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34 lines
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A list of bugs and/or unintuitive behavior in Lean 2:
- When using the "have" or "assert" tactic, no coercion is applied to the type. So you have to write for example
`have g : Group.carrier G, from _,`
instead of
`have g : G, from _,`
- coercions are still displayed by the pretty printer
- When using the calc mode for homotopies, you have to give the proofs using a tactic (e.g. `by exact foo` instead of `foo`)
- A file named "module.hlean" cannot be imported using `import .module` because `module` is a keyword (but it can be imported using `import ..foo.module`)
Issues which are not bugs, but still good to know
- once you start tactic mode, you cannot specify universe levels anymore
- esimp is slow, and runs out of memory easily. It is good behavior to split up definitions. So instead of
equiv.MK (* big function *)
(* big inverse *)
(* long proof *)
(* long proof *)
first write the functions f and g and then write
equiv.MK f
abstract (* long proof *) end
abstract (* long proof *) end
this has the additional advantage that if f and/or g are defined using induction, they will only reduce if they are applied to arguments for which they actually reduce (assuming they have the correct [unfold n] flag.
- unfold [foo] also does various (sometimes unwanted) reductions (as if you called esimp)