Work on the fact that pointed dependent products preserve fibration sequences
We now define pointed homotopies as dependent pointed maps, and have some properties about pointed sigmas
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 324 additions and 108 deletions
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
--author: Floris van Doorn
import algebra.group_theory ..pointed ..pointed_pi eq2
import algebra.group_theory ..pointed ..pointed_pi eq2 homotopy.susp
open pi pointed algebra group eq equiv is_trunc trunc susp
namespace group
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ namespace group
definition ap1_pmap_mul {X Y : Type*} (f g : X →* Ω Y) :
Ω→ (pmap_mul f g) ~* pmap_mul (Ω→ f) (Ω→ g) :=
{ intro p, esimp,
refine ap1_gen_con_left (respect_pt f) (respect_pt f)
(respect_pt g) (respect_pt g) p ⬝ _,
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ namespace group
definition pmap_mul_pcompose {A B C : Type*} (g h : B →* Ω C) (f : A →* B) :
pmap_mul g h ∘* f ~* pmap_mul (g ∘* f) (h ∘* f) :=
{ intro p, reflexivity },
{ esimp, refine !idp_con ⬝ _, refine !con2_con_con2⁻¹ ⬝ whisker_right _ _,
refine !ap_eq_ap011⁻¹ }
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ namespace group
definition pcompose_pmap_mul {A B C : Type*} (h : B →* C) (f g : A →* Ω B) :
Ω→ h ∘* pmap_mul f g ~* pmap_mul (Ω→ h ∘* f) (Ω→ h ∘* g) :=
{ intro p, exact ap1_con h (f p) (g p) },
{ refine whisker_left _ !con2_con_con2⁻¹ ⬝ _, refine !con.assoc⁻¹ ⬝ _,
refine whisker_right _ (eq_of_square !ap1_gen_con_natural) ⬝ _,
@ -203,20 +203,20 @@ namespace group
{ exact ppi_mul },
{ intro f g h, fapply ppi_eq,
{ intro f g h, apply ppi_eq, fapply,
{ intro a, exact con.assoc (f a) (g a) (h a) },
{ rexact eq_of_square (con2_assoc (ppi_resp_pt f) (ppi_resp_pt g) (ppi_resp_pt h)) }},
{ symmetry, rexact eq_of_square (con2_assoc (ppi_resp_pt f) (ppi_resp_pt g) (ppi_resp_pt h)) }},
{ apply ppi_const },
{ intros f, fapply ppi_eq,
{ intros f, apply ppi_eq, fapply,
{ intro a, exact one_mul (f a) },
{ esimp, apply eq_of_square, refine _ ⬝vp !ap_id, apply natural_square_tr }},
{ intros f, fapply ppi_eq,
{ symmetry, apply eq_of_square, refine _ ⬝vp !ap_id, apply natural_square_tr }},
{ intros f, apply ppi_eq, fapply,
{ intro a, exact mul_one (f a) },
{ reflexivity }},
{ exact ppi_inv },
{ intro f, fapply ppi_eq,
{ intro f, apply ppi_eq, fapply,
{ intro a, exact con.left_inv (f a) },
{ exact !con_left_inv_idp⁻¹ }},
{ exact !con_left_inv_idp }},
definition group_trunc_ppi [constructor] [instance] {A : Type*} (B : A → Type*) :
@ -230,9 +230,9 @@ namespace group
ab_inf_group (Π*a, Ω (Ω (B a))) :=
⦃ab_inf_group, inf_group_ppi (λa, Ω (B a)), mul_comm :=
intro f g, fapply ppi_eq,
intro f g, apply ppi_eq, fapply,
{ intro a, exact eckmann_hilton (f a) (g a) },
{ rexact eq_of_square (eckmann_hilton_con2 (ppi_resp_pt f) (ppi_resp_pt g)) }
{ symmetry, rexact eq_of_square (eckmann_hilton_con2 (ppi_resp_pt f) (ppi_resp_pt g)) }
definition ab_group_trunc_ppi [constructor] [instance] {A : Type*} (B : A → Type*) :
@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
-- Authors: Floris van Doorn
import homotopy.EM algebra.category.functor.equivalence types.pointed2 ..pointed_pi ..pointed
open eq equiv is_equiv algebra group nat pointed EM.ops is_trunc trunc susp function is_conn
/- TODO: try to fix up this file -/
/- TODO: try to fix the speed of this file -/
namespace EM
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ namespace fwedge
definition fwedge_pmap_beta [constructor] {I : Type} {F : I → Type*} {X : Type*} (f : Πi, F i →* X) (i : I) :
fwedge_pmap f ∘* pinl i ~* f i :=
