Merge branch 'master' of
This commit is contained in:
16 changed files with 431 additions and 78 deletions
@ -421,7 +421,6 @@ end
(λa, to_right_inv (equiv_of_isomorphism eB) _) (λb, to_right_inv (equiv_of_isomorphism eC) _)
(short_exact_mod.h H))
@ -451,6 +451,52 @@ namespace left_module
-- print axioms Dinfdiag0
-- print axioms Dinfdiag_stable
open int group prod convergence_theorem prod.ops
definition Z2 [constructor] : Set := gℤ ×g gℤ
structure converges_to.{u v w} {R : Ring} (E' : gℤ → gℤ → LeftModule.{u v} R)
(Dinf : graded_module.{u 0 w} R gℤ) : Type.{max u (v+1) (w+1)} :=
(X : exact_couple.{u 0 v w} R Z2)
(HH : is_bounded X)
(e : Π(x : gℤ ×g gℤ), exact_couple.E X x ≃lm E' x.1 x.2)
(s₀ : gℤ)
(p : Π(n : gℤ), is_bounded.B' HH (deg (k X) (n, s₀)) = 0)
(f : Π(n : gℤ), exact_couple.D X (deg (k X) (n, s₀)) ≃lm Dinf n)
infix ` ⟹ `:25 := converges_to
definition converges_to_g [reducible] (E' : gℤ → gℤ → AbGroup) (Dinf : gℤ → AbGroup) : Type :=
(λn s, LeftModule_int_of_AbGroup (E' n s)) ⟹ (λn, LeftModule_int_of_AbGroup (Dinf n))
infix ` ⟹ᵍ `:25 := converges_to_g
open converges_to
parameters {R : Ring} {E' : gℤ → gℤ → LeftModule R} {Dinf : graded_module R gℤ} (c : E' ⟹ Dinf)
local abbreviation X := X c
local abbreviation HH := HH c
local abbreviation s₀ := s₀ c
local abbreviation Dinfdiag (n : gℤ) (k : ℕ) := Dinfdiag X HH (n, s₀) k
local abbreviation Einfdiag (n : gℤ) (k : ℕ) := Einfdiag X HH (n, s₀) k
include c
theorem is_contr_converges_to (H : Π(n s : gℤ), is_contr (E' n s)) (n : gℤ) : is_contr (Dinf n) :=
assert H2 : Π(m : gℤ) (k : ℕ), is_contr (Einfdiag m k),
{ intro m k, apply is_contr_E, exact is_trunc_equiv_closed_rev -2 (equiv_of_isomorphism (e c _)) },
assert H3 : Π(m : gℤ), is_contr (Dinfdiag m 0),
{ intro m, fapply nat.rec_down (λk, is_contr (Dinfdiag m k)),
{ exact is_bounded.B HH (deg (k X) (m, s₀)) },
{ apply Dinfdiag_stable, reflexivity },
{ intro k H, exact sorry /-note zz := is_contr_middle_of_is_exact (short_exact_mod_infpage k)-/ }},
refine @is_trunc_equiv_closed _ _ _ _ (H3 n),
apply equiv_of_isomorphism,
exact Dinfdiag0 X HH (n, s₀) (p c n) ⬝lm f c n
end left_module
open left_module
namespace pointed
@ -485,8 +531,7 @@ namespace pointed
open prod prod.ops fiber
parameters {A : ℤ → Type*[1]} (f : Π(n : ℤ), A n →* A (n - 1)) [Hf : Πn, is_conn_fun 1 (f n)]
include Hf
protected definition I [constructor] : Set := (gℤ ×g gℤ) !is_trunc_prod
local abbreviation I := @pointed.I
local abbreviation I [constructor] := Z2
-- definition D_sequence : graded_module rℤ I :=
-- λv, LeftModule_int_of_AbGroup (πc[v.2] (A (v.1)))
@ -510,8 +555,8 @@ namespace spectrum
parameters {A : ℤ → spectrum} (f : Π(s : ℤ), A s →ₛ A (s - 1))
protected definition I [constructor] : Set := (gℤ ×g gℤ) !is_trunc_prod
local abbreviation I := @spectrum.I
-- protected definition I [constructor] : Set := gℤ ×g gℤ
local abbreviation I [constructor] := Z2
definition D_sequence : graded_module rℤ I :=
λv, LeftModule_int_of_AbGroup (πₛ[v.1] (A (v.2)))
@ -588,8 +633,8 @@ namespace spectrum
open int
parameters (ub : ℤ) (lb : ℤ → ℤ)
(Aub : Πs n, s ≥ ub + 1 → is_equiv (f s n))
