/- Copyright (c) 2015 Egbert Rijke. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Authors: Floris van Doorn, Egbert Rijke, Jeremy Avigad Basic concepts of group theory -/ import algebra.group_theory ..move_to_lib ..set open eq algebra is_trunc sigma sigma.ops prod trunc set namespace group /- #Subgroups -/ /-- Recall that a subtype of a type A is the same thing as a family of mere propositions over A. Thus, we define a subgroup of a group G to be a family of mere propositions over (the underlying type of) G, closed under the constants and operations --/ structure is_subgroup [class] (G : Group) (H : set G) : Type := (one_mem : 1 ∈ H) (mul_mem : Π{g h}, g ∈ H → h ∈ H → g * h ∈ H) (inv_mem : Π{g}, g ∈ H → g⁻¹ ∈ H) /-- Every group G has at least two subgroups, the trivial subgroup containing only one, and the full subgroup. --/ definition trivial_subgroup [instance] (G : Group) : is_subgroup G '{1} := begin fapply is_subgroup.mk, { esimp, apply mem_insert }, { intros g h p q, esimp at *, apply mem_singleton_of_eq, rewrite [eq_of_mem_singleton p, eq_of_mem_singleton q, mul_one]}, { intros g p, esimp at *, apply mem_singleton_of_eq, rewrite [eq_of_mem_singleton p, one_inv] } end definition full_subgroup [instance] (G : Group) : is_subgroup G univ := begin fapply is_subgroup.mk, { apply logic.trivial }, { intros, apply logic.trivial }, { intros, apply logic.trivial } end /-- Every group homomorphism f : G -> H determines a subgroup of H, the image of f, and a subgroup of G, the kernel of f. In the following definition we define the image of f. Since a subgroup is required to be closed under the group operations, showing that the image of f is closed under the group operations is part of the definition of the image of f. --/ definition image_subgroup [instance] {G : Group} {H : Group} (f : G →g H) : is_subgroup H (image f) := begin fapply is_subgroup.mk, -- subset contains 1 { fapply image.mk, exact 1, apply respect_one}, -- subset is closed under multiplication { intro h h', intro u v, induction u with x p, induction v with y q, induction p, induction q, apply image.mk (x * y), apply respect_mul}, -- subset is closed under inverses { intro g, intro t, induction t with x p, induction p, apply image.mk x⁻¹, apply respect_inv } end section kernels variables {G₁ G₂ : Group} -- TODO: maybe define this in more generality for pointed sets? definition kernel [constructor] (φ : G₁ →g G₂) : set G₁ := { g | trunctype.mk (φ g = 1) _} theorem mul_mem_kernel (φ : G₁ →g G₂) (g h : G₁) (H₁ : g ∈ kernel φ) (H₂ : h ∈ kernel φ) : g * h ∈ kernel φ := calc φ (g * h) = (φ g) * (φ h) : to_respect_mul ... = 1 * (φ h) : H₁ ... = 1 * 1 : H₂ ... = 1 : one_mul theorem inv_mem_kernel (φ : G₁ →g G₂) (g : G₁) (H : g ∈ kernel φ) : g⁻¹ ∈ kernel φ := calc φ g⁻¹ = (φ g)⁻¹ : to_respect_inv ... = 1⁻¹ : H ... = 1 : one_inv definition is_subgroup_kernel [constructor] [instance] (φ : G₁ →g G₂) : is_subgroup G₁ (kernel φ) := ⦃ is_subgroup, one_mem := respect_one φ, mul_mem := mul_mem_kernel φ, inv_mem := inv_mem_kernel φ ⦄ end kernels /-- Now we should be able to show that if f is a homomorphism for which the kernel is trivial and the image is full, then f is an isomorphism, except that no one defined the proposition that f is an isomorphism :/ --/ /- definition is_iso_from_kertriv_imfull {G H : Group} (f : G →g H) : is_trivial_subgroup G (kernel f) → is_full_subgroup H (image_subgroup f) → unit /- replace unit by is_isomorphism f -/ := sorry -/ /- #Normal subgroups -/ /-- Next, we formalize some aspects of normal subgroups. Recall that a normal subgroup H of a group G is a subgroup which is invariant under all inner automorophisms on G. --/ definition is_normal [constructor] (G : Group) (N : set G) : Prop := trunctype.mk (Π{g} h, g ∈ N → h * g * h⁻¹ ∈ N) _ structure is_normal_subgroup [class] (G : Group) (N : set G) extends is_subgroup G N := (is_normal : is_normal G N) abbreviation subgroup_one_mem [unfold 2] := @is_subgroup.one_mem abbreviation subgroup_mul_mem [unfold 2] := @is_subgroup.mul_mem abbreviation subgroup_inv_mem [unfold 2] := @is_subgroup.inv_mem abbreviation subgroup_is_normal [unfold 2] := @is_normal_subgroup.is_normal section variables {G G' G₁ G₂ G₃ : Group} {H N : set G} [is_subgroup G H] [is_normal_subgroup G N] {g g' h h' k : G} {A B : AbGroup} theorem is_normal_subgroup' (h : G) (r : g ∈ N) : h⁻¹ * g * h ∈ N := inv_inv h ▸ subgroup_is_normal N h⁻¹ r definition is_normal_subgroup_ab.{u} [constructor] {C : set A} (subgrpA : is_subgroup A C) : is_normal_subgroup A C := ⦃ is_normal_subgroup, subgrpA, is_normal := abstract begin intros g h r, xrewrite [mul.comm h g, mul_inv_cancel_right], exact r end end⦄ theorem is_normal_subgroup_rev (h : G) (r : h * g * h⁻¹ ∈ N) : g ∈ N := have H : h⁻¹ * (h * g * h⁻¹) * h = g, from calc h⁻¹ * (h * g * h⁻¹) * h = h⁻¹ * (h * g) * h⁻¹ * h : by rewrite [-mul.assoc h⁻¹] ... = h⁻¹ * (h * g) : by rewrite [inv_mul_cancel_right] ... = g : inv_mul_cancel_left, H ▸ is_normal_subgroup' h r theorem is_normal_subgroup_rev' (h : G) (r : h⁻¹ * g * h ∈ N) : g ∈ N := is_normal_subgroup_rev h⁻¹ ((inv_inv h)⁻¹ ▸ r) theorem normal_subgroup_insert (r : k ∈ N) (r' : g * h ∈ N) : g * (k * h) ∈ N := have H1 : (g * h) * (h⁻¹ * k * h) ∈ N, from subgroup_mul_mem r' (is_normal_subgroup' h r), have H2 : (g * h) * (h⁻¹ * k * h) = g * (k * h), from calc (g * h) * (h⁻¹ * k * h) = g * (h * (h⁻¹ * k * h)) : mul.assoc ... = g * (h * (h⁻¹ * (k * h))) : by rewrite [mul.assoc h⁻¹] ... = g * (k * h) : by rewrite [mul_inv_cancel_left], show N (g * (k * h)), from H2 ▸ H1 /-- In the following, we show that the kernel of any group homomorphism f : G₁ →g G₂ is a normal subgroup of G₁ --/ theorem is_normal_subgroup_kernel {G₁ G₂ : Group} (φ : G₁ →g G₂) (g : G₁) (h : G₁) : g ∈ kernel φ → h * g * h⁻¹ ∈ kernel φ := begin esimp at *, intro p, exact calc φ (h * g * h⁻¹) = (φ (h * g)) * φ (h⁻¹) : to_respect_mul ... = (φ h) * (φ g) * (φ h⁻¹) : to_respect_mul ... = (φ h) * 1 * (φ h⁻¹) : p ... = (φ h) * (φ h⁻¹) : mul_one ... = (φ h) * (φ h)⁻¹ : to_respect_inv ... = 1 : mul.right_inv end -- this is just (Σ(g : G), H g), but only defined if (H g) is a prop definition sg {G : Group} (H : set G) : Type := {g : G | g ∈ H} local attribute sg [reducible] definition subgroup_one [constructor] : sg H := ⟨one, subgroup_one_mem H⟩ definition subgroup_inv [unfold 3] : sg H → sg H := λv, ⟨v.1⁻¹, subgroup_inv_mem v.2⟩ definition subgroup_mul [unfold 3 4] : sg H → sg H → sg H := λv w, ⟨v.1 * w.1, subgroup_mul_mem v.2 w.2⟩ definition subgroup_elt (x : sg H) : G := x.1 section local notation 1 := subgroup_one local postfix ⁻¹ := subgroup_inv local infix * := subgroup_mul theorem subgroup_mul_assoc (g₁ g₂ g₃ : sg H) : g₁ * g₂ * g₃ = g₁ * (g₂ * g₃) := subtype_eq !mul.assoc theorem subgroup_one_mul (g : sg H) : 1 * g = g := subtype_eq !one_mul theorem subgroup_mul_one (g : sg H) : g * 1 = g := subtype_eq !mul_one theorem subgroup_mul_left_inv (g : sg H) : g⁻¹ * g = 1 := subtype_eq !mul.left_inv theorem