{ reflexivity },
{ exact !idp_con ⬝ !fwedge.elim_glue⁻¹ }
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ namespace fwedge
definition fwedge_pmap_eta [constructor] {I : Type} {F : I → Type*} {X : Type*} (g : ⋁F →* X) :
fwedge_pmap (λi, g ∘* pinl i) ~* g :=
{ intro x, induction x,
exact (respect_pt g)⁻¹,
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ namespace fwedge
definition fwedge_pmap_pinl [constructor] {I : Type} {F : I → Type*} : fwedge_pmap (λi, pinl i) ~* pid (⋁ F) :=
{ intro x, induction x,
reflexivity, reflexivity,
apply eq_pathover, apply hdeg_square, refine !elim_glue ⬝ !ap_id⁻¹ },
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
-- in collaboration with Egbert, Stefano, Robin, Ulrik
/- the adjunction between the smash product and pointed maps -/
import .smash .susp ..pointed
import .smash .susp ..pointed ..move_to_lib
open bool pointed eq equiv is_equiv sum bool prod unit circle cofiber prod.ops wedge is_trunc
function unit sigma susp sphere
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ namespace smash
definition smash_pmap_unit_pt [constructor] (A B : Type*)
: pinl A pt ~* pconst A (A ∧ B) :=
{ intro a, exact gluel' a pt },
{ rexact con.right_inv (gluel pt) ⬝ (con.right_inv (gluer pt))⁻¹ }
@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ namespace smash
rotate 1, rexact (functor_gluel'2_same (pid A) f pt),
refine whisker_right _ !idp_con ⬝pv _,
refine !con.assoc⁻¹ ⬝ph _, apply whisker_bl,
refine whisker_left _ !to_homotopy_pt_mk ⬝pv _,
refine !con.assoc⁻¹ ⬝ whisker_right _ _ ⬝pv _,
rotate 1, esimp, apply whisker_left_idp_con,
refine !con.assoc ⬝pv _, apply whisker_tl,
@ -174,7 +175,7 @@ namespace smash
definition smash_pmap_unit_counit (A B : Type*) :
smash_pmap_counit A (A ∧ B) ∘* smash_functor (pid A) (smash_pmap_unit A B) ~* pid (A ∧ B) :=
{ intro x,
induction x with a b a b,
{ reflexivity },
@ -197,7 +198,7 @@ namespace smash
definition smash_pmap_counit_unit_pt [constructor] (f : A →* B) :
smash_pmap_counit A B ∘* pinl A f ~* f :=
{ intro a, reflexivity },
{ refine !idp_con ⬝ !elim_gluer'⁻¹ }
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-- definitions, theorems and attributes which should be moved to files in the HoTT library
import homotopy.sphere2 homotopy.cofiber homotopy.wedge hit.prop_trunc hit.set_quotient eq2 types.pointed2 .homotopy.smash_adjoint
import homotopy.sphere2 homotopy.cofiber homotopy.wedge hit.prop_trunc hit.set_quotient eq2 types.pointed2
open eq nat int susp pointed pmap sigma is_equiv equiv fiber algebra trunc pi group
is_trunc function sphere unit prod bool
@ -650,6 +651,10 @@ definition psusp_pelim2 {X Y : Type*} {f g : ⅀ X →* Y} (p : f ~* g) : ((loop
pwhisker_right (loop_psusp_unit X) (Ω⇒ p)
namespace pointed
definition to_homotopy_pt_mk {A B : Type*} {f g : A →* B} (h : f ~ g)
(p : h pt ⬝ respect_pt g = respect_pt f) : to_homotopy_pt ( h p) = p :=
to_right_inv !eq_con_inv_equiv_con_eq p
variables {A₀₀ A₂₀ A₀₂ A₂₂ : Type*}
{f₁₀ : A₀₀ →* A₂₀} {f₁₂ : A₀₂ →* A₂₂}
{f₀₁ : A₀₀ →* A₀₂} {f₂₁ : A₂₀ →* A₂₂}
@ -1,63 +1,77 @@
Copyright (c) 2016 Ulrik Buchholtz. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Ulrik Buchholtz
Authors: Ulrik Buchholtz, Floris van Doorn
import .move_to_lib
import homotopy.connectedness types.pointed2
open eq pointed equiv sigma is_equiv
The goal of this file is to give the truncation level
In this file we define dependent pointed maps and properties of them.
Using this, we give the truncation level
of the type of pointed maps, giving the connectivity of
the domain and the truncation level of the codomain.
