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-- authors: Floris van Doorn, Egbert Rijke
import hit.colimit types.fin homotopy.chain_complex types.pointed2
open seq_colim pointed algebra eq is_trunc nat is_equiv equiv sigma sigma.ops chain_complex
namespace seq_colim
definition pseq_colim [constructor] {X : → Type*} (f : Πn, X n →* X (n+1)) : Type* :=
pointed.MK (seq_colim f) (@sι _ _ 0 pt)
definition inclusion_pt {X : → Type*} (f : Πn, X n →* X (n+1)) (n : )
: inclusion f (Point (X n)) = Point (pseq_colim f) :=
induction n with n p,
exact (ap (sι f) (respect_pt _))⁻¹ᵖ ⬝ (!glue ⬝ p)
definition pinclusion [constructor] {X : → Type*} (f : Πn, X n →* X (n+1)) (n : )
: X n →* pseq_colim f :=
pmap.mk (inclusion f) (inclusion_pt f n)
definition seq_diagram [reducible] (A : → Type) : Type := Π⦃n⦄, A n → A (succ n)
definition pseq_diagram [reducible] (A : → Type*) : Type := Π⦃n⦄, A n →* A (succ n)
structure Seq_diagram : Type :=
(carrier : → Type)
(struct : seq_diagram carrier)
definition is_equiseq [reducible] {A : → Type} (f : seq_diagram A) : Type :=
forall (n : ), is_equiv (@f n)
structure Equi_seq : Type :=
(carrier : → Type)
(maps : seq_diagram carrier)
(prop : is_equiseq maps)
protected abbreviation Mk [constructor] := Seq_diagram.mk
attribute Seq_diagram.carrier [coercion]
attribute Seq_diagram.struct [coercion]
variables {A : → Type} (f : seq_diagram A)
include f
definition rep0 [reducible] (k : ) : A 0 → A k :=
intro a,
induction k with k x,
exact a,
exact f x
definition is_equiv_rep0 [constructor] [H : is_equiseq f] (k : ) :
is_equiv (rep0 f k) :=
induction k with k IH,
{ apply is_equiv_id},
{ apply is_equiv_compose (@f _) (rep0 f k)},
local attribute is_equiv_rep0 [instance]
definition rep0_back [reducible] [H : is_equiseq f] (k : ) : A k → A 0 :=
(rep0 f k)⁻¹
section generalized_rep
variable {n : }
definition rep [reducible] (k : ) (a : A n) : A (n + k) :=
by induction k with k x; exact a; exact f x
definition rep_f (k : ) (a : A n) : pathover A (rep f k (f a)) (succ_add n k) (rep f (succ k) a) :=
induction k with k IH,
{ constructor},
{ apply pathover_ap, exact apo f IH}
definition rep_back [H : is_equiseq f] (k : ) (a : A (n + k)) : A n :=
induction k with k g,
exact a,
exact g ((@f (n + k))⁻¹ a),
definition is_equiv_rep [constructor] [H : is_equiseq f] (k : ) :
is_equiv (λ (a : A n), rep f k a) :=
fapply adjointify,
{ exact rep_back f k},
{ induction k with k IH: intro b,
{ reflexivity},
unfold rep,
unfold rep_back,
fold [rep f k (rep_back f k ((@f (n+k))⁻¹ b))],
refine ap (@f (n+k)) (IH ((@f (n+k))⁻¹ b)) ⬝ _,
apply right_inv (@f (n+k))},
induction k with k IH: intro b,
exact rfl,
unfold rep_back,
unfold rep,
fold [rep f k b],
refine _ ⬝ IH b,
exact ap (rep_back f k) (left_inv (@f (n+k)) (rep f k b))
definition rep_rep (k l : ) (a : A n) :
pathover A (rep f k (rep f l a)) (nat.add_assoc n l k) (rep f (l + k) a) :=
induction k with k IH,
{ constructor},
{ apply pathover_ap, exact apo f IH}
definition f_rep (k : ) (a : A n) : f (rep f k a) = rep f (succ k) a := idp
end generalized_rep
section shift
definition shift_diag [unfold_full] : seq_diagram (λn, A (succ n)) :=
λn a, f a
definition kshift_diag [unfold_full] (k : ) : seq_diagram (λn, A (k + n)) :=
