some additions to the smash product and direct sums
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 164 additions and 47 deletions
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Constructions with groups
import .quotient_group .free_commutative_group
open eq algebra is_trunc set_quotient relation sigma prod sum list trunc function equiv
open eq algebra is_trunc set_quotient relation sigma prod sum list trunc function equiv sigma.ops
namespace group
@ -20,13 +20,42 @@ namespace group
parameters {I : Set} (Y : I → CommGroup)
variables {A' : CommGroup}
definition dirsum_carrier : CommGroup := free_comm_group ( (Σi, Y i) _)
local abbreviation ι := @free_comm_group_inclusion
inductive dirsum_rel : dirsum_carrier → Type :=
| rmk : Πi y₁ y₂, dirsum_rel (ι ⟨i, y₁⟩ * ι ⟨i, y₂⟩ * (ι ⟨i, y₁ * y₂⟩)⁻¹)
definition direct_sum : CommGroup := quotient_comm_group_gen dirsum_carrier (λg, ∥dirsum_rel g∥)
definition dirsum : CommGroup := quotient_comm_group_gen dirsum_carrier (λg, ∥dirsum_rel g∥)
-- definition dirsum_carrier_incl [constructor] (i : I) : Y i →g dirsum_carrier :=
definition dirsum_incl [constructor] (i : I) : Y i →g dirsum :=
|||| (λy, class_of (ι ⟨i, y⟩))
begin intro g h, symmetry, apply gqg_eq_of_rel, apply tr, apply dirsum_rel.rmk end
definition dirsum_elim [constructor] (f : Πi, Y i →g A') : dirsum →g A' :=
refine (gqg_elim _ (free_comm_group_elim (λv, f v.1 v.2)) _) _,
{ intro g r, induction r with r, induction r,
rewrite [to_respect_mul, to_respect_inv], apply mul_inv_eq_of_eq_mul,
rewrite [one_mul], apply ap (free_comm_group_elim (λ v, group_fun (f v.1) v.2)),
exact sorry
{ exact sorry }
definition dirsum_elim_compute (f : Πi, Y i →g A') (i : I) :
dirsum_elim f ∘g dirsum_incl i ~ f i :=
intro g, exact sorry
definition dirsum_elim_unique (f : Πi, Y i →g A') (k : dirsum →g A')
(H : Πi, k ∘g dirsum_incl i ~ f i) : k ~ dirsum_elim f :=
@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ namespace group
{ exact !IH₁ ⬝ !IH₂}
definition free_comm_group_hom [constructor] (f : X → A) : free_comm_group X →g A :=
definition free_comm_group_elim [constructor] (f : X → A) : free_comm_group X →g A :=
{ intro g, refine set_quotient.elim _ _ g,
@ -171,15 +171,15 @@ namespace group
esimp, refine !foldl_append ⬝ _, esimp, apply fgh_helper_mul}
definition fn_of_free_comm_group_hom [unfold_full] (φ : free_comm_group X →g A) : X → A :=
definition fn_of_free_comm_group_elim [unfold_full] (φ : free_comm_group X →g A) : X → A :=
φ ∘ free_comm_group_inclusion
variables (X A)
definition free_comm_group_hom_equiv_fn : (free_comm_group X →g A) ≃ (X → A) :=
definition free_comm_group_elim_equiv_fn : (free_comm_group X →g A) ≃ (X → A) :=
fapply equiv.MK,
{ exact fn_of_free_comm_group_hom},
{ exact free_comm_group_hom},
{ exact fn_of_free_comm_group_elim},
{ exact free_comm_group_elim},
{ intro f, apply eq_of_homotopy, intro x, esimp, unfold [foldl], apply one_mul},
{ intro φ, apply homomorphism_eq, refine set_quotient.rec_prop _, intro l, esimp,
induction l with s l IH,
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ open eq algebra is_trunc set_quotient relation sigma sigma.ops prod trunc functi
namespace group
variables {G G' : Group} (H : subgroup_rel G) (N : normal_subgroup_rel G) {g g' h h' k : G}