This is is_trunc_pmap_of_is_conn at the end.
First we define the type of dependent pointed maps
as a tool, because these appear in the more general
statement is_trunc_ppi (the generality needed for induction).
We also prove other properties about pointed (dependent maps), like the fact that
(Π*a, F a) → (Π*a, X a) → (Π*a, B a)
is a fibration sequence if (F a) → (X a) → B a) is.
namespace pointed
definition pointed_respect_pt [instance] [constructor] {A B : Type*} (f : A →* B) :
pointed (f pt = pt) :=
|||| (respect_pt f)
definition ppi_gen_of_phomotopy [constructor] {A B : Type*} {f g : A →* B} (h : f ~* g) :
ppi_gen (λx, f x = g x) (respect_pt f ⬝ (respect_pt g)⁻¹) :=
abbreviation ppi_resp_pt [unfold 3] := @ppi.resp_pt
definition ppi_const [constructor] {A : Type*} (P : A → Type*) : Π*(a : A), P a :=
definition ppi_const [constructor] {A : Type*} (P : A → Type*) : ppi P :=
|||| (λa, pt) idp
definition pointed_ppi [instance] [constructor] {A : Type*}
(P : A → Type*) : pointed (ppi A P) :=
(P : A → Type*) : pointed (ppi P) :=
|||| (ppi_const P)
definition pppi [constructor] {A : Type*} (P : A → Type*) : Type* :=
||||' (ppi A P)
||||' (ppi P)
notation `Π*` binders `, ` r:(scoped P, pppi P) := r
structure ppi_homotopy {A : Type*} {P : A → Type*} (f g : Π*(a : A), P a) :=
(homotopy : f ~ g)
(homotopy_pt : homotopy pt ⬝ ppi_resp_pt g = ppi_resp_pt f)
definition ppi_homotopy {A : Type*} {P : A → Type} {x : P pt} (f g : ppi_gen P x) : Type :=
ppi_gen (λa, f a = g a) (ppi_gen.resp_pt f ⬝ (ppi_gen.resp_pt g)⁻¹)
variables {A : Type*} {P Q R : A → Type*} {f g h : Π*(a : A), P a}
variables {A : Type*} {P Q R : A → Type*} {f g h : Π*a, P a}
{B : A → Type} {x₀ : B pt} {k l m : ppi_gen B x₀}
infix ` ~~* `:50 := ppi_homotopy
abbreviation ppi_to_homotopy_pt [unfold 5] := @ppi_homotopy.homotopy_pt
abbreviation ppi_to_homotopy [coercion] [unfold 5] (p : f ~~* g) : Πa, f a = g a :=
ppi_homotopy.homotopy p
variable (f)
protected definition ppi_homotopy.refl : f ~~* f :=
definition [constructor] [reducible] (h : k ~ l)
(p : h pt ⬝ ppi_gen.resp_pt l = ppi_gen.resp_pt k) : k ~~* l :=
|||| h (eq_con_inv_of_con_eq p)
definition ppi_to_homotopy [coercion] [unfold 6] [reducible] (p : k ~~* l) : Πa, k a = l a := p
definition ppi_to_homotopy_pt [unfold 6] [reducible] (p : k ~~* l) :
p pt ⬝ ppi_gen.resp_pt l = ppi_gen.resp_pt k :=
con_eq_of_eq_con_inv (ppi_gen.resp_pt p)
variable (k)
protected definition ppi_homotopy.refl : k ~~* k :=
variable {f}
protected definition ppi_homotopy.rfl [refl] : f ~~* f :=
ppi_homotopy.refl f
variable {k}
protected definition ppi_homotopy.rfl [refl] : k ~~* k :=
ppi_homotopy.refl k
protected definition ppi_homotopy.symm [symm] (p : f ~~* g) : g ~~* f :=
protected definition ppi_homotopy.symm [symm] (p : k ~~* l) : l ~~* k :=
protected definition ppi_homotopy.trans [trans] (p : f ~~* g) (q : g ~~* h) : f ~~* h :=
protected definition ppi_homotopy.trans [trans] (p : k ~~* l) (q : l ~~* m) : k ~~* m :=
