% Use these for any notation where there are multiple options.

%%% Notes and exercise sections
\newcommand{\sectionNotes}{\phantomsection\section*{Notes}\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Notes}\markright{\textsc{\@chapapp{} \thechapter{} Notes}}}
\newcommand{\sectionExercises}[1]{\phantomsection\section*{Exercises}\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Exercises}\markright{\textsc{\@chapapp{} \thechapter{} Exercises}}}

%%% Definitional equality (used infix) %%%
\newcommand{\jdeq}{\equiv}      % An equality judgment
%\newcommand{\defeq}{\coloneqq}  % An equality currently being defined
\newcommand{\defeq}{\vcentcolon\equiv}  % A judgmental equality currently being defined

%%% Term being defined

%%% Vec (for example)

\newcommand{\seq}[1]{\langle #1\rangle}

%%% Dependent products %%%
%% Call the macro like \prd{x,y:A}{p:x=y} with any number of
%% arguments.  Make sure that whatever comes *after* the call doesn't
%% begin with an open-brace, or it will be parsed as another argument.
% Currently the macro is configured to produce
%     {\textstyle\prod}(x:A) \; {\textstyle\prod}(y:B),\ 
% in display-math mode, and
%     \prod_{(x:A)} \prod_{y:B}
% in text-math mode.
% Helper macros for three styles
\def\@lprd#1{\mathchoice{{\textstyle\prod}}{\prod}{\prod}{\prod}({\textstyle #1})\;}
\def\@@lprd#1{\mathchoice{{\textstyle\prod}}{\prod}{\prod}{\prod}({\textstyle #1}),\ }

%%% Lambda abstractions.
% Each variable being abstracted over is a separate argument.  If
% there is more than one such argument, they *must* be enclosed in
% braces.  Arguments can be untyped, as in \lam{x}{y}, or typed with a
% colon, as in \lam{x:A}{y:B}. In the latter case, the colons are
% automatically noticed and (with current implementation) the space
% around the colon is reduced.  You can even give more than one variable
% the same type, as in \lam{x,y:A}.
\def\@lamarg#1:#2\@endlamarg{\if\relax\detokenize{#2}\relax #1\else\@lamvar{\@lameatcolon#2},#1\@endlamvar\fi}
% \def\@lamvar#1,#2{{#2}^{#1}\@ifnextchar,{.\,{\lambda}\@lamvar{#1}}{\let\@endlamvar\relax}}
% This version silently eats any typing annotation.

%%% Dependent products written with \forall, in the same style
\def\fall#1{\forall (#1)\@ifnextchar\bgroup{.\,\fall}{.\,}}

%%% Existential quantifier %%%
\def\exis#1{\exists (#1)\@ifnextchar\bgroup{.\,\exis}{.\,}}

%%% Dependent sums %%%
% Use in the same way as \prd
\def\@lsm#1{\mathchoice{{\textstyle\sum}}{\sum}{\sum}{\sum}({\textstyle #1})\;}
\def\@@lsm#1{\mathchoice{{\textstyle\sum}}{\sum}{\sum}{\sum}({\textstyle #1}),\ }

%%% W-types
\def\@lwtype#1{\mathchoice{{\textstyle\mathsf{W}}}{\mathsf{W}}{\mathsf{W}}{\mathsf{W}}({\textstyle #1})\;}
\def\@@lwtype#1{\mathchoice{{\textstyle\mathsf{W}}}{\mathsf{W}}{\mathsf{W}}{\mathsf{W}}({\textstyle #1}),\ }


\def\@lwtypeh#1{\mathchoice{{\textstyle\mathsf{W}^h}}{\mathsf{W}^h}{\mathsf{W}^h}{\mathsf{W}^h}({\textstyle #1})\;}
\def\@@lwtypeh#1{\mathchoice{{\textstyle\mathsf{W}^h}}{\mathsf{W}^h}{\mathsf{W}^h}{\mathsf{W}^h}({\textstyle #1}),\ }


% Other notations related to dependent sums
\let\setof\Set    % from package 'braket', write \setof{ x:A | P(x) }.
\newcommand{\ac}{\ensuremath{\mathsf{ac}}\xspace} % not needed in symbol index
\newcommand{\un}{\ensuremath{\mathsf{upun}}\xspace} % not needed in symbol index, uniqueness principle for unit type

%%% recursor and induction
\newcommand{\indid}[1]{\ind{=_{#1}}} % (Martin-Lof) path induction principle for identity types
\newcommand{\indidb}[1]{\ind{=_{#1}}'} % (Paulin-Mohring) based path induction principle for identity types 

%%% the uniqueness principle for product types, formerly called surjective pairing and named \spr:

