Floris van Doorn 12f23c0dbe the free group on a decidable set eliminates to any InfGroup
Also develop more group theory for InfGroups
2018-03-25 16:51:23 -04:00

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Copyright (c) 2015 Floris van Doorn. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Floris van Doorn, Egbert Rijke
Constructions with groups
import algebra.group_theory hit.set_quotient types.list types.sum ..move_to_lib
open eq algebra is_trunc set_quotient relation sigma sigma.ops prod sum list trunc function equiv
prod.ops decidable is_equiv
universe variable u
namespace group
variables {G G' : Group} {g g' h h' k : G} {A B : AbGroup}
/- Free Group of a set -/
variables (X : Type) [is_set X] {l l' : list (X ⊎ X)}
namespace free_group
inductive free_group_rel : list (X ⊎ X) → list (X ⊎ X) → Type :=
| rrefl : Πl, free_group_rel l l
| cancel1 : Πx, free_group_rel [inl x, inr x] []
| cancel2 : Πx, free_group_rel [inr x, inl x] []
| resp_append : Π{l₁ l₂ l₃ l₄}, free_group_rel l₁ l₂ → free_group_rel l₃ l₄ →
free_group_rel (l₁ ++ l₃) (l₂ ++ l₄)
| rtrans : Π{l₁ l₂ l₃}, free_group_rel l₁ l₂ → free_group_rel l₂ l₃ →
free_group_rel l₁ l₃
open free_group_rel
local abbreviation R [reducible] := free_group_rel
attribute free_group_rel.rrefl [refl]
definition free_group_carrier [reducible] : Type := set_quotient (λx y, ∥R X x y∥)
local abbreviation FG := free_group_carrier
definition is_reflexive_R : is_reflexive (λx y, ∥R X x y∥) :=
begin constructor, intro s, apply tr, unfold R end
local attribute is_reflexive_R [instance]
variable {X}
theorem rel_respect_flip (r : R X l l') : R X (map sum.flip l) (map sum.flip l') :=
induction r with l x x l₁ l₂ l₃ l₄ r₁ r₂ IH₁ IH₂ l₁ l₂ l₃ r₁ r₂ IH₁ IH₂,
{ reflexivity},
{ repeat esimp [map], exact cancel2 x},
{ repeat esimp [map], exact cancel1 x},
{ rewrite [+map_append], exact resp_append IH₁ IH₂},
{ exact rtrans IH₁ IH₂}
theorem rel_respect_reverse (r : R X l l') : R X (reverse l) (reverse l') :=
induction r with l x x l₁ l₂ l₃ l₄ r₁ r₂ IH₁ IH₂ l₁ l₂ l₃ r₁ r₂ IH₁ IH₂,
{ reflexivity},
{ repeat esimp [map], exact cancel2 x},
{ repeat esimp [map], exact cancel1 x},
{ rewrite [+reverse_append], exact resp_append IH₂ IH₁},
{ exact rtrans IH₁ IH₂}
definition free_group_one [constructor] : FG X := class_of []
definition free_group_inv [unfold 3] : FG X → FG X :=
quotient_unary_map (reverse ∘ map sum.flip)
(λl l', trunc_functor -1 (rel_respect_reverse ∘ rel_respect_flip))
definition free_group_mul [unfold 3 4] : FG X → FG X → FG X :=
quotient_binary_map append (λl l', trunc.elim (λr m m', trunc.elim (λs, tr (resp_append r s))))
local notation 1 := free_group_one
local postfix ⁻¹ := free_group_inv
local infix * := free_group_mul
theorem free_group_mul_assoc (g₁ g₂ g₃ : FG X) : g₁ * g₂ * g₃ = g₁ * (g₂ * g₃) :=
refine set_quotient.rec_prop _ g₁,
refine set_quotient.rec_prop _ g₂,
refine set_quotient.rec_prop _ g₃,
clear g₁ g₂ g₃, intro g₁ g₂ g₃,
exact ap class_of !append.assoc
theorem free_group_one_mul (g : FG X) : 1 * g = g :=
refine set_quotient.rec_prop _ g, clear g, intro g,
exact ap class_of !append_nil_left