infix ` ⬝*' `:75 := ppi_homotopy.trans
@ -66,90 +80,118 @@ namespace pointed
definition ppi_equiv_pmap (A B : Type*) : (Π*(a : A), B) ≃ (A →* B) :=
fapply equiv.MK,
{ intro f, induction f with f p, exact f p },
{ intro f, induction f with f p, exact f p },
{ intro f, induction f with f p, reflexivity },
{ intro f, induction f with f p, reflexivity }
{ intro k, induction k with k p, exact k p },
{ intro k, induction k with k p, exact k p },
{ intro k, induction k with k p, reflexivity },
{ intro k, induction k with k p, reflexivity }
definition ppi.sigma_char [constructor] {A : Type*} (P : A → Type*)
: (Π*(a : A), P a) ≃ Σ(f : (Π (a : A), P a)), f pt = pt :=
definition pppi_pequiv_ppmap (A B : Type*) : (Π*(a : A), B) ≃* ppmap A B :=
pequiv_of_equiv (ppi_equiv_pmap A B) idp
definition ppi.sigma_char [constructor] {A : Type*} (B : A → Type*)
: (Π*(a : A), B a) ≃ Σ(k : (Π (a : A), B a)), k pt = pt :=
fapply equiv.MK : intros f,
{ exact ⟨ f , ppi_resp_pt f ⟩ },
all_goals cases f with f p,
{ exact f p },
fapply equiv.MK : intros k,
{ exact ⟨ k , ppi_resp_pt k ⟩ },
all_goals cases k with k p,
{ exact k p },
all_goals reflexivity
-- the same as pmap_eq
definition ppi_eq (h : f ~ g) : ppi_resp_pt f = h pt ⬝ ppi_resp_pt g → f = g :=
protected definition ppi_gen.sigma_char [constructor] {A : Type*} (B : A → Type) (b₀ : B pt) :
ppi_gen B b₀ ≃ Σ(k : Πa, B a), k pt = b₀ :=
cases f with f p, cases g with g q, intro r,
esimp at *,
fapply apd011,
{ apply eq_of_homotopy h },
{ esimp, apply concato_eq, apply eq_pathover_Fl, apply inv_con_eq_of_eq_con,
rewrite [ap_eq_apd10, apd10_eq_of_homotopy], exact r }
fapply equiv.MK: intro x,
{ constructor, exact ppi_gen.resp_pt x },
{ induction x, constructor, assumption },
{ induction x, reflexivity },
{ induction x, reflexivity }
variables (f g)
variables (k l)
definition ppi_homotopy.rec' [recursor] (B : k ~~* l → Type)
(H : Π(h : k ~ l) (p : h pt ⬝ ppi_gen.resp_pt l = ppi_gen.resp_pt k), B ( h p))
(h : k ~~* l) : B h :=
induction h with h p,
refine transport (λp, B ( h p)) _ (H h (con_eq_of_eq_con_inv p)),
apply to_left_inv !eq_con_inv_equiv_con_eq p
definition ppi_homotopy.sigma_char [constructor]
: (f ~~* g) ≃ Σ(p : f ~ g), p pt ⬝ ppi_resp_pt g = ppi_resp_pt f :=
: (k ~~* l) ≃ Σ(p : k ~ l), p pt ⬝ ppi_gen.resp_pt l = ppi_gen.resp_pt k :=
fapply equiv.MK : intros h,
{ exact ⟨h , ppi_to_homotopy_pt h⟩ },
all_goals cases h with h p,
{ exact h p },
all_goals reflexivity
{ cases h with h p, exact h p },
{ cases h with h p, exact ap (dpair h) (to_right_inv !eq_con_inv_equiv_con_eq p) },
{ induction h using ppi_homotopy.rec' with h p,
exact ap ( h) (to_right_inv !eq_con_inv_equiv_con_eq p) }
-- the same as pmap_eq_equiv
definition ppi_eq_equiv : (f = g) ≃ (f ~~* g) :=
calc (f = g) ≃ ppi.sigma_char P f = ppi.sigma_char P g
: eq_equiv_fn_eq (ppi.sigma_char P) f g
... ≃ Σ(p : f = g),