(Alb : Πs n, s ≤ lb n → is_contr (πₛ[n] (A s)))
(Aub : Π(s n : ℤ), s ≥ ub + 1 → is_equiv (f s n))
(Alb : Π(s n : ℤ), s ≤ lb n → is_contr (πₛ[n] (A s)))
definition B : I → ℕ
| (n, s) := max0 (s - lb n)
@ -652,6 +697,17 @@ namespace spectrum
refine !add.assoc ⬝ ap (add s) !add.comm ⬝ !add.assoc⁻¹,
definition converges_to_sequence : (λn s, πₛ[n] (sfiber (f s))) ⟹ᵍ (λn, πₛ[n] (A ub)) :=
{ exact exact_couple_sequence },
{ exact is_bounded_sequence },
{ intros, reflexivity },
{ exact ub },
{ intro n, change max0 (ub - ub) = 0, exact ap max0 (sub_self ub) },
{ intro n, reflexivity }
-- Uncomment the next line to see that the proof uses univalence, but that there are no holes
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Copyright (c) 2015 Floris van Doorn. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Floris van Doorn, Egbert Rijke
Authors: Floris van Doorn, Egbert Rijke, Favonia
Constructions with groups
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
--Authors: Robert Rose, Liz Vidaurre
import .direct_sum .quotient_group ..move_to_lib
open eq algebra is_trunc set_quotient relation sigma prod sum list trunc function equiv sigma.ops nat
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-- authors: Floris van Doorn, Egbert Rijke
-- authors: Floris van Doorn, Egbert Rijke, Stefano Piceghello
import hit.colimit types.fin homotopy.chain_complex types.pointed2
open seq_colim pointed algebra eq is_trunc nat is_equiv equiv sigma sigma.ops chain_complex
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Copyright (c) 2017 Yuri Sulyma, Favonia
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Yuri Sulyma, Favonia
Authors: Yuri Sulyma, Favonia, Floris van Doorn
Reduced homology theories
@ -570,24 +570,4 @@ namespace EM
abstract (EMadd1_functor_gcompose φ φ⁻¹ᵍ n)⁻¹* ⬝* EMadd1_functor_phomotopy proof right_inv φ qed n ⬝*
EMadd1_functor_gid H n end
/- Eilenberg MacLane spaces are the fibers of the Postnikov system of a type -/
definition postnikov_map [constructor] (A : Type*) (n : ℕ₋₂) : ptrunc (n.+1) A →* ptrunc n A :=
ptrunc.elim (n.+1) !ptr
open fiber
definition pfiber_postnikov_map (A : Type*) (n : ℕ) : pfiber (postnikov_map A n) ≃* EM_type A (n+1) :=
symmetry, apply EM_type_pequiv,
{ symmetry, refine _ ⬝g ghomotopy_group_ptrunc (n+1) A,
exact chain_complex.LES_isomorphism_of_trivial_cod _ _
(trivial_homotopy_group_of_is_trunc _ (self_lt_succ n))
(trivial_homotopy_group_of_is_trunc _ (le_succ _)) },
{ apply is_conn_fun_trunc_elim, apply is_conn_fun_tr },
{ have is_trunc (n+1) (ptrunc n.+1 A), from !is_trunc_trunc,
have is_trunc ((n+1).+1) (ptrunc n A), by do 2 apply is_trunc_succ, apply is_trunc_trunc,
apply is_trunc_pfiber }
end EM
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Copyright (c) 2016 Jakob von Raumer. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Floris van Doorn
Authors: Floris van Doorn, Favonia
The Wedge Sum of a family of Pointed Types
@ -485,6 +485,11 @@ namespace pushout
apply eq_inv_con_of_con_eq, exact (to_homotopy_pt p)⁻¹ }
The maps Z^{C_f} --> Z^Y --> Z^X are exact at Z^Y.
Here Y^X means pointed maps from X to Y and C_f is the cofiber of f.
