2017-05-11 17:25:02 -04:00

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Copyright (c) 2016 Egbert Rijke. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Egbert Rijke, Steve Awodey
Exact couple, derived couples, and so on
import algebra.group_theory hit.set_quotient types.sigma types.list types.sum .quotient_group .subgroup .ses
open eq algebra is_trunc set_quotient relation sigma sigma.ops prod prod.ops sum list trunc function group trunc
equiv is_equiv
definition is_differential {B : AbGroup} (d : B →g B) := Π(b:B), d (d b) = 1
definition image_subgroup_of_diff {B : AbGroup} (d : B →g B) (H : is_differential d) : subgroup_rel (ab_kernel d) :=
subgroup_rel_of_subgroup (image_subgroup d) (kernel_subgroup d)
intro g p,
induction p with f, induction f with h p,
rewrite [p⁻¹],
exact H h
definition diff_im_in_ker {B : AbGroup} (d : B →g B) (H : is_differential d) : Π(b : B), image_subgroup d b → kernel_subgroup d b :=
intro b p,
induction p with q, induction q with b' p, induction p, exact H b'
definition homology {B : AbGroup} (d : B →g B) (H : is_differential d) : AbGroup :=
@quotient_ab_group (ab_kernel d) (image_subgroup_of_diff d H)
definition homology_ugly {B : AbGroup} (d : B →g B) (H : is_differential d) : AbGroup :=
@quotient_ab_group (ab_kernel d) (image_subgroup (ab_subgroup_of_subgroup_incl (diff_im_in_ker d H)))
definition homology_iso_ugly {B : AbGroup} (d : B →g B) (H : is_differential d) : (homology d H) ≃g (homology_ugly d H) :=
fapply @iso_of_ab_qg_group (ab_kernel d),
intro a,
intro p, induction p with f, induction f with b p,
fapply tr, fapply fiber.mk, fapply sigma.mk, exact d b, fapply tr, fapply fiber.mk, exact b, reflexivity,
induction a with c q, fapply subtype_eq, refine p ⬝ _, reflexivity,
intro b p, induction p with f, induction f with c p, induction p,
induction c with a q, induction q with f, induction f with a' p, induction p,
fapply tr, fapply fiber.mk, exact a', reflexivity
definition SES_iso_C {A B C C' : AbGroup} (ses : SES A B C) (k : C ≃g C') : SES A B C' :=
fapply SES.mk,
exact SES.f ses,
exact k ∘g SES.g ses,
exact SES.Hf ses,
fapply @is_surjective_compose _ _ _ k (SES.g ses),
exact is_surjective_of_is_equiv k,
exact SES.Hg ses,
fapply is_exact.mk,
intro a,
note h := SES.ex ses,
note h2 := is_exact.im_in_ker h a,
refine ap k h2 ⬝ _ ,
exact to_respect_one k,
intro b,
intro k3,
note h := SES.ex ses,
note h3 := is_exact.ker_in_im h b,
fapply is_exact.ker_in_im h,
refine _ ⬝ ap k⁻¹ᵍ k3 ⬝ _ ,
exact (to_left_inv (equiv_of_isomorphism k) ((SES.g ses) b))⁻¹,
exact to_respect_one k⁻¹ᵍ
definition SES_of_differential_ugly {B : AbGroup} (d : B →g B) (H : is_differential d) : SES (ab_image d) (ab_kernel d) (homology_ugly d H) :=
exact SES_of_inclusion (ab_subgroup_of_subgroup_incl (diff_im_in_ker d H)) (is_embedding_ab_subgroup_of_subgroup_incl (diff_im_in_ker d H)),
definition SES_of_differential {B : AbGroup} (d : B →g B) (H : is_differential d) : SES (ab_image d) (ab_kernel d) (homology d H) :=
fapply SES_iso_C,
fapply SES_of_inclusion (ab_subgroup_of_subgroup_incl (diff_im_in_ker d H)) (is_embedding_ab_subgroup_of_subgroup_incl (diff_im_in_ker d H)),
exact (homology_iso_ugly d H)⁻¹ᵍ
structure exact_couple (A B : AbGroup) : Type :=
( i : A →g A) (j : A →g B) (k : B →g A)
( exact_ij : is_exact i j)
( exact_jk : is_exact j k)
( exact_ki : is_exact k i)
definition differential {A B : AbGroup} (EC : exact_couple A B) : B →g B :=
(exact_couple.j EC) ∘g (exact_couple.k EC)
definition differential_is_differential {A B : AbGroup} (EC : exact_couple A B) : is_differential (differential EC) :=
induction EC,
induction exact_jk,
intro b,
exact (ap (group_fun j) (im_in_ker (group_fun k b))) ⬝ (respect_one j)
section derived_couple
parameters {A B : AbGroup} (EC : exact_couple A B)
local abbreviation i := exact_couple.i EC
local abbreviation j := exact_couple.j EC
local abbreviation k := exact_couple.k EC
local abbreviation d := differential EC
local abbreviation H := differential_is_differential EC
definition derived_couple_A : AbGroup :=
ab_subgroup (image_subgroup i)
definition derived_couple_B : AbGroup :=
homology (differential EC) (differential_is_differential EC)
definition derived_couple_i : derived_couple_A →g derived_couple_A :=
(image_lift (exact_couple.i EC)) ∘g (image_incl (exact_couple.i EC))
definition SES_of_exact_couple_at_i : SES (ab_kernel i) A (ab_image i) :=
fapply SES_iso_C,
fapply SES_of_subgroup (kernel_subgroup i),
fapply ab_group_first_iso_thm i,
definition kj_zero (a : A) : k (j a) = 1 :=
exact sorry
definition j_factor : A →g (ab_kernel d) :=
fapply ab_hom_lift j,
intro a,
unfold kernel_subgroup,
exact calc
d (j a) = j (k (j a)) : rfl
... = j 1 : by exact ap j (kj_zero a)
... = 1 : to_respect_one,
definition derived_couple_j : derived_couple_A EC →g derived_couple_B EC :=
exact sorry,
-- refine (comm_gq_map (comm_kernel (boundary CC)) (image_subgroup_of_bd (boundary CC) (boundary_is_boundary CC))) ∘g _,
end derived_couple