pathover (λh, h pt = pt) (ppi_resp_pt f) p (ppi_resp_pt g)
definition ppi_eq_equiv : (k = l) ≃ (k ~~* l) :=
calc (k = l) ≃ ppi_gen.sigma_char B x₀ k = ppi_gen.sigma_char B x₀ l
: eq_equiv_fn_eq (ppi_gen.sigma_char B x₀) k l
... ≃ Σ(p : k = l),
pathover (λh, h pt = x₀) (ppi_gen.resp_pt k) p (ppi_gen.resp_pt l)
: sigma_eq_equiv _ _
... ≃ Σ(p : f = g),
ppi_resp_pt f = ap (λh, h pt) p ⬝ ppi_resp_pt g
... ≃ Σ(p : k = l),
ppi_gen.resp_pt k = ap (λh, h pt) p ⬝ ppi_gen.resp_pt l
: sigma_equiv_sigma_right
(λp, eq_pathover_equiv_Fl p (ppi_resp_pt f) (ppi_resp_pt g))
... ≃ Σ(p : f = g),
ppi_resp_pt f = apd10 p pt ⬝ ppi_resp_pt g
(λp, eq_pathover_equiv_Fl p (ppi_gen.resp_pt k) (ppi_gen.resp_pt l))
... ≃ Σ(p : k = l),
ppi_gen.resp_pt k = apd10 p pt ⬝ ppi_gen.resp_pt l
: sigma_equiv_sigma_right
(λp, equiv_eq_closed_right _ (whisker_right _ (ap_eq_apd10 p _)))
... ≃ Σ(p : f ~ g), ppi_resp_pt f = p pt ⬝ ppi_resp_pt g
... ≃ Σ(p : k ~ l), ppi_gen.resp_pt k = p pt ⬝ ppi_gen.resp_pt l
: sigma_equiv_sigma_left' eq_equiv_homotopy
... ≃ Σ(p : f ~ g), p pt ⬝ ppi_resp_pt g = ppi_resp_pt f
... ≃ Σ(p : k ~ l), p pt ⬝ ppi_gen.resp_pt l = ppi_gen.resp_pt k
: sigma_equiv_sigma_right (λp, eq_equiv_eq_symm _ _)
... ≃ (f ~~* g) : ppi_homotopy.sigma_char f g
... ≃ (k ~~* l) : ppi_homotopy.sigma_char k l
definition ppi_loop_equiv_lemma (p : f ~ f)
: (p pt ⬝ ppi_resp_pt f = ppi_resp_pt f) ≃ (p pt = idp) :=
calc (p pt ⬝ ppi_resp_pt f = ppi_resp_pt f)
≃ (p pt ⬝ ppi_resp_pt f = idp ⬝ ppi_resp_pt f)
: equiv_eq_closed_right (p pt ⬝ ppi_resp_pt f) (inverse (idp_con (ppi_resp_pt f)))
-- the same as pmap_eq
variables {k l}
definition ppi_eq (h : k ~~* l) : k = l :=
(ppi_eq_equiv k l)⁻¹ᵉ h
definition eq_of_ppi_homotopy (h : k ~~* l) : k = l := ppi_eq h
definition ppi_homotopy_of_eq (p : k = l) : k ~~* l := ppi_eq_equiv k l p
definition ppi_homotopy_of_eq_of_ppi_homotopy (h : k ~~* l) :
ppi_homotopy_of_eq (eq_of_ppi_homotopy h) = h :=
to_right_inv (ppi_eq_equiv k l) h
definition ppi_loop_equiv_lemma (p : k ~ k)
: (p pt ⬝ ppi_gen.resp_pt k = ppi_gen.resp_pt k) ≃ (p pt = idp) :=
calc (p pt ⬝ ppi_gen.resp_pt k = ppi_gen.resp_pt k)
≃ (p pt ⬝ ppi_gen.resp_pt k = idp ⬝ ppi_gen.resp_pt k)
: equiv_eq_closed_right (p pt ⬝ ppi_gen.resp_pt k) (inverse (idp_con (ppi_gen.resp_pt k)))
... ≃ (p pt = idp)
: eq_equiv_con_eq_con_right
definition ppi_loop_equiv : (f = f) ≃ Π*(a : A), Ω ( (P a) (f a)) :=
calc (f = f) ≃ (f ~~* f)
variables (k l)
definition ppi_loop_equiv : (k = k) ≃ Π*(a : A), Ω ( (B a) (k a)) :=
calc (k = k) ≃ (k ~~* k)
: ppi_eq_equiv
... ≃ Σ(p : f ~ f), p pt ⬝ ppi_resp_pt f = ppi_resp_pt f
: ppi_homotopy.sigma_char f f
... ≃ Σ(p : f ~ f), p pt = idp
... ≃ Σ(p : k ~ k), p pt ⬝ ppi_gen.resp_pt k = ppi_gen.resp_pt k
: ppi_homotopy.sigma_char k k
... ≃ Σ(p : k ~ k), p pt = idp
: sigma_equiv_sigma_right
(λ p, ppi_loop_equiv_lemma f p)
... ≃ Π*(a : A), (f a = f a) idp
(λ p, ppi_loop_equiv_lemma p)
... ≃ Π*(a : A), (k a = k a) idp