theorem free_group_mul_one (g : FG X) : g * 1 = g :=
refine set_quotient.rec_prop _ g, clear g, intro g,
exact ap class_of !append_nil_right
theorem free_group_mul_left_inv (g : FG X) : g⁻¹ * g = 1 :=
refine set_quotient.rec_prop _ g, clear g, intro g,
apply eq_of_rel, apply tr,
induction g with s l IH,
{ reflexivity},
{ rewrite [▸*, map_cons, reverse_cons, concat_append],
refine rtrans _ IH,
apply resp_append, reflexivity,
change R X ([flip s, s] ++ l) ([] ++ l),
apply resp_append,
induction s, apply cancel2, apply cancel1,
end free_group open free_group
-- export [reduce_hints] free_group
variables (X)
definition group_free_group [constructor] : group (free_group_carrier X) :=
group.mk _ free_group_mul free_group_mul_assoc free_group_one free_group_one_mul
free_group_mul_one free_group_inv free_group_mul_left_inv
definition free_group [constructor] : Group :=
Group.mk _ (group_free_group X)
/- The universal property of the free group -/
variables {X G}
definition free_group_inclusion [constructor] (x : X) : free_group X :=
class_of [inl x]
definition fgh_helper [unfold 6] (f : X → G) (g : G) (x : X + X) : G :=
g * sum.rec (λx, f x) (λx, (f x)⁻¹) x
theorem fgh_helper_respect_rel (f : X → G) (r : free_group_rel X l l')
: Π(g : G), foldl (fgh_helper f) g l = foldl (fgh_helper f) g l' :=
induction r with l x x l₁ l₂ l₃ l₄ r₁ r₂ IH₁ IH₂ l₁ l₂ l₃ r₁ r₂ IH₁ IH₂: intro g,
{ reflexivity},
{ unfold [foldl], apply mul_inv_cancel_right},
{ unfold [foldl], apply inv_mul_cancel_right},
{ rewrite [+foldl_append, IH₁, IH₂]},
{ exact !IH₁ ⬝ !IH₂}
theorem fgh_helper_mul (f : X → G) (l)
: Π(g : G), foldl (fgh_helper f) g l = g * foldl (fgh_helper f) 1 l :=
induction l with s l IH: intro g,
{ unfold [foldl], exact !mul_one⁻¹},
{ rewrite [+foldl_cons, IH], refine _ ⬝ (ap (λx, g * x) !IH⁻¹),
rewrite [-mul.assoc, ↑fgh_helper, one_mul]}
definition free_group_hom [constructor] (f : X → G) : free_group X →g G :=
fapply homomorphism.mk,
{ intro g, refine set_quotient.elim _ _ g,
{ intro l, exact foldl (fgh_helper f) 1 l},
{ intro l l' r, esimp at *, refine trunc.rec _ r, clear r, intro r,
exact fgh_helper_respect_rel f r 1}},
{ refine set_quotient.rec_prop _, intro l, refine set_quotient.rec_prop _, intro l',
esimp, refine !foldl_append ⬝ _, esimp, apply fgh_helper_mul}
definition free_group_hom_eq [constructor] {φ ψ : free_group X →g G}
(H : Πx, φ (free_group_inclusion x) = ψ (free_group_inclusion x)) : φ ~ ψ :=
refine set_quotient.rec_prop _, intro l,
induction l with s l IH,
{ exact respect_one φ ⬝ (respect_one ψ)⁻¹ },
{ refine respect_mul φ (class_of [s]) (class_of l) ⬝ _ ⬝
(respect_mul ψ (class_of [s]) (class_of l))⁻¹,
refine ap011 mul _ IH, induction s with x x, exact H x,
refine respect_inv φ (class_of [inl x]) ⬝ ap inv (H x) ⬝
(respect_inv ψ (class_of [inl x]))⁻¹ }
definition fn_of_free_group_hom [unfold_full] (φ : free_group X →g G) : X → G :=
φ ∘ free_group_inclusion
variables (X G)
definition free_group_hom_equiv_fn : (free_group X →g G) ≃ (X → G) :=
fapply equiv.MK,
{ exact fn_of_free_group_hom},
{ exact free_group_hom},
{ intro f, apply eq_of_homotopy, intro x, esimp, unfold [foldl], apply one_mul},
