/- equalities between pointed homotopies and other facts about pointed types/functions/homotopies -/ -- Author: Floris van Doorn import types.pointed2 .move_to_lib open pointed eq equiv function is_equiv unit is_trunc trunc nat algebra sigma group lift option namespace pointed -- /- the pointed type of (unpointed) dependent maps -/ -- definition pupi [constructor] {A : Type} (P : A → Type*) : Type* := -- pointed.mk' (Πa, P a) -- definition loop_pupi_commute {A : Type} (B : A → Type*) : Ω(pupi B) ≃* pupi (λa, Ω (B a)) := -- pequiv_of_equiv eq_equiv_homotopy rfl -- definition equiv_pupi_right {A : Type} {P Q : A → Type*} (g : Πa, P a ≃* Q a) -- : pupi P ≃* pupi Q := -- pequiv_of_equiv (pi_equiv_pi_right g) -- begin esimp, apply eq_of_homotopy, intros a, esimp, exact (respect_pt (g a)) end -- definition pmap_eq_equiv {X Y : Type*} (f g : X →* Y) : (f = g) ≃ (f ~* g) := -- begin -- refine eq_equiv_fn_eq_of_equiv (@pmap.sigma_char X Y) f g ⬝e _, -- refine !sigma_eq_equiv ⬝e _, -- refine _ ⬝e (phomotopy.sigma_char f g)⁻¹ᵉ, -- fapply sigma_equiv_sigma, -- { esimp, apply eq_equiv_homotopy }, -- { induction g with g gp, induction Y with Y y0, esimp, intro p, induction p, esimp at *, -- refine !pathover_idp ⬝e _, refine _ ⬝e !eq_equiv_eq_symm, -- apply equiv_eq_closed_right, exact !idp_con⁻¹ } -- end definition pmap_eq_idp {X Y : Type*} (f : X →* Y) : pmap_eq (λx, idpath (f x)) !idp_con⁻¹ = idpath f := ap (λx, eq_of_phomotopy (phomotopy.mk _ x)) !inv_inv ⬝ eq_of_phomotopy_refl f definition pfunext (X Y : Type*) : ppmap X (Ω Y) ≃* Ω (ppmap X Y) := (loop_ppmap_commute X Y)⁻¹ᵉ* definition loop_phomotopy [constructor] {A B : Type*} (f : A →* B) : Type* := pointed.MK (f ~* f) phomotopy.rfl definition ppcompose_left_loop_phomotopy [constructor] {A B C : Type*} (g : B →* C) {f : A →* B} {h : A →* C} (p : g ∘* f ~* h) : loop_phomotopy f →* loop_phomotopy h := pmap.mk (λq, p⁻¹* ⬝* pwhisker_left g q ⬝* p) (idp ◾** !pwhisker_left_refl ◾** idp ⬝ !trans_refl ◾** idp ⬝ !trans_left_inv) definition ppcompose_left_loop_phomotopy' [constructor] {A B C : Type*} (g : B →* C) (f : A →* B) : loop_phomotopy f →* loop_phomotopy (g ∘* f) := pmap.mk (λq, pwhisker_left g q) !pwhisker_left_refl definition loop_ppmap_pequiv' [constructor] (A B : Type*) : Ω(ppmap A B) ≃* loop_phomotopy (pconst A B) := pequiv_of_equiv (pmap_eq_equiv _ _) idp definition ppmap_loop_pequiv' [constructor] (A B : Type*) : loop_phomotopy (pconst A B) ≃* ppmap A (Ω B) := pequiv_of_equiv (!phomotopy.sigma_char ⬝e !pmap.sigma_char⁻¹ᵉ) idp definition loop_ppmap_pequiv [constructor] (A B : Type*) : Ω(ppmap A B) ≃* ppmap A (Ω B) := loop_ppmap_pequiv' A B ⬝e* ppmap_loop_pequiv' A B definition loop_ppmap_pequiv'_natural_right' {X X' : Type} (x₀ : X) (A : Type*) (f : X → X') : psquare (loop_ppmap_pequiv' A _) (loop_ppmap_pequiv' A _) (Ω→ (ppcompose_left (pmap_of_map f x₀))) (ppcompose_left_loop_phomotopy' (pmap_of_map f x₀) !pconst) := begin fapply phomotopy.mk, { esimp, intro p, refine _ ⬝ ap011 (λx y, phomotopy_of_eq (ap1_gen _ x y _)) proof !eq_of_phomotopy_refl⁻¹ qed proof !eq_of_phomotopy_refl⁻¹ qed, refine _ ⬝ ap phomotopy_of_eq !ap1_gen_idp_left⁻¹, exact !phomotopy_of_eq_pcompose_left⁻¹ }, { refine _ ⬝ !idp_con⁻¹, exact sorry } end definition loop_ppmap_pequiv'_natural_right {X X' : Type*} (A : Type*) (f : X →* X') : psquare (loop_ppmap_pequiv' A X) (loop_ppmap_pequiv' A X') (Ω→ (ppcompose_left f)) (ppcompose_left_loop_phomotopy f !pcompose_pconst) := begin induction X' with X' x₀', induction