continue convergence theorem

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Floris van Doorn 2017-04-27 19:04:30 -04:00
parent 43f9edf82b
commit daedc1dc48
5 changed files with 190 additions and 29 deletions

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@ -424,7 +424,7 @@ definition graded_quotient_map [constructor] (S : Πi, submodule_rel (M i)) : erfl (λi, quotient_map (S i)) erfl (λi, quotient_map (S i))
definition graded_homology (g : M₂ →gm M₃) (f : M₁ →gm M₂) : graded_module R I := definition graded_homology (g : M₂ →gm M₃) (f : M₁ →gm M₂) : graded_module R I :=
λi, homology (g i) (f ↘ (to_right_inv (deg f) i)) λi, homology (g i) (f ← i)
definition graded_homology_intro [constructor] (g : M₂ →gm M₃) (f : M₁ →gm M₂) : definition graded_homology_intro [constructor] (g : M₂ →gm M₃) (f : M₁ →gm M₂) :
graded_kernel g →gm graded_homology g f := graded_kernel g →gm graded_homology g f :=
@ -484,10 +484,10 @@ namespace left_module
definition E' : graded_module R I := graded_homology d d definition E' : graded_module R I := graded_homology d d
definition is_contr_E' {x : I} (H : is_contr (E x)) : is_contr (E' x) := definition is_contr_E' {x : I} (H : is_contr (E x)) : is_contr (E' x) :=
sorry !is_contr_homology
definition is_contr_D' {x : I} (H : is_contr (D x)) : is_contr (D' x) := definition is_contr_D' {x : I} (H : is_contr (D x)) : is_contr (D' x) :=
sorry !is_contr_image_module
definition i' : D' →gm D' := definition i' : D' →gm D' :=
graded_image_lift i ∘gm graded_submodule_incl _ graded_image_lift i ∘gm graded_submodule_incl _
@ -595,10 +595,10 @@ namespace left_module
ij := i'j' X, jk := j'k' X, ki := k'i' X⦄ ij := i'j' X, jk := j'k' X, ki := k'i' X⦄
parameters {R : Ring} {I : Set} (X : exact_couple R I) (B : I → ) parameters {R : Ring} {I : Set} (X : exact_couple R I) (B : I → )
(Dub : Π⦃x y⦄ ⦃s : ℕ⦄, B x ≤ s → deg (j X) (iterate (deg (i X)) s x) = y → is_contr (D X y)) (Dub : Π⦃x y⦄ ⦃s : ℕ⦄, B x ≤ s → (deg (k X))⁻¹ (iterate (deg (i X)) s ((deg (j X))⁻¹ x)) = y → is_contr (D X y))
(Dlb : Π⦃x y⦄ ⦃s : ℕ⦄, B x ≤ s → deg (j X) (iterate (deg (i X))⁻¹ s x) = y → is_contr (D X y)) (Eub : Π⦃x y⦄ ⦃s : ℕ⦄, B x ≤ s → (deg (k X))⁻¹ (iterate (deg (i X)) s ((deg (j X))⁻¹ x)) = y → is_contr (E X y))
(Eub : Π⦃x y⦄ ⦃s : ℕ⦄, B x ≤ s → deg (j X) (iterate (deg (i X)) s x) = y → is_contr (E X y)) (Dlb : Π⦃x y⦄ ⦃s : ℕ⦄, B x ≤ s → deg (j X) (iterate (deg (i X))⁻¹ s (deg (k X) x)) = y → is_contr (D X y))
(Elb : Π⦃x y⦄ ⦃s : ℕ⦄, B x ≤ s → deg (j X) (iterate (deg (i X))⁻¹ s x) = y → is_contr (E X y)) (Elb : Π⦃x y⦄ ⦃s : ℕ⦄, B x ≤ s → deg (j X) (iterate (deg (i X))⁻¹ s (deg (k X) x)) = y → is_contr (E X y))
-- also need a single deg j and/or deg k here -- also need a single deg j and/or deg k here
-- we start counting pages at 0, not at 2. -- we start counting pages at 0, not at 2.
