proof naturality of pointed funext. This finishes the proof of the Serre Spectral Sequence.
We use a different proof strategy for the naturality than pursued the last week. We proof the unpointed version of the naturality by generalizing it from loops to paths so that we can apply path induction. For the pointed version, we do some ugly calculations to cancel noncomputable applications of funext
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 151 additions and 19 deletions
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ Some of these things still need to be changes, some of them are already changed,
- Pointed maps should be special cases of dependent pointed maps. Pointed homotopies (between dependent pointed maps) should be special cases of dependent pointed maps, and pointed homotopies should be related themselves by pointed homotopies.
- Pointed maps should be special cases of dependent pointed maps. Pointed homotopies (between dependent pointed maps) should be special cases of dependent pointed maps, and pointed homotopies should be related themselves by pointed homotopies.
- Type classes don't work well together with bundled structures and coercions in Lean (the instance is_contr_unit will not unify with (is_contr punit).
- Type classes don't work well together with bundled structures and coercions in Lean (the instance is_contr_unit will not unify with (is_contr punit).
- Overloading doesn't work well in Lean (mostly by degrading error messages)
- Overloading doesn't work well in Lean (mostly by degrading error messages)
- avoid rec_on, don't formulate induction principles using "on", the order of arguments is worse
- It is useful to do categorical properties more uniformly. Define a 1-coherent ∞-category, which is a precategory (or category?) where the homs are not assumed to be sets. Examples include
- It is useful to do categorical properties more uniformly. Define a 1-coherent ∞-category, which is a precategory (or category?) where the homs are not assumed to be sets. Examples include
+ `Type` (with `→`),
+ `Type` (with `→`),
+ `A → B` (with `~`),
+ `A → B` (with `~`),
@ -267,4 +267,5 @@ section serre
end serre
end serre
end spectrum
end spectrum
@ -6,6 +6,10 @@ open eq nat int susp pointed pmap sigma is_equiv equiv fiber algebra trunc pi gr
is_trunc function sphere unit prod bool
is_trunc function sphere unit prod bool
attribute pType.sigma_char sigma_pi_equiv_pi_sigma sigma.coind_unc [constructor]
attribute pType.sigma_char sigma_pi_equiv_pi_sigma sigma.coind_unc [constructor]
attribute ap1_gen [unfold 8 9 10]
attribute ap010 [unfold 7]
-- TODO: homotopy_of_eq and apd10 should be the same
-- TODO: there is also apd10_eq_of_homotopy in both pi and eq(?)
namespace eq
namespace eq
@ -149,6 +153,27 @@ namespace eq
(Q : Π{g}, (f ~ g) → Type) (H : Q (homotopy.refl f)) {g : Π x, P x} (p : f ~ g) : Q p :=
(Q : Π{g}, (f ~ g) → Type) (H : Q (homotopy.refl f)) {g : Π x, P x} (p : f ~ g) : Q p :=
homotopy.rec_on_idp p H
homotopy.rec_on_idp p H
open funext
definition homotopy_rec_on_apd10 {A : Type} {P : A → Type} {f g : Πa, P a}
(Q : f ~ g → Type) (H : Π(q : f = g), Q (apd10 q)) (p : f = g) :
homotopy.rec_on (apd10 p) H = H p :=
unfold [homotopy.rec_on],
refine ap (λp, p ▸ _) !adj ⬝ _,