f with f f₀, esimp at f, esimp at f₀, induction f₀, apply psquare_of_phomotopy, exact sorry end definition ppmap_loop_pequiv'_natural_right {X X' : Type*} (A : Type*) (f : X →* X') : psquare (ppmap_loop_pequiv' A X) (ppmap_loop_pequiv' A X') (ppcompose_left_loop_phomotopy f !pcompose_pconst) (ppcompose_left (Ω→ f)) := begin exact sorry end definition loop_pmap_commute_natural_right_direct {X X' : Type*} (A : Type*) (f : X →* X') : psquare (loop_ppmap_pequiv A X) (loop_ppmap_pequiv A X') (Ω→ (ppcompose_left f)) (ppcompose_left (Ω→ f)) := begin induction X' with X' x₀', induction f with f f₀, esimp at f, esimp at f₀, induction f₀, -- refine _ ⬝* _ ◾* _, rotate 4, fapply phomotopy.mk, { intro p, esimp, esimp [pmap_eq_equiv, pcompose_pconst], exact sorry }, { exact sorry } end definition loop_pmap_commute_natural_left {A A' : Type*} (X : Type*) (f : A' →* A) : psquare (loop_ppmap_commute A X) (loop_ppmap_commute A' X) (Ω→ (ppcompose_right f)) (ppcompose_right f) := sorry definition loop_pmap_commute_natural_right {X X' : Type*} (A : Type*) (f : X →* X') : psquare (loop_ppmap_commute A X) (loop_ppmap_commute A X') (Ω→ (ppcompose_left f)) (ppcompose_left (Ω→ f)) := loop_ppmap_pequiv'_natural_right A f ⬝h* ppmap_loop_pequiv'_natural_right A f /- Do we want to use a structure of homotopies between pointed homotopies? Or are equalities fine? If we set up things more generally, we could define this as "pointed homotopies between the dependent pointed maps p and q" -/ structure phomotopy2 {A B : Type*} {f g : A →* B} (p q : f ~* g) : Type := (homotopy_eq : p ~ q) (homotopy_pt_eq : whisker_right (respect_pt g) (homotopy_eq pt) ⬝ to_homotopy_pt q = to_homotopy_pt p) /- this sets it up more generally, for illustrative purposes -/ structure ppi' (A : Type*) (P : A → Type) (p : P pt) := (to_fun : Π a : A, P a) (resp_pt : to_fun (Point A) = p) attribute ppi'.to_fun [coercion] definition ppi_homotopy' {A : Type*} {P : A → Type} {x : P pt} (f g : ppi' A P x) : Type := ppi' A (λa, f a = g a) (ppi'.resp_pt f ⬝ (ppi'.resp_pt g)⁻¹) definition ppi_homotopy2' {A : Type*} {P : A → Type} {x : P pt} {f g : ppi' A P x} (p q : ppi_homotopy' f g) : Type := ppi_homotopy' p q -- infix ` ~*2 `:50 := phomotopy2 -- variables {A B : Type*} {f g : A →* B} (p q : f ~* g) -- definition phomotopy_eq_equiv_phomotopy2 : p = q ≃ p ~*2 q := -- sorry /- Homotopy between a function and its eta expansion -/ definition pmap_eta {X Y : Type*} (f : X →* Y) : f ~* pmap.mk f (pmap.resp_pt f) := begin fapply phomotopy.mk, reflexivity, esimp, exact !idp_con end -- this should replace pnatural_square definition pnatural_square2 {A B : Type} (X : B → Type*) (Y : B → Type*) {f g : A → B} (h : Πa, X (f a) →* Y (g a)) {a a' : A} (p : a = a') : h a' ∘* ptransport X (ap f p) ~* ptransport Y (ap g p) ∘* h a := by induction p; exact !pcompose_pid ⬝* !pid_pcompose⁻¹* definition ptransport_ap {A B : Type} (X : B → Type*) (f : A → B) {a a' : A} (p : a = a') : ptransport X (ap f p) ~* ptransport (X ∘ f) p := by induction p; reflexivity definition ptransport_constant (A : Type) (B : Type*) {a a' : A} (p : a = a') : ptransport (λ(a : A), B) p ~* pid B := by induction p; reflexivity definition ptransport_natural {A : Type} (X : A → Type*) (Y : A → Type*) (h : Πa, X a →* Y a) {a a' : A} (p : a = a') : h a' ∘* ptransport X p ~* ptransport Y p ∘* h a := by induction p; exact !pcompose_pid ⬝* !pid_pcompose⁻¹* section psquare variables {A A' A₀₀ A₂₀ A₄₀ A₀₂ A₂₂ A₄₂ A₀₄ A₂₄ A₄₄ : Type*} {f₁₀ f₁₀' : A₀₀ →* A₂₀} {f₃₀ : A₂₀ →* A₄₀} {f₀₁ f₀₁' : A₀₀ →* A₀₂} {f₂₁ f₂₁' : A₂₀ →* A₂₂} {f₄₁ : A₄₀ →* A₄₂} {f₁₂ f₁₂' : A₀₂ →* A₂₂} {f₃₂ : A₂₂ →* A₄₂} {f₀₃ : A₀₂ →* A₀₄} {f₂₃ : A₂₂ →* A₂₄} {f₄₃ : A₄₂ →* A₄₄} {f₁₄ : A₀₄ →* A₂₄} {f₃₄ : A₂₄ →* A₄₄} definition ptranspose (p : psquare f₁₀ f₁₂ f₀₁ f₂₁) : psquare f₀₁ f₂₁ f₁₀ f₁₂ := p⁻¹* definition hsquare_of_psquare (p : psquare f₁₀ f₁₂ f₀₁ f₂₁) : hsquare f₁₀ f₁₂ f₀₁ f₂₁ := p definition homotopy_group_functor_hsquare (n : ℕ) (h : psquare f₁₀ f₁₂ f₀₁ f₂₁) : psquare (π→[n] f₁₀) (π→[n] f₁₂) (π→[n] f₀₁) (π→[n] f₂₁) := sorry end psquare definition ap1_pequiv_ap {A : Type} (B : A → Type*) {a a' : A} (p : a = a') : Ω→ (pequiv_ap B p) ~* pequiv_ap (Ω ∘ B) p := begin induction p, apply ap1_pid end definition pequiv_ap_natural {A : Type} (B C : A → Type*) {a a' : A} (p : a = a') (f : Πa, B a →* C a) : psquare (pequiv_ap B p) (pequiv_ap C p) (f a) (f a') := begin induction p, exact phrfl end definition is_contr_loop (A : Type*) [is_set A] : is_contr (Ω A) := is_contr.mk idp (λa, !is_prop.elim) definition is_contr_loop_of_is_contr {A : Type*} (H : is_contr A) : is_contr (Ω A) := is_contr_loop A definition is_contr_punit [instance] : is_contr punit := is_contr_unit definition pequiv_of_is_contr (A B : Type*) (HA : is_contr A) (HB : is_contr B) : A ≃* B := pequiv_punit_of_is_contr A _ ⬝e* (pequiv_punit_of_is_contr B _)⁻¹ᵉ* definition loop_pequiv_punit_of_is_set (X : Type*) [is_set X] : Ω X ≃* punit := pequiv_punit_of_is_contr _ (is_contr_loop X) definition loop_punit : Ω punit ≃* punit := loop_pequiv_punit_of_is_set punit definition phomotopy_of_is_contr_cod [constructor] {X Y : Type*} (f g : X →* Y) [is_contr Y] : f ~* g := phomotopy.mk (λa, !eq_of_is_contr) !eq_of_is_contr definition phomotopy_of_is_contr_dom [constructor] {X Y : Type*} (f g : X →* Y) [is_contr X] : f ~* g := phomotopy.mk (λa, ap f !is_prop.elim ⬝ respect_pt f ⬝ (respect_pt g)⁻¹ ⬝ ap g !is_prop.elim) begin rewrite [▸*, is_prop_elim_self, +ap_idp, idp_con, con_idp, inv_con_cancel_right] end definition add_point_over [unfold 3] {A : Type} (B : A → Type*) : A₊ → Type* | (some a) := B a | none := plift punit definition add_point_over_pequiv {A : Type} {B B' : A → Type*} (e : Πa, B a ≃* B' a) : Π(a : A₊), add_point_over B a ≃* add_point_over B' a | (some a) := e a | none := pequiv.rfl definition phomotopy_group_plift_punit.{u} (n : ℕ) [H : is_at_least_two n] : πag[n] (plift.{0 u} punit) ≃g trivial_ab_group_lift.{u} := begin induction H with n, have H : 0 <[ℕ] n+2, from !zero_lt_succ, have is_set unit, from _, have is_trunc (trunc_index.of_nat 0) punit, from this, exact isomorphism_of_is_contr (@trivial_homotopy_group_of_is_trunc _ _ _ !is_trunc_lift H) !is_trunc_lift end definition pmap_of_map_pt [constructor] {A : Type*} {B : Type} (f : A → B) : A →* pointed.MK B (f pt) := pmap.mk f idp /- TODO: computation rule -/ open pi definition fiberwise_pointed_map_rec {A : Type} {B : A → Type*} (P : Π(C : A → Type*) (g : Πa, B a →* C a), Type) (H : Π(C : A → Type) (g : Πa, B a → C a), P _ (λa, pmap_of_map_pt (g a))) : Π⦃C : A → Type*⦄ (g : Πa, B a →* C a), P C g := begin refine equiv_rect (!sigma_pi_equiv_pi_sigma ⬝e arrow_equiv_arrow_right A !pType.sigma_char⁻¹ᵉ) _ _, intro R, cases R with R r₀, refine equiv_rect (!sigma_pi_equiv_pi_sigma ⬝e pi_equiv_pi_right (λa, !pmap.sigma_char⁻¹ᵉ)) _ _, intro g, cases g with g g₀, esimp at (g, g₀), revert g₀, change (Π(g : (λa, g a (Point (B a))) ~ r₀), _), refine homotopy.rec_idp _ _, esimp, apply H end end pointed