finish functoriality of ppi_compose_left
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 223 additions and 68 deletions
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ import homotopy.sphere2 homotopy.cofiber homotopy.wedge hit.prop_trunc hit.set_q
open eq nat int susp pointed pmap sigma is_equiv equiv fiber algebra trunc pi group
is_trunc function sphere unit prod bool
attribute pType.sigma_char sigma_pi_equiv_pi_sigma sigma.coind_unc [constructor]
namespace eq
definition apd10_prepostcompose_nondep {A B C D : Type} (h : C → D) {g g' : B → C} (p : g = g')
@ -127,6 +129,27 @@ namespace eq
hsquare (homotopy_group_succ_in A n) (homotopy_group_succ_in B n) (π→[n+1] f) (π→[n] (Ω→ f)) :=
trunc_functor_hsquare _ (loopn_succ_in_natural n f)⁻¹*
definition homotopy2.refl {A} {B : A → Type} {C : Π⦃a⦄, B a → Type} (f : Πa (b : B a), C b) :
f ~2 f :=
λa b, idp
definition homotopy2.rfl [refl] {A} {B : A → Type} {C : Π⦃a⦄, B a → Type}
{f : Πa (b : B a), C b} : f ~2 f :=
λa b, idp
definition homotopy3.refl {A} {B : A → Type} {C : Πa, B a → Type}
{D : Π⦃a⦄ ⦃b : B a⦄, C a b → Type} (f : Πa b (c : C a b), D c) : f ~3 f :=
λa b c, idp
definition homotopy3.rfl {A} {B : A → Type} {C : Πa, B a → Type}
{D : Π⦃a⦄ ⦃b : B a⦄, C a b → Type} {f : Πa b (c : C a b), D c} : f ~3 f :=
λa b c, idp
definition homotopy.rec_idp [recursor] {A : Type} {P : A → Type} {f : Πa, P a}
(Q : Π{g}, (f ~ g) → Type) (H : Q (homotopy.refl f)) {g : Π x, P x} (p : f ~ g) : Q p :=
homotopy.rec_on_idp p H
end eq open eq
namespace nat
@ -882,3 +905,24 @@ namespace pi
hsquare (pi_bool_left A)⁻¹ᵉ (pi_bool_left B)⁻¹ᵉ (prod_functor (g ff) (g tt)) (pi_functor_right g) := hhinverse (pi_bool_left_nat g)
end pi
namespace equiv
definition rec_eq_of_equiv {A : Type} {P : A → A → Type} (e : Πa a', a = a' ≃ P a a')
{a a' : A} (Q : P a a' → Type) (H : Π(q : a = a'), Q (e a a' q)) :
Π(p : P a a'), Q p :=
equiv_rect (e a a') Q H
definition rec_idp_of_equiv {A : Type} {P : A → A → Type} (e : Πa a', a = a' ≃ P a a') {a : A}
(r : P a a) (s : e a a idp = r) (Q : Πa', P a a' → Type) (H : Q a r) ⦃a' : A⦄ (p : P a a') :
Q a' p :=
rec_eq_of_equiv e _ begin intro q, induction q, induction s, exact H end p
definition rec_idp_of_equiv_idp {A : Type} {P : A → A → Type} (e : Πa a', a = a' ≃ P a a') {a : A}
(r : P a a) (s : e a a idp = r) (Q : Πa', P a a' → Type) (H : Q a r) :
rec_idp_of_equiv e r s Q H r = H :=
induction s, refine !is_equiv_rect_comp ⬝ _, reflexivity
end equiv
@ -247,5 +247,8 @@ namespace pointed
definition pmap_of_map_pt [constructor] {A : Type*} {B : Type} (f : A → B) :