subgroup_mul_comm {G : AbGroup} {H : set G} [subgrpH : is_subgroup G H] (g h : sg H) : subgroup_mul g h = subgroup_mul h g := subtype_eq !mul.comm end variable (H) definition group_sg [constructor] : group (sg H) := group.mk _ subgroup_mul subgroup_mul_assoc subgroup_one subgroup_one_mul subgroup_mul_one subgroup_inv subgroup_mul_left_inv definition subgroup [constructor] : Group := Group.mk _ (group_sg H) variable {H} definition ab_group_sg [constructor] {G : AbGroup} (H : set G) [is_subgroup G H] : ab_group (sg H) := ⦃ab_group, (group_sg H), mul_comm := subgroup_mul_comm⦄ definition ab_subgroup [constructor] {G : AbGroup} (H : set G) [is_subgroup G H] : AbGroup := AbGroup.mk _ (ab_group_sg H) definition Kernel {G H : Group} (f : G →g H) : Group := subgroup (kernel f) definition ab_kernel {G H : AbGroup} (f : G →g H) : AbGroup := ab_subgroup (kernel f) definition incl_of_subgroup [constructor] {G : Group} (H : set G) [is_subgroup G H] : subgroup H →g G := begin fapply homomorphism.mk, -- the underlying function { intro h, induction h with g, exact g}, -- is a homomorphism intro g h, reflexivity end definition is_embedding_incl_of_subgroup {G : Group} (H : set G) [is_subgroup G H] : is_embedding (incl_of_subgroup H) := begin fapply function.is_embedding_of_is_injective, intro h h', fapply subtype_eq end definition ab_kernel_incl {G H : AbGroup} (f : G →g H) : ab_kernel f →g G := begin fapply incl_of_subgroup, end definition is_embedding_ab_kernel_incl {G H : AbGroup} (f : G →g H) : is_embedding (ab_kernel_incl f) := begin fapply is_embedding_incl_of_subgroup, end definition is_subgroup_of_subgroup {G : Group} {H1 H2 : set G} [is_subgroup G H1] [is_subgroup G H2] (hyp : Π (g : G), g ∈ H1 → g ∈ H2) : is_subgroup (subgroup H2) {h | incl_of_subgroup H2 h ∈ H1} := is_subgroup.mk (subgroup_one_mem H1) (begin intros g h p q, apply mem_set_of, apply subgroup_mul_mem (of_mem_set_of p) (of_mem_set_of q), end) (begin intros h p, apply mem_set_of, apply subgroup_inv_mem (of_mem_set_of p) end) definition Image {G H : Group} (f : G →g H) : Group := subgroup (image f) definition ab_image {G : AbGroup} {H : Group} (f : G →g H) : AbGroup := AbGroup_of_Group (Image f) begin intro g h, induction g with x t, induction h with y s, fapply subtype_eq, induction t with g p, induction s with h q, induction p, induction q, refine (((respect_mul f g h)⁻¹ ⬝ _) ⬝ (respect_mul f h g)), apply (ap f), induction G, induction struct', apply mul_comm end definition image_incl {G H : Group} (f : G →g H) : Image f →g H := incl_of_subgroup (image f) definition ab_image_incl {A B : AbGroup} (f : A →g B) : ab_image f →g B := incl_of_subgroup (image f) definition is_equiv_surjection_ab_image_incl {A B : AbGroup} (f : A →g B) (H : is_surjective f) : is_equiv (ab_image_incl f ) := begin fapply is_equiv.adjointify (ab_image_incl f), intro b, fapply sigma.mk, exact b, exact H b, intro b, reflexivity, intro x, apply subtype_eq, reflexivity end definition iso_surjection_ab_image_incl [constructor] {A B : AbGroup} (f : A →g B) (H : is_surjective f) : ab_image f ≃g B := begin fapply isomorphism.mk, exact (ab_image_incl f), exact is_equiv_surjection_ab_image_incl f H end definition hom_lift [constructor] {G H : Group} (f : G →g H) (K : set H) [is_subgroup H K] (Hyp : Π (g : G), K (f g)) : G →g subgroup K := begin fapply homomorphism.mk, intro g, fapply sigma.mk, exact f g, fapply Hyp, intro g h, apply subtype_eq, esimp, apply respect_mul end definition hom_factors_through_lift {G H : Group} (f : G →g H) (K : set H) [is_subgroup H K] (Hyp : Π (g : G), K (f g)) : f = incl_of_subgroup K ∘g hom_lift f K Hyp := begin fapply homomorphism_eq, reflexivity end definition ab_hom_lift [constructor] {G H : AbGroup} (f : G →g H) (K : set H) [is_subgroup H K] (Hyp : Π (g : G), K (f g)) : G →g ab_subgroup K := begin fapply homomorphism.mk, intro g, fapply sigma.mk, exact f g, fapply Hyp, intro g h, apply subtype_eq, apply respect_mul, end definition ab_hom_factors_through_lift {G H : AbGroup} (f : G →g H) (K : set H) [is_subgroup H K] (Hyp : Π (g : G), K (f g)) : f = incl_of_subgroup K ∘g hom_lift f K Hyp := begin fapply homomorphism_eq, reflexivity end definition ab_hom_lift_kernel [constructor] {A B C : AbGroup} (f : A →g B) (g : B →g C) (Hyp : Π (a : A), g (f a) = 1) : A →g ab_kernel g := begin fapply ab_hom_lift, exact f, intro a, exact Hyp a, end definition ab_hom_lift_kernel_factors {A B C : AbGroup} (f : A →g B) (g : B →g C) (Hyp : Π (a : A), g (f a) = 1) : f = ab_kernel_incl g ∘g ab_hom_lift_kernel f g Hyp := begin fapply ab_hom_factors_through_lift, end definition image_lift [constructor] {G H : Group} (f : G →g H) : G →g Image f := begin fapply hom_lift f, intro g, apply tr, fapply fiber.mk, exact g, reflexivity end definition ab_image_lift [constructor] {G H : AbGroup} (f : G →g H) : G →g Image f := begin fapply hom_lift f, intro g, apply tr, fapply fiber.mk, exact g, reflexivity end definition is_surjective_image_lift {G H : Group} (f : G →g H) : is_surjective (image_lift f) := begin intro h, induction h with h p, induction p with g, fapply image.mk, exact g, induction p, reflexivity end definition image_factor {G H : Group} (f : G →g H) : f = (image_incl f) ∘g (image_lift f) := begin fapply homomorphism_eq, reflexivity end definition image_incl_injective {G H : Group} (f : G →g H) : Π (x y : Image f), (image_incl f x = image_incl f y) → (x = y) := begin intro x y, intro p, fapply subtype_eq, exact p end definition image_incl_eq_one {G H : Group} (f : G →g H) : Π (x : Image f), (image_incl f x = 1) → x = 1 := begin intro x, fapply image_incl_injective f x 1, end definition image_elim_lemma {f₁ : G₁ →g G₂} {f₂ : G₁ →g G₃} (h : Π⦃g⦄, f₁ g = 1 → f₂ g = 1) (g g' : G₁) (p : f₁ g = f₁ g') : f₂ g = f₂ g' := have f₁ (g * g'⁻¹) = 1, from !to_respect_mul ⬝ ap (mul _) !to_respect_inv ⬝ mul_inv_eq_of_eq_mul (p ⬝ !one_mul⁻¹), have f₂ (g * g'⁻¹) = 1, from h this, eq_of_mul_inv_eq_one (ap (mul _) !to_respect_inv⁻¹ ⬝ !to_respect_mul⁻¹ ⬝ this) open image definition image_elim {f₁ : G₁ →g G₂} (f₂ : G₁ →g G₃) (h : Π⦃g⦄, f₁ g = 1 → f₂ g = 1) : Image f₁ →g G₃ := homomorphism.mk (total_image.elim_set f₂ (image_elim_lemma h)) begin refine total_image.rec _, intro g, refine total_image.rec _, intro g', exact to_respect_mul f₂ g g' end end definition image_homomorphism {A B C : AbGroup} (f : A →g B) (g : B →g C) : ab_image f →g ab_image (g ∘g f) := begin fapply image_elim, exact image_lift (g ∘g f), intro a p, fapply subtype_eq, unfold image_lift, exact calc g (f a) = g 1 : by exact ap g p ... = 1 : to_respect_one, end definition image_homomorphism_square {A B C : AbGroup} (f : A →g B) (g : B →g C) : g ∘g image_incl f ~ image_incl (g ∘g f ) ∘g image_homomorphism f g := begin intro x, induction x with b p, induction p with x, induction p, reflexivity end variables {G H K : Group} {R : set G} [is_subgroup G R] {S : set H} [is_subgroup H S] {T : set K} [is_subgroup K T] open function definition subgroup_functor_fun [unfold 7] (φ : G →g H) (h : Πg, g ∈ R → φ g ∈ S) (x : subgroup R) : subgroup S := begin induction x with g hg, exact ⟨φ g, h g hg⟩ end definition subgroup_functor [constructor] (φ : G →g H) (h : Πg, g ∈ R → φ g ∈ S) : subgroup R →g subgroup S := begin fapply homomorphism.mk, { exact subgroup_functor_fun φ h }, { intro x₁ x₂, induction x₁ with g₁ hg₁, induction x₂ with g₂ hg₂, exact sigma_eq !to_respect_mul !is_prop.elimo } end definition ab_subgroup_functor [constructor] {G H : AbGroup} {R : set G} [is_subgroup G R] {S : set H} [is_subgroup H S] (φ : G →g H) (h : Πg, g ∈ R → φ g ∈ S) : ab_subgroup R →g ab_subgroup S := subgroup_functor φ h theorem subgroup_functor_compose (ψ : H →g K) (φ : G →g H) (hψ : Πg, g ∈ S → ψ g ∈ T) (hφ : Πg, g ∈ R → φ g ∈ S) : subgroup_functor ψ hψ ∘g subgroup_functor φ hφ ~ subgroup_functor (ψ ∘g φ) (λg, proof hψ (φ g) qed ∘ hφ g) := begin intro g, induction g with g hg, reflexivity end definition subgroup_functor_gid : subgroup_functor (gid G) (λg, id) ~ gid (subgroup R) := begin intro g, induction g with g hg, reflexivity end definition subgroup_functor_mul {G H : AbGroup} {R : set G} [subgroupR : is_subgroup G R] {S : set H} [subgroupS : is_subgroup H S] (ψ φ : G →g H) (hψ : Πg, g ∈ R → ψ g ∈ S) (hφ : Πg, g ∈ R → φ g ∈ S) : homomorphism_mul (ab_subgroup_functor ψ hψ) (ab_subgroup_functor φ hφ) ~ ab_subgroup_functor (homomorphism_mul ψ φ) (λg hg, subgroup_mul_mem (hψ g hg) (hφ g hg)) := begin intro g, induction g with g hg, reflexivity end definition subgroup_functor_homotopy {ψ φ : G →g H} (hψ : Πg, R g → S (ψ g)) (hφ : Πg, g ∈ R → φ g ∈ S) (p : φ ~ ψ) : subgroup_functor φ hφ ~ subgroup_functor ψ hψ := begin intro g, induction g with g hg, exact subtype_eq (p g) end definition subgroup_of_subgroup_incl {R S : set G} [is_subgroup G R] [is_subgroup G S] (H : Π (g : G), g ∈ R → g ∈ S) : subgroup R →g subgroup S := subgroup_functor (gid G) H definition is_embedding_subgroup_of_subgroup_incl {R S : set G} [is_subgroup G R] [is_subgroup G S] (H : Π (g : G), g ∈ R -> g ∈ S) : is_embedding (subgroup_of_subgroup_incl H) := begin fapply is_embedding_of_is_injective, intro x y p, induction x with x r, induction y with y s, fapply subtype_eq, esimp, unfold subgroup_of_subgroup_incl at p, exact ap pr1 p, end definition ab_subgroup_of_subgroup_incl {A : AbGroup} {R S : set A} [is_subgroup A R] [is_subgroup A S] (H : Π (a : A), a ∈ R → a ∈ S) : ab_subgroup R →g ab_subgroup S := ab_subgroup_functor (gid A) H definition is_embedding_ab_subgroup_of_subgroup_incl {A : AbGroup} {R S : set A} [is_subgroup A R] [is_subgroup A S] (H : Π (a : A), a ∈ R → a ∈ S) : is_embedding (ab_subgroup_of_subgroup_incl H) := begin fapply is_embedding_subgroup_of_subgroup_incl end definition ab_subgroup_iso {A : AbGroup} {R S : set A} [is_subgroup A R] [is_subgroup A S] (H : Π (a : A), R a -> S a) (K : Π (a : A), S a -> R a) : ab_subgroup R ≃g ab_subgroup S := begin fapply isomorphism.mk, exact subgroup_of_subgroup_incl H, fapply is_equiv.adjointify, exact subgroup_of_subgroup_incl K, intro s, induction s with a p, fapply subtype_eq, reflexivity, intro r, induction r with a p, fapply subtype_eq, reflexivity end definition ab_subgroup_iso_triangle {A : AbGroup} {R S : set A} [is_subgroup A R] [is_subgroup A S] (H : Π (a : A), R a -> S a) (K : Π (a : A), S a -> R a) : incl_of_subgroup R ~ incl_of_subgroup S ∘g ab_subgroup_iso H K := begin intro r, induction r, reflexivity end end group open group attribute image_subgroup [constructor]