The maps are given by precomposing with (pcod f) and f.
definition cofiber_exact {X Y Z : Type*} (f : X →* Y) :
is_exact_t (@ppcompose_right _ _ Z (pcod f)) (ppcompose_right f) :=
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
import ..algebra.module_exact_couple .strunc
open eq spectrum trunc is_trunc pointed int EM algebra left_module fiber lift
/- Eilenberg MacLane spaces are the fibers of the Postnikov system of a type -/
definition postnikov_map [constructor] (A : Type*) (n : ℕ₋₂) : ptrunc (n.+1) A →* ptrunc n A :=
ptrunc.elim (n.+1) !ptr
definition ptrunc_functor_postnikov_map {A B : Type*} (n : ℕ₋₂) (f : A →* B) :
ptrunc_functor n f ∘* postnikov_map A n ~* ptrunc.elim (n.+1) (!ptr ∘* f) :=
{ intro x, induction x with a, reflexivity },
{ reflexivity }
open nat is_conn group
definition pfiber_postnikov_map (A : Type*) (n : ℕ) :
pfiber (postnikov_map A n) ≃* EM_type A (n+1) :=
symmetry, apply EM_type_pequiv,
{ symmetry, refine _ ⬝g ghomotopy_group_ptrunc (n+1) A,
exact chain_complex.LES_isomorphism_of_trivial_cod _ _
(trivial_homotopy_group_of_is_trunc _ (self_lt_succ n))
(trivial_homotopy_group_of_is_trunc _ (le_succ _)) },
{ apply is_conn_fun_trunc_elim, apply is_conn_fun_tr },
{ have is_trunc (n+1) (ptrunc n.+1 A), from !is_trunc_trunc,
have is_trunc ((n+1).+1) (ptrunc n A), by do 2 apply is_trunc_succ, apply is_trunc_trunc,
apply is_trunc_pfiber }
definition postnikov_map_natural {A B : Type*} (f : A →* B) (n : ℕ₋₂) :
psquare (postnikov_map A n) (postnikov_map B n)
(ptrunc_functor (n.+1) f) (ptrunc_functor n f) :=
!ptrunc_functor_postnikov_map ⬝* !ptrunc_elim_ptrunc_functor⁻¹*
definition encode_ap1_gen_tr (n : ℕ₋₂) {A : Type*} {a a' : A} (p : a = a') :
trunc.encode (ap1_gen tr idp idp p) = tr p :> trunc n (a = a') :=
by induction p; reflexivity
definition ap1_postnikov_map (A : Type*) (n : ℕ₋₂) :
psquare (Ω→ (postnikov_map A (n.+1))) (postnikov_map (Ω A) n)
(loop_ptrunc_pequiv (n.+1) A) (loop_ptrunc_pequiv n A) :=
have psquare (postnikov_map (Ω A) n) (Ω→ (postnikov_map A (n.+1)))
(loop_ptrunc_pequiv (n.+1) A)⁻¹ᵉ* (loop_ptrunc_pequiv n A)⁻¹ᵉ*,
refine _ ⬝* !ap1_ptrunc_elim⁻¹*, apply pinv_left_phomotopy_of_phomotopy,
{ intro x, induction x with p, exact !encode_ap1_gen_tr⁻¹ },
{ reflexivity }
-- definition postnikov_map_int (X : Type*) (k : ℤ) :
-- ptrunc (maxm2 (k + 1)) X →* ptrunc (maxm2 k) X :=
-- begin
-- induction k with k k,
-- exact postnikov_map X k,
-- exact !pconst
-- end
-- definition postnikov_map_int_natural {A B : Type*} (f : A →* B) (k : ℤ) :
-- psquare (postnikov_map_int A k) (postnikov_map_int B k)
-- (ptrunc_int_functor (k+1) f) (ptrunc_int_functor k f) :=
-- begin
-- induction k with k k,
-- exact postnikov_map_natural f k,
-- apply psquare_of_phomotopy, exact !pcompose_pconst ⬝* !pconst_pcompose⁻¹*
-- end
-- definition postnikov_map_int_natural_pequiv {A B : Type*} (f : A ≃* B) (k : ℤ) :
-- psquare (postnikov_map_int A k) (postnikov_map_int B k)
-- (ptrunc_int_pequiv_ptrunc_int (k+1) f) (ptrunc_int_pequiv_ptrunc_int k f) :=
-- begin
-- induction k with k k,
-- exact postnikov_map_natural f k,
