-- Based on Buchholtz-Rijke: Real projective spaces in HoTT -- Author: Ulrik Buchholtz import homotopy.join open eq nat susp pointed pmap sigma is_equiv equiv fiber is_trunc trunc trunc_index is_conn bool unit join pushout definition of_is_contr (A : Type) : is_contr A → A := @center A definition sigma_unit_left' [constructor] (B : unit → Type) : (Σx, B x) ≃ B star := begin fapply equiv.MK, { intro w, induction w with u b, induction u, exact b }, { intro b, exact ⟨ star, b ⟩ }, { intro b, reflexivity }, { intro w, induction w with u b, induction u, reflexivity } end definition sigma_eq_equiv' {A : Type} (B : A → Type) (a₁ a₂ : A) (b₁ : B a₁) (b₂ : B a₂) : (⟨a₁, b₁⟩ = ⟨a₂, b₂⟩) ≃ (Σ(p : a₁ = a₂), p ▸ b₁ = b₂) := calc (⟨a₁, b₁⟩ = ⟨a₂, b₂⟩) ≃ Σ(p : a₁ = a₂), b₁ =[p] b₂ : sigma_eq_equiv ... ≃ Σ(p : a₁ = a₂), p ▸ b₁ = b₂ : by apply sigma_equiv_sigma_right; intro e; apply pathover_equiv_tr_eq definition dec_eq_is_prop [instance] (A : Type) : is_prop (decidable_eq A) := begin apply is_prop.mk, intros h k, apply eq_of_homotopy, intro a, apply eq_of_homotopy, intro b, apply decidable.rec_on (h a b), { intro p, apply decidable.rec_on (k a b), { intro q, apply ap decidable.inl, apply is_set.elim }, { intro q, exact absurd p q } }, { intro p, apply decidable.rec_on (k a b), { intro q, exact absurd q p }, { intro q, apply ap decidable.inr, apply is_prop.elim } } end definition dec_eq_bool : decidable_eq bool := begin intro a, induction a: intro b: induction b, { exact decidable.inl idp }, { exact decidable.inr ff_ne_tt }, { exact decidable.inr (λ p, ff_ne_tt p⁻¹) }, { exact decidable.inl idp } end definition lemma_II_4 {A B : Type₀} (a : A) (b : B) (e f : A ≃ B) (p : e a = b) (q : f a = b) : (⟨e, p⟩ = ⟨f, q⟩) ≃ Σ (h : e ~ f), p = h a ⬝ q := calc (⟨e, p⟩ = ⟨f, q⟩) ≃ Σ (h : e = f), h ▸ p = q : sigma_eq_equiv' ... ≃ Σ (h : e ~ f), p = h a ⬝ q : begin apply sigma_equiv_sigma ((equiv_eq_char e f) ⬝e eq_equiv_homotopy), intro h, induction h, esimp, change (p = q) ≃ (p = idp ⬝ q), rewrite idp_con end -- the type of two-element types structure BoolType := (carrier : Type₀) (bool_eq_carrier : ∥ bool = carrier ∥) attribute BoolType.carrier [coercion] -- the basepoint definition pointed_BoolType [instance] : pointed BoolType := pointed.mk (BoolType.mk bool (tr idp)) definition pBoolType : pType := pType.mk BoolType pt definition BoolType.sigma_char : BoolType ≃ { X : Type₀ | ∥ bool = X ∥ } := begin fapply equiv.MK: intro Xf: induction Xf with X f, { exact ⟨ X, f ⟩ }, { exact BoolType.mk X f }, { esimp }, { esimp } end definition BoolType.eq_equiv_equiv (A B : BoolType) : (A = B) ≃ (A ≃ B) := calc (A = B) ≃ (BoolType.sigma_char A = BoolType.sigma_char B) : eq_equiv_fn_eq_of_equiv ... ≃ (BoolType.carrier A = BoolType.carrier B) : begin induction A with A p, induction B with B q, symmetry, esimp, apply equiv_subtype end ... ≃ (A ≃ B) : eq_equiv_equiv A B definition lemma_II_3 {A B : BoolType} (a : A) (b : B) : (⟨A, a⟩ = ⟨B, b⟩) ≃ Σ (e : A ≃ B), e a = b := calc (⟨A, a⟩ = ⟨B, b⟩) ≃ Σ (e : A = B), e ▸ a = b : sigma_eq_equiv' ... ≃ Σ (e : A ≃ B), e a = b : begin apply sigma_equiv_sigma (BoolType.eq_equiv_equiv A B), intro e, induction e, unfold BoolType.eq_equiv_equiv, induction A with A p, esimp end definition theorem_II_2_lemma_1 (e : bool ≃ bool) (p : e tt = tt) : e ff = ff := sum.elim (dichotomy (e ff)) (λ q, q) begin intro q, apply empty.elim, apply ff_ne_tt, apply to_inv (eq_equiv_fn_eq_of_equiv e ff tt), exact q ⬝ p⁻¹, end definition theorem_II_2_lemma_2 (e : bool ≃ bool) (p : e tt = ff) : e ff = tt := sum.elim (dichotomy (e ff)) begin intro q, apply empty.elim, apply ff_ne_tt, apply to_inv (eq_equiv_fn_eq_of_equiv e ff tt), exact q ⬝ p⁻¹ end begin intro q, exact q end definition theorem_II_2 : is_contr (Σ (X : BoolType), X) := begin fapply is_contr.mk, { exact sigma.mk pt tt }, { intro w, induction w with Xf x, induction Xf with X f, apply to_inv (lemma_II_3 tt x), apply of_is_contr, induction f with f, induction f, induction x, { apply is_contr.mk ⟨ equiv_bnot, idp ⟩, intro w, induction w with e p, symmetry, apply to_inv (lemma_II_4 