% Paths in pairs
% \newcommand{\projpath}[1]{\proj{#1}^{\mathord{=}}}

%%% For quotients %%%
%\newcommand{\pairr}[1]{{\langle #1\rangle}}

% \newcommand{\type}{\ensuremath{\mathsf{Type}}} % this command is overridden below, so it's commented out
\newcommand{\im}{\ensuremath{\mathsf{im}}} % the image

%%% 2D path operations

%%% modalities %%%
% \newcommand{\ism}[1]{\ensuremath{\mathsf{is}_{#1}}}
% \newcommand{\ismodal}{\ism{\modal}}
% \newcommand{\existsmodal}{\ensuremath{{\exists}_{\modal}}}
% \newcommand{\existsmodalunique}{\ensuremath{{\exists!}_{\modal}}}
% \newcommand{\modalfunc}{\textsf{\modal-fun}}
% \newcommand{\Ecirc}{\ensuremath{\mathsf{E}_\modal}}
% \newcommand{\Mcirc}{\ensuremath{\mathsf{M}_\modal}}
% Subuniverse

%%% Localizations
% \newcommand{\islocal}[1]{\ensuremath{\mathsf{islocal}_{#1}}\xspace}
% \newcommand{\loc}[1]{\ensuremath{\mathcal{L}_{#1}}\xspace}

%%% Identity types %%%
\newcommand{\id}[3][]{\ensuremath{#2 =_{#1} #3}\xspace}
% A propositional equality currently being defined

%%% Dependent paths
\newcommand{\dpath}[4]{#3 =^{#1}_{#2} #4}

%%% singleton
% \newcommand{\sgl}{\ensuremath{\mathsf{sgl}}\xspace}
% \newcommand{\sctr}{\ensuremath{\mathsf{sctr}}\xspace}

%%% Reflexivity terms %%%
% \newcommand{\reflsym}{{\mathsf{refl}}}

%%% Path concatenation (used infix, in diagrammatic order) %%%

%%% Path reversal %%%

%%% Transport (covariant) %%%
\newcommand{\transf}[1]{\ensuremath{{#1}_{*}}\xspace} % Without argument
%\newcommand{\transport}[2]{\ensuremath{\mathsf{transport}_{*} \: {#2}\xspace}}
\newcommand{\Transfib}[3]{\ensuremath{\mathsf{transport}^{#1}\Big(#2,\, #3\Big)\xspace}}

%%% 2D transport

%%% Constant transport

%%% Map on paths %%%
\newcommand{\mapfunc}[1]{\ensuremath{\mathsf{ap}_{#1}}\xspace} % Without argument
\newcommand{\mapdepfunc}[1]{\ensuremath{\mathsf{apd}_{#1}}\xspace} % Without argument
% \newcommand{\mapdep}[2]{\ensuremath{{#1}\llparenthesis{#2}\rrparenthesis}\xspace}

%%% 2D map on paths

%%% Identity functions %%%

%%% Homotopies (written infix) %%%

%%% Other meanings of \sim
\newcommand{\bisim}{\sim}       % bisimulation
\newcommand{\eqr}{\sim}         % an equivalence relation

%%% Equivalence types %%%
\newcommand{\eqv}[2]{\ensuremath{#1 \simeq #2}\xspace}
\newcommand{\eqvspaced}[2]{\ensuremath{#1 \;\simeq\; #2}\xspace}
\newcommand{\eqvsym}{\simeq}    % infix symbol

%%% Map on total spaces %%%

%%% Universe types %%%
% Universes of truncated types
%Pointed types

%%% Ordinals and cardinals

%%% Univalence
\newcommand{\ua}{\ensuremath{\mathsf{ua}}\xspace} % the inverse of idtoeqv
\newcommand{\univalence}{\ensuremath{\mathsf{univalence}}\xspace} % the full axiom

%%% Truncation levels
\newcommand{\contr}{\ensuremath{\mathsf{contr}}} % The path to the center of contraction
% h-propositions
% \newcommand{\anhprop}{a mere proposition\xspace}
% \newcommand{\hprops}{mere propositions\xspace}

%%% Homotopy fibers %%%

%%% Bracket/squash/truncation types %%%
% \newcommand{\brck}[1]{\textsf{mere}(#1)}
% \newcommand{\Brck}[1]{\textsf{mere}\Big(#1\Big)}
% \newcommand{\trunc}[2]{\tau_{#1}(#2)}
% \newcommand{\Trunc}[2]{\tau_{#1}\Big(#2\Big)}
% \newcommand{\truncf}[1]{\tau_{#1}}
%\newcommand{\trunc}[2]{\Vert #2\Vert_{#1}}
\newcommand{\trunc}[2]{\mathopen{}\left\Vert #2\right\Vert_{#1}\mathclose{}}
\newcommand{\ttrunc}[2]{\bigl\Vert #2\bigr\Vert_{#1}}
\newcommand{\Trunc}[2]{\Bigl\Vert #2\Bigr\Vert_{#1}}
\newcommand{\truncf}[1]{\Vert \blank \Vert_{#1}}