-- apply psquare_of_phomotopy, exact !pcompose_pconst ⬝* !pconst_pcompose⁻¹*
-- end
-- definition pequiv_ap_natural2 {X A : Type} (B C : X → A → Type*) {a a' : X → A}
-- (p : a ~ a')
-- (s : X → X) (f : Πx a, B x a →* C (s x) a) (x : X) :
-- psquare (pequiv_ap (B x) (p x)) (pequiv_ap (C (s x)) (p x)) (f x (a x)) (f x (a' x)) :=
-- begin induction p using homotopy.rec_on_idp, exact phrfl end
-- definition pequiv_ap_natural3 {X A : Type} (B C : X → A → Type*) {a a' : A}
-- (p : a = a')
-- (s : X → X) (x : X) (f : Πx a, B x a →* C (s x) a) :
-- psquare (pequiv_ap (B x) p) (pequiv_ap (C (s x)) p) (f x a) (f x a') :=
-- begin induction p, exact phrfl end
-- definition postnikov_smap (X : spectrum) (k : ℤ) :
-- strunc (k+1) X →ₛ strunc k X :=
-- (λn, postnikov_map_int (X n) (k + n) ∘* ptrunc_int_change_int _ !norm_num.add_comm_middle)
-- (λn, begin
-- exact sorry
-- -- exact (_ ⬝vp* !ap1_pequiv_ap) ⬝h* (!postnikov_map_int_natural_pequiv ⬝v* _ ⬝v* _) ⬝vp* !ap1_pcompose,
-- end)
-- section atiyah_hirzebruch
-- parameters {X : Type*} (Y : X → spectrum)
-- definition atiyah_hirzebruch_exact_couple : exact_couple rℤ spectrum.I :=
-- @exact_couple_sequence (λs, strunc s (spi X (λx, Y x)))
-- (λs, !postnikov_smap ∘ₛ strunc_change_int _ !succ_pred⁻¹)
-- -- parameters (k : ℕ) (H : Π(x : X) (n : ℕ), is_trunc (k + n) (Y x n))
-- end atiyah_hirzebruch
@ -570,6 +570,9 @@ namespace smash
smash_iterate_psusp n A pbool ⬝e*
iterate_psusp_pequiv n (smash_pbool_pequiv A)
definition smash_pcircle (A : Type*) : A ∧ pcircle ≃* psusp A :=
smash_sphere A 1
definition sphere_smash_sphere (n m : ℕ) : psphere n ∧ psphere m ≃* psphere (n+m) :=
smash_sphere (psphere n) m ⬝e*
iterate_psusp_pequiv m (psphere_pequiv_iterate_psusp n) ⬝e*
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Copyright (c) 2016 Michael Shulman. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Michael Shulman, Floris van Doorn
Authors: Michael Shulman, Floris van Doorn, Stefano Piceghello, Yuri Sulyma
@ -5,27 +5,32 @@ open trunc_index nat
namespace int
definition maxm2 : ℤ → ℕ₋₂ :=
λ n, int.cases_on n trunc_index.of_nat
(λ m, nat.cases_on m -1 (λ a, -2))
private definition maxm2_le.lemma₁ {n k : ℕ} : n+(1:int) + -[1+ k] ≤ n :=
le.intro (
calc n + 1 + -[1+ k] + k = n + 1 - (k + 1) + k : by reflexivity
... = n : sorry)
attribute maxm2 [unfold 1]
private definition maxm2_le.lemma₂ {n : ℕ} {k : ℤ} : -[1+ n] + 1 + k ≤ k :=
le.intro (
calc -[1+ n] + 1 + k + n = - (n + 1) + 1 + k + n : by reflexivity
... = k : sorry)
definition maxm2_le_maxm0 (n : ℤ) : maxm2 n ≤ max0 n :=
definition maxm2_le (n k : ℤ) : maxm2 (n+1+k) ≤ (maxm1m1 n).+1+2+(maxm1m1 k) :=
rewrite [-(maxm1_eq_succ n)],
induction n with n n,
{ exact le.tr_refl n },
{ cases n with n,
{ exact le.step (le.tr_refl -1) },
{ exact minus_two_le 0 } }
{ induction k with k k,
{ induction k with k IH,
{ apply le.tr_refl },
{ exact succ_le_succ IH } },
{ exact trunc_index.le_trans (maxm2_monotone maxm2_le.lemma₁)
(maxm2_le_maxm1 n) } },
{ krewrite (add_plus_two_comm -1 (maxm1m1 k)),
rewrite [-(maxm1_eq_succ k)],
exact trunc_index.le_trans (maxm2_monotone maxm2_le.lemma₂)