λn a, f a
definition kshift_diag' [unfold_full] (k : ) : seq_diagram (λn, A (n + k)) :=
λn a, transport A (succ_add n k)⁻¹ (f a)
end shift
section constructions
omit f
definition constant_seq (X : Type) : seq_diagram (λ n, X) :=
λ n x, x
definition seq_diagram_arrow_left [unfold_full] (X : Type) : seq_diagram (λn, X → A n) :=
λn g x, f (g x)
-- inductive finset : → Type :=
-- | fin : forall n, finset n → finset (succ n)
-- | ftop : forall n, finset (succ n)
definition seq_diagram_fin : seq_diagram fin :=
λn, fin.lift_succ
definition id0_seq (x y : A 0) : → Type :=
λ k, rep0 f k x = rep0 f k y
definition id0_seq_diagram (x y : A 0) : seq_diagram (id0_seq f x y) :=
λ (k : ) (p : rep0 f k x = rep0 f k y), ap (@f k) p
definition id_seq (n : ) (x y : A n) : → Type :=
λ k, rep f k x = rep f k y
definition id_seq_diagram (n : ) (x y : A n) : seq_diagram (id_seq f n x y) :=
λ (k : ) (p : rep f k x = rep f k y), ap (@f (n + k)) p
end constructions
section over
variable {A}
variable (P : Π⦃n⦄, A n → Type)
definition seq_diagram_over : Type := Π⦃n⦄ {a : A n}, P a → P (f a)
variable (g : seq_diagram_over f P)
variables {f P}
definition seq_diagram_of_over [unfold_full] {n : } (a : A n) :
seq_diagram (λk, P (rep f k a)) :=
λk p, g p
definition seq_diagram_sigma [unfold 6] : seq_diagram (λn, Σ(x : A n), P x) :=
λn v, ⟨f v.1, g v.2⟩
variables {n : } (f P)
theorem rep_f_equiv [constructor] (a : A n) (k : ) :
P (rep f k (f a)) ≃ P (rep f (succ k) a) :=
equiv_apd011 P (rep_f f k a)
theorem rep_rep_equiv [constructor] (a : A n) (k l : ) :
P (rep f (l + k) a) ≃ P (rep f k (rep f l a)) :=
(equiv_apd011 P (rep_rep f k l a))⁻¹ᵉ
end over
omit f
-- do we need to generalize this to the case where the bottom sequence consists of equivalences?
definition seq_diagram_pi {X : Type} {A : X → → Type} (g : Π⦃x n⦄, A x n → A x (succ n)) :
seq_diagram (λn, Πx, A x n) :=
λn f x, g (f x)
namespace ops
abbreviation ι [constructor] := @inclusion
abbreviation pι [constructor] {A} (f) {n} := @pinclusion A f n
abbreviation pι' [constructor] [parsing_only] := @pinclusion
abbreviation ι' [constructor] [parsing_only] {A} (f n) := @inclusion A f n
end ops
open seq_colim.ops
definition rep0_glue (k : ) (a : A 0) : ι f (rep0 f k a) = ι f a :=
induction k with k IH,
{ reflexivity},
{ exact glue f (rep0 f k a) ⬝ IH}
definition shift_up [unfold 3] (x : seq_colim f) : seq_colim (shift_diag f) :=
induction x,
{ exact ι _ (f a)},
{ exact glue _ (f a)}
definition shift_down [unfold 3] (x : seq_colim (shift_diag f)) : seq_colim f :=
induction x,
{ exact ι f a},
{ exact glue f a}
definition shift_equiv [constructor] : seq_colim f ≃ seq_colim (shift_diag f) :=
equiv.MK (shift_up f)
(shift_down f)
abstract begin
intro x, induction x,
{ esimp, exact glue _ a},
{ apply eq_pathover,
rewrite [▸*, ap_id, ap_compose (shift_up f) (shift_down f), ↑shift_down,
apply square_of_eq, apply whisker_right, exact !elim_glue⁻¹}
end end
abstract begin
intro x, induction x,
{ exact glue _ a},
{ apply eq_pathover,
rewrite [▸*, ap_id, ap_compose (shift_down f) (shift_up f), ↑shift_up,
apply square_of_eq, apply whisker_right, exact !elim_glue⁻¹}
end end
definition pshift_equiv [constructor] {A : → Type*} (f : Πn, A n →* A (succ n)) :