@ -642,13 +642,48 @@ namespace left_module
deg (d (page r)) ~ deg (j X) ∘ iterate (deg (i X))⁻¹ r ∘ deg (k X) := deg (d (page r)) ~ deg (j X) ∘ iterate (deg (i X))⁻¹ r ∘ deg (k X) :=
compose2 (deg_j r) (deg_k r) compose2 (deg_j r) (deg_k r)
definition Eub' (x : I) (r : ) (h : B (deg (k X) x) ≤ r) : definition deg_d_inv (r : ) :
(deg (d (page r)))⁻¹ ~ (deg (k X))⁻¹ ∘ iterate (deg (i X)) r ∘ (deg (j X))⁻¹ :=
sorry --inv_homotopy_inv (deg_d r) ⬝hty _ --compose2 (deg_j r) (deg_k r)
include Elb Eub
definition Eub' (x : I) (r : ) (h : B x ≤ r) :
is_contr (E (page r) (deg (d (page r)) x)) := is_contr (E (page r) (deg (d (page r)) x)) :=
is_contr_E _ _ (Elb h (deg_d r x)⁻¹) is_contr_E _ _ (Elb h (deg_d r x)⁻¹)
definition Estable {x : I} {r : } (H : B (deg (k X) x) ≤ r) : definition Elb' (x : I) (r : ) (h : B x ≤ r) :
E (page (r + 1)) x ≃ E (page r) x := is_contr (E (page r) ((deg (d (page r)))⁻¹ x)) :=
sorry is_contr_E _ _ (Eub h (deg_d_inv r x)⁻¹)
-- definition Dub' (x : I) (r : ) (h : B x ≤ r) :
-- is_contr (D (page r) (deg (d (page r)) x)) :=
-- is_contr_D _ _ (Dlb h (deg_d r x)⁻¹)
-- definition Dlb' (x : I) (r : ) (h : B x ≤ r) :
-- is_contr (D (page r) ((deg (d (page r)))⁻¹ x)) :=
-- is_contr_D _ _ (Dub h (deg_d_inv r x)⁻¹)
definition Estable {x : I} {r : } (H : B x ≤ r) :
E (page (r + 1)) x ≃lm E (page r) x :=
change homology (d (page r) x) (d (page r) ← x) ≃lm E (page r) x,
apply homology_isomorphism,
exact Elb' _ _ H, exact Eub' _ _ H
definition is_equiv_i {x y : I} {r : } (H : B y ≤ r) (p : deg (i (page r)) x = y) :
is_equiv (i (page r) ↘ p) :=
induction p,
exact sorry
definition Dstable {x : I} {r : } (H : B x ≤ r) :
D (page (r + 1)) x ≃lm D (page r) x :=
change image_module (i (page r) ← x) ≃lm D (page r) x,
exact image_module_isomorphism ( (i (page r) ← x) (is_equiv_i H _))
definition inf_page : graded_module R I := definition inf_page : graded_module R I :=
λx, E (page (B (deg (k X) x))) x λx, E (page (B (deg (k X) x))) x

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@ -144,11 +144,7 @@ namespace group class_of (λ g h, idp) class_of (λ g h, idp)
definition ab_qg_map {G : AbGroup} (N : subgroup_rel G) : G →g quotient_ab_group N := definition ab_qg_map {G : AbGroup} (N : subgroup_rel G) : G →g quotient_ab_group N :=
begin qg_map _
exact class_of,
exact λ g h, idp
definition is_surjective_ab_qg_map {A : AbGroup} (N : subgroup_rel A) : is_surjective (ab_qg_map N) := definition is_surjective_ab_qg_map {A : AbGroup} (N : subgroup_rel A) : is_surjective (ab_qg_map N) :=
begin begin

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@ -243,11 +243,7 @@ namespace group
end end
definition is_embedding_incl_of_subgroup {G : Group} (H : subgroup_rel G) : is_embedding (incl_of_subgroup H) := definition is_embedding_incl_of_subgroup {G : Group} (H : subgroup_rel G) : is_embedding (incl_of_subgroup H) :=
begin function.is_embedding_pr1 _
fapply function.is_embedding_of_is_injective,
intro h h',
fapply subtype_eq