{A B : CommGroup}
variables {A B : CommGroup}
/- Quotient Group -/
@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ namespace group
: CommGroup :=
|||| _ (comm_group_qg (normal_subgroup_rel_comm N))
definition gq_map : G →g quotient_group N :=
definition qg_map [constructor] : G →g quotient_group N :=
|||| class_of (λ g h, idp)
definition comm_gq_map {G : CommGroup} (N : subgroup_rel G) : G →g quotient_comm_group N :=
@ -150,13 +150,13 @@ namespace group
namespace quotient
notation `⟦`:max a `⟧`:0 := gq_map a _
notation `⟦`:max a `⟧`:0 := qg_map a _
end quotient
open quotient
variable {N}
definition gq_map_eq_one (g : G) (H : N g) : gq_map N g = 1 :=
definition qg_map_eq_one (g : G) (H : N g) : qg_map N g = 1 :=
apply eq_of_rel,
have e : (g * 1⁻¹ = g),
@ -166,18 +166,18 @@ namespace group
unfold quotient_rel, rewrite e, exact H
definition comm_gq_map_eq_one {K : subgroup_rel A} (a :A) (H : K a) : comm_gq_map K a = 1 :=
definition comm_gq_map_eq_one {K : subgroup_rel A} (g :A) (H : K g) : comm_gq_map K g = 1 :=
apply eq_of_rel,
have e : (g * 1⁻¹ = g),
from calc
g * 1⁻¹ = g * 1 : one_inv
... = g : mul_one,
unfold quotient_rel, rewrite e, exact H
unfold quotient_rel, xrewrite e, exact H
--- there should be a smarter way to do this!! Please have a look, Floris.
definition rel_of_gq_map_eq_one (g : G) (H : gq_map N g = 1) : N g :=
definition rel_of_qg_map_eq_one (g : G) (H : qg_map N g = 1) : N g :=
have e : (g * 1⁻¹ = g),
from calc
@ -202,31 +202,31 @@ namespace group
apply H, exact K},
{ intro g h, induction g using set_quotient.rec_prop with g,
induction h using set_quotient.rec_prop with h,
krewrite (inverse (to_respect_mul (gq_map N) g h)),
unfold gq_map, esimp, exact to_respect_mul f g h }
krewrite (inverse (to_respect_mul (qg_map N) g h)),
unfold qg_map, esimp, exact to_respect_mul f g h }
definition quotient_group_compute (f : G →g G') (H : Π⦃g⦄, N g → f g = 1) : quotient_group_elim f H ∘g gq_map N ~ f :=
definition quotient_group_compute (f : G →g G') (H : Π⦃g⦄, N g → f g = 1) : quotient_group_elim f H ∘g qg_map N ~ f :=
intro g, reflexivity
definition gelim_unique (f : G →g G') (H : Π⦃g⦄, N g → f g = 1) (k : quotient_group N →g G')
: ( k ∘g gq_map N ~ f ) → k ~ quotient_group_elim f H :=
: ( k ∘g qg_map N ~ f ) → k ~ quotient_group_elim f H :=
intro K cg, induction cg using set_quotient.rec_prop with g,
krewrite (quotient_group_compute f),
exact K g
definition gq_universal_property (f : G →g G') (H : Π⦃g⦄, N g → f g = 1) :
is_contr (Σ(g : quotient_group N →g G'), g ∘g gq_map N = f) :=
definition qg_universal_property (f : G →g G') (H : Π⦃g⦄, N g → f g = 1) :
is_contr (Σ(g : quotient_group N →g G'), g ∘g qg_map N = f) :=
-- give center of contraction
{ fapply, exact quotient_group_elim f H, apply homomorphism_eq, exact quotient_group_compute f H },
-- give contraction
{ intro pair, induction pair with g p, fapply sigma_eq,
{ intro pair, induction pair with g p, fapply sigma_eq,
{esimp, apply homomorphism_eq, symmetry, exact gelim_unique f H g (homotopy_of_homomorphism_eq p)},
{fapply is_prop.elimo} }
@ -252,38 +252,68 @@ definition comm_group_first_iso_thm (A B : CommGroup) (f : A →g B) : quotient_
exact k,
exact sorry,
-- show that the above map is injective and surjective.