% Big parentheses

% Projection and extension for truncations

%%% The empty type

%%% The unit type

%%% The two-element type

%%% Injections into binary sums and pushouts

%%% The segment of the interval

%%% Free groups
\newcommand{\freegroupx}[1]{F'(#1)} % the "other" free group

%%% Glue of a pushout

%%% Circles and spheres

%%% Suspension

%%% Blanks (shorthand for lambda abstractions)

%%% Nameless objects

%%% Some decorations
% \newcommand{\bbB}{\ensuremath{\mathbb{B}}\xspace}

%%% Some categories

% Pullback corner
%\setbox\pbbox=\hbox{\xy \POS(65,0)\ar@{-} (0,0) \ar@{-} (65,65)\endxy}
%\def\pb{\save[]+<3.5mm,-3.5mm>*{\copy\pbbox} \restore}

% Macros for the categories chapter
\newcommand{\cteqv}[2]{\ensuremath{#1 \simeq #2}\xspace}
\newcommand{\cteqvsym}{\simeq}     % Symbol for equivalence of categories

%%% Natural numbers
\newcommand{\natp}{\ensuremath{\nat'}\xspace} % alternative nat in induction chapter

\newcommand{\zerop}{\ensuremath{0'}\xspace}   % alternative zero in induction chapter
\newcommand{\sucp}{\ensuremath{\suc'}\xspace} % alternative suc in induction chapter
\newcommand{\dblp}{\ensuremath{\dbl'}\xspace} % alternative double in induction chapter

%%% Lists

%%% Vectors of given length, used in induction chapter

%%% Integers

%%% Rationals

%%% Function extensionality

%%% A naturality lemma

%%% Code/encode/decode

% Function definition with domain and codomain
\newcommand{\function}[4]{\left\{\begin{array}{rcl}#1 &
      \longrightarrow & #2 \\ #3 & \longmapsto & #4 \end{array}\right.}

%%% Cones and cocones
% Apply a function to a cocone
%%% Diagrams

%%% (pointed) mapping spaces

%%% The interval

%%% Arrows

%%% Sets

%%% Semigroup structure

%%% Macros for the formal type theory
\newcommand{\wfctx}[1]{#1\ \ctx}
\newcommand{\oftp}[3]{#1 \vdash #2 : #3}
\newcommand{\jdeqtp}[4]{#1 \vdash #2 \jdeq #3 : #4}
\newcommand{\judg}[2]{#1 \vdash #2}
\newcommand{\tmtp}[2]{#1 \mathord{:} #2}

% rule names

%%% Macros for HITs

%%% Macros for n-types

%%% Macros for homotopy
\newcommand{\kbar}{\overline{k}} % Used in van Kampen's theorem

%%% Macros for induction

%%% Macros for real numbers
\newcommand{\RC}{\ensuremath{\mathbb{R}_\mathsf{c}}\xspace} % Cauchy
\newcommand{\RD}{\ensuremath{\mathbb{R}_\mathsf{d}}\xspace} % Dedekind
\newcommand{\R}{\ensuremath{\mathbb{R}}\xspace}           % Either 
\newcommand{\barRD}{\ensuremath{\bar{\mathbb{R}}_\mathsf{d}}\xspace} % Dedekind completion of Dedekind

\newcommand{\close}[1]{\sim_{#1}} % Relation of closeness
\newcommand{\rclim}{\mathsf{lim}} % HIT constructor for Cauchy reals
\newcommand{\rcrat}{\mathsf{rat}} % Embedding of rationals into Cauchy reals
\newcommand{\rceq}{\mathsf{eq}_{\RC}} % HIT path constructor
\newcommand{\CAP}{\mathcal{C}}    % The type of Cauchy approximations
\newcommand{\apart}{\mathrel{\#}}  % apartness
\newcommand{\dcut}{\mathsf{isCut}}  % Dedekind cut
\newcommand{\cover}{\triangleleft} % inductive cover
\newcommand{\intfam}[3]{(#2, \lam{#1} #3)} % family of rational intervals

% Macros for the Cauchy reals construction


%%% Macros for surreals
\newcommand{\noeq}{\mathsf{eq}_{\NO}} % HIT path constructor


% \newcommand{\tle}{(\bullet\preceq\triangle)}
% \newcommand{\tlt}{(\bullet\prec\triangle)}
% \newcommand{\tleb}{(\bullet\preceq\square)}
% \newcommand{\tltb}{(\bullet\prec\square)}