(maxm2_le_maxm1 k) }
definition max0_le_of_le {n : ℤ} {m : ℕ} (H : n ≤ of_nat m)
: nat.le (max0 n) m :=
induction n with n n,
{ exact le_of_of_nat_le_of_nat H },
{ exact nat.zero_le m }
end int
@ -43,14 +48,11 @@ definition loop_ptrunc_maxm2_pequiv (k : ℤ) (X : Type*) :
induction k with k k,
{ exact loop_ptrunc_pequiv k X },
{ cases k with k,
{ exact loop_ptrunc_pequiv -1 X },
{ cases k with k,
{ exact loop_ptrunc_pequiv -2 X },
{ exact loop_pequiv_punit_of_is_set ( (trunc -2 X) (tr pt))
⬝e* (pequiv_punit_of_is_contr
( (trunc -2 (Point X = Point X)) (tr idp))
(is_trunc_trunc -2 (Point X = Point X)))⁻¹ᵉ* } } }
{ refine pequiv_of_is_contr _ _ _ !is_trunc_trunc,
apply is_contr_loop,
cases k with k,
{ change is_set (trunc 0 X), apply _ },
{ change is_set (trunc -2 X), apply _ }}
definition is_trunc_of_is_trunc_maxm2 (k : ℤ) (X : Type)
@ -73,14 +75,12 @@ definition is_trunc_maxm2_loop (A : pType) (k : ℤ)
intro H, induction k with k k,
{ apply is_trunc_loop, exact H },
{ cases k with k,
{ apply is_trunc_loop, exact H},
{ apply is_trunc_loop, cases k with k,
{ apply is_contr_loop, cases k with k,
{ exact H },
{ apply is_trunc_succ, exact H } } }
{ have H2 : is_contr A, from H, apply _ } }
definition is_strunc (k : ℤ) (E : spectrum) : Type :=
definition is_strunc [reducible] (k : ℤ) (E : spectrum) : Type :=
Π (n : ℤ), is_trunc (maxm2 (k + n)) (E n)
definition is_strunc_change_int {k l : ℤ} (E : spectrum) (p : k = l)
@ -95,6 +95,10 @@ definition is_trunc_maxm2_change_int {k l : ℤ} (X : pType) (p : k = l)
: is_trunc (maxm2 k) X → is_trunc (maxm2 l) X :=
by induction p; exact id
definition strunc_functor [constructor] (k : ℤ) {E F : spectrum} (f : E →ₛ F) :
strunc k E →ₛ strunc k F :=
|||| (λn, ptrunc_functor (maxm2 (k + n)) (f n)) sorry
definition is_strunc_EM_spectrum (G : AbGroup)
: is_strunc 0 (EM_spectrum G) :=
@ -102,13 +106,19 @@ begin
{ -- case ≥ 0
apply is_trunc_maxm2_change_int (EM G n) (zero_add n)⁻¹,
apply is_trunc_EM },
{ induction n with n IH,
{ change is_contr (EM_spectrum G (-[1+n])),
induction n with n IH,
{ -- case = -1
apply is_trunc_loop, exact ab_group.is_set_carrier G },
apply is_contr_loop, exact is_trunc_EM G 0 },
{ -- case < -1
apply is_trunc_maxm2_loop, exact IH }}
apply is_trunc_loop, apply is_trunc_succ, exact IH }}
definition strunc_elim [constructor] {k : ℤ} {E F : spectrum} (f : E →ₛ F)
(H : is_strunc k F) : strunc k E →ₛ F :=
|||| (λn, ptrunc.elim (maxm2 (k + n)) (f n))
(λn, sorry)
definition trivial_shomotopy_group_of_is_strunc (E : spectrum)
{n k : ℤ} (K : is_strunc n E) (H : n < k)
: is_contr (πₛ[k] E) :=
@ -126,4 +136,63 @@ definition str [constructor] (k : ℤ) (E : spectrum) : E →ₛ strunc k E :=
||| (λ n, ptr (maxm2 (k + n)) (E n))
(λ n, sorry)
structure truncspectrum (n : ℤ) :=
(carrier : spectrum)
(struct : is_strunc n carrier)
notation n `-spectrum` := truncspectrum n
attribute truncspectrum.carrier [coercion]
definition genspectrum_of_truncspectrum (n : ℤ)
: n-spectrum → gen_spectrum +ℤ :=
λ E, truncspectrum.carrier E
attribute genspectrum_of_truncspectrum [coercion]