pseq_colim f ≃* pseq_colim (λn, f (n+1)) :=
fapply pequiv_of_equiv,
{ apply shift_equiv },
{ exact ap (ι _) !respect_pt }
definition pshift_equiv_pinclusion {A : → Type*} (f : Πn, A n →* A (succ n)) (n : ) :
psquare (pinclusion f n) (pinclusion (λn, f (n+1)) n) (f n) (pshift_equiv f) :=
phomotopy.mk homotopy.rfl begin
refine !idp_con ⬝ _, esimp,
induction n with n IH,
{ esimp[inclusion_pt], esimp[shift_diag], exact !idp_con⁻¹ },
{ esimp[inclusion_pt], refine !con_inv_cancel_left ⬝ _,
rewrite ap_con, rewrite ap_con,
refine _ ⬝ whisker_right _ !con.assoc,
refine _ ⬝ (con.assoc (_ ⬝ _) _ _)⁻¹,
xrewrite [-IH],
esimp[shift_up], rewrite [elim_glue, ap_inv, -ap_compose'], esimp,
rewrite [-+con.assoc], apply whisker_right,
rewrite con.assoc, apply !eq_inv_con_of_con_eq,
symmetry, exact eq_of_square !natural_square
section functor
variable {f}
variables {A' : → Type} {f' : seq_diagram A'}
variables (g : Π⦃n⦄, A n → A' n) (p : Π⦃n⦄ (a : A n), g (f a) = f' (g a))
include p
definition seq_colim_functor [unfold 7] : seq_colim f → seq_colim f' :=
intro x, induction x with n a n a,
{ exact ι f' (g a)},
{ exact ap (ι f') (p a) ⬝ glue f' (g a)}
theorem seq_colim_functor_glue {n : } (a : A n)
: ap (seq_colim_functor g p) (glue f a) = ap (ι f') (p a) ⬝ glue f' (g a) :=
omit p
definition is_equiv_seq_colim_functor [constructor] [H : Πn, is_equiv (@g n)]
: is_equiv (seq_colim_functor @g p) :=
adjointify _ (seq_colim_functor (λn, (@g _)⁻¹) (λn a, inv_commute' g f f' p a))
abstract begin
intro x, induction x,
{ esimp, exact ap (ι _) (right_inv (@g _) a)},
{ apply eq_pathover,
rewrite [ap_id, ap_compose (seq_colim_functor g p) (seq_colim_functor _ _),
seq_colim_functor_glue _ _ a, ap_con, ▸*,
seq_colim_functor_glue _ _ ((@g _)⁻¹ a), -ap_compose, ↑[function.compose],
ap_compose (ι _) (@g _),ap_inv_commute',+ap_con, con.assoc,
+ap_inv, inv_con_cancel_left, con.assoc, -ap_compose],
apply whisker_tl, apply move_left_of_top, esimp,
apply transpose, apply square_of_pathover, apply apd}
end end
abstract begin
intro x, induction x,
{ esimp, exact ap (ι _) (left_inv (@g _) a)},
{ apply eq_pathover,
rewrite [ap_id, ap_compose (seq_colim_functor _ _) (seq_colim_functor _ _),
seq_colim_functor_glue _ _ a, ap_con,▸*, seq_colim_functor_glue _ _ (g a),
-ap_compose, ↑[function.compose], ap_compose (ι f) (@g _)⁻¹, inv_commute'_fn,
+ap_con, con.assoc, con.assoc, +ap_inv, con_inv_cancel_left, -ap_compose],
apply whisker_tl, apply move_left_of_top, esimp,
apply transpose, apply square_of_pathover, apply apd}
end end
definition seq_colim_equiv [constructor] (g : Π{n}, A n ≃ A' n)
(p : Π⦃n⦄ (a : A n), g (f a) = f' (g a)) : seq_colim f ≃ seq_colim f' :=
equiv.mk _ (is_equiv_seq_colim_functor @g p)
definition seq_colim_rec_unc [unfold 4] {P : seq_colim f → Type}
(v : Σ(Pincl : Π ⦃n : ℕ⦄ (a : A n), P (ι f a)),
Π ⦃n : ℕ⦄ (a : A n), Pincl (f a) =[glue f a] Pincl a)
: Π(x : seq_colim f), P x :=
by induction v with Pincl Pglue; exact seq_colim.rec f Pincl Pglue
definition pseq_colim_pequiv [constructor] {A A' : → Type*} {f : Π{n}, A n →* A (n+1)}
{f' : Π{n}, A' n →* A' (n+1)} (g : Π{n}, A n ≃* A' n)
(p : Π⦃n⦄, g ∘* f ~ f' ∘* g) : pseq_colim @f ≃* pseq_colim @f' :=
pequiv_of_equiv (seq_colim_equiv @g p) (ap (ι _) (respect_pt g))