refine !tr_compose⁻¹ ⬝ _,
apply apdt
definition homotopy_rec_idp_refl {A : Type} {P : A → Type} {f : Πa, P a}
(Q : Π{g}, f ~ g → Type) (H : Q homotopy.rfl) :
homotopy.rec_idp @Q H homotopy.rfl = H :=
definition phomotopy_rec_on_idp_refl {A B : Type*} (f : A →* B)
{Q : Π{g}, (f ~* g) → Type} (H : Q (phomotopy.refl f)) :
phomotopy_rec_on_idp phomotopy.rfl H = H :=
end eq open eq
end eq open eq
@ -269,5 +269,9 @@ namespace pointed
apply H
apply H
definition ap1_gen_idp_eq {A B : Type} (f : A → B) {a : A} (q : f a = f a) (r : q = idp) :
ap1_gen_idp f q = ap (λx, ap1_gen f x x idp) r :=
begin cases r, reflexivity end
end pointed
end pointed
@ -126,16 +126,27 @@ namespace pointed
ap1_gen (g a') (p₀ a') (p₁ a') (apd10 r (f a')) :=
ap1_gen (g a') (p₀ a') (p₁ a') (apd10 r (f a')) :=
induction r, induction p₀ using homotopy.rec_idp, induction p₁ using homotopy.rec_idp, esimp,
induction r, induction p₀ using homotopy.rec_idp, induction p₁ using homotopy.rec_idp, esimp,
exact ap (λx, apd10 (ap1_gen _ x x _) _) !eq_of_homotopy_idp
exact apd10 (ap apd10 !ap1_gen_idp) a',
-- exact ap (λx, apd10 (ap1_gen _ x x _) _) !eq_of_homotopy_idp
-- definition ap1_gen_pi_idp {A A' : Type} {B : A → Type} {B' : A' → Type}
definition ap1_gen_pi_idp {A A' : Type} {B : A → Type} {B' : A' → Type}
-- {h₀ : Πa, B a} (f : A' → A) (g : Πa, B (f a) → B' a) (a' : A') :
{h₀ : Πa, B a} (f : A' → A) (g : Πa, B (f a) → B' a) (a' : A') :
-- ap1_gen_pi f g (homotopy.refl (pi_functor f g h₀)) (homotopy.refl (pi_functor f g h₀)) idp a' =
ap1_gen_pi f g (homotopy.refl (pi_functor f g h₀)) (homotopy.refl (pi_functor f g h₀)) idp a' =
-- begin esimp [ap1_gen] end :=
apd10 (ap apd10 !ap1_gen_idp) a' :=
-- begin
-- apd10 (ap apd10 (ap1_gen_idp (pi_functor id f) (eq_of_homotopy (λ a, idp)))) a' :=
-- ap (λp, apd10 p a') (ap1_gen_idp (pi_functor f g) (eq_of_homotopy homotopy.rfl)) :=
-- end
esimp [ap1_gen_pi],
refine !homotopy_rec_idp_refl ⬝ !homotopy_rec_idp_refl,
-- print homotopy.rec_
-- print apd10_ap_postcompose
-- print pi_functor
-- print ap1_gen_idp
-- print ap1_gen_pi
definition loop_pupi_natural [constructor] {A : Type} {B B' : A → Type*} (f : Πa, B a →* B' a) :
definition loop_pupi_natural [constructor] {A : Type} {B B' : A → Type*} (f : Πa, B a →* B' a) :
psquare (Ω→ (pupi_functor_right f)) (pupi_functor_right (λa, Ω→ (f a)))
psquare (Ω→ (pupi_functor_right f)) (pupi_functor_right (λa, Ω→ (f a)))
@ -144,7 +155,7 @@ namespace pointed
fapply phomotopy_mk_pupi,
fapply phomotopy_mk_pupi,
{ intro p a, exact ap1_gen_pi id f (λa, respect_pt (f a)) (λa, respect_pt (f a)) p a },
{ intro p a, exact ap1_gen_pi id f (λa, respect_pt (f a)) (λa, respect_pt (f a)) p a },
{ intro a, revert B' f, refine fiberwise_pointed_map_rec _ _, intro B' f,
{ intro a, revert B' f, refine fiberwise_pointed_map_rec _ _, intro B' f,
exact sorry }
refine !ap1_gen_pi_idp ◾ (ap (λx, apd10 x _) !idp_con ⬝ !apd10_eq_of_homotopy) }
definition phomotopy_mk_pumap [constructor] {A C : Type*} {B : Type} {f g : A →* (B →ᵘ* C)}
definition phomotopy_mk_pumap [constructor] {A C : Type*} {B : Type} {f g : A →* (B →ᵘ* C)}
@ -509,6 +520,7 @@ namespace pointed
induction H using ppi_homotopy_rec_on_eq with t,
induction H using ppi_homotopy_rec_on_eq with t,
induction t, exact eq_ppi_homotopy_refl_ppi_homotopy_of_eq_refl k ▸ q,