A →* pointed.MK B (f pt) :=
|||| f idp
end pointed
@ -305,7 +305,8 @@ namespace pointed
ppi_gen (λa, f a = g a) (ppi_gen.resp_pt f ⬝ (ppi_gen.resp_pt g)⁻¹)
variables {A : Type*} {P Q R : A → Type*} {f g h : Π*a, P a}
{B : A → Type} {x₀ : B pt} {k l m : ppi_gen B x₀}
{B C D : A → Type} {b₀ : B pt} {c₀ : C pt} {d₀ : D pt}
{k k' l m : ppi_gen B b₀}
infix ` ~~* `:50 := ppi_homotopy
@ -318,21 +319,32 @@ namespace pointed
con_eq_of_eq_con_inv (ppi_gen.resp_pt p)
variable (k)
protected definition ppi_homotopy.refl : k ~~* k :=
protected definition ppi_homotopy.refl [constructor] : k ~~* k :=
|||| homotopy.rfl !idp_con
variable {k}
protected definition ppi_homotopy.rfl [refl] : k ~~* k :=
protected definition ppi_homotopy.rfl [constructor] [refl] : k ~~* k :=
ppi_homotopy.refl k
protected definition ppi_homotopy.symm [symm] (p : k ~~* l) : l ~~* k :=
protected definition ppi_homotopy.symm [constructor] [symm] (p : k ~~* l) : l ~~* k :=
|||| p⁻¹ʰᵗʸ (inv_con_eq_of_eq_con (ppi_to_homotopy_pt p)⁻¹)
protected definition ppi_homotopy.trans [trans] (p : k ~~* l) (q : l ~~* m) : k ~~* m :=
protected definition ppi_homotopy.trans [constructor] [trans] (p : k ~~* l) (q : l ~~* m) :
k ~~* m :=
|||| (λa, p a ⬝ q a) (!con.assoc ⬝ whisker_left (p pt) (ppi_to_homotopy_pt q) ⬝ ppi_to_homotopy_pt p)
infix ` ⬝*' `:75 := ppi_homotopy.trans
postfix `⁻¹*'`:(max+1) := ppi_homotopy.symm
definition ppi_trans2 {p p' : k ~~* l} {q q' : l ~~* m}
(r : p = p') (s : q = q') : p ⬝*' q = p' ⬝*' q' :=
ap011 ppi_homotopy.trans r s
definition ppi_symm2 {p p' : k ~~* l} (r : p = p') : p⁻¹*' = p'⁻¹*' :=
ap ppi_homotopy.symm r
infixl ` ◾**' `:80 := ppi_trans2
postfix `⁻²**'`:(max+1) := ppi_symm2
definition ppi_equiv_pmap [constructor] (A B : Type*) : (Π*(a : A), B) ≃ (A →* B) :=
fapply equiv.MK,
@ -392,10 +404,10 @@ namespace pointed
-- the same as pmap_eq_equiv
definition ppi_eq_equiv_internal : (k = l) ≃ (k ~~* l) :=
calc (k = l) ≃ ppi_gen.sigma_char B x₀ k = ppi_gen.sigma_char B x₀ l
: eq_equiv_fn_eq (ppi_gen.sigma_char B x₀) k l
calc (k = l) ≃ ppi_gen.sigma_char B b₀ k = ppi_gen.sigma_char B b₀ l
: eq_equiv_fn_eq (ppi_gen.sigma_char B b₀) k l
... ≃ Σ(p : k = l),
pathover (λh, h pt = x₀) (ppi_gen.resp_pt k) p (ppi_gen.resp_pt l)
pathover (λh, h pt = b₀) (ppi_gen.resp_pt k) p (ppi_gen.resp_pt l)
: sigma_eq_equiv _ _
... ≃ Σ(p : k = l),
ppi_gen.resp_pt k = ap (λh, h pt) p ⬝ ppi_gen.resp_pt l
@ -439,33 +451,47 @@ namespace pointed
variable (k)
definition eq_ppi_homotopy_refl_ppi_homotopy_of_eq_refl : ppi_homotopy.refl k = ppi_homotopy_of_eq (refl k) :=
