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Suppose we have three sequences A = (Aₙ, fₙ)ₙ, B = (Bₙ, gₙ)ₙ, C = (Cₙ, hₙ)ₙ with natural
transformations like this: B ← A → C. We can take pushouts pointwise and then take the colimit,
or we can take the colimit of each and then pushout. By the 3x3 lemma these are equivalent.
Authors: Floris van Doorn
import .seq_colim ..homotopy.pushout ..homotopy.three_by_three
open eq nat seq_colim is_trunc equiv is_equiv trunc sigma sum pi function algebra sigma.ops
variables {A B : → Type} {f : seq_diagram A} {g : seq_diagram B} (i : Π⦃n⦄, A n → B n)
(p : Π⦃n⦄ (a : A n), i (f a) = g (i a)) (a a' : Σn, A n)
definition total_seq_rel [constructor] (f : seq_diagram A) :
(Σ(a a' : Σn, A n), seq_rel f a a') ≃ Σn, A n :=
fapply equiv.MK,
{ intro x, exact x.2.1 },
{ intro x, induction x with n a, exact ⟨⟨n+1, f a⟩, ⟨n, a⟩, seq_rel.Rmk f a⟩ },
{ intro x, induction x with n a, reflexivity },
{ intro x, induction x with a x, induction x with a' r, induction r with n a, reflexivity }
definition pr1_total_seq_rel_inv (x : Σn, A n) :
((total_seq_rel f)⁻¹ᵉ x).1 = sigma_functor succ f x :=
begin induction x with n a, reflexivity end
definition pr2_total_seq_rel_inv (x : Σn, A n) : ((total_seq_rel f)⁻¹ᵉ x).2.1 = x :=
to_right_inv (total_seq_rel f) x
include p
definition seq_rel_functor [unfold 9] : seq_rel f a a' → seq_rel g (total i a) (total i a') :=
intro r, induction r with n a,
exact transport (λx, seq_rel g ⟨_, x⟩ _) (p a)⁻¹ (seq_rel.Rmk g (i a))
open pushout
definition total_seq_rel_natural [unfold 7] :
hsquare (sigma_functor2 (total i) (seq_rel_functor i p)) (total i)
(total_seq_rel f) (total_seq_rel g) :=
open pushout sigma.ops quotient
parameters {A B C : → Type} {f : seq_diagram A} {g : seq_diagram B} {h : seq_diagram C}
(i : Π⦃n⦄, A n → B n) (j : Π⦃n⦄, A n → C n)
(p : Π⦃n⦄ (a : A n), i (f a) = g (i a)) (q : Π⦃n⦄ (a : A n), j (f a) = h (j a))
definition seq_diagram_pushout : seq_diagram (λn, pushout (@i n) (@j n)) :=
λn, pushout.functor (@f n) (@g n) (@h n) (@p n)⁻¹ʰᵗʸ (@q n)⁻¹ʰᵗʸ
local abbreviation sA := Σn, A n
local abbreviation sB := Σn, B n
local abbreviation sC := Σn, C n
local abbreviation si : sA → sB := total i
local abbreviation sj : sA → sC := total j
local abbreviation rA := Σ(x y : sA), seq_rel f x y
local abbreviation rB := Σ(x y : sB), seq_rel g x y
local abbreviation rC := Σ(x y : sC), seq_rel h x y
set_option pp.abbreviations false
local abbreviation ri : rA → rB := sigma_functor2 (total i) (seq_rel_functor i p)
local abbreviation rj : rA → rC := sigma_functor2 (total j) (seq_rel_functor j q)
definition pushout_seq_colim_span [constructor] : three_by_three_span :=
sB (rB ⊎ rB) rB sA (rA ⊎ rA) rA sC (rC ⊎ rC) rC
(sum.rec pr1 (λx, x.2.1)) (sum.rec id id)
(sum.rec pr1 (λx, x.2.1)) (sum.rec id id)
(sum.rec pr1 (λx, x.2.1)) (sum.rec id id)
(total i) (total j) (ri +→ ri) (rj +→ rj) ri rj
