/- Copyright (c) 2017 Egbert Rijke. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Authors: Egbert Rijke -/ /- The goal of this file is to extend the library of pointed types and pointed maps to support the library of prespectra -/ import types.pointed2 open eq pointed definition psquare_of_phtpy_top {A B C D : Type*} {ftop : A →* B} {fbot : C →* D} {fleft : A →* C} {fright : B →* D} {ftop' : A →* B} (phtpy : ftop ~* ftop') (psq : psquare ftop' fbot fleft fright) : psquare ftop fbot fleft fright := begin induction phtpy using phomotopy_rec_on_idp, exact psq, end definition psquare_of_phtpy_bot {A B C D : Type*} {ftop : A →* B} {fbot : C →* D} {fleft : A →* C} {fright : B →* D} {fbot' : C →* D} (phtpy : fbot ~* fbot') (psq : psquare ftop fbot' fleft fright) : psquare ftop fbot fleft fright := begin induction phtpy using phomotopy_rec_on_idp, exact psq, end definition psquare_of_phtpy_left {A B C D : Type*} {ftop : A →* B} {fbot : C →* D} {fleft : A →* C} {fright : B →* D} {fleft' : A →* C} (phtpy : fleft ~* fleft') (psq : psquare ftop fbot fleft fright) : psquare ftop fbot fleft' fright := begin induction phtpy using phomotopy_rec_on_idp, exact psq, end definition psquare_of_phtpy_right {A B C D : Type*} {ftop : A →* B} {fbot : C →* D} {fleft : A →* C} {fright : B →* D} {fright' : B →* D} (phtpy : fright ~* fright') (psq : psquare ftop fbot fleft fright) : psquare ftop fbot fleft fright' := begin induction phtpy using phomotopy_rec_on_idp, exact psq, end definition psquare_of_pid_top_bot {A B : Type*} {fleft : A →* B} {fright : A →* B} (phtpy : fright ~* fleft) : psquare (pid A) (pid B) fleft fright := psquare_of_phomotopy ((pcompose_pid fright) ⬝* phtpy ⬝* (pid_pcompose fleft)⁻¹*) print psquare_of_pid_top_bot --λ phtpy, psquare_of_phomotopy ((pid_pcompose fleft) ⬝* phtpy ⬝* ((pcompose_pid fright)⁻¹*)) definition psquare_of_pid_left_right {A B : Type*} {ftop : A →* B} {fbot : A →* B} (phtpy : ftop ~* fbot) : psquare ftop fbot (pid A) (pid B) := psquare_of_phomotopy ((pid_pcompose ftop) ⬝* phtpy ⬝* ((pcompose_pid fbot)⁻¹*)) print psquare_of_pid_left_right