open is_conn
definition is_conn_maxm1_of_maxm2 (A : Type*) (n : ℤ)
: is_conn (maxm2 n) A → is_conn (maxm1m1 n).+1 A :=
intro H, induction n with n n,
{ exact H },
{ exact is_conn_minus_one A (tr pt) }
definition is_trunc_maxm2_of_maxm1 (A : Type*) (n : ℤ)
: is_trunc (maxm1m1 n).+1 A → is_trunc (maxm2 n) A :=
intro H, induction n with n n,
{ exact H},
{ apply is_contr_of_merely_prop,
{ exact H },
{ exact tr pt } }
variables (A : Type*) (n : ℤ) [H : is_conn (maxm2 n) A]
include H
definition is_trunc_maxm2_ppi (k : ℤ) (P : A → (maxm2 (n+1+k))-Type*)
: is_trunc (maxm2 k) (Π*(a : A), P a) :=
is_trunc_maxm2_of_maxm1 (Π*(a : A), P a) k
(@is_trunc_ppi A (maxm1m1 n)
(is_conn_maxm1_of_maxm2 A n H) (maxm1m1 k)
(λ a, (P a) (is_trunc_of_le (P a) (maxm2_le n k)) pt))
definition is_strunc_spi (k : ℤ) (P : A → (n+1+k)-spectrum)
: is_strunc k (spi A P) :=
intro m, unfold spi,
exact is_trunc_maxm2_ppi A n (k+m)
(λ a, (P a m)
(is_trunc_maxm2_change_int (P a m) (add.assoc (n+1) k m)
(truncspectrum.struct (P a) m)) pt)
end spectrum
@ -120,6 +120,129 @@ namespace eq
end eq open eq
namespace nat
protected definition rec_down (P : ℕ → Type) (s : ℕ) (H0 : P s) (Hs : Πn, P (n+1) → P n) : P 0 :=
have Hp : Πn, P n → P (pred n),
intro n p, cases n with n,
{ exact p },
{ exact Hs n p }
have H : Πn, P (s - n),
intro n, induction n with n p,
{ exact H0 },
{ exact Hp (s - n) p }
transport P (nat.sub_self s) (H s)
end nat
namespace trunc_index
open is_conn nat trunc is_trunc
lemma minus_two_add_plus_two (n : ℕ₋₂) : -2+2+n = n :=
by induction n with n p; reflexivity; exact ap succ p
protected definition of_nat_monotone {n k : ℕ} : n ≤ k → of_nat n ≤ of_nat k :=
intro H, induction H with k H K,
{ apply le.tr_refl },
{ apply le.step K }
lemma add_plus_two_comm (n k : ℕ₋₂) : n +2+ k = k +2+ n :=
induction n with n IH,
{ exact minus_two_add_plus_two k },
{ exact !succ_add_plus_two ⬝ ap succ IH}
end trunc_index
namespace int
open trunc_index
The function from integers to truncation indices which sends
positive numbers to themselves, and negative numbers to negative
2. In particular -1 is sent to -2, but since we only work with
pointed types, that doesn't matter for us -/
definition maxm2 [unfold 1] : ℤ → ℕ₋₂ :=
λ n, int.cases_on n trunc_index.of_nat (λk, -2)
-- we also need the max -1 - function
definition maxm1 [unfold 1] : ℤ → ℕ₋₂ :=
λ n, int.cases_on n trunc_index.of_nat (λk, -1)
definition maxm2_le_maxm1 (n : ℤ) : maxm2 n ≤ maxm1 n :=
induction n with n n,
{ exact le.tr_refl n },
{ exact minus_two_le -1 }
-- the is maxm1 minus 1
definition maxm1m1 [unfold 1] : ℤ → ℕ₋₂ :=
λ n, int.cases_on n (λ k, k.-1) (λ k, -2)
definition maxm1_eq_succ (n : ℤ) : maxm1 n = (maxm1m1 n).+1 :=
induction n with n n,
{ reflexivity },
{ reflexivity }
definition maxm2_le_maxm0 (n : ℤ) : maxm2 n ≤ max0 n :=
induction n with n n,
{ exact le.tr_refl n },
{ exact minus_two_le 0 }
definition max0_le_of_le {n : ℤ} {m : ℕ} (H : n ≤ of_nat m)
: nat.le (max0 n) m :=
induction n with n n,
{ exact le_of_of_nat_le_of_nat H },
{ exact nat.zero_le m }
-- is there a way to get this from int.add_assoc?
