diff --git a/homotopy/LES_applications.hlean b/homotopy/LES_applications.hlean index d1e892f..739ae03 100644 --- a/homotopy/LES_applications.hlean +++ b/homotopy/LES_applications.hlean @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -import .LES_of_homotopy_groups homotopy.connectedness homotopy.homotopy_group +import .LES_of_homotopy_groups homotopy.connectedness homotopy.homotopy_group homotopy.join open eq is_trunc pointed homotopy is_equiv fiber equiv trunc nat chain_complex prod fin algebra - group trunc_index function + group trunc_index function join pushout namespace nat open sigma sum definition eq_even_or_eq_odd (n : ℕ) : (Σk, 2 * k = n) ⊎ (Σk, 2 * k + 1 = n) := @@ -66,9 +66,17 @@ namespace is_conn theorem is_equiv_trunc_functor_of_is_conn_map {A B : Type} (n : ℕ₋₂) (f : A → B) [H : is_conn_map n f] : is_equiv (trunc_functor n f) := begin - exact sorry + fapply adjointify, + { intro b, induction b with b, exact trunc_functor n point (center (trunc n (fiber f b)))}, + { intro b, induction b with b, esimp, generalize center (trunc n (fiber f b)), intro v, + induction v with v, induction v with a p, esimp, exact ap tr p}, + { intro a, induction a with a, esimp, rewrite [center_eq (tr (fiber.mk a idp))]} end + theorem trunc_equiv_trunc_of_is_conn_map {A B : Type} (n : ℕ₋₂) (f : A → B) + [H : is_conn_map n f] : trunc n A ≃ trunc n B := + equiv.mk (trunc_functor n f) (is_equiv_trunc_functor_of_is_conn_map n f) + definition is_equiv_tinverse [constructor] (A : Type*) : is_equiv (@tinverse A) := by apply @is_equiv_trunc_functor; apply is_equiv_eq_inverse @@ -130,4 +138,86 @@ namespace is_conn (@is_contr_HG_fiber_of_is_connected A B (2 * k + 1) (2 * k + 1) f H !le.refl)} end + definition join_empty_right [constructor] (A : Type) : join A empty ≃ A := + begin + fapply equiv.MK, + { intro x, induction x with a o v, + { exact a}, + { exact empty.elim o}, + { exact empty.elim (pr2 v)}}, + { exact pushout.inl}, + { intro a, reflexivity}, + { intro x, induction x with a o v, + { reflexivity}, + { exact empty.elim o}, + { exact empty.elim (pr2 v)}} + end + + /- joins -/ + + definition join_functor [unfold 7] {A A' B B' : Type} (f : A → A') (g : B → B') : + join A B → join A' B' := + begin + intro x, induction x with a b v, + { exact inl (f a)}, + { exact inr (g b)}, + { exact glue (f (pr1 v), g (pr2 v))} + end + + theorem join_functor_glue {A A' B B' : Type} (f : A → A') (g : B → B') + (v : A × B) : ap (join_functor f g) (glue v) = glue (f (pr1 v), g (pr2 v)) := + !elim_glue + + definition natural_square2 {A B X : Type} {f : A → X} {g : B → X} (h : Πa b, f a = g b) + {a a' : A} {b b' : B} (p : a = a') (q : b = b') + : square (ap f p) (ap g q) (h a b) (h a' b') := + by induction p; induction q; exact hrfl + + definition join_equiv_join {A A' B B' : Type} (f : A ≃ A') (g : B ≃ B') : + join A B ≃ join A' B' := + begin + fapply equiv.MK, + { apply join_functor f g}, + { apply join_functor f⁻¹ g⁻¹}, + { intro x', induction x' with a' b' v', + { esimp, exact ap inl (right_inv f a')}, + { esimp, exact ap inr (right_inv g b')}, + { cases v' with a' b', apply eq_pathover, + rewrite [▸*, ap_id, ap_compose' (join_functor _ _), ▸*], + xrewrite [+join_functor_glue, ▸*], + exact natural_square2 jglue (right_inv f a') (right_inv g b')}}, + { intro x, induction x with a b v, + { esimp, exact ap inl (left_inv f a)}, + { esimp, exact ap inr (left_inv g b)}, + { cases v with a b, apply eq_pathover, + rewrite [▸*, ap_id, ap_compose' (join_functor _ _), ▸*], + xrewrite [+join_functor_glue, ▸*], + exact natural_square2 jglue (left_inv f a) (left_inv g b)}} + end + + section + open sphere sphere_index + + definition add_plus_one_minus_one (n : ℕ₋₁) : n +1+ -1 = n := idp + definition add_plus_one_succ (n m : ℕ₋₁) : n +1+ (m.+1) = (n +1+ m).+1 := idp + definition minus_one_add_plus_one (n : ℕ₋₁) : -1 +1+ n = n := + begin induction n with n IH, reflexivity, exact ap succ IH end + definition succ_add_plus_one (n m : ℕ₋₁) : (n.+1) +1+ m = (n +1+ m).+1 := + begin induction m with m IH, reflexivity, exact ap succ IH end + + definition sphere_join_sphere (n m : ℕ₋₁) : join (sphere n) (sphere m) ≃ sphere (n +1+ m) := + begin + revert n, induction m with m IH: intro n, + { apply join_empty_right}, + { rewrite [sphere_succ m], + refine join_equiv_join erfl !join.bool⁻¹ᵉ ⬝e _, + refine !join.assoc⁻¹ᵉ ⬝e _, + refine join_equiv_join !join.symm erfl ⬝e _, + refine join_equiv_join !join.bool erfl ⬝e _, + rewrite [-sphere_succ n], + refine !IH ⬝e _, + rewrite [add_plus_one_succ, succ_add_plus_one]} + end + end + end is_conn