{ intro φ, apply homomorphism_eq, apply free_group_hom_eq, intro x, apply one_mul }
end group
/- alternative definition of free group on a set with decidable equality -/
namespace list
variables {X : Type.{u}} {v w : X ⊎ X} {l : list (X ⊎ X)}
inductive is_reduced {X : Type} : list (X ⊎ X) → Type :=
| nil : is_reduced []
| singleton : Πv, is_reduced [v]
| cons : Π⦃v w l⦄, sum.flip v ≠ w → is_reduced (w::l) → is_reduced (v::w::l)
definition is_reduced_code (H : is_reduced l) : Type.{u} :=
cases l with v l, { exact is_reduced.nil = H },
cases l with w l, { exact is_reduced.singleton v = H },
exact Σ(pH : sum.flip v ≠ w × is_reduced (w::l)), is_reduced.cons pH.1 pH.2 = H
definition is_reduced_encode (H : is_reduced l) : is_reduced_code H :=
induction H with v v w l p Hl IH,
{ exact idp },
{ exact idp },
{ exact ⟨(p, Hl), idp⟩ }
definition is_prop_is_reduced (l : list (X ⊎ X)) : is_prop (is_reduced l) :=
apply is_prop.mk, intro H₁ H₂, induction H₁ with v v w l p Hl IH,
{ exact is_reduced_encode H₂ },
{ exact is_reduced_encode H₂ },
{ cases is_reduced_encode H₂ with pH' q, cases pH' with p' Hl', esimp at q,
subst q, exact ap011 (λx y, is_reduced.cons x y) !is_prop.elim (IH Hl') }
definition rlist (X : Type) : Type :=
Σ(l : list (X ⊎ X)), is_reduced l
local attribute [instance] is_prop_is_reduced
definition rlist_eq {l l' : rlist X} (p : l.1 = l'.1) : l = l' :=
subtype_eq p
definition is_trunc_rlist {n : ℕ₋₂} {X : Type} (H : is_trunc (n.+2) X) : is_trunc (n.+2) (rlist X) :=
apply is_trunc_sigma, { apply is_trunc_list, apply is_trunc_sum },
intro l, apply is_trunc_succ_of_is_prop
definition is_reduced_invert (v : X ⊎ X) : is_reduced (v::l) → is_reduced l :=
assert H : Π⦃l'⦄, is_reduced l' → l' = v::l → is_reduced l,
{ intro l' Hl', revert l, induction Hl' with v' v' w' l' p' Hl' IH: intro l p,
{ cases p },
{ cases cons_eq_cons p with q r, subst r, apply is_reduced.nil },
{ cases cons_eq_cons p with q r, subst r, exact Hl' }},
intro Hl, exact H Hl idp
definition rnil [constructor] : rlist X :=
⟨[], !is_reduced.nil⟩
definition rsingleton [constructor] (x : X ⊎ X) : rlist X :=
⟨[x], !is_reduced.singleton⟩
definition is_reduced_doubleton [constructor] {x y : X ⊎ X} (p : flip x ≠ y) :
is_reduced [x, y] :=
is_reduced.cons p !is_reduced.singleton
definition rdoubleton [constructor] {x y : X ⊎ X} (p : flip x ≠ y) : rlist X :=
⟨[x, y], is_reduced_doubleton p⟩
definition is_reduced_concat (Hn : sum.flip v ≠ w) (Hl : is_reduced (concat v l)) :
is_reduced (concat w (concat v l)) :=
assert H : Π⦃l'⦄, is_reduced l' → l' = concat v l → is_reduced (concat w l'),
{ clear Hl, intro l' Hl', revert l, induction Hl' with v' v' w' l' p' Hl' IH: intro l p,
{ exfalso, exact concat_neq_nil _ _ p⁻¹ },
{ cases concat_eq_singleton p⁻¹ with q r, subst q,
exact is_reduced_doubleton Hn },
{ do 2 esimp [concat], apply is_reduced.cons p', cases l with x l,
{ cases p },
{ apply IH l, esimp [concat] at p, revert p, generalize concat v l, intro l'' p,
cases cons_eq_cons p with q r, exact r }}},
exact H Hl idp
definition is_reduced_reverse (H : is_reduced l) : is_reduced (reverse l) :=
induction H with v v w l p Hl IH,
