import ..pointed open susp eq pointed function is_equiv variables {X X' Y Y' Z : Type*} -- move definition pap1 [constructor] (X Y : Type*) : ppmap X Y →* ppmap (Ω X) (Ω Y) := ap1 (eq_of_phomotopy !ap1_pconst) definition ap1_gen_const {A B : Type} {a₁ a₂ : A} (b : B) (p : a₁ = a₂) : ap1_gen (const A b) idp idp p = idp := ap1_gen_idp_left (const A b) p ⬝ ap_constant p b definition ap1_gen_compose_const_left {A B C : Type} (c : C) (f : A → B) {a₁ a₂ : A} (p : a₁ = a₂) : ap1_gen_compose (const B c) f idp idp idp idp p ⬝ ap1_gen_const c (ap1_gen f idp idp p) = ap1_gen_const c p := begin induction p, reflexivity end definition ap1_gen_compose_const_right {A B C : Type} (g : B → C) (b : B) {a₁ a₂ : A} (p : a₁ = a₂) : ap1_gen_compose g (const A b) idp idp idp idp p ⬝ ap (ap1_gen g idp idp) (ap1_gen_const b p) = ap1_gen_const (g b) p := begin induction p, reflexivity end definition ap1_pcompose_pconst_left {A B C : Type*} (f : A →* B) : phsquare (ap1_pcompose (pconst B C) f) (ap1_pconst A C) (ap1_phomotopy (pconst_pcompose f)) (pwhisker_right (Ω→ f) (ap1_pconst B C) ⬝* pconst_pcompose (Ω→ f)) := begin induction A with A a₀, induction B with B b₀, induction C with C c₀, induction f with f f₀, esimp at *, induction f₀, refine idp ◾** !trans_refl ⬝ _ ⬝ !refl_trans⁻¹ ⬝ !ap1_phomotopy_refl⁻¹ ◾** idp, fapply phomotopy_eq, { exact ap1_gen_compose_const_left c₀ f }, { reflexivity } end definition ap1_pcompose_pconst_right {A B C : Type*} (g : B →* C) : phsquare (ap1_pcompose g (pconst A B)) (ap1_pconst A C) (ap1_phomotopy (pcompose_pconst g)) (pwhisker_left (Ω→ g) (ap1_pconst A B) ⬝* pcompose_pconst (Ω→ g)) := begin induction A with A a₀, induction B with B b₀, induction C with C c₀, induction g with g g₀, esimp at *, induction g₀, refine idp ◾** !trans_refl ⬝ _ ⬝ !refl_trans⁻¹ ⬝ !ap1_phomotopy_refl⁻¹ ◾** idp, fapply phomotopy_eq, { exact ap1_gen_compose_const_right g b₀ }, { reflexivity } end definition pap1_natural_left [constructor] (f : X' →* X) : psquare (pap1 X Y) (pap1 X' Y) (ppcompose_right f) (ppcompose_right (Ω→ f)) := begin fapply phomotopy_mk_ppmap, { intro g, exact !ap1_pcompose⁻¹* }, { refine idp ◾** (ap phomotopy_of_eq (!ap1_eq_of_phomotopy ◾ idp ⬝ !eq_of_phomotopy_trans⁻¹) ⬝ !phomotopy_of_eq_of_phomotopy) ⬝ _ ⬝ (ap phomotopy_of_eq (!pcompose_right_eq_of_phomotopy ◾ idp ⬝ !eq_of_phomotopy_trans⁻¹) ⬝ !phomotopy_of_eq_of_phomotopy)⁻¹, apply symm_trans_eq_of_eq_trans, exact (ap1_pcompose_pconst_left f)⁻¹ } end definition pap1_natural_right [constructor] (f : Y →* Y') : psquare (pap1 X Y) (pap1 X Y') (ppcompose_left f) (ppcompose_left (Ω→ f)) := begin fapply phomotopy_mk_ppmap, { intro g, exact !ap1_pcompose⁻¹* }, { refine idp ◾** (ap phomotopy_of_eq (!ap1_eq_of_phomotopy ◾ idp ⬝ !eq_of_phomotopy_trans⁻¹) ⬝ !phomotopy_of_eq_of_phomotopy) ⬝ _ ⬝ (ap phomotopy_of_eq (!pcompose_left_eq_of_phomotopy ◾ idp ⬝ !eq_of_phomotopy_trans⁻¹) ⬝ !phomotopy_of_eq_of_phomotopy)⁻¹, apply symm_trans_eq_of_eq_trans, exact (ap1_pcompose_pconst_right f)⁻¹ } end namespace susp definition susp_functor_pconst_homotopy [unfold 3] {X Y : Type*} (x : psusp X) : psusp_functor (pconst X Y) x = pt := begin induction x, { reflexivity }, { exact (merid pt)⁻¹ }, { apply eq_pathover, refine !elim_merid ⬝ph _ ⬝hp !ap_constant⁻¹, exact square_of_eq !con.right_inv⁻¹ } end definition susp_functor_pconst [constructor] (X Y : Type*) : psusp_functor (pconst X Y) ~* pconst (psusp X) (psusp Y) := begin fapply, { exact susp_functor_pconst_homotopy }, { reflexivity } end definition psusp_pfunctor [constructor] (X Y : Type*) : ppmap X Y →* ppmap (psusp X) (psusp Y) := psusp_functor (eq_of_phomotopy !susp_functor_pconst) definition psusp_pelim [constructor] (X Y : Type*) : ppmap X (Ω Y) →* ppmap (psusp X) Y := ppcompose_left (loop_psusp_counit Y) ∘* psusp_pfunctor X (Ω Y) definition loop_psusp_pintro [constructor] (X Y : Type*) : ppmap (psusp X) Y →* ppmap X (Ω Y) := ppcompose_right (loop_psusp_unit X) ∘* pap1 (psusp X) Y definition loop_psusp_pintro_natural_left (f : X' →* X) : psquare (loop_psusp_pintro X Y) (loop_psusp_pintro X' Y) (ppcompose_right (psusp_functor f)) (ppcompose_right f) := !pap1_natural_left ⬝h* ppcompose_right_psquare (loop_psusp_unit_natural f)⁻¹* definition loop_psusp_pintro_natural_right (f : Y →* Y') : psquare (loop_psusp_pintro X Y) (loop_psusp_pintro X Y') (ppcompose_left f) (ppcompose_left (Ω→ f)) := !pap1_natural_right ⬝h* !ppcompose_left_ppcompose_right⁻¹* definition is_equiv_loop_psusp_pintro [constructor] (X Y : Type*) : is_equiv (loop_psusp_pintro X Y) := begin fapply adjointify, { exact psusp_pelim X Y }, { intro g, apply eq_of_phomotopy, exact psusp_adjoint_loop_right_inv g }, { intro f, apply eq_of_phomotopy, exact psusp_adjoint_loop_left_inv f } end definition psusp_adjoint_loop' [constructor] (X Y : Type*) : ppmap (psusp X) Y ≃* ppmap X (Ω Y) := pequiv_of_pmap (loop_psusp_pintro X Y) (is_equiv_loop_psusp_pintro X Y) definition psusp_adjoint_loop_natural_right (f : Y →* Y') : psquare (psusp_adjoint_loop' X Y) (psusp_adjoint_loop' X Y') (ppcompose_left f) (ppcompose_left (Ω→ f)) := loop_psusp_pintro_natural_right f definition psusp_adjoint_loop_natural_left (f : X' →* X) : psquare (psusp_adjoint_loop' X Y) (psusp_adjoint_loop' X' Y) (ppcompose_right (psusp_functor f)) (ppcompose_right f) := loop_psusp_pintro_natural_left f definition iterate_psusp_iterate_psusp_rev (n m : ℕ) (A : Type*) : iterate_psusp n (iterate_psusp m A) ≃* iterate_psusp (m + n) A := begin induction n with n e, { reflexivity }, { exact psusp_pequiv e } end definition iterate_psusp_pequiv [constructor] (n : ℕ) {X Y : Type*} (f : X ≃* Y) : iterate_psusp n X ≃* iterate_psusp n Y := begin induction n with n e, { exact f }, { exact psusp_pequiv e } end open algebra nat definition iterate_psusp_iterate_psusp (n m : ℕ) (A : Type*) : iterate_psusp n (iterate_psusp m A) ≃* iterate_psusp (n + m) A := iterate_psusp_iterate_psusp_rev n m A ⬝e* pequiv_of_eq (ap (λk, iterate_psusp k A) (add.comm m n)) end susp