tt ff e equiv_bnot p idp), fapply sigma.mk, { intro b, induction b, { exact theorem_II_2_lemma_2 e p }, { exact p } }, { reflexivity } }, { apply is_contr.mk ⟨ erfl, idp ⟩, intro w, induction w with e p, symmetry, apply to_inv (lemma_II_4 tt tt e erfl p idp), fapply sigma.mk, { intro b, induction b, { exact theorem_II_2_lemma_1 e p }, { exact p } }, { reflexivity } } } end definition corollary_II_6 : Π A : BoolType, (pt = A) ≃ A := @total_space_method BoolType pt BoolType.carrier theorem_II_2 idp definition is_conn_BoolType [instance] : is_conn 0 BoolType := begin apply is_contr.mk (tr pt), intro X, induction X with X, induction X with X p, induction p with p, induction p, reflexivity end definition bool_type_dec_eq : Π (A : BoolType), decidable_eq A := @is_conn.is_conn.elim -1 pBoolType is_conn_BoolType (λ A : BoolType, decidable_eq A) _ dec_eq_bool definition alpha (A : BoolType) (x y : A) : bool := decidable.rec_on (bool_type_dec_eq A x y) (λ p, tt) (λ q, ff) definition alpha_inv (a b : bool) : alpha pt a (alpha pt a b) = b := begin induction a: induction b: esimp end definition is_equiv_alpha [instance] : Π {A : BoolType} (a : A), is_equiv (alpha A a) := begin apply @is_conn.elim -1 pBoolType is_conn_BoolType (λ A : BoolType, Π a : A, is_equiv (alpha A a)), intro a, exact adjointify (alpha pt a) (alpha pt a) (alpha_inv a) (alpha_inv a) end definition alpha_equiv (A : BoolType) (a : A) : A ≃ bool := equiv.mk (alpha A a) (is_equiv_alpha a) definition alpha_symm : Π (A : BoolType) (x y : A), alpha A x y = alpha A y x := begin apply @is_conn.elim -1 pBoolType is_conn_BoolType (λ A : BoolType, Π x y : A, alpha A x y = alpha A y x), intros x y, induction x: induction y: esimp end -- we define the type of types together with a line bundle structure two_cover := (carrier : Type₀) (cov : carrier → Type₀) (cov_eq : Π x : carrier, ∥ bool = cov x ∥ ) open two_cover definition empty_two_cover : two_cover := two_cover.mk empty empty.elim (empty.rec _) open sigma.ops definition two_cover_step (X : two_cover) : two_cover := begin fapply two_cover.mk, { exact pushout (@sigma.pr1 (carrier X) (cov X)) (λ x, star) }, { fapply pushout.elim_type, { intro x, exact cov X x }, { intro u, exact BoolType.carrier pt }, { intro w, exact alpha_equiv (BoolType.mk (cov X w.1) (cov_eq X w.1)) w.2 } }, { fapply pushout.rec, { intro x, exact cov_eq X x }, { intro u, exact tr idp }, { intro w, apply is_prop.elimo } } end definition realprojective_two_cover : ℕ → two_cover := nat.rec (two_cover_step empty_two_cover) (λ x, two_cover_step) definition realprojective : ℕ → Type₀ := λ n, carrier (realprojective_two_cover n) definition realprojective_cov [reducible] (n : ℕ) : realprojective n → BoolType := λ x, BoolType.mk (cov (realprojective_two_cover n) x) (cov_eq (realprojective_two_cover n) x) definition theorem_III_3_u [reducible] (n : ℕ) : (Σ (w : Σ x, realprojective_cov n x), realprojective_cov n w.1) ≃ (Σ x, realprojective_cov n x) × bool := calc (Σ (w : Σ x, realprojective_cov n x), realprojective_cov n w.1) ≃ (Σ (w : Σ x, realprojective_cov n x), realprojective_cov n w.1) : sigma_assoc_comm_equiv ... ≃ Σ (w : Σ x, realprojective_cov n x), bool : @sigma_equiv_sigma_right (Σ x : realprojective n, realprojective_cov n x) (λ w, realprojective_cov n w.1) (λ w, bool) (λ w, alpha_equiv (realprojective_cov n w.1) w.2) ... ≃ (Σ x, realprojective_cov n x) × bool : equiv_prod definition theorem_III_3 (n : ℕ) : sphere n ≃ sigma (realprojective_cov n) := begin induction n with n IH, { symmetry, exact sorry }, { apply equiv.trans (join_bool (sphere n))⁻¹ᵉ, apply equiv.trans (join_equiv_join erfl IH), symmetry, refine equiv.trans _ !join_symm, apply equiv.trans !pushout.flattening, esimp, fapply pushout.equiv, { unfold function.compose, exact theorem_III_3_u n}, { reflexivity }, { exact sigma_unit_left' (λ u, bool) }, { unfold function.compose, esimp, intro w, induction w with w z, induction w with x y, reflexivity }, { unfold function.compose, esimp, intro w, induction w with w z, induction w with x y, exact alpha_symm (realprojective_cov n x) y z } } end