induction t, exact eq_ppi_homotopy_refl_ppi_homotopy_of_eq_refl k ▸ q,
attribute ppi_homotopy.rec' [recursor]
attribute ppi_homotopy.rec' [recursor]
definition ppi_homotopy_rec_on_eq_ppi_homotopy_of_eq
definition ppi_homotopy_rec_on_eq_ppi_homotopy_of_eq
@ -524,6 +536,20 @@ namespace pointed
(q : Q (ppi_homotopy.refl k)) : ppi_homotopy_rec_on_idp ppi_homotopy.rfl q = q :=
(q : Q (ppi_homotopy.refl k)) : ppi_homotopy_rec_on_idp ppi_homotopy.rfl q = q :=
ppi_homotopy_rec_on_eq_ppi_homotopy_of_eq _ idp
ppi_homotopy_rec_on_eq_ppi_homotopy_of_eq _ idp
definition ppi_homotopy_rec_idp'
(Q : Π ⦃k' : ppi_gen B b₀⦄, (k ~~* k') → (k = k') → Type)
(q : Q (ppi_homotopy.refl k) idp) ⦃k' : ppi_gen B b₀⦄ (H : k ~~* k') : Q H (ppi_eq H) :=
induction H using ppi_homotopy_rec_on_idp,
exact transport (Q ppi_homotopy.rfl) !ppi_eq_refl⁻¹ q
definition ppi_homotopy_rec_idp'_refl
(Q : Π ⦃k' : ppi_gen B b₀⦄, (k ~~* k') → (k = k') → Type)
(q : Q (ppi_homotopy.refl k) idp) :
ppi_homotopy_rec_idp' Q q ppi_homotopy.rfl = transport (Q ppi_homotopy.rfl) !ppi_eq_refl⁻¹ q :=
definition ppi_trans_refl (p : k ~~* l) : p ⬝*' ppi_homotopy.refl l = p :=
definition ppi_trans_refl (p : k ~~* l) : p ⬝*' ppi_homotopy.refl l = p :=
unfold ppi_homotopy.trans,
unfold ppi_homotopy.trans,
@ -797,7 +823,7 @@ namespace pointed
refine !apd10_eq_of_homotopy ⬝ _ ⬝ !apd10_to_fun_ppi_eq⁻¹,
refine !apd10_eq_of_homotopy ⬝ _ ⬝ !apd10_to_fun_ppi_eq⁻¹,
apply eq_of_homotopy, intro a, reflexivity },
apply eq_of_homotopy, intro a, reflexivity },
{ exact sorry } }
{ exact sorry } }
end /- TODO FOR SSS -/
definition ppi_gen_functor_right [constructor] {A : Type*} {B B' : A → Type}
definition ppi_gen_functor_right [constructor] {A : Type*} {B B' : A → Type}
{b : B pt} {b' : B' pt} (f : Πa, B a → B' a) (p : f pt b = b') (g : ppi_gen B b)
{b : B pt} {b' : B' pt} (f : Πa, B a → B' a) (p : f pt b = b') (g : ppi_gen B b)
@ -988,10 +1014,84 @@ namespace pointed
ppmap A₊ B ≃* A →ᵘ* B :=
ppmap A₊ B ≃* A →ᵘ* B :=
pequiv_of_equiv (pmap_equiv_left A B) idp
pequiv_of_equiv (pmap_equiv_left A B) idp
-- TODO: homotopy_of_eq and apd10 should be the same
definition ppi_eq_equiv_natural_gen_lem {B C : A → Type} {b₀ : B pt} {c₀ : C pt}
-- TODO: there is also apd10_eq_of_homotopy in both pi and eq(?)
{f : Π(a : A), B a → C a} {f₀ : f pt b₀ = c₀} {k : ppi_gen B b₀} {k' : ppi_gen C c₀}
(p : pmap_compose_ppi_gen f f₀ k ~~* k') :
ap1_gen (f pt) (p pt) f₀ (ppi_gen.resp_pt k) = ppi_gen.resp_pt k' :=
refine _ ⬝ !con.assoc⁻¹,
exact eq_inv_con_of_con_eq (ppi_to_homotopy_pt p),
definition loop_pppi_pequiv {A : Type*} (B : A → Type*) : Ω (Π*a, B a) ≃* Π*(a : A), Ω (B a) :=
definition ppi_eq_equiv_natural_gen_lem2 {B C : A → Type} {b₀ : B pt} {c₀ : C pt}
{f : Π(a : A), B a → C a} {f₀ : f pt b₀ = c₀} {k l : ppi_gen B b₀}
{k' l' : ppi_gen C c₀} (p : pmap_compose_ppi_gen f f₀ k ~~* k')
(q : pmap_compose_ppi_gen f f₀ l ~~* l') :
ap1_gen (f pt) (p pt) (q pt) (ppi_gen.resp_pt k ⬝ (ppi_gen.resp_pt l)⁻¹) =
ppi_gen.resp_pt k' ⬝ (ppi_gen.resp_pt l')⁻¹ :=
(ap1_gen_con (f pt) _ f₀ _ _ _ ⬝ (ppi_eq_equiv_natural_gen_lem p) ◾
(!ap1_gen_inv ⬝ (ppi_eq_equiv_natural_gen_lem q)⁻²))
definition ppi_eq_equiv_natural_gen {B C : A → Type} {b₀ : B pt} {c₀ : C pt}
{f : Π(a : A), B a → C a} {f₀ : f pt b₀ = c₀} {k l : ppi_gen B b₀}