definition eq_ppi_homotopy_refl_ppi_homotopy_of_eq_refl :
ppi_homotopy.refl k = ppi_homotopy_of_eq (refl k) :=
induction k with k p,
induction p, reflexivity
definition ppi_homotopy_of_eq_refl
: ppi_homotopy.refl k = ppi_homotopy_of_eq (refl k)
definition ppi_homotopy_of_eq_refl : ppi_homotopy.refl k = ppi_homotopy_of_eq (refl k) :=
induction k with k k₀, induction k₀, reflexivity,
definition ppi_eq_refl : ppi_eq (ppi_homotopy.refl k) = refl k :=
to_inv_eq_of_eq !ppi_eq_equiv idp
variable {k}
definition ppi_homotopy_rec_on_eq [recursor] {k' : ppi_gen B x₀}
definition ppi_homotopy_rec_on_eq [recursor]
{Q : (k ~~* k') → Type} (p : k ~~* k') (H : Π(q : k = k'), Q (ppi_homotopy_of_eq q)) : Q p :=
ppi_homotopy_of_eq_of_ppi_homotopy p ▸ H (eq_of_ppi_homotopy p)
definition ppi_homotopy_rec_on_idp [recursor]
{Q : Π {k' : ppi_gen B x₀}, (k ~~* k') → Type}
(q : Q (ppi_homotopy.refl k)) {k' : ppi_gen B x₀} (H : k ~~* k') : Q H :=
{Q : Π {k' : ppi_gen B b₀}, (k ~~* k') → Type} {k' : ppi_gen B b₀} (H : k ~~* k')
(q : Q (ppi_homotopy.refl k)) : Q H :=
induction H using ppi_homotopy_rec_on_eq with t,
induction t, exact eq_ppi_homotopy_refl_ppi_homotopy_of_eq_refl k ▸ q,
attribute ppi_homotopy.rec' [recursor]
definition ppi_homotopy_rec_on_eq_ppi_homotopy_of_eq
{Q : (k ~~* k') → Type} (H : Π(q : k = k'), Q (ppi_homotopy_of_eq q))
(p : k = k') : ppi_homotopy_rec_on_eq (ppi_homotopy_of_eq p) H = H p :=
refine ap (λp, p ▸ _) !adj ⬝ _,
refine !tr_compose⁻¹ ⬝ _,
apply apdt
definition ppi_homotopy_rec_on_idp_refl {Q : Π {k' : ppi_gen B b₀}, (k ~~* k') → Type}
(q : Q (ppi_homotopy.refl k)) : ppi_homotopy_rec_on_idp ppi_homotopy.rfl q = q :=
ppi_homotopy_rec_on_eq_ppi_homotopy_of_eq _ idp
definition ppi_trans_refl (p : k ~~* l) : p ⬝*' ppi_homotopy.refl l = p :=
unfold ppi_homotopy.trans,
@ -489,8 +515,6 @@ namespace pointed
refine (ppi_trans_refl (ppi_homotopy.refl f))⁻¹ᵖ
-- definition ppi_homotopy_of_eq_of_ppi_homotopy
definition phomotopy_mk_ppi [constructor] {A : Type*} {B : Type*} {C : B → Type*}
{f g : A →* (Π*b, C b)} (p : Πa, f a ~~* g a)
(q : p pt ⬝*' ppi_homotopy_of_eq (respect_pt g) = ppi_homotopy_of_eq (respect_pt f)) : f ~* g :=
@ -501,19 +525,18 @@ namespace pointed
refine ap (λx, x ⬝*' _) !ppi_homotopy_of_eq_of_ppi_homotopy ⬝ q
definition ppi_homotopy_mk_ppmap [constructor]
{A : Type*} {X : A → Type*} {Y : Π (a : A), X a → Type*}
{f g : Π* (a : A), Π*(x : (X a)), (Y a x)}
(p : Πa, f a ~~* g a)
(q : p pt ⬝*' ppi_homotopy_of_eq (ppi_resp_pt g) = ppi_homotopy_of_eq (ppi_resp_pt f))
: f ~~* g :=
apply (λa, eq_of_ppi_homotopy (p a)),
