move stuff about subgroups to subgroup

This commit is contained in:
Floris van Doorn 2017-04-20 14:42:29 -04:00
parent 89d9bd10b6
commit ec376b407e
3 changed files with 61 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -189,6 +189,10 @@ LeftModule_of_AddAbGroup (dirsum' N) (λr n, dirsum_smul r n)
/- homology of a graded module-homomorphism -/
/- exact couples -/
definition is_exact_gmod (f : M₁ →gm M₂) (f' : M₂ →gm M₃) : Type :=

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@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ namespace group
definition homotopy_of_homomorphism_eq {f g : G →g G'}(p : f = g) : f ~ g :=
λx : G , ap010 group_fun p x
definition quotient_rel (g h : G) : Prop := N (g * h⁻¹)
definition quotient_rel [constructor] (g h : G) : Prop := N (g * h⁻¹)
variable {N}

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Authors: Floris van Doorn, Egbert Rijke
Basic concepts of group theory
import algebra.group_theory
import algebra.group_theory ..move_to_lib
open eq algebra is_trunc sigma sigma.ops prod trunc
@ -126,6 +126,7 @@ namespace group
abbreviation subgroup_respect_inv [unfold 2] := @subgroup_rel.Rinv
abbreviation is_normal_subgroup [unfold 2] := @normal_subgroup_rel.is_normal_subgroup
variables {G G' : Group} (H : subgroup_rel G) (N : normal_subgroup_rel G) {g g' h h' k : G}
{A B : AbGroup}
@ -367,5 +368,59 @@ namespace group
intro x,
fapply image_incl_injective f x 1,
variables {G H K : Group} {R : subgroup_rel G} {S : subgroup_rel H} {T : subgroup_rel K}
open function
definition subgroup_functor_fun [unfold 7] (φ : G →g H) (h : Πg, R g → S (φ g)) (x : subgroup R) :
subgroup S :=
induction x with g hg,
exact ⟨φ g, h g hg⟩
definition subgroup_functor [constructor] (φ : G →g H)
(h : Πg, R g → S (φ g)) : subgroup R →g subgroup S :=
{ exact subgroup_functor_fun φ h },
{ intro x₁ x₂, induction x₁ with g₁ hg₁, induction x₂ with g₂ hg₂,
exact sigma_eq !to_respect_mul !is_prop.elimo }
definition ab_subgroup_functor [constructor] {G H : AbGroup} {R : subgroup_rel G}
{S : subgroup_rel H} (φ : G →g H)
(h : Πg, R g → S (φ g)) : ab_subgroup R →g ab_subgroup S :=
subgroup_functor φ h
theorem subgroup_functor_compose (ψ : H →g K) (φ : G →g H)
(hψ : Πg, S g → T (ψ g)) (hφ : Πg, R g → S (φ g)) :
subgroup_functor ψ hψ ∘g subgroup_functor φ hφ ~
subgroup_functor (ψ ∘g φ) (λg, proof hψ (φ g) qed ∘ hφ g) :=
intro g, induction g with g hg, reflexivity
definition subgroup_functor_gid : subgroup_functor (gid G) (λg, id) ~ gid (subgroup R) :=
intro g, induction g with g hg, reflexivity
definition subgroup_functor_mul {G H : AbGroup} {R : subgroup_rel G} {S : subgroup_rel H}
(ψ φ : G →g H) (hψ : Πg, R g → S (ψ g)) (hφ : Πg, R g → S (φ g)) :
homomorphism_mul (ab_subgroup_functor ψ hψ) (ab_subgroup_functor φ hφ) ~
ab_subgroup_functor (homomorphism_mul ψ φ)
(λg hg, subgroup_respect_mul S (hψ g hg) (hφ g hg)) :=
intro g, induction g with g hg, reflexivity
definition subgroup_functor_homotopy {ψ φ : G →g H} (hψ : Πg, R g → S (ψ g))
(hφ : Πg, R g → S (φ g)) (p : φ ~ ψ) :
subgroup_functor φ hφ ~ subgroup_functor ψ hψ :=
intro g, induction g with g hg,
exact subtype_eq (p g)
end group