%%% Macros for set theory
\newcommand{\vset}{\mathsf{set}}  % point constructor for cummulative hierarchy V
\newcommand{\inj}{\ensuremath{\mathsf{inj}}} % type of injections
\newcommand{\acc}{\ensuremath{\mathsf{acc}}} % accessibility


\newcommand{\power}[1]{\mathcal{P}(#1)} % power set
\newcommand{\powerp}[1]{\mathcal{P}_+(#1)} % inhabited power set


% Hyperref includes the command \autoref{...} which is like \ref{...}
% except that it automatically inserts the type of the thing you're
% referring to, e.g. it produces "Theorem 3.8" instead of just "3.8"
% (and makes the whole thing a hyperlink).  This saves a slight amount
% of typing, but more importantly it means that if you decide later on
% that 3.8 should be a Lemma or a Definition instead of a Theorem, you
% don't have to change the name in all the places you referred to it.

% The following hack improves on this by using the same counter for
% all theorem-type environments, so that after Theorem 1.1 comes
% Corollary 1.2 rather than Corollary 1.1.  This makes it much easier
% for the reader to find a particular theorem when flipping through
% the document.
  %% Ensure all theorem types are numbered with the same counter
  %% This command tells cleveref's \cref what to call things

% Now define a bunch of theorem-type environments.
%\defthm{prop}{Proposition}   % Probably we shouldn't use "Proposition" in this way
% Since definitions and theorems in type theory are synonymous, should
% we actually use the same theoremstyle for them?
% Number exercises within chapters, with their own counter.

% Display format for sections
\crefmultiformat{section}{\S\S#2#1#3}{ and~#2#1#3}{, #2#1#3}{ and~#2#1#3}
\Crefmultiformat{section}{Sections~#2#1#3}{ and~#2#1#3}{, #2#1#3}{ and~#2#1#3}
\crefrangemultiformat{section}{\S\S#3#1#4--#5#2#6}{ and~#3#1#4--#5#2#6}{, #3#1#4--#5#2#6}{ and~#3#1#4--#5#2#6}
\Crefrangemultiformat{section}{Sections~#3#1#4--#5#2#6}{ and~#3#1#4--#5#2#6}{, #3#1#4--#5#2#6}{ and~#3#1#4--#5#2#6}

% Display format for appendices
\crefmultiformat{appendix}{Appendices~#2#1#3}{ and~#2#1#3}{, #2#1#3}{ and~#2#1#3}
\Crefmultiformat{appendix}{Appendices~#2#1#3}{ and~#2#1#3}{, #2#1#3}{ and~#2#1#3}
\crefrangemultiformat{appendix}{Appendices~#3#1#4--#5#2#6}{ and~#3#1#4--#5#2#6}{, #3#1#4--#5#2#6}{ and~#3#1#4--#5#2#6}
\Crefrangemultiformat{appendix}{Appendices~#3#1#4--#5#2#6}{ and~#3#1#4--#5#2#6}{, #3#1#4--#5#2#6}{ and~#3#1#4--#5#2#6}


% Number subsubsections

% Display format for figures

% Use cleveref instead of hyperref's \autoref


% The following hack uses the single theorem counter to number
% equations as well, so that we don't have both Theorem 1.1 and
% equation (1.1).


% Number the first level of enumerates as (i), (ii), ...

%%%% MARGINS %%%%

% This is a matter of personal preference, but I think the left
% margins on enumerates and itemizes are too wide.

% Likewise that they are too spaced out.

%%% Notes %%%
\gdef\note##1{\mbox{}\marginpar{\color{blue}\textasteriskcentered\ ##1}}}


%%%% CITATIONS %%%%

% \let \cite \citep

%%%% INDEX %%%%

\newcommand{\footstyle}[1]{{\hyperpage{#1}}n} % If you index something that is in a footnote
\newcommand{\defstyle}[1]{\textbf{\hyperpage{#1}}}  % Style for pageref to a definition

\newcommand{\indexdef}[1]{\index{#1|defstyle}}   % Index a definition
\newcommand{\indexfoot}[1]{\index{#1|footstyle}} % Index a term in a footnote
\newcommand{\indexsee}[2]{\index{#1|see{#2}}}    % Index "see also"

%%%% Standard phrasing or spelling of common phrases %%%%

\newcommand{\CZF}{Constructive \ZF{} Set Theory}


%%%% MISC %%%%

\newcommand{\mentalpause}{\medskip} % Use for "mental" pause, instead of \smallskip or \medskip

%% Use \symlabel instead of \label to mark a pageref that you need in the index of symbols

% Local Variables:
% mode: latex
% TeX-master: "hott-online"
% End: