-- definitions, theorems and attributes which should be moved to files in the HoTT library

import homotopy.sphere2 homotopy.cofiber homotopy.wedge

open eq nat int susp pointed pmap sigma is_equiv equiv fiber algebra trunc trunc_index pi group
     is_trunc function sphere

namespace group
  open is_trunc

  -- some extra instances for type class inference
  -- definition is_homomorphism_comm_homomorphism [instance] {G G' : AbGroup} (φ : G →g G')
  --   : @is_homomorphism G G' (@ab_group.to_group _ (AbGroup.struct G))
  --                           (@ab_group.to_group _ (AbGroup.struct G')) φ :=
  -- homomorphism.struct φ

  -- definition is_homomorphism_comm_homomorphism1 [instance] {G G' : AbGroup} (φ : G →g G')
  --   : @is_homomorphism G G' _
  --                           (@ab_group.to_group _ (AbGroup.struct G')) φ :=
  -- homomorphism.struct φ

  -- definition is_homomorphism_comm_homomorphism2 [instance] {G G' : AbGroup} (φ : G →g G')
  --   : @is_homomorphism G G' (@ab_group.to_group _ (AbGroup.struct G)) _ φ :=
  -- homomorphism.struct φ

end group open group

namespace pi -- move to types.arrow

  definition pmap_eq_idp {X Y : Type*} (f : X →* Y) :
    pmap_eq (λx, idpath (f x)) !idp_con⁻¹ = idpath f :=
    cases f with f p, esimp [pmap_eq],
    refine apd011 (apd011 pmap.mk) !eq_of_homotopy_idp _,
    induction Y with Y y0, esimp at *, induction p, esimp, exact sorry

  definition pfunext [constructor] (X Y : Type*) : ppmap X (Ω Y) ≃* Ω (ppmap X Y) :=
    fapply pequiv_of_equiv,
    { fapply equiv.MK: esimp,
      { intro f, fapply pmap_eq,
        { intro x, exact f x },
        { exact (respect_pt f)⁻¹ }},
      { intro p, fapply pmap.mk,
        { intro x, exact ap010 pmap.to_fun p x },
        { note z := apd respect_pt p,
          note z2 := square_of_pathover z,
          refine eq_of_hdeg_square z2 ⬝ !ap_constant }},
      { intro p, exact sorry },
      { intro p, exact sorry }},
    { apply pmap_eq_idp}

end pi open pi

namespace eq

  -- definition natural_square_tr_eq {A B : Type} {a a' : A} {f g : A → B}
  --   (p : f ~ g) (q : a = a') : natural_square p q = square_of_pathover (apd p q) :=
  -- idp

end eq open eq

namespace pointed

  -- /- the pointed type of (unpointed) dependent maps -/
  -- definition pupi [constructor] {A : Type} (P : A → Type*) : Type* :=
  -- pointed.mk' (Πa, P a)

  -- definition loop_pupi_commute {A : Type} (B : A → Type*) : Ω(pupi B) ≃* pupi (λa, Ω (B a)) :=
  -- pequiv_of_equiv eq_equiv_homotopy rfl

  -- definition equiv_pupi_right {A : Type} {P Q : A → Type*} (g : Πa, P a ≃* Q a)
  --   : pupi P ≃* pupi Q :=
  -- pequiv_of_equiv (pi_equiv_pi_right g)
  --   begin esimp, apply eq_of_homotopy, intros a, esimp, exact (respect_pt (g a)) end

end pointed open pointed

namespace fiber

  definition ap1_ppoint_phomotopy {A B : Type*} (f : A →* B)
    : Ω→ (ppoint f) ∘* pfiber_loop_space f ~* ppoint (Ω→ f) :=
    exact sorry

  definition pfiber_equiv_of_square_ppoint {A B C D : Type*} {f : A →* B} {g : C →* D}
    (h : A ≃* C) (k : B ≃* D) (s : k ∘* f ~* g ∘* h)
    : ppoint g ∘* pfiber_equiv_of_square h k s ~* h ∘* ppoint f :=

end fiber

namespace circle

  Suppose for `f, g : A -> B` I prove a homotopy `H : f ~ g` by induction on the element in `A`.
  And suppose `p : a = a'` is a path constructor in `A`.
  Then `natural_square_tr H p` has type `square (H a) (H a') (ap f p) (ap g p)` and is equal
  to the square which defined H on the path constructor

  definition natural_square_elim_loop {A : Type} {f g : S¹ → A} (p : f base = g base)
    (q : square p p (ap f loop) (ap g loop))
    : natural_square (circle.rec p (eq_pathover q)) loop = q :=
    -- refine !natural_square_eq ⬝ _,
    refine ap square_of_pathover !rec_loop ⬝ _,
    exact to_right_inv !eq_pathover_equiv_square q

end circle

namespace sphere

  -- definition constant_sphere_map_sphere {n m : ℕ} (H : n < m) (f : S* n →* S* m) :
  --   f ~* pconst (S* n) (S* m) :=
  -- begin
  --   assert H : is_contr (Ω[n] (S* m)),
  --   { apply homotopy_group_sphere_le, },
  --   apply phomotopy_of_eq,
  --   apply eq_of_fn_eq_fn !psphere_pmap_pequiv,
  --   apply @is_prop.elim
  -- end

end sphere