/- set generating normal subgroup -/
parameters {GG : CommGroup} (S : GG → Prop)
parameters {A₁ : CommGroup} (S : A₁ → Prop)
variable {A₂ : CommGroup}
inductive generating_relation' : GG → Type :=
inductive generating_relation' : A₁ → Type :=
| rincl : Π{g}, S g → generating_relation' g
| rmul : Π{g h}, generating_relation' g → generating_relation' h → generating_relation' (g * h)
| rinv : Π{g}, generating_relation' g → generating_relation' g⁻¹
| rone : generating_relation' 1
open generating_relation'
definition generating_relation (g : GG) : Prop := ∥ generating_relation' g ∥
definition generating_relation (g : A₁) : Prop := ∥ generating_relation' g ∥
local abbreviation R := generating_relation
definition gr_one : R 1 := tr (rone S)
definition gr_inv (g : GG) : R g → R g⁻¹ :=
definition gr_inv (g : A₁) : R g → R g⁻¹ :=
trunc_functor -1 rinv
definition gr_mul (g h : GG) : R g → R h → R (g * h) :=
definition gr_mul (g h : A₁) : R g → R h → R (g * h) :=
trunc_functor2 rmul
definition normal_generating_relation : subgroup_rel GG :=
definition normal_generating_relation : subgroup_rel A₁ :=
⦃ subgroup_rel,
R := generating_relation,
R := R,
Rone := gr_one,
Rinv := gr_inv,
Rmul := gr_mul⦄
parameter (GG)
parameter (A₁)
definition quotient_comm_group_gen : CommGroup := quotient_comm_group normal_generating_relation
definition gqg_map [constructor] : A₁ →g quotient_comm_group_gen :=
qg_map _
parameter {A₁}
definition gqg_eq_of_rel {g h : A₁} (H : S (g * h⁻¹)) : gqg_map g = gqg_map h :=
eq_of_rel (tr (rincl H))
definition gqg_elim (f : A₁ →g A₂) (H : Π⦃g⦄, S g → f g = 1)
: quotient_comm_group_gen →g A₂ :=
apply quotient_group_elim f,
intro g r, induction r with r,
induction r with g s g h r r' IH1 IH2 g r IH,
{ exact H s },
{ exact !respect_mul ⬝ ap011 mul IH1 IH2 ⬝ !one_mul },
{ exact !respect_inv ⬝ ap inv IH ⬝ !one_inv },
{ apply respect_one }
definition gqg_elim_compute (f : A₁ →g A₂) (H : Π⦃g⦄, S g → f g = 1)
: gqg_elim f H ∘g gqg_map ~ f :=
intro g, reflexivity
definition gqg_elim_unique (f : A₁ →g A₂) (H : Π⦃g⦄, S g → f g = 1)
(k : quotient_comm_group_gen →g A₂) : ( k ∘g gqg_map ~ f ) → k ~ gqg_elim f H :=
end group
@ -135,7 +135,8 @@ namespace group
theorem is_normal_subgroup' (h : G) (r : N g) : N (h⁻¹ * g * h) :=
inv_inv h ▸ is_normal_subgroup N h⁻¹ r
definition normal_subgroup_rel_comm.{u} (R : subgroup_rel.{_ u} A) : normal_subgroup_rel.{_ u} A :=
definition normal_subgroup_rel_comm.{u} [constructor] (R : subgroup_rel.{_ u} A)
: normal_subgroup_rel.{_ u} A :=
⦃normal_subgroup_rel, R,
is_normal_subgroup := abstract begin
intros g h r, xrewrite [mul.comm h g, mul_inv_cancel_right], exact r
@ -243,14 +244,14 @@ namespace group
intro g h, reflexivity
definition subgroup_rel_of_subgroup {G : Group} (H1 H2 : subgroup_rel G) (hyp : Π (g : G), subgroup_rel.R H1 g → subgroup_rel.R H2 g) : subgroup_rel (subgroup H2) :=