apply eq_of_fn_eq_fn (ppi_eq_equiv _ _),
refine !ppi_homotopy_of_eq_con ⬝ _,
repeat exact sorry
-- refine !ppi_homotopy_of_eq_of_ppi_homotopy ◾** idp ⬝ q,
-- definition ppi_homotopy_mk_ppmap [constructor]
-- {A : Type*} {X : A → Type*} {Y : Π (a : A), X a → Type*}
-- {f g : Π* (a : A), Π*(x : (X a)), (Y a x)}
-- (p : Πa, f a ~~* g a)
-- (q : p pt ⬝*' ppi_homotopy_of_eq (ppi_resp_pt g) = ppi_homotopy_of_eq (ppi_resp_pt f))
-- : f ~~* g :=
-- begin
-- apply (λa, eq_of_ppi_homotopy (p a)),
-- apply eq_of_fn_eq_fn (ppi_eq_equiv _ _),
-- refine !ppi_homotopy_of_eq_con ⬝ _,
-- -- refine !ppi_homotopy_of_eq_of_ppi_homotopy ◾** idp ⬝ q,
-- end
variable {k}
@ -529,24 +552,91 @@ namespace pointed
-- definition eq_of_ppi_homotopy (h : k ~~* l) : k = l :=
-- (ppi_eq_equiv k l)⁻¹ᵉ h
definition pmap_compose_ppi_gen [constructor] (g : Π(a : A), B a → C a)
(g₀ : g pt b₀ = c₀) (f : ppi_gen B b₀) : ppi_gen C c₀ :=
proof (λa, g a (f a)) (ap (g pt) (ppi_gen.resp_pt f) ⬝ g₀) qed
definition pmap_compose_ppi_gen2 [constructor] {g g' : Π(a : A), B a → C a}
{g₀ : g pt b₀ = c₀} {g₀' : g' pt b₀ = c₀} {f f' : ppi_gen B b₀}
(p : g ~2 g') (q : f ~~* f') (r : p pt b₀ ⬝ g₀' = g₀) :
pmap_compose_ppi_gen g g₀ f ~~* pmap_compose_ppi_gen g' g₀' f' :=
|||| (λa, p a (f a) ⬝ ap (g' a) (q a))
abstract begin
induction q using ppi_homotopy_rec_on_idp,
induction r, revert g p, refine rec_idp_of_equiv _ homotopy2.rfl _ _ _,
{ intro h h', exact !eq_equiv_eq_symm ⬝e !eq_equiv_homotopy2 },
{ reflexivity },
induction g₀', induction f with f f₀, induction f₀, reflexivity
end end
definition pmap_compose_ppi_gen2_refl [constructor] (g : Π(a : A), B a → C a)
(g₀ : g pt b₀ = c₀) (f : ppi_gen B b₀) :
pmap_compose_ppi_gen2 (homotopy2.refl g) (ppi_homotopy.refl f) !idp_con =
ppi_homotopy.refl (pmap_compose_ppi_gen g g₀ f) :=
induction g₀,
apply ap ( homotopy.rfl),
refine !ppi_homotopy_rec_on_idp_refl ⬝ _,
refine !rec_idp_of_equiv_idp ⬝ _,
induction f with f f₀, induction f₀, reflexivity
definition pmap_compose_ppi [constructor] (g : Π(a : A), ppmap (P a) (Q a))
(f : Π*(a : A), P a) : Π*(a : A), Q a :=
proof (λa, g a (f a)) (ap (g pt) (ppi.resp_pt f) ⬝ respect_pt (g pt)) qed
pmap_compose_ppi_gen g (respect_pt (g pt)) f
definition pmap_compose_ppi_const_right (g : Π(a : A), ppmap (P a) (Q a)) :
definition pmap_compose_ppi_ppi_const [constructor] (g : Π(a : A), ppmap (P a) (Q a)) :
pmap_compose_ppi g (ppi_const P) ~~* ppi_const Q :=
proof (λa, respect_pt (g a)) !idp_con⁻¹ qed
definition pmap_compose_ppi_const_left (f : Π*(a : A), P a) :
definition pmap_compose_ppi_pconst [constructor] (f : Π*(a : A), P a) :