: ppi.sigma_char
... ≃ Π*(a : A), Ω ( (P a) (f a))
... ≃ Π*(a : A), Ω ( (B a) (k a))
: erfl
variables {f g}
definition eq_of_ppi_homotopy (h : f ~~* g) : f = g :=
(ppi_eq_equiv f g)⁻¹ᵉ h
variables {k l}
-- definition eq_of_ppi_homotopy (h : k ~~* l) : k = l :=
-- (ppi_eq_equiv k l)⁻¹ᵉ h
definition ppi_loop_pequiv : Ω (Π*(a : A), P a) ≃* Π*(a : A), Ω (P a) :=
pequiv_of_equiv (ppi_loop_equiv pt) idp
@ -168,7 +210,7 @@ namespace pointed
definition ppi_compose_left [constructor] (g : Π(a : A), ppmap (P a) (Q a)) :
(Π*(a : A), P a) →* Π*(a : A), Q a :=
|||| (pmap_compose_ppi g) (eq_of_ppi_homotopy (pmap_compose_ppi_const_right g))
|||| (pmap_compose_ppi g) (ppi_eq (pmap_compose_ppi_const_right g))
definition pmap_compose_ppi_phomotopy_left [constructor] {g g' : Π(a : A), ppmap (P a) (Q a)}
(f : Π*(a : A), P a) (p : Πa, g a ~* g' a) : pmap_compose_ppi g f ~~* pmap_compose_ppi g' f :=
@ -188,20 +230,187 @@ namespace pointed
apply pequiv_of_pmap (ppi_compose_left g),
apply adjointify _ (ppi_compose_left (λa, (g a)⁻¹ᵉ*)),
{ intro f, apply eq_of_ppi_homotopy,
{ intro f, apply ppi_eq,
refine !pmap_compose_pmap_compose_ppi ⬝*' _,
refine pmap_compose_ppi_phomotopy_left _ (λa, !pright_inv) ⬝*' _,
apply pmap_compose_ppi_pid_left },
{ intro f, apply eq_of_ppi_homotopy,
{ intro f, apply ppi_eq,
refine !pmap_compose_pmap_compose_ppi ⬝*' _,
refine pmap_compose_ppi_phomotopy_left _ (λa, !pleft_inv) ⬝*' _,
apply pmap_compose_ppi_pid_left }
definition psigma_gen [constructor] {A : Type*} (P : A → Type) (x : P pt) : Type* :=
pointed.MK (Σa, P a) ⟨pt, x⟩
end pointed
open fiber function
namespace pointed
variables {A B C : Type*}
-- TODO: replace in types.fiber
definition pfiber.sigma_char' (f : A →* B) :
pfiber f ≃* psigma_gen (λa, f a = pt) (respect_pt f) :=
pequiv_of_equiv (fiber.sigma_char f pt) idp
/- the pointed type of unpointed (nondependent) maps -/
definition parrow [constructor] (A : Type) (B : Type*) : Type* :=
pointed.MK (A → B) (const A pt)
/- the pointed type of unpointed dependent maps -/
definition p_pi [constructor] {A : Type} (B : A → Type*) : Type* :=
pointed.MK (Πa, B a) (λa, pt)
definition ppmap.sigma_char (A B : Type*) :
ppmap A B ≃* @psigma_gen (parrow A B) (λf, f pt = pt) idp :=
pequiv_of_equiv pmap.sigma_char idp
definition pppi.sigma_char {A : Type*} {B : A → Type*} :
(Π*(a : A), B a) ≃* @psigma_gen (p_pi B) (λf, f pt = pt) idp :=
proof pequiv_of_equiv !ppi.sigma_char idp qed
definition psigma_gen_pequiv_psigma_gen_right {A : Type*} {B B' : A → Type}
{b : B pt} {b' : B' pt} (f : Πa, B a ≃ B' a) (p : f pt b = b') :
psigma_gen B b ≃* psigma_gen B' b' :=
pequiv_of_equiv (sigma_equiv_sigma_right f) (ap (dpair pt) p)
definition psigma_gen_pequiv_psigma_gen_basepoint {A : Type*} {B : A → Type} {b b' : B pt}
(p : b = b') : psigma_gen B b ≃* psigma_gen B b' :=
psigma_gen_pequiv_psigma_gen_right (λa, erfl) p
definition ppi_gen_functor_right [constructor] {A : Type*} {B B' : A → Type}