definition ab_kernel_incl {G H : AbGroup} (f : G →g H) : ab_kernel f →g G := definition ab_kernel_incl {G H : AbGroup} (f : G →g H) : ab_kernel f →g G :=
begin begin
@ -447,8 +443,8 @@ definition hom_lift [constructor] {G H : Group} (f : G →g H) (K : subgroup_rel
definition ab_subgroup_of_subgroup_incl {A : AbGroup} {R S : subgroup_rel A} (H : Π (a : A), R a -> S a) : ab_subgroup R →g ab_subgroup S definition ab_subgroup_of_subgroup_incl {A : AbGroup} {R S : subgroup_rel A} (H : Π (a : A), R a -> S a) : ab_subgroup R →g ab_subgroup S
:= :=
ab_subgroup_functor (gid A) H ab_subgroup_functor (gid A) H
definition is_embedding_ab_subgroup_of_subgroup_incl {A : AbGroup} {R S : subgroup_rel A} (H : Π (a : A), R a -> S a) : is_embedding (ab_subgroup_of_subgroup_incl H) := definition is_embedding_ab_subgroup_of_subgroup_incl {A : AbGroup} {R S : subgroup_rel A} (H : Π (a : A), R a -> S a) : is_embedding (ab_subgroup_of_subgroup_incl H) :=
begin begin
fapply is_embedding_subgroup_of_subgroup_incl, fapply is_embedding_subgroup_of_subgroup_incl,

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@ -1,12 +1,39 @@
import .left_module .quotient_group import .left_module .quotient_group
open algebra eq group sigma is_trunc function trunc open algebra eq group sigma is_trunc function trunc equiv is_equiv
-- move to subgroup -- move to subgroup
attribute normal_subgroup_rel._trans_of_to_subgroup_rel [unfold 2] attribute normal_subgroup_rel._trans_of_to_subgroup_rel [unfold 2]
attribute normal_subgroup_rel.to_subgroup_rel [constructor] attribute normal_subgroup_rel.to_subgroup_rel [constructor]
definition is_equiv_incl_of_subgroup {G : Group} (H : subgroup_rel G) (h : Πg, H g) :
is_equiv (incl_of_subgroup H) :=
have is_surjective (incl_of_subgroup H),
begin intro g, exact ⟨g, h g⟩ idp end,
have is_embedding (incl_of_subgroup H), from is_embedding_incl_of_subgroup H,
function.is_equiv_of_is_surjective_of_is_embedding (incl_of_subgroup H)
definition subgroup_isomorphism [constructor] {G : Group} (H : subgroup_rel G) (h : Πg, H g) :
subgroup H ≃g G := _ (is_equiv_incl_of_subgroup H h)
definition is_equiv_qg_map {G : Group} (H : normal_subgroup_rel G) (H₂ : Π⦃g⦄, H g → g = 1) :
is_equiv (qg_map H) :=
set_quotient.is_equiv_class_of _ (λg h r, eq_of_mul_inv_eq_one (H₂ r))
definition quotient_group_isomorphism [constructor] {G : Group} (H : normal_subgroup_rel G)
(h : Πg, H g → g = 1) : quotient_group H ≃g G :=
( _ (is_equiv_qg_map H h))⁻¹ᵍ
definition is_equiv_ab_qg_map {G : AbGroup} (H : subgroup_rel G) (h : Π⦃g⦄, H g → g = 1) :
is_equiv (ab_qg_map H) :=
proof is_equiv_qg_map _ h qed
definition ab_quotient_group_isomorphism [constructor] {G : AbGroup} (H : subgroup_rel G)
(h : Πg, H g → g = 1) : quotient_ab_group H ≃g G :=
( _ (is_equiv_ab_qg_map H h))⁻¹ᵍ
namespace left_module namespace left_module
/- submodules -/ /- submodules -/
variables {R : Ring} {M M₁ M₂ M₃ : LeftModule R} {m m₁ m₂ : M} variables {R : Ring} {M M₁ M₂ M₃ : LeftModule R} {m m₁ m₂ : M}
@ -105,7 +132,7 @@ definition incl_smul (S : submodule_rel M) (r : R) (m : M) (h : S m) :
r • ⟨m, h⟩ = ⟨_, contains_smul S r h⟩ :> submodule S := r • ⟨m, h⟩ = ⟨_, contains_smul S r h⟩ :> submodule S :=
by reflexivity by reflexivity
definition submodule_rel_of_submodule [constructor] (S₂ S₁ : submodule_rel M) : definition submodule_rel_submodule [constructor] (S₂ S₁ : submodule_rel M) :
submodule_rel (submodule S₂) := submodule_rel (submodule S₂) := (λm, S₁ (submodule_incl S₂ m)) (λm, S₁ (submodule_incl S₂ m))
(contains_zero S₁) (contains_zero S₁)
@ -114,6 +141,23 @@ (λm, S₁ (submodule_incl S₂ m))
intro m r p, induction m with m hm, exact contains_smul S₁ r p intro m r p, induction m with m hm, exact contains_smul S₁ r p
end end
definition submodule_rel_submodule_trivial [constructor] {S₂ S₁ : submodule_rel M}
(h : Π⦃m⦄, S₁ m → m = 0) ⦃m : submodule S₂⦄ (Sm : submodule_rel_submodule S₂ S₁ m) : m = 0 :=
fapply subtype_eq,
apply h Sm
definition is_prop_submodule (S : submodule_rel M) [H : is_prop M] : is_prop (submodule S) :=
begin apply @is_trunc_sigma, exact H end
local attribute is_prop_submodule [instance]
definition is_contr_submodule [instance] (S : submodule_rel M) [is_contr M] : is_contr (submodule S) :=
is_contr_of_inhabited_prop 0
definition submodule_isomorphism [constructor] (S : submodule_rel M) (h : Πg, S g) :
submodule S ≃lm M := (submodule_incl S) (is_equiv_incl_of_subgroup (subgroup_rel_of_submodule_rel S) h)
/- quotient modules -/ /- quotient modules -/
definition quotient_module' (S : submodule_rel M) : AddAbGroup := definition quotient_module' (S : submodule_rel M) : AddAbGroup :=
@ -123,7 +167,7 @@ definition quotient_module_smul [constructor] (S : submodule_rel M) (r : R) :
quotient_module' S →a quotient_module' S := quotient_module' S →a quotient_module' S :=
quotient_ab_group_functor (smul_homomorphism M r) (λg, contains_smul S r) quotient_ab_group_functor (smul_homomorphism M r) (λg, contains_smul S r)
set_option formatter.hide_full_terms false
definition quotient_module_smul_right_distrib (r s : R) (n : quotient_module' S) : definition quotient_module_smul_right_distrib (r s : R) (n : quotient_module' S) :
quotient_module_smul S (r + s) n = quotient_module_smul S r n + quotient_module_smul S s n := quotient_module_smul S (r + s) n = quotient_module_smul S r n + quotient_module_smul S s n :=
@ -172,6 +216,18 @@ lm_homomorphism_of_group_homomorphism
exact to_respect_smul φ r m exact to_respect_smul φ r m
end end
definition is_prop_quotient_module (S : submodule_rel M) [H : is_prop M] : is_prop (quotient_module S) :=
begin apply @set_quotient.is_trunc_set_quotient, exact H end
local attribute is_prop_quotient_module [instance]
definition is_contr_quotient_module [instance] (S : submodule_rel M) [is_contr M] :
is_contr (quotient_module S) :=
is_contr_of_inhabited_prop 0
definition quotient_module_isomorphism [constructor] (S : submodule_rel M) (h : Π⦃m⦄, S m → m = 0) :
quotient_module S ≃lm M :=