definition subgroup_rel_of_subgroup {G : Group} (H1 H2 : subgroup_rel G) (hyp : Π (g : G), subgroup_rel.R H1 g → subgroup_rel.R H2 g) : subgroup_rel (subgroup H2) :=
-- definition of the subset
(λ h, H1 (incl_of_subgroup H2 h))
(λ h, H1 (incl_of_subgroup H2 h))
-- contains 1
(subgroup_has_one H1)
(subgroup_has_one H1)
-- closed under multiplication
(λ g h p q, subgroup_respect_mul H1 p q)
(λ g h p q, subgroup_respect_mul H1 p q)
-- closed under inverses
(λ h p, subgroup_respect_inv H1 p)
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ namespace EM
exact φ
definition EM_functor {G H : CommGroup} (φ : G →g H) (n : ℕ) :
definition EM_functor [unfold 4] {G H : CommGroup} (φ : G →g H) (n : ℕ) :
K G n →* K H n :=
cases n with n,
@ -43,6 +43,8 @@ namespace EM
{ exact EMadd1_functor φ n }
-- TODO: (K G n →* K H n) ≃ (G →g H)
/- Equivalence of Groups and pointed connected 1-truncated types -/
definition pEM1_pequiv_ptruncconntype (X : 1-Type*[0]) : pEM1 (π₁ X) ≃* X :=
@ -159,10 +161,10 @@ namespace EM
apply homotopy_of_inv_homotopy_pre (loopn_EMadd1 G n),
intro g, esimp at *,
revert X e r H1 H2, induction n with n IH: intro X e r H1 H2,
{ refine !idp_con ⬝ _, refine !ap_compose'⁻¹ ⬝ _, esimp, apply elim_pth},
{ refine !idp_con ⬝ _, refine !ap_compose'⁻¹ ⬝ _, apply elim_pth},
{ replace (succ (succ n)) with ((succ n) + 1), rewrite [apn_succ],
exact sorry}
--exact !idp_con ⬝ !elim_pth
-- exact !idp_con ⬝ !elim_pth
-- definition is_conn_of_le (n : ℕ₋₂) (A : Type) [is_conn (n.+1) A] :
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
import homotopy.join types.pointed homotopy.cofiber ..move_to_lib
open bool pointed eq equiv is_equiv sum bool prod unit circle cofiber
open bool pointed eq equiv is_equiv sum bool prod unit circle cofiber prod.ops wedge
namespace smash
@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ namespace smash
/- smash A B ≃ pcofiber (pprod_of_pwedge A B) -/
definition prod_of_pwedge [unfold 3] (v : pwedge A B) : A × B :=
definition prod_of_pwedge [unfold 3] (v : pwedge' A B) : A × B :=
induction v with a b ,
{ exact (a, pt) },
@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ namespace smash
{ reflexivity }
definition pprod_of_pwedge [constructor] : pwedge A B →* A ×* B :=
definition pprod_of_pwedge [constructor] : pwedge' A B →* A ×* B :=
{ intro v, induction v with a b ,
@ -202,16 +202,35 @@ namespace smash
attribute pcofiber [constructor]
definition pcofiber_of_smash (x : smash A B) : pcofiber (@pprod_of_pwedge A B) :=
definition pcofiber_of_smash (x : smash A B) : pcofiber' (@pprod_of_pwedge A B) :=
induction x,
{ exact pushout.inr (a, b) },
{ exact pushout.inl ⋆ },
{ exact pushout.inl ⋆ },
{ symmetry, },
{ }
{ symmetry, exact pushout.glue (pushout.inl a) },
{ symmetry, exact pushout.glue (pushout.inr b) }