{b : B pt} {b' : B' pt} (f : Πa, B a → B' a) (p : f pt b = b') (g : ppi_gen B b)
: ppi_gen B' b' :=
|||| (λa, f a (g a)) (ap (f pt) (ppi_gen.resp_pt g) ⬝ p)
definition ppi_gen_functor_right_compose [constructor] {A : Type*} {B₁ B₂ B₃ : A → Type}
{b₁ : B₁ pt} {b₂ : B₂ pt} {b₃ : B₃ pt} (f₂ : Πa, B₂ a → B₃ a) (p₂ : f₂ pt b₂ = b₃)
(f₁ : Πa, B₁ a → B₂ a) (p₁ : f₁ pt b₁ = b₂)
(g : ppi_gen B₁ b₁) : ppi_gen_functor_right (λa, f₂ a ∘ f₁ a) (ap (f₂ pt) p₁ ⬝ p₂) g ~~*
ppi_gen_functor_right f₂ p₂ (ppi_gen_functor_right f₁ p₁ g) :=
{ reflexivity },
{ induction p₁, induction p₂, exact !idp_con ⬝ !ap_compose⁻¹ }
definition ppi_gen_functor_right_id [constructor] {A : Type*} {B : A → Type}
{b : B pt} (g : ppi_gen B b) : ppi_gen_functor_right (λa, id) idp g ~~* g :=
{ reflexivity },
{ reflexivity }
definition ppi_gen_functor_right_homotopy [constructor] {A : Type*} {B B' : A → Type}
{b : B pt} {b' : B' pt} {f f' : Πa, B a → B' a} {p : f pt b = b'} {p' : f' pt b = b'}
(h : f ~2 f') (q : h pt b ⬝ p' = p) (g : ppi_gen B b) :
ppi_gen_functor_right f p g ~~* ppi_gen_functor_right f' p' g :=
{ exact λa, h a (g a) },
{ induction g with g r, induction r, induction q,
exact whisker_left _ !idp_con ⬝ !idp_con⁻¹ }
definition ppi_gen_equiv_ppi_gen_right [constructor] {A : Type*} {B B' : A → Type}
{b : B pt} {b' : B' pt} (f : Πa, B a ≃ B' a) (p : f pt b = b') :
ppi_gen B b ≃ ppi_gen B' b' :=
equiv.MK (ppi_gen_functor_right f p) (ppi_gen_functor_right (λa, (f a)⁻¹ᵉ) (inv_eq_of_eq p⁻¹))
abstract begin
intro g, apply ppi_eq,
refine !ppi_gen_functor_right_compose⁻¹*' ⬝*' _,
refine ppi_gen_functor_right_homotopy (λa, to_right_inv (f a)) _ g ⬝*'
!ppi_gen_functor_right_id, induction p, exact adj (f pt) b ⬝ ap02 (f pt) !idp_con⁻¹
end end
abstract begin
intro g, apply ppi_eq,
refine !ppi_gen_functor_right_compose⁻¹*' ⬝*' _,
refine ppi_gen_functor_right_homotopy (λa, to_left_inv (f a)) _ g ⬝*'
!ppi_gen_functor_right_id, induction p, exact (!idp_con ⬝ !idp_con)⁻¹,
end end
definition ppi_gen_equiv_ppi_gen_basepoint [constructor] {A : Type*} {B : A → Type} {b b' : B pt}
(p : b = b') : ppi_gen B b ≃ ppi_gen B b' :=
ppi_gen_equiv_ppi_gen_right (λa, erfl) p
definition ppi_psigma {A : Type*} {B : A → Type*} (C : Πa, B a → Type) (c : Πa, C a pt) :
(Π*(a : A), (psigma_gen (C a) (c a))) ≃*
psigma_gen (λ(f : Π*(a : A), B a), ppi_gen (λa, C a (f a))
(transport (C pt) (ppi.resp_pt f)⁻¹ (c pt)))
(ppi_const _) :=
calc (Π*(a : A), psigma_gen (C a) (c a))
≃* @psigma_gen (p_pi (λa, psigma_gen (C a) (c a))) (λf, f pt = pt) idp : pppi.sigma_char
... ≃* psigma_gen (λ(f : Π*(a : A), B a), ppi_gen (λa, C a (f a))
(transport (C pt) (ppi.resp_pt f)⁻¹ (c pt)))
(ppi_const _) : sorry
definition pmap_psigma {A B : Type*} (C : B → Type) (c : C pt) :
ppmap A (psigma_gen C c) ≃*
psigma_gen (λ(f : ppmap A B), ppi_gen (C ∘ f) (transport C (respect_pt f)⁻¹ c))
(ppi_const _) :=
!pppi_pequiv_ppmap⁻¹ᵉ* ⬝e* !ppi_psigma ⬝e* sorry