{k' l' : ppi_gen C c₀} (p : pmap_compose_ppi_gen f f₀ k ~~* k')
(q : pmap_compose_ppi_gen f f₀ l ~~* l') :
hsquare (ap1_gen (pmap_compose_ppi_gen f f₀) (ppi_eq p) (ppi_eq q))
(pmap_compose_ppi_gen (λa, ap1_gen (f a) (p a) (q a))
(ppi_eq_equiv_natural_gen_lem2 p q))
ppi_homotopy_of_eq :=
intro r, induction r,
induction f₀,
induction k with k k₀,
induction k₀,
refine idp ⬝ _,
revert l' q, refine ppi_homotopy_rec_idp' _ _,
revert k' p, refine ppi_homotopy_rec_idp' _ _,
definition ppi_eq_equiv_natural_gen_refl {B C : A → Type}
{f : Π(a : A), B a → C a} {k : Πa, B a} :
ppi_eq_equiv_natural_gen (ppi_homotopy.refl (pmap_compose_ppi_gen f idp ( k idp)))
(ppi_homotopy.refl (pmap_compose_ppi_gen f idp ( k idp))) idp =
ap ppi_homotopy_of_eq !ap1_gen_idp :=
refine !idp_con ⬝ _,
refine ppi_homotopy_rec_idp'_refl _ _ ⬝ _,
refine ap (transport _ _) !ppi_homotopy_rec_idp'_refl ⬝ _,
refine !tr_diag_eq_tr_tr⁻¹ ⬝ _,
refine !eq_transport_Fl ⬝ _,
refine !ap_inv⁻² ⬝ !inv_inv ⬝ !ap_compose ⬝ ap02 _ _,
exact !ap1_gen_idp_eq⁻¹
definition loop_pppi_pequiv [constructor] {A : Type*} (B : A → Type*) :
Ω (Π*a, B a) ≃* Π*(a : A), Ω (B a) :=
pequiv_of_equiv !ppi_eq_equiv idp
definition loop_pppi_pequiv_natural {A : Type*} {X Y : A → Type*} (f : Π (a : A), X a →* Y a) :
(Ω→ (ppi_compose_left f))
(ppi_compose_left (λ a, Ω→ (f a)))
(loop_pppi_pequiv X)
(loop_pppi_pequiv Y) :=
revert Y f, refine fiberwise_pointed_map_rec _ _, intro Y f,
{ exact ppi_eq_equiv_natural_gen (pmap_compose_ppi_ppi_const (λa, pmap_of_map (f a) pt))
(pmap_compose_ppi_ppi_const (λa, pmap_of_map (f a) pt)) },
{ exact !ppi_eq_equiv_natural_gen_refl ◾ (!idp_con ⬝ !ppi_eq_refl) }
/- below is an alternate proof strategy for the naturality of loop_pppi_pequiv_natural,
where we define loop_pppi_pequiv as composite of pointed equivalences, and proved the
naturality individually. That turned out to be harder.
/- definition loop_pppi_pequiv2 {A : Type*} (B : A → Type*) : Ω (Π*a, B a) ≃* Π*(a : A), Ω (B a) :=
refine loop_pequiv_loop (pppi.sigma_char B) ⬝e* _,
refine loop_pequiv_loop (pppi.sigma_char B) ⬝e* _,
refine !loop_psigma_gen ⬝e* _,
refine !loop_psigma_gen ⬝e* _,
@ -1002,20 +1102,21 @@ namespace pointed
exact (pppi.sigma_char (Ω ∘ B))⁻¹ᵉ*
exact (pppi.sigma_char (Ω ∘ B))⁻¹ᵉ*
definition loop_pppi_pequiv_natural {A : Type*} {X Y : A → Type*} (f : Π (a : A), X a →* Y a) :
definition loop_pppi_pequiv_natural2 {A : Type*} {X Y : A → Type*} (f : Π (a : A), X a →* Y a) :
(Ω→ (ppi_compose_left f))
(Ω→ (ppi_compose_left f))
(ppi_compose_left (λ a, Ω→ (f a)))
(ppi_compose_left (λ a, Ω→ (f a)))
(loop_pppi_pequiv X)
(loop_pppi_pequiv2 X)
(loop_pppi_pequiv Y) :=
(loop_pppi_pequiv2 Y) :=
refine ap1_psquare (pppi_sigma_char_natural f) ⬝v* _,
refine ap1_psquare (pppi_sigma_char_natural f) ⬝v* _,
refine !loop_psigma_gen_natural ⬝v* _,
refine !loop_psigma_gen_natural ⬝v* _,
refine _ ⬝v* (pppi_sigma_char_natural (λ a, Ω→ (f a)))⁻¹ᵛ*,
refine _ ⬝v* (pppi_sigma_char_natural (λ a, Ω→ (f a)))⁻¹ᵛ*,
fapply psigma_gen_functor_psquare,
fapply psigma_gen_functor_psquare,
{ apply loop_pupi_natural },
repeat exact sorry
{ intro p q, exact sorry },
end /- TODO FOR SSS -/
{ exact sorry }
end pointed open pointed
end pointed open pointed
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