{ apply is_reduced.nil },
{ apply is_reduced.singleton },
{ refine is_reduced_concat _ IH, intro q, apply p, subst q, apply flip_flip }
definition rreverse [constructor] (l : rlist X) : rlist X := ⟨reverse l.1, is_reduced_reverse l.2⟩
definition is_reduced_flip (H : is_reduced l) : is_reduced (map flip l) :=
induction H with v v w l p Hl IH,
{ apply is_reduced.nil },
{ apply is_reduced.singleton },
{ refine is_reduced.cons _ IH, intro q, apply p, exact !flip_flip⁻¹ ⬝ ap flip q ⬝ !flip_flip }
definition rflip [constructor] (l : rlist X) : rlist X := ⟨map flip l.1, is_reduced_flip l.2⟩
definition rcons' [decidable_eq X] (v : X ⊎ X) (l : list (X ⊎ X)) : list (X ⊎ X) :=
cases l with w l,
{ exact [v] },
{ exact if q : sum.flip v = w then l else v::w::l }
definition is_reduced_rcons [decidable_eq X] (v : X ⊎ X) (Hl : is_reduced l) :
is_reduced (rcons' v l) :=
cases l with w l, apply is_reduced.singleton,
apply dite (sum.flip v = w): intro q,
{ have is_set (X ⊎ X), from !is_trunc_sum,
rewrite [↑rcons', dite_true q _], exact is_reduced_invert w Hl },
{ rewrite [↑rcons', dite_false q], exact is_reduced.cons q Hl, }
definition rcons [constructor] [decidable_eq X] (v : X ⊎ X) (l : rlist X) : rlist X :=
⟨rcons' v l.1, is_reduced_rcons v l.2⟩
definition rcons_eq [decidable_eq X] : is_reduced (v::l) → rcons' v l = v :: l :=
assert H : Π⦃l'⦄, is_reduced l' → l' = v::l → rcons' v l = l',
{ intro l' Hl', revert l, induction Hl' with v' v' w' l' p' Hl' IH: intro l p,
{ cases p },
{ cases cons_eq_cons p with q r, subst r, cases p, reflexivity },
{ cases cons_eq_cons p with q r, subst q, subst r, rewrite [↑rcons', dite_false p'], }},
intro Hl, exact H Hl idp
definition rcons_rcons_eq [decidable_eq X] (p : flip v = w) (l : rlist X) :
rcons v (rcons w l) = l :=
have is_set (X ⊎ X), from !is_trunc_sum,
induction l with l Hl,
apply rlist_eq, esimp,
induction l with u l IH,
{ exact dite_true p _ },
{ apply dite (sum.flip w = u): intro q,
{ rewrite [↑rcons' at {1}, dite_true q _], subst p, induction (!flip_flip⁻¹ ⬝ q),
exact rcons_eq Hl },
{ rewrite [↑rcons', dite_false q, dite_true p _] }}
definition reduce_list' [decidable_eq X] (l : list (X ⊎ X)) : list (X ⊎ X) :=
induction l with v l IH,
{ exact [] },
{ exact rcons' v IH }
definition is_reduced_reduce_list [decidable_eq X] (l : list (X ⊎ X)) :
is_reduced (reduce_list' l) :=
induction l with v l IH, apply is_reduced.nil,
apply is_reduced_rcons, exact IH
definition reduce_list [constructor] [decidable_eq X] (l : list (X ⊎ X)) : rlist X :=
⟨reduce_list' l, is_reduced_reduce_list l⟩
definition rappend' [decidable_eq X] (l : list (X ⊎ X)) (l' : rlist X) : rlist X := foldr rcons l' l
definition rappend_rcons' [decidable_eq X] (x : X ⊎ X) (l₁ : list (X ⊎ X)) (l₂ : rlist X) :
rappend' (rcons' x l₁) l₂ = rcons x (rappend' l₁ l₂) :=
induction l₁ with x' l₁ IH,
{ reflexivity },
{ apply dite (sum.flip x = x'): intro p,
{ have is_set (X ⊎ X), from !is_trunc_sum, rewrite [↑rcons', dite_true p _],
exact (rcons_rcons_eq p _)⁻¹ },
{ rewrite [↑rcons', dite_false p] }}
definition rappend_cons' [decidable_eq X] (x : X ⊎ X) (l₁ : list (X ⊎ X)) (l₂ : rlist X) :