definition pfiber_ppcompose_left (f : B →* C) :
pfiber (@ppcompose_left A B C f) ≃* ppmap A (pfiber f) :=
pfiber (@ppcompose_left A B C f) ≃*
psigma_gen (λ(g : ppmap A B), f ∘* g = pconst A C)
proof (eq_of_phomotopy (pcompose_pconst f)) qed :
by exact !pfiber.sigma_char'
... ≃* psigma_gen (λ(g : ppmap A B), f ∘* g ~* pconst A C) proof (pcompose_pconst f) qed :
by exact psigma_gen_pequiv_psigma_gen_right (λa, !pmap_eq_equiv)
... ≃* psigma_gen (λ(g : ppmap A B), ppi_gen (λa, f (g a) = pt)
(transport (λb, f b = pt) (respect_pt g)⁻¹ (respect_pt f)))
(ppi_const _) :
refine psigma_gen_pequiv_psigma_gen_right
(λg, ppi_gen_equiv_ppi_gen_basepoint (_ ⬝ !eq_transport_Fl⁻¹)) _,
intro g, refine !con_idp ⬝ _, apply whisker_right,
exact ap02 f !inv_inv⁻¹ ⬝ !ap_inv,
apply ppi_eq, fapply,
intro x, reflexivity,
refine !idp_con ⬝ _, symmetry, refine !ap_id ◾ !idp_con ⬝ _, apply con.right_inv
... ≃* ppmap A (psigma_gen (λb, f b = pt) (respect_pt f)) :
by exact (pmap_psigma _ _)⁻¹ᵉ*
... ≃* ppmap A (pfiber f) : by exact pequiv_ppcompose_left !pfiber.sigma_char'⁻¹ᵉ*
definition pfiber_ppcompose_left_dep {B C : A → Type*} (f : Πa, B a →* C a) :
pfiber (ppi_compose_left f) ≃* Π*(a : A), pfiber (f a) :=
pfiber (ppi_compose_left f) ≃*
psigma_gen (λ(g : Π*(a : A), B a), pmap_compose_ppi f g = ppi_const C)
proof (ppi_eq (pmap_compose_ppi_const_right f)) qed : by exact !pfiber.sigma_char'
... ≃* psigma_gen (λ(g : Π*(a : A), B a), pmap_compose_ppi f g ~~* ppi_const C)
proof (pmap_compose_ppi_const_right f) qed :
by exact psigma_gen_pequiv_psigma_gen_right (λa, !ppi_eq_equiv)
... ≃* psigma_gen (λ(g : Π*(a : A), B a), ppi_gen (λa, f a (g a) = pt)
(transport (λb, f pt b = pt) (ppi.resp_pt g)⁻¹ (respect_pt (f pt))))
(ppi_const _) :
refine psigma_gen_pequiv_psigma_gen_right
(λg, ppi_gen_equiv_ppi_gen_basepoint (_ ⬝ !eq_transport_Fl⁻¹)) _,
intro g, refine !con_idp ⬝ _, apply whisker_right,
exact ap02 (f pt) !inv_inv⁻¹ ⬝ !ap_inv,
apply ppi_eq, fapply,
intro x, reflexivity,
refine !idp_con ⬝ _, symmetry, refine !ap_id ◾ !idp_con ⬝ _, apply con.right_inv
... ≃* Π*(a : A), (psigma_gen (λb, f a b = pt) (respect_pt (f a))) :
by exact (ppi_psigma _ _)⁻¹ᵉ*
... ≃* Π*(a : A), pfiber (f a) : by exact ppi_pequiv_right (λa, !pfiber.sigma_char'⁻¹ᵉ*)
end pointed open pointed
open is_trunc is_conn
namespace is_conn
variables (A : Type*) (n : ℕ₋₂) [H : is_conn (n.+1) A]
include H
@ -210,9 +419,9 @@ section
apply pt,
intro f, induction f with f p,
fapply ppi_eq,
{ apply is_conn.elim n, esimp, exact p⁻¹ },
{ krewrite (is_conn.elim_β n), apply inverse, apply con.left_inv }
apply ppi_eq, fapply,
{ apply is_conn.elim n, exact p⁻¹ },
{ krewrite (is_conn.elim_β n), apply con.left_inv }
definition is_trunc_ppi (k : ℕ₋₂) (P : A → (n.+1+2+k)-Type*)
@ -237,4 +446,4 @@ section
@is_trunc_equiv_closed _ _ k.+1 (ppi_equiv_pmap A B)
(is_trunc_ppi A n k (λ a, B))
end is_conn
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