begin intro x, induction x: reflexivity end
begin intro x, induction x: reflexivity end
begin intro x, induction x: reflexivity end
begin intro x, induction x: reflexivity end
definition ua_equiv_ap {A : Type} (P : A → Type) {a b : A} (p : a = b) :
ua (equiv_ap P p) = ap P p :=
begin induction p, apply ua_refl end
definition pushout_elim_type_eta {TL BL TR : Type} {f : TL → BL} {g : TL → TR}
(P : pushout f g → Type) (x : pushout f g) :
P x ≃ pushout.elim_type (P ∘ inl) (P ∘ inr) (λa, equiv_ap P (glue a)) x :=
induction x,
{ reflexivity },
{ reflexivity },
{ apply equiv_pathover_inv, apply arrow_pathover_left, intro y,
apply pathover_of_tr_eq, symmetry, exact ap10 !elim_type_glue y }
definition pushout_flattening' {TL BL TR : Type} {f : TL → BL} {g : TL → TR}
(P : pushout f g → Type) : sigma P ≃
@pushout (sigma (P ∘ inl ∘ f)) (sigma (P ∘ inl)) (sigma (P ∘ inr))
(sigma_functor f (λa, id)) (sigma_functor g (λa, transport P (glue a))) :=
sigma_equiv_sigma_right (pushout_elim_type_eta P) ⬝e
pushout.flattening _ _ (P ∘ inl) (P ∘ inr) (λa, equiv_ap P (glue a))
definition equiv_ap011 {A B : Type} (P : A → B → Type) {a a' : A} {b b' : B}
(p : a = a') (q : b = b') : P a b ≃ P a' b' :=
equiv_ap (P a) q ⬝e equiv_ap (λa, P a b') p
definition tr_tr_eq_tr_tr [unfold 8 9] {A B : Type} (P : A → B → Type) {a a' : A} {b b' : B}
(p : a = a') (q : b = b') (x : P a b) :
transport (P a') q (transport (λa, P a b) p x) = transport (λa, P a b') p (transport (P a) q x) :=
by induction p; induction q; reflexivity
definition pushout_total_seq_rel :
pushout (sigma_functor2 (total i) (seq_rel_functor i p))
(sigma_functor2 (total j) (seq_rel_functor j q)) ≃
Σ(x : Σ ⦃n : ℕ⦄, pushout (@i n) (@j n)), sigma (seq_rel seq_diagram_pushout x) :=
pushout.equiv _ _ _ _ (total_seq_rel f) (total_seq_rel g) (total_seq_rel h)
homotopy.rfl homotopy.rfl ⬝e
pushout_sigma_equiv_sigma_pushout i j ⬝e
(total_seq_rel seq_diagram_pushout)⁻¹ᵉ
definition pr1_pushout_total_seq_rel :
hsquare pushout_total_seq_rel (pushout_sigma_equiv_sigma_pushout i j)
(pushout.functor pr1 pr1 pr1 homotopy.rfl homotopy.rfl) pr1 :=
intro x, refine !pr1_total_seq_rel_inv ⬝ _, esimp,
refine !pushout_sigma_equiv_sigma_pushout_natural⁻¹ ⬝ _,
apply ap sigma_pushout_of_pushout_sigma,
refine !pushout_functor_compose⁻¹ ⬝ _,
fapply pushout_functor_homotopy,
{ intro v, induction v with a v, induction v with a' r, induction r, reflexivity },
{ intro v, induction v with a v, induction v with a' r, induction r, reflexivity },
{ intro v, induction v with a v, induction v with a' r, induction r, reflexivity },
{ intro v, induction v with a v, induction v with a' r, induction r, esimp, generalize p a,
generalize i (f a), intro x r, cases r, reflexivity },
{ intro v, induction v with a v, induction v with a' r, induction r, esimp, generalize q a,
generalize j (f a), intro x r, cases r, reflexivity },
definition pr2_pushout_total_seq_rel :