( (quotient_map S) (is_equiv_ab_qg_map (subgroup_rel_of_submodule_rel S) h))⁻¹ˡᵐ
/- specific submodules -/ /- specific submodules -/
definition has_scalar_image (φ : M₁ →lm M₂) ⦃m : M₂⦄ (r : R) definition has_scalar_image (φ : M₁ →lm M₂) ⦃m : M₂⦄ (r : R)
(h : image φ m) : image φ (r • m) := (h : image φ m) : image φ (r • m) :=
@ -186,6 +242,14 @@ submodule_rel_of_subgroup_rel
(image_subgroup (group_homomorphism_of_lm_homomorphism φ)) (image_subgroup (group_homomorphism_of_lm_homomorphism φ))
(has_scalar_image φ) (has_scalar_image φ)
definition image_rel_trivial (φ : M₁ →lm M₂) [H : is_contr M₁] ⦃m : M₂⦄ (h : image_rel φ m) : m = 0 :=
refine image.rec _ h,
intro x p,
refine p⁻¹ ⬝ ap φ _ ⬝ to_respect_zero φ,
apply @is_prop.elim, apply is_trunc_succ, exact H
definition image_module [constructor] (φ : M₁ →lm M₂) : LeftModule R := submodule (image_rel φ) definition image_module [constructor] (φ : M₁ →lm M₂) : LeftModule R := submodule (image_rel φ)
-- unfortunately this is note definitionally equal: -- unfortunately this is note definitionally equal:
@ -213,21 +277,50 @@ begin
reflexivity reflexivity
end end
definition is_contr_image_module [instance] (φ : M₁ →lm M₂) [is_contr M₂] :
is_contr (image_module φ) :=
definition is_contr_image_module_of_is_contr_dom (φ : M₁ →lm M₂) [is_contr M₁] :
is_contr (image_module φ) := 0
have Π(x : image_module φ), is_prop (0 = x), from _,
apply @total_image.rec,
exact this,
intro m,
induction (is_prop.elim 0 m), apply subtype_eq,
exact (to_respect_zero φ)⁻¹
definition image_module_isomorphism [constructor] (φ : M₁ ≃lm M₂) : image_module φ ≃lm M₂ :=
submodule_isomorphism _ (λm, (φ⁻¹ˡᵐ m) proof to_right_inv (equiv_of_isomorphism φ) m qed)
definition has_scalar_kernel (φ : M₁ →lm M₂) ⦃m : M₁⦄ (r : R) definition has_scalar_kernel (φ : M₁ →lm M₂) ⦃m : M₁⦄ (r : R)
(p : φ m = 0) : φ (r • m) = 0 := (p : φ m = 0) : φ (r • m) = 0 :=
begin begin
refine to_respect_smul φ r m ⬝ ap (λx, r • x) p ⬝ smul_zero r, refine to_respect_smul φ r m ⬝ ap (λx, r • x) p ⬝ smul_zero r,
end end
definition kernel_rel [constructor](φ : M₁ →lm M₂) : submodule_rel M₁ := definition kernel_rel [constructor] (φ : M₁ →lm M₂) : submodule_rel M₁ :=
submodule_rel_of_subgroup_rel submodule_rel_of_subgroup_rel
(kernel_subgroup (group_homomorphism_of_lm_homomorphism φ)) (kernel_subgroup (group_homomorphism_of_lm_homomorphism φ))
(has_scalar_kernel φ) (has_scalar_kernel φ)
definition kernel_rel_full (φ : M₁ →lm M₂) [is_contr M₂] (m : M₁) : kernel_rel φ m :=
definition kernel_module [constructor] (φ : M₁ →lm M₂) : LeftModule R := submodule (kernel_rel φ) definition kernel_module [constructor] (φ : M₁ →lm M₂) : LeftModule R := submodule (kernel_rel φ)
definition is_contr_kernel_module [instance] (φ : M₁ →lm M₂) [is_contr M₁] :
is_contr (kernel_module φ) :=
definition kernel_module_isomorphism [constructor] (φ : M₁ →lm M₂) [is_contr M₂] : kernel_module φ ≃lm M₁ :=
submodule_isomorphism _ (kernel_rel_full φ)
definition homology (ψ : M₂ →lm M₃) (φ : M₁ →lm M₂) : LeftModule R := definition homology (ψ : M₂ →lm M₃) (φ : M₁ →lm M₂) : LeftModule R :=
@quotient_module R (submodule (kernel_rel ψ)) (submodule_rel_of_submodule _ (image_rel φ)) @quotient_module R (submodule (kernel_rel ψ)) (submodule_rel_submodule _ (image_rel φ))
definition (m : M₂) (h : ψ m = 0) : homology ψ φ := definition (m : M₂) (h : ψ m = 0) : homology ψ φ :=
quotient_map _ ⟨m, h⟩ quotient_map _ ⟨m, h⟩
@ -255,6 +348,15 @@ quotient_elim (θ ∘lm submodule_incl _)
exact ap θ p⁻¹ ⬝ H m' exact ap θ p⁻¹ ⬝ H m'
end end
definition is_contr_homology [instance] (ψ : M₂ →lm M₃) (φ : M₁ →lm M₂) [is_contr M₂] :
is_contr (homology ψ φ) :=
begin apply @is_contr_quotient_module end
definition homology_isomorphism [constructor] (ψ : M₂ →lm M₃) (φ : M₁ →lm M₂) [is_contr M₁] [is_contr M₃] :
homology ψ φ ≃lm M₂ :=
quotient_module_isomorphism _ (submodule_rel_submodule_trivial (image_rel_trivial φ)) ⬝lm
-- remove: -- remove:
-- definition homology.rec (P : homology ψ φ → Type) -- definition homology.rec (P : homology ψ φ → Type)

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-- definitions, theorems and attributes which should be moved to files in the HoTT library -- definitions, theorems and attributes which should be moved to files in the HoTT library
import homotopy.sphere2 homotopy.cofiber homotopy.wedge hit.prop_trunc import homotopy.sphere2 homotopy.cofiber homotopy.wedge hit.prop_trunc hit.set_quotient
open eq nat int susp pointed pmap sigma is_equiv equiv fiber algebra trunc trunc_index pi group open eq nat int susp pointed pmap sigma is_equiv equiv fiber algebra trunc trunc_index pi group
is_trunc function sphere unit sum prod bool is_trunc function sphere unit sum prod bool
@ -1164,3 +1164,35 @@ structure Ring :=
attribute Ring.carrier [coercion] attribute Ring.carrier [coercion]
attribute Ring.struct [instance] attribute Ring.struct [instance]
namespace set_quotient
definition is_prop_set_quotient {A : Type} (R : A → A → Prop) [is_prop A] : is_prop (set_quotient R) :=
apply, intro x y,
induction x using set_quotient.rec_prop, induction y using set_quotient.rec_prop,
exact ap class_of !is_prop.elim
local attribute is_prop_set_quotient [instance]
definition is_trunc_set_quotient [instance] (n : ℕ₋₂) {A : Type} (R : A → A → Prop) [is_trunc n A] :
is_trunc n (set_quotient R) :=
cases n with n, { apply is_contr_of_inhabited_prop, exact class_of !center },
cases n with n, { apply _ },
apply is_trunc_succ_succ_of_is_set
definition is_equiv_class_of [constructor] {A : Type} [is_set A] (R : A → A → Prop)
(p : Π⦃a b⦄, R a b → a = b) : is_equiv (@class_of A R) :=
fapply adjointify,
{ intro x, induction x, exact a, exact p H },
{ intro x, induction x using set_quotient.rec_prop, reflexivity },
{ intro a, reflexivity }
definition equiv_set_quotient [constructor] {A : Type} [is_set A] (R : A → A → Prop)
(p : Π⦃a b⦄, R a b → a = b) : A ≃ set_quotient R := _ (is_equiv_class_of R p)
end set_quotient