pmap_compose_ppi (λa, pconst (P a) (Q a)) f ~~* ppi_const Q :=
|||| homotopy.rfl !ap_constant⁻¹
definition pmap_compose_ppi2 [constructor] {g g' : Π(a : A), ppmap (P a) (Q a)}
{f f' : Π*(a : A), P a} (p : Πa, g a ~* g' a) (q : f ~~* f') :
pmap_compose_ppi g f ~~* pmap_compose_ppi g' f' :=
pmap_compose_ppi_gen2 p q (to_homotopy_pt (p pt))
/- proof without induction on p -/
-- (λa, p a (f a) ⬝ ap (g' a) (q a))
-- abstract begin
-- induction q using ppi_homotopy_rec_on_idp,
-- exact !con.assoc⁻¹ ⬝ whisker_right _ !ap_con_eq_con_ap⁻¹ ⬝ !con.assoc ⬝
-- whisker_left _ (to_homotopy_pt (p pt))
-- end end
definition pmap_compose_ppi2_refl [constructor] (g : Π(a : A), P a →* Q a) (f : Π*(a : A), P a) :
pmap_compose_ppi2 (λa, phomotopy.refl (g a)) (ppi_homotopy.refl f) = ppi_homotopy.rfl :=
refine _ ⬝ pmap_compose_ppi_gen2_refl g (respect_pt (g pt)) f,
exact ap (pmap_compose_ppi_gen2 _ _) (to_right_inv !eq_con_inv_equiv_con_eq _)
definition pmap_compose_ppi_phomotopy_left [constructor] {g g' : Π(a : A), ppmap (P a) (Q a)}
(f : Π*(a : A), P a) (p : Πa, g a ~* g' a) : pmap_compose_ppi g f ~~* pmap_compose_ppi g' f :=
pmap_compose_ppi2 p ppi_homotopy.rfl
definition pmap_compose_ppi_phomotopy_right [constructor] (g : Π(a : A), ppmap (P a) (Q a))
{f f' : Π*(a : A), P a} (p : f ~~* f') : pmap_compose_ppi g f ~~* pmap_compose_ppi g f' :=
pmap_compose_ppi2 (λa, phomotopy.rfl) p
definition pmap_compose_ppi_pid_left [constructor]
(f : Π*(a : A), P a) : pmap_compose_ppi (λa, pid (P a)) f ~~* f :=
|||| homotopy.rfl idp
definition pmap_compose_ppi_pcompose [constructor] (h : Π(a : A), ppmap (Q a) (R a))
(g : Π(a : A), ppmap (P a) (Q a)) :
pmap_compose_ppi (λa, h a ∘* g a) f ~~* pmap_compose_ppi h (pmap_compose_ppi g f) :=
|||| homotopy.rfl
abstract !idp_con ⬝ whisker_right _ (!ap_con ⬝ whisker_right _ !ap_compose'⁻¹) ⬝ !con.assoc end
definition ppi_compose_left [constructor] (g : Π(a : A), ppmap (P a) (Q a)) :
(Π*(a : A), P a) →* Π*(a : A), Q a :=
|||| (pmap_compose_ppi g) (ppi_eq (pmap_compose_ppi_const_right g))
|||| (pmap_compose_ppi g) (ppi_eq (pmap_compose_ppi_ppi_const g))
definition ppi_assoc [constructor] (h : Π (a : A), Q a →* R a)
(g : Π (a : A), P a →* Q a) (f : Π*a, P a) :
definition ppi_assoc [constructor] (h : Π (a : A), Q a →* R a) (g : Π (a : A), P a →* Q a)
(f : Π*a, P a) :
pmap_compose_ppi (λa, h a ∘* g a) f ~~* pmap_compose_ppi h (pmap_compose_ppi g f) :=
@ -554,21 +644,54 @@ namespace pointed
exact !idp_con ⬝ whisker_right _ (!ap_con ⬝ whisker_right _ !ap_compose⁻¹) ⬝ !con.assoc