hsquare pushout_total_seq_rel (pushout_sigma_equiv_sigma_pushout i j)
(pushout.functor (λx, x.2.1) (λx, x.2.1) (λx, x.2.1) homotopy.rfl homotopy.rfl)
(λx, x.2.1) :=
intro x, apply pr2_total_seq_rel_inv,
/- this result depends on the 3x3 lemma, which is currently not formalized in Lean -/
definition pushout_seq_colim_equiv [constructor] :
pushout (seq_colim_functor i p) (seq_colim_functor j q) ≃ seq_colim seq_diagram_pushout :=
have e1 :
pushout (seq_colim_functor i p) (seq_colim_functor j q) ≃ pushout2hv pushout_seq_colim_span, from
pushout.equiv _ _ _ _ !quotient_equiv_pushout !quotient_equiv_pushout !quotient_equiv_pushout
refine _ ⬝hty quotient_equiv_pushout_natural (total i) (seq_rel_functor i p),
intro x, apply ap pushout_quotient_of_quotient,
induction x,
{ induction a with n a, reflexivity },
{ induction H, apply eq_pathover, apply hdeg_square,
refine !elim_glue ⬝ _ ⬝ !elim_eq_of_rel⁻¹,
unfold [seq_colim.glue, seq_rel_functor],
refine fn_tr_eq_tr_fn (p a)⁻¹ _ _ ⬝ eq_transport_Fl (p a)⁻¹ _ ⬝ _,
apply whisker_right, exact !ap_inv⁻² ⬝ !inv_inv }
refine _ ⬝hty quotient_equiv_pushout_natural (total j) (seq_rel_functor j q),
intro x, apply ap pushout_quotient_of_quotient,
induction x,
{ induction a with n a, reflexivity },
{ induction H, apply eq_pathover, apply hdeg_square,
refine !elim_glue ⬝ _ ⬝ !elim_eq_of_rel⁻¹,
unfold [seq_colim.glue, seq_rel_functor],
refine fn_tr_eq_tr_fn (q a)⁻¹ _ _ ⬝ eq_transport_Fl (q a)⁻¹ _ ⬝ _,
apply whisker_right, exact !ap_inv⁻² ⬝ !inv_inv }
have e2 : pushout2vh pushout_seq_colim_span ≃ pushout_quotient (seq_rel seq_diagram_pushout), from
pushout.equiv _ _ _ _
(!pushout_sum_equiv_sum_pushout ⬝e sum_equiv_sum pushout_total_seq_rel pushout_total_seq_rel)
(pushout_sigma_equiv_sigma_pushout i j)
intro x, symmetry,
refine sum_rec_hsquare pr1_pushout_total_seq_rel pr2_pushout_total_seq_rel
(!pushout_sum_equiv_sum_pushout x) ⬝ ap (pushout_sigma_equiv_sigma_pushout i j) _,
refine sum_rec_pushout_sum_equiv_sum_pushout _ _ _ _ x ⬝ _,
apply pushout_functor_homotopy_constant: intro x; induction x: reflexivity
intro x, symmetry,
refine !sum_rec_sum_functor ⬝ _,
refine sum_rec_same_compose
((total_seq_rel seq_diagram_pushout)⁻¹ᵉ ∘ pushout_sigma_equiv_sigma_pushout i j) _ _ ⬝ _,
apply ap (to_fun (total_seq_rel seq_diagram_pushout)⁻¹ᵉ ∘ to_fun
(pushout_sigma_equiv_sigma_pushout i j)),
refine !sum_rec_pushout_sum_equiv_sum_pushout ⬝ _,
refine _ ⬝ !pushout_functor_compose,
fapply pushout_functor_homotopy,
{ intro x, induction x: reflexivity },
{ intro x, induction x: reflexivity },
{ intro x, induction x: reflexivity },
{ intro x, induction x: exact (!idp_con ⬝ !ap_id ⬝ !inv_inv)⁻¹ },
{ intro x, induction x: exact (!idp_con ⬝ !ap_id ⬝ !inv_inv)⁻¹ }
e1 ⬝e three_by_three pushout_seq_colim_span ⬝e e2 ⬝e (quotient_equiv_pushout _)⁻¹ᵉ
definition seq_colim_pushout_equiv [constructor] : seq_colim seq_diagram_pushout ≃
pushout (seq_colim_functor i p) (seq_colim_functor j q) :=