rappend' (x::l₁) l₂ = rcons x (rappend' l₁ l₂) :=
definition rappend [decidable_eq X] (l l' : rlist X) : rlist X := rappend' l.1 l'
definition rappend_rcons [decidable_eq X] (x : X ⊎ X) (l₁ l₂ : rlist X) :
rappend (rcons x l₁) l₂ = rcons x (rappend l₁ l₂) :=
rappend_rcons' x l₁.1 l₂
definition rappend_assoc [decidable_eq X] (l₁ l₂ l₃ : rlist X) :
rappend (rappend l₁ l₂) l₃ = rappend l₁ (rappend l₂ l₃) :=
induction l₁ with l₁ h, unfold rappend, clear h, induction l₁ with x l₁ IH,
{ reflexivity },
{ rewrite [rappend_cons', ▸*, rappend_rcons', IH] }
definition rappend_rnil [decidable_eq X] (l : rlist X) : rappend l rnil = l :=
induction l with l H, apply rlist_eq, esimp, induction H with v v w l p Hl IH,
{ reflexivity },
{ reflexivity },
{ rewrite [↑rappend at *, rappend_cons', ↑rcons, IH, ↑rcons', dite_false p] }
definition rnil_rappend [decidable_eq X] (l : rlist X) : rappend rnil l = l :=
by reflexivity
definition rappend_left_inv [decidable_eq X] (l : rlist X) :
rappend (rflip (rreverse l)) l = rnil :=
induction l with l H, apply rlist_eq, induction l with x l IH,
{ reflexivity },
{ have is_set (X ⊎ X), from !is_trunc_sum,
rewrite [↑rappend, ↑rappend', reverse_cons, map_concat, foldr_concat],
refine ap (λx, (rappend' _ x).1) (rlist_eq (dite_true !flip_flip _)) ⬝
IH (is_reduced_invert _ H) }
end list open list
namespace group
open sigma.ops
variables (X : Type) [decidable_eq X] {G : InfGroup}
definition group_dfree_group [constructor] : group (rlist X) :=
group.mk (is_trunc_rlist _) rappend rappend_assoc rnil rnil_rappend rappend_rnil
(rflip ∘ rreverse) rappend_left_inv
definition dfree_group [constructor] : Group :=
Group.mk _ (group_dfree_group X)
variable {X}
definition dfgh_helper [unfold 6] (f : X → G) (g : G) (x : X + X) : G :=
g * sum.rec (λx, f x) (λx, (f x)⁻¹) x
theorem dfgh_helper_mul (f : X → G) (l)
: Π(g : G), foldl (dfgh_helper f) g l = g * foldl (dfgh_helper f) 1 l :=
induction l with s l IH: intro g,
{ unfold [foldl], exact !mul_one⁻¹},
{ rewrite [+foldl_cons, IH], refine _ ⬝ (ap (λx, g * x) !IH⁻¹),
rewrite [-mul.assoc, ↑dfgh_helper, one_mul]}
definition dfgh_helper_rcons (f : X → G) (g : G) (x : X ⊎ X) {l : list (X ⊎ X)} :
foldl (dfgh_helper f) g (rcons' x l) = foldl (dfgh_helper f) g (x :: l) :=
cases l with x' l, reflexivity,
apply dite (sum.flip x = x'): intro q,
{ have is_set (X ⊎ X), from !is_trunc_sum,
rewrite [↑rcons', dite_true q _, foldl_cons, foldl_cons, -q],
induction x with x, rewrite [↑dfgh_helper,mul_inv_cancel_right],
rewrite [↑dfgh_helper,inv_mul_cancel_right] },
{ rewrite [↑rcons', dite_false q] }
definition dfgh_helper_rappend (f : X → G) (g : G) (l l' : rlist X) :
foldl (dfgh_helper f) g (rappend l l').1 = foldl (dfgh_helper f) g (l.1 ++ l'.1) :=
revert g, induction l with l lH, unfold rappend, clear lH,
induction l with v l IH: intro g, reflexivity,
rewrite [rappend_cons', ↑rcons, dfgh_helper_rcons, foldl_cons, IH]
local attribute [instance] is_prop_is_reduced
local attribute [coercion] InfGroup_of_Group
-- definition dfree_group_hom' [constructor] {G : InfGroup} (f : X → G) :
-- Σ(f : dfree_group X → G), is_mul_hom f :=
-- ⟨λx, foldl (fgh_helper f) 1 x.1,