definition pmap_compose_ppi_eq (g : Πa, P a →* Q a) {f f' : Π*a, P a} (p : f ~~* f') :
ap (pmap_compose_ppi g) (ppi_eq p) = ppi_eq (pmap_compose_ppi_phomotopy_right g p) :=
induction p using ppi_homotopy_rec_on_idp,
refine ap02 _ !ppi_eq_refl ⬝ !ppi_eq_refl⁻¹ ⬝ ap ppi_eq _,
exact !pmap_compose_ppi2_refl⁻¹
/- TODO: computation rule -/
definition fiberwise_pointed_map_rec {A : Type} {B : A → Type*}
(P : Π(C : A → Type*) (g : Πa, B a →* C a), Type)
(H : Π(C : A → Type) (g : Πa, B a → C a), P _ (λa, pmap_of_map_pt (g a))) :
Π⦃C : A → Type*⦄ (g : Πa, B a →* C a), P C g :=
refine equiv_rect (!sigma_pi_equiv_pi_sigma ⬝e
arrow_equiv_arrow_right A !pType.sigma_char⁻¹ᵉ) _ _,
intro R, cases R with R r₀,
refine equiv_rect (!sigma_pi_equiv_pi_sigma ⬝e
pi_equiv_pi_right (λa, !pmap.sigma_char⁻¹ᵉ)) _ _,
intro g, cases g with g g₀, esimp at (g, g₀),
revert g₀, change (Π(g : (λa, g a (Point (B a))) ~ r₀), _),
refine homotopy.rec_idp _ _, esimp,
apply H
definition ppi_assoc_ppi_const_right (g : Πa, Q a →* R a) (f : Πa, P a →* Q a) :
ppi_assoc g f (ppi_const P) ⬝*'
(pmap_compose_ppi_phomotopy_right _ (pmap_compose_ppi_ppi_const f) ⬝*'
pmap_compose_ppi_ppi_const g) = pmap_compose_ppi_ppi_const (λa, g a ∘* f a) :=
revert R g, refine fiberwise_pointed_map_rec _ _,
revert Q f, refine fiberwise_pointed_map_rec _ _,
intro Q f R g,
refine ap (λx, _ ⬝*' (x ⬝*' _)) !pmap_compose_ppi_gen2_refl ⬝ _,
-- ppi_compose_left is a functor in the following sense
definition ppi_compose_left_pcompose (g : Π (a : A), Q a →* R a) (f : Π (a : A), P a →* Q a)
: ppi_compose_left (λ a, g a ∘* f a) ~* (ppi_compose_left g ∘* ppi_compose_left f) :=
fapply phomotopy_mk_ppi,
{ exact ppi_assoc g f },
{ exact sorry /-ap (λx, _ ⬝*' x) _ ⬝ _ ⬝ _⁻¹,-/ },
end /- TODO FOR SSS -/
/- fapply phomotopy_mk_ppmap,
{ exact passoc h g },
{ refine idp ◾** (!phomotopy_of_eq_con ⬝
(ap phomotopy_of_eq !pcompose_left_eq_of_phomotopy ⬝ !phomotopy_of_eq_of_phomotopy) ◾**
!phomotopy_of_eq_of_phomotopy) ⬝ _ ⬝ !phomotopy_of_eq_of_phomotopy⁻¹,
exact passoc_pconst_right h g } -/
{ refine idp ◾**' (!ppi_homotopy_of_eq_con ⬝
(ap ppi_homotopy_of_eq !pmap_compose_ppi_eq ⬝ !ppi_homotopy_of_eq_of_ppi_homotopy) ◾**'
!ppi_homotopy_of_eq_of_ppi_homotopy) ⬝ _ ⬝ !ppi_homotopy_of_eq_of_ppi_homotopy⁻¹,
apply ppi_assoc_ppi_const_right },
definition ppi_compose_left_phomotopy [constructor] {g g' : Π(a : A), ppmap (P a) (Q a)}
(p : Πa, g a ~* g' a) : ppi_compose_left g ~* ppi_compose_left g' :=
@ -594,22 +717,6 @@ namespace pointed
-- the last step is probably an unnecessary application of function extensionality.
