv_of_embedding_left_fun [constructor] {X Y : Type} {P : Y → Type} {f : X → Y}
(H : Πy, P y → fiber f y) (v : Σy, P y) : Σx, P (f x) :=
⟨fiber.point (H v.1 v.2), transport P (point_eq (H v.1 v.2))⁻¹ v.2⟩
definition sigma_equiv_of_is_embedding_left [constructor] {X Y : Type} {P : Y → Type} [HP : Πy, is_prop (P y)]
{f : X → Y} (Hf : is_embedding f) (H : Πy, P y → fiber f y) : (Σy, P y) ≃ Σx, P (f x) :=
apply equiv.MK (sigma_equiv_of_embedding_left_fun H) (sigma_functor f (λa, id)),
{ intro v, induction v with x p, esimp [sigma_equiv_of_embedding_left_fun],
fapply sigma_eq, apply @is_injective_of_is_embedding _ _ f, exact point_eq (H (f x) p),
apply is_prop.elimo },
{ intro v, induction v with y p, esimp, fapply sigma_eq, exact point_eq (H y p), apply is_prop.elimo },
end sigma open sigma end sigma open sigma
namespace group namespace group
@ -1022,6 +1065,22 @@ namespace is_conn
(H : is_conn_fun n g) (K : is_conn_fun n f) : is_conn_fun n (g ∘ f) := (H : is_conn_fun n g) (K : is_conn_fun n f) : is_conn_fun n (g ∘ f) :=
sorry sorry
/- the k-connectification of X, the fiber of the map X → ∥X∥ₖ. -/
definition connect (k : ) (X : Type*) : Type* :=
pfiber (ptr k X)
definition is_conn_connect (k : ) (X : Type*) : is_conn k (connect k X) :=
definition connconnect [constructor] (k : ) (X : Type*) : Type*[k] := (connect k X) (is_conn_connect k X) pt
definition loopn_connect (k : ) (X : Type*) : Ω[k+1] (connect k X) ≃* Ω[k+1] X :=
definition is_conn_of_is_conn_succ_nat (n : ) (A : Type) [is_conn (n+1) A] : is_conn n A :=
is_conn_of_is_conn_succ n A
end is_conn end is_conn
namespace misc namespace misc