/- Author: Jeremy Avigad -/ import .module_chain_complex open eq pointed sigma fiber equiv is_equiv sigma.ops is_trunc nat trunc open algebra function succ_str open left_module section short_five variable {R : Ring} variables {A₀ B₀ C₀ A₁ B₁ C₁ : LeftModule R} variables {f₀ : A₀ →lm B₀} {g₀ : B₀ →lm C₀} variables {f₁ : A₁ →lm B₁} {g₁ : B₁ →lm C₁} variables {h : A₀ →lm A₁} {k : B₀ →lm B₁} {l : C₀ →lm C₁} premise (short_exact₀ : is_short_exact f₀ g₀) premise (short_exact₁ : is_short_exact f₁ g₁) premise (hsquare₁ : hsquare f₀ f₁ h k) premise (hsquare₂ : hsquare g₀ g₁ k l) include short_exact₀ short_exact₁ hsquare₁ hsquare₂ open algebra.is_short_exact lemma short_five_mono [embh : is_embedding h] [embl : is_embedding l] : is_embedding k := have is_embedding f₁, from is_emb short_exact₁, is_embedding_of_is_add_hom k (take b, suppose k b = 0, have l (g₀ b) = 0, by rewrite [hsquare₂, ▸*, this, respect_zero], have g₀ b = 0, from eq_zero_of_eq_zero_of_is_embedding this, image.elim (ker_in_im short_exact₀ _ this) (take a, suppose f₀ a = b, have f₁ (h a) = 0, by rewrite [-hsquare₁, ▸*, this]; assumption, have h a = 0, from eq_zero_of_eq_zero_of_is_embedding this, have a = 0, from eq_zero_of_eq_zero_of_is_embedding this, show b = 0, by rewrite [-`f₀ a = b`, this, respect_zero])) lemma short_five_epi (surjh : is_surjective h) (surjl : is_surjective l) : is_surjective k := have surjg₀ : is_surjective g₀, from is_surj short_exact₀, take b₁ : B₁, image.elim (surjl (g₁ b₁)) ( take c₀ : C₀, assume lc₀ : l c₀ = g₁ b₁, image.elim (surjg₀ c₀) ( take b₀ : B₀, assume g₀b₀ : g₀ b₀ = c₀, have g₁ (k b₀ - b₁) = 0, by rewrite [respect_sub, -hsquare₂, ▸*, g₀b₀, lc₀, sub_self], image.elim (ker_in_im short_exact₁ _ this) ( take a₁ : A₁, assume f₁a₁ : f₁ a₁ = k b₀ - b₁, image.elim (surjh a₁) ( take a₀ : A₀, assume ha₀ : h a₀ = a₁, have k (f₀ a₀) = k b₀ - b₁, by rewrite [hsquare₁, ▸*, ha₀, f₁a₁], have k (b₀ - f₀ a₀) = b₁, by rewrite [respect_sub, this, sub_sub_self], image.mk _ this)))) end short_five section short_exact open module_chain_complex variables {R : Ring} {N : succ_str} record is_short_exact_at (C : module_chain_complex R N) (n : N) := (is_contr_0 : is_contr (C n)) (is_exact_at_1 : is_exact_at_m C n) (is_exact_at_2 : is_exact_at_m C (S n)) (is_exact_at_3 : is_exact_at_m C (S (S n))) (is_contr_4 : is_contr (C (S (S (S (S n)))))) print is_exact_at_m C n /- TODO: show that this gives rise to a short exact sequence in the sense above -/ end short_exact section short_five_redux open module_chain_complex variables {R : Ring} {N : succ_str} /- TODO: restate short five in these terms -/ end short_five_redux /- TODO: state and prove strong_four, adapting the template below. section strong_four variables {R : Type} [ring R] variables {A B C D A' B' C' D' : Type} variables [left_module R A] [left_module R B] [left_module R C] [left_module R D] variables [left_module R A'] [left_module R B'] [left_module R C'] [left_module R D'] variables (ρ : A → B) [is_module_hom R ρ] variables (σ : B → C) [is_module_hom R σ] variables (τ : C → D) [is_module_hom R τ] variable (chainρσ : ∀ a, σ (ρ a) = 0) variable (exactρσ : ∀ {b}, σ b = 0 → ∃ a, ρ a = b) variable (chainστ : ∀ b, τ (σ b) = 0) variable (exactστ : ∀ {c}, τ c = 0 → ∃ b, σ b = c) variables (ρ' : A' → B') [is_module_hom R ρ'] variables (σ' : B' → C') [is_module_hom R σ'] variables (τ' : C' → D') [is_module_hom R τ'] variable (chainρ'σ' : ∀ a', σ' (ρ' a') = 0) variable (exactρ'σ' : ∀ {b'}, σ' b' = 0 → ∃ a', ρ' a' = b') variable (chainσ'τ' : ∀ b', τ' (σ' b') = 0) variable (exactσ'τ' : ∀ {c'}, τ' c' = 0 → ∃ b', σ' b' = c') variables (α : A → A') [is_module_hom R α] variables (β : B → B') [is_module_hom R β] variables (γ : C → C') [is_module_hom R γ] variables (δ : D → D') [is_module_hom R δ] variables (sq₁ : comm_square ρ ρ' α β) variables (sq₂ : comm_square σ σ' β γ) variables (sq₃ : comm_square τ τ' γ δ) include sq₃ σ' sq₂ exactρ'σ' sq₁ chainρσ theorem strong_four_a (epiα : is_surjective α) (monoδ : is_embedding δ) (c : C) (γc0 : γ c = 0) : Σ b, (β b = 0 × σ b = c) := have δ (τ c) = 0, by rewrite [sq₃, γc0, hom_zero], have τ c = 0, from eq_zero_of_eq_zero_of_is_embedding this, obtain b (σbc : σ b = c), from exactστ this, have σ' (β b) = 0, by rewrite [-sq₂, σbc, γc0], obtain a' (ρ'a'βb : ρ' a' = β b), from exactρ'σ' this, obtain a (αaa' : α a = a'), from epiα a', exists.intro (b - ρ a) (pair (show β (b - ρ a) = 0, by rewrite [hom_sub, -ρ'a'βb, sq₁, αaa', sub_self]) (show σ (b - ρ a) = c, from calc σ (b - ρ a) = σ b - σ (ρ a) : hom_sub _ ... = σ b : by rewrite [chainρσ, sub_zero] ... = c : σbc)) end strong_four -/