-- begin intro l₁ l₂, exact !fgh_helper_rappend ⬝ !foldl_append ⬝ !fgh_helper_mul end⟩
-- definition dfree_group_hom_eq' [constructor] {φ ψ : dfree_group X →g G}
-- (H : Πx, φ (rsingleton (inl x)) = ψ (rsingleton (inl x))) : φ ~ ψ :=
-- begin
-- assert H2 : Πv, φ (rsingleton v) = ψ (rsingleton v),
-- { intro v, induction v with x x, exact H x,
-- exact respect_inv φ _ ⬝ ap inv (H x) ⬝ (respect_inv ψ _)⁻¹ },
-- intro l, induction l with l Hl,
-- induction Hl with v v w l p Hl IH,
-- { exact respect_one φ ⬝ (respect_one ψ)⁻¹ },
-- { exact H2 v },
-- { refine ap φ (rlist_eq (rcons_eq (is_reduced.cons p Hl))⁻¹) ⬝
-- respect_mul φ (rsingleton v) ⟨_, Hl⟩ ⬝ ap011 mul (H2 v) IH ⬝ _,
-- symmetry, exact ap ψ (rlist_eq (rcons_eq (is_reduced.cons p Hl))⁻¹) ⬝
-- respect_mul ψ (rsingleton v) ⟨_, Hl⟩ }
-- end
definition dfree_group_inf_hom [constructor] (G : InfGroup) (f : X → G) : dfree_group X →∞g G :=
inf_homomorphism.mk (λx, foldl (dfgh_helper f) 1 x.1)
(λl₁ l₂, !dfgh_helper_rappend ⬝ !foldl_append ⬝ !dfgh_helper_mul)
definition dfree_group_inf_hom_eq [constructor] {G : InfGroup} {φ ψ : dfree_group X →∞g G}
(H : Πx, φ (rsingleton (inl x)) = ψ (rsingleton (inl x))) : φ ~ ψ :=
assert H2 : Πv, φ (rsingleton v) = ψ (rsingleton v),
{ intro v, induction v with x x, exact H x,
exact to_respect_inv_inf φ _ ⬝ ap inv (H x) ⬝ (to_respect_inv_inf ψ _)⁻¹ },
intro l, induction l with l Hl,
induction Hl with v v w l p Hl IH,
{ exact to_respect_one_inf φ ⬝ (to_respect_one_inf ψ)⁻¹ },
{ exact H2 v },
{ refine ap φ (rlist_eq (rcons_eq (is_reduced.cons p Hl))⁻¹) ⬝
respect_mul φ (rsingleton v) ⟨_, Hl⟩ ⬝ ap011 mul (H2 v) IH ⬝ _,
symmetry, exact ap ψ (rlist_eq (rcons_eq (is_reduced.cons p Hl))⁻¹) ⬝
respect_mul ψ (rsingleton v) ⟨_, Hl⟩ }
definition dfree_group_hom [constructor] {G : Group} (f : X → G) : dfree_group X →g G :=
homomorphism_of_inf_homomorphism (dfree_group_inf_hom G f)
-- todo: use the inf-version
definition dfree_group_hom_eq [constructor] {G : Group} {φ ψ : dfree_group X →g G}
(H : Πx, φ (rsingleton (inl x)) = ψ (rsingleton (inl x))) : φ ~ ψ :=
assert H2 : Πv, φ (rsingleton v) = ψ (rsingleton v),
{ intro v, induction v with x x, exact H x,
exact to_respect_inv φ _ ⬝ ap inv (H x) ⬝ (to_respect_inv ψ _)⁻¹ },
intro l, induction l with l Hl,
induction Hl with v v w l p Hl IH,
{ exact to_respect_one φ ⬝ (to_respect_one ψ)⁻¹ },
{ exact H2 v },
{ refine ap φ (rlist_eq (rcons_eq (is_reduced.cons p Hl))⁻¹) ⬝
respect_mul φ (rsingleton v) ⟨_, Hl⟩ ⬝ ap011 mul (H2 v) IH ⬝ _,
symmetry, exact ap ψ (rlist_eq (rcons_eq (is_reduced.cons p Hl))⁻¹) ⬝
respect_mul ψ (rsingleton v) ⟨_, Hl⟩ }
variable (X)
definition free_group_of_dfree_group [constructor] : dfree_group X →g free_group X :=
dfree_group_hom free_group_inclusion
definition dfree_group_of_free_group [constructor] : free_group X →g dfree_group X :=
free_group_hom (λx, rsingleton (inl x))
definition dfree_group_isomorphism : dfree_group X ≃g free_group X :=
apply isomorphism.MK (free_group_of_dfree_group X) (dfree_group_of_free_group X),
{ apply free_group_hom_eq, intro x, reflexivity },
{ apply dfree_group_hom_eq, intro x, reflexivity }
end group