definition pmap_compose_ppi_phomotopy_left [constructor] {g g' : Π(a : A), ppmap (P a) (Q a)}
(f : Π*(a : A), P a) (p : Πa, g a ~* g' a) : pmap_compose_ppi g f ~~* pmap_compose_ppi g' f :=
|||| (λa, p a (f a))
abstract !con.assoc⁻¹ ⬝ whisker_right _ !ap_con_eq_con_ap⁻¹ ⬝ !con.assoc ⬝
whisker_left _ (to_homotopy_pt (p pt)) end
definition pmap_compose_ppi_pid_left [constructor]
(f : Π*(a : A), P a) : pmap_compose_ppi (λa, pid (P a)) f ~~* f :=
|||| homotopy.rfl idp
definition pmap_compose_ppi_pcompose [constructor] (h : Π(a : A), ppmap (Q a) (R a))
(g : Π(a : A), ppmap (P a) (Q a)) :
pmap_compose_ppi (λa, h a ∘* g a) f ~~* pmap_compose_ppi h (pmap_compose_ppi g f) :=
|||| homotopy.rfl
abstract !idp_con ⬝ whisker_right _ (!ap_con ⬝ whisker_right _ !ap_compose'⁻¹) ⬝ !con.assoc end
definition ppi_pequiv_right [constructor] (g : Π(a : A), P a ≃* Q a) :
(Π*(a : A), P a) ≃* Π*(a : A), Q a :=
@ -661,10 +768,11 @@ namespace pointed
{ intro g, reflexivity },
{ refine !idp_con ⬝ !idp_con ⬝ _, esimp,
{ refine !idp_con ⬝ !idp_con ⬝ _,
fapply sigma_eq2,
{ refine !sigma_eq_pr1 ⬝ _ ⬝ !ap_sigma_pr1⁻¹, exact sorry },
{ exact sorry }}
{ exact sorry }
end /- TODO FOR SSS -/
definition ppi_gen_functor_right [constructor] {A : Type*} {B B' : A → Type}
@ -810,9 +918,9 @@ namespace pointed
pfiber (ppi_compose_left f) ≃*
psigma_gen (λ(g : Π*(a : A), B a), pmap_compose_ppi f g = ppi_const C)
proof (ppi_eq (pmap_compose_ppi_const_right f)) qed : by exact !pfiber.sigma_char'
proof (ppi_eq (pmap_compose_ppi_ppi_const f)) qed : by exact !pfiber.sigma_char'
... ≃* psigma_gen (λ(g : Π*(a : A), B a), pmap_compose_ppi f g ~~* ppi_const C)
proof (pmap_compose_ppi_const_right f) qed :
proof (pmap_compose_ppi_ppi_const f) qed :
by exact psigma_gen_pequiv_psigma_gen_right (λa, !ppi_eq_equiv)
... ≃* psigma_gen (λ(g : Π*(a : A), B a), ppi_gen (λa, f a (g a) = pt)
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