private definition maxm2_monotone.lemma₁ {n k : ℕ}
: k + n + (1:int) = k + (1:int) + n :=
induction n with n IH,
{ reflexivity },
{ exact ap (λ z, z + 1) IH }
private definition maxm2_monotone.lemma₂ {n k : ℕ} : ¬ n ≤ -[1+ k] :=
int.not_le_of_gt (lt.intro
(calc -[1+ k] + (succ (k + n))
= -(k+1) + (k + n + 1) : by reflexivity
... = -(k+1) + (k + 1 + n) : maxm2_monotone.lemma₁
... = (-(k+1) + (k+1)) + n : int.add_assoc
... = (0:int) + n : by rewrite int.add_left_inv
... = n : int.zero_add))
definition maxm2_monotone {n k : ℤ} : n ≤ k → maxm2 n ≤ maxm2 k :=
intro H,
induction n with n n,
{ induction k with k k,
{ exact trunc_index.of_nat_monotone (le_of_of_nat_le_of_nat H) },
{ exact empty.elim (maxm2_monotone.lemma₂ H) } },
{ induction k with k k,
{ apply minus_two_le },
{ apply le.tr_refl } }
end int
namespace pmap
definition eta {A B : Type*} (f : A →* B) : f (respect_pt f) = f :=
@ -165,13 +288,6 @@ namespace trunc
end trunc
namespace trunc_index
open is_conn nat trunc is_trunc
lemma minus_two_add_plus_two (n : ℕ₋₂) : -2+2+n = n :=
by induction n with n p; reflexivity; exact ap succ p
end trunc_index
namespace sigma
-- definition sigma_pathover_equiv_of_is_prop {A : Type} {B : A → Type} {C : Πa, B a → Type}
@ -192,15 +192,22 @@ namespace pointed
psquare (pequiv_ap B p) (pequiv_ap C p) (f a) (f a') :=
begin induction p, exact phrfl end
definition pequiv_ap_natural2 {A : Type} (B C : A → Type*) {a a' : A} (p : a = a')
(f : Πa, B a →* C a) :
psquare (pequiv_ap B p) (pequiv_ap C p) (f a) (f a') :=
begin induction p, exact phrfl end
definition is_contr_loop (A : Type*) [is_set A] : is_contr (Ω A) :=
|||| idp (λa, !is_prop.elim)
definition pequiv_of_is_contr (A B : Type*) (HA : is_contr A) (HB : is_contr B) : A ≃* B :=
pequiv_punit_of_is_contr A _ ⬝e* (pequiv_punit_of_is_contr B _)⁻¹ᵉ*
definition loop_pequiv_punit_of_is_set (X : Type*) [is_set X] : Ω X ≃* punit :=
pequiv_punit_of_is_contr _ (is_contr_of_inhabited_prop pt)
pequiv_punit_of_is_contr _ (is_contr_loop X)
definition loop_punit : Ω punit ≃* punit :=
loop_pequiv_punit_of_is_set punit
definition phomotopy_of_is_contr [constructor] {X Y: Type*} (f g : X →* Y) [is_contr Y] :
f ~* g :=
|||| (λa, !eq_of_is_contr) !eq_of_is_contr
end pointed
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