import .spectrum .EM -- TODO move this namespace int definition max0_le_of_le {n : ℤ} {m : ℕ} (H : n ≤ of_nat m) : nat.le (max0 n) m := begin induction n with n n, { exact le_of_of_nat_le_of_nat H }, { exact nat.zero_le m } end end int open int trunc eq is_trunc lift unit pointed equiv is_equiv algebra EM namespace spectrum definition trunc_int.{u} (k : ℤ) (X : Type.{u}) : Type.{u} := begin induction k with k k, exact trunc k X, cases k with k, exact trunc -1 X, exact lift unit end definition ptrunc_int.{u} (k : ℤ) (X : pType.{u}) : pType.{u} := begin induction k with k k, exact ptrunc k X, exact plift punit end -- NB the carrier of ptrunc_int k X is not definitionally -- equal to trunc_int k (carrier X) definition ptrunc_int_pequiv_ptrunc_int (k : ℤ) {X Y : Type*} (e : X ≃* Y) : ptrunc_int k X ≃* ptrunc_int k Y := begin induction k with k k, exact ptrunc_pequiv_ptrunc k e, exact !pequiv_plift⁻¹ᵉ* ⬝e* !pequiv_plift end definition ptrunc_int_change_int {k l : ℤ} (X : Type*) (p : k = l) : ptrunc_int k X ≃* ptrunc_int l X := pequiv_ap (λn, ptrunc_int n X) p definition loop_ptrunc_int_pequiv (k : ℤ) (X : Type*) : Ω (ptrunc_int (k+1) X) ≃* ptrunc_int k (Ω X) := begin induction k with k k, exact loop_ptrunc_pequiv k X, cases k with k, change Ω (ptrunc 0 X) ≃* plift punit, exact !loop_pequiv_punit_of_is_set ⬝e* !pequiv_plift, exact loop_pequiv_loop !pequiv_plift⁻¹ᵉ* ⬝e* !loop_punit ⬝e* !pequiv_plift end definition strunc [constructor] (k : ℤ) (E : spectrum) : spectrum := spectrum.MK (λ(n : ℤ), ptrunc_int (k + n) (E n)) (λ(n : ℤ), ptrunc_int_pequiv_ptrunc_int (k + n) (equiv_glue E n) ⬝e* (loop_ptrunc_int_pequiv (k + n) (E (n+1)))⁻¹ᵉ* ⬝e* loop_pequiv_loop (ptrunc_int_change_int _ (add.assoc k n 1))) definition strunc_change_int [constructor] {k l : ℤ} (E : spectrum) (p : k = l) : strunc k E →ₛ strunc l E := begin induction p, reflexivity end definition is_trunc_int.{u} (k : ℤ) (X : Type.{u}) : Type.{u} := begin induction k with k k, { -- case ≥ 0 exact is_trunc k X }, { cases k with k, { -- case = -1 exact is_trunc -1 X }, { -- case < -1 exact is_contr X } } end definition is_trunc_int_change_int {k l : ℤ} (X : Type) (p : k = l) : is_trunc_int k X → is_trunc_int l X := begin induction p, exact id end definition is_trunc_int_loop (A : pType) (k : ℤ) : is_trunc_int (k + 1) A → is_trunc_int k (Ω A) := begin intro H, induction k with k k, { apply is_trunc_loop, exact H }, { cases k with k, { apply is_trunc_loop, exact H}, { apply is_trunc_loop, cases k with k, { exact H }, { apply is_trunc_succ, exact H } } } end definition is_trunc_of_is_trunc_int (k : ℤ) (X : Type) : is_trunc_int k X → is_trunc (max0 k) X := begin intro H, induction k with k k, { exact H }, { cases k with k, { apply is_trunc_succ, exact H }, { apply is_trunc_of_is_contr, exact H } } end definition is_strunc (k : ℤ) (E : spectrum) : Type := Π (n : ℤ), is_trunc_int (k + n) (E n) definition is_strunc_change_int {k l : ℤ} (E : spectrum) (p : k = l) : is_strunc k E → is_strunc l E := begin induction p, exact id end definition is_trunc_trunc_int (k : ℤ) (X : Type) : is_trunc_int k (trunc_int k X) := begin induction k with k k, { -- case ≥ 0 exact is_trunc_trunc k X }, { cases k with k, { -- case = -1 exact is_trunc_trunc -1 X }, { -- case < -1 apply is_trunc_lift } } end definition is_trunc_ptrunc_int (k : ℤ) (X : pType) : is_trunc_int k (ptrunc_int k X) := begin induction k with k k, { -- case ≥ 0 exact is_trunc_trunc k X }, { cases k with k, { -- case = -1 apply is_trunc_lift, apply is_trunc_unit }, { -- case < -1 apply is_trunc_lift, apply is_trunc_unit } } end definition is_strunc_strunc (k : ℤ) (E : spectrum) : is_strunc k (strunc k E) := λ n, is_trunc_ptrunc_int (k + n) (E n) definition is_strunc_EM_spectrum (G : AbGroup) : is_strunc 0 (EM_spectrum G) := begin intro n, induction n with n n, { -- case ≥ 0 apply is_trunc_int_change_int (EM G n) (zero_add n)⁻¹, apply is_trunc_EM }, { induction n with n IH, { -- case = -1 apply is_trunc_loop, exact ab_group.is_set_carrier G }, { -- case < -1 apply is_trunc_int_loop, exact IH }} end definition trivial_shomotopy_group_of_is_strunc (E : spectrum) {n k : ℤ} (K : is_strunc n E) (H : n < k) : is_contr (πₛ[k] E) := let m := n + (2 - k) in have I : m < 2, from calc m = (2 - k) + n : int.add_comm n (2 - k) ... < (2 - k) + k : add_lt_add_left H (2 - k) ... = 2 : sub_add_cancel 2 k, @trivial_homotopy_group_of_is_trunc (E (2 - k)) (max0 m) 2 (is_trunc_of_is_trunc_int m (E (2 - k)) (K (2 - k))) (nat.succ_le_succ (max0_le_of_le (le_sub_one_of_lt I))) end spectrum