definition ap_eq_ap011 {A B C X : Type} (f : A → B → C) (g : X → A) (h : X → B) {x x' : X}
(p : x = x') : ap (λx, f (g x) (h x)) p = ap011 f (ap g p) (ap h p) :=
by induction p; reflexivity
definition smash_of_pcofiber (x : pcofiber' (@pprod_of_pwedge A B)) : smash A B :=
induction x with x x,
{ exact pt pt },
{ exact x.1 x.2 },
{ induction x with a b: esimp,
{ apply gluel' },
{ apply gluer' },
{ apply eq_pathover_constant_left, refine _ ⬝hp (ap_eq_ap011 _ _ _)⁻¹,
unfold [wedge.elim],
rewrite [ap_compose' prod.pr1, ap_compose' prod.pr2],
-- TODO: define elim_glue for wedges and remove krewrite
krewrite [pushout.elim_glue], esimp, apply vdeg_square,
exact !con.right_inv ⬝ !con.right_inv⁻¹ }}
/- smash A S¹ = susp A -/
open susp
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-- definitions, theorems and attributes which should be moved to files in the HoTT library
import homotopy.sphere2
import homotopy.sphere2 homotopy.cofiber homotopy.wedge
open eq nat int susp pointed pmap sigma is_equiv equiv fiber algebra trunc trunc_index pi group
is_trunc function sphere
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ namespace pi -- move to types.arrow
cases f with f p, esimp [pmap_eq],
refine apd011 (apd011 !eq_of_homotopy_idp _,
exact sorry
induction Y with Y y0, esimp at *, induction p, esimp, exact sorry
definition pfunext [constructor] (X Y : Type*) : ppmap X (Ω Y) ≃* Ω (ppmap X Y) :=
@ -761,3 +761,39 @@ namespace sphere
-- end
end sphere
namespace cofiber
-- replace with the definition of pcofiber (and remove primes in homotopy.smash)
definition pcofiber' [constructor] {A B : Type*} (f : A →* B) : Type* :=
pointed.MK (cofiber f) !cofiber.base
attribute pcofiber [constructor]
-- move ppushout attribute out namespace
protected definition elim {A : Type} {B : Type} {f : A → B} {P : Type}
(Pinl : P) (Pinr : B → P) (Pglue : Π (x : A), Pinl = Pinr (f x)) (y : cofiber f) : P :=
induction y using pushout.elim with x x x, induction x, exact Pinl, exact Pinr x, exact Pglue x,
end cofiber
attribute cofiber.rec cofiber.elim [recursor 8] [unfold 8]
namespace wedge
open pushout unit
definition wedge (A B : Type*) : Type := ppushout (pconst punit A) (pconst punit B)
local attribute wedge [reducible]
definition pwedge' (A B : Type*) : Type* :=' (wedge A B)
protected definition rec {A B : Type*} {P : wedge A B → Type} (Pinl : Π(x : A), P (inl x))
(Pinr : Π(x : B), P (inr x)) (Pglue : pathover P (Pinl pt) (glue ⋆) (Pinr pt))
(y : wedge A B) : P y :=
by induction y; apply Pinl; apply Pinr; induction x; exact Pglue
protected definition elim {A B : Type*} {P : Type} (Pinl : A → P)
(Pinr : B → P) (Pglue : Pinl pt = Pinr pt) (y : wedge A B) : P :=
by induction y with a b x; exact Pinl a; exact Pinr b; induction x; exact Pglue
end wedge
attribute wedge.rec wedge.elim [recursor 7] [unfold 7]
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