definition seq_colim_equiv_constant [constructor] {A : → Type*} {f f' : Π⦃n⦄, A n → A (n+1)}
(p : Π⦃n⦄ (a : A n), f a = f' a) : seq_colim f ≃ seq_colim f' :=
seq_colim_equiv (λn, erfl) p
definition pseq_colim_equiv_constant [constructor] {A : → Type*} {f f' : Π{n}, A n →* A (n+1)}
(p : Π⦃n⦄, f ~ f') : pseq_colim @f ≃* pseq_colim @f' :=
pseq_colim_pequiv (λn, pequiv.rfl) p
definition pseq_colim_pequiv_pinclusion {A A' : → Type*} {f : Π(n), A n →* A (n+1)}
{f' : Π(n), A' n →* A' (n+1)} (g : Π(n), A n ≃* A' n)
(p : Π⦃n⦄, g (n+1) ∘* f n ~* f' n ∘* g n) (n : ) :
psquare (pinclusion f n) (pinclusion f' n) (g n) (pseq_colim_pequiv g p) :=
phomotopy.mk homotopy.rfl begin
esimp, refine !idp_con ⬝ _,
induction n with n IH,
{ esimp[inclusion_pt], exact !idp_con⁻¹ },
{ esimp[inclusion_pt], rewrite [+ap_con, -+ap_inv, +con.assoc, +seq_colim_functor_glue],
rewrite[-+ap_compose', -+con.assoc],
apply whisker_right, esimp,
rewrite[(eq_con_inv_of_con_eq (!to_homotopy_pt))],
rewrite[ap_con], esimp,
rewrite[ap_con], rewrite[-ap_compose'],
refine _ ⬝ whisker_right _ (whisker_right _ (whisker_right _ (whisker_right _ !con.left_inv⁻¹))),
rewrite[+con.assoc], apply whisker_left,
rewrite[ap_con], rewrite[-ap_compose'],
rewrite[+con.assoc], apply whisker_left,
refine eq_inv_con_of_con_eq _,
symmetry, exact eq_of_square !natural_square
definition seq_colim_equiv_constant_pinclusion {A : → Type*} {f f' : Π⦃n⦄, A n →* A (n+1)}
(p : Π⦃n⦄ (a : A n), f a = f' a) (n : ) :
pseq_colim_equiv_constant p ∘* pinclusion f n ~* pinclusion f' n :=
definition is_equiv_seq_colim_rec (P : seq_colim f → Type) :
is_equiv (seq_colim_rec_unc :
(Σ(Pincl : Π ⦃n : ℕ⦄ (a : A n), P (ι f a)),
Π ⦃n : ℕ⦄ (a : A n), Pincl (f a) =[glue f a] Pincl a)
→ (Π (aa : seq_colim f), P aa)) :=
fapply adjointify,
{ intro s, exact ⟨λn a, s (ι f a), λn a, apd s (glue f a)⟩},
{ intro s, apply eq_of_homotopy, intro x, induction x,
{ reflexivity},
{ apply eq_pathover_dep, esimp, apply hdeg_squareover, apply rec_glue}},
{ intro v, induction v with Pincl Pglue, fapply ap (sigma.mk _),
apply eq_of_homotopy2, intros n a, apply rec_glue},
/- universal property -/
definition equiv_seq_colim_rec (P : seq_colim f → Type) :
(Σ(Pincl : Π ⦃n : ℕ⦄ (a : A n), P (ι f a)),
Π ⦃n : ℕ⦄ (a : A n), Pincl (f a) =[glue f a] Pincl a) ≃ (Π (aa : seq_colim f), P aa) :=
equiv.mk _ !is_equiv_seq_colim_rec
end functor
definition pseq_colim.elim [constructor] {A : → Type*} {B : Type*} {f : Π{n}, A n →* A (n+1)}
(g : Πn, A n →* B) (p : Πn, g (n+1) ∘* f ~ g n) : pseq_colim @f →* B :=
fapply pmap.mk,
{ intro x, induction x with n a n a,
{ exact g n a },
{ exact p n a }},
{ esimp, apply respect_pt }
definition prep0 [constructor] {A : → Type*} (f : pseq_diagram A) (k : ) : A 0 →* A k :=
pmap.mk (rep0 (λn x, f x) k)
begin induction k with k p, reflexivity, exact ap (@f k) p ⬝ !respect_pt end
definition respect_pt_prep0_succ {A : → Type*} (f : pseq_diagram A) (k : )
: respect_pt (prep0 f (succ k)) = ap (@f k) (respect_pt (prep0 f k)) ⬝ respect_pt (@f k) :=
by reflexivity
theorem prep0_succ_lemma {A : → Type*} (f : pseq_diagram A) (n : )
(p : rep0 (λn x, f x) n pt = rep0 (λn x, f x) n pt)
(q : prep0 f n (Point (A 0)) = Point (A n))
: loop_equiv_eq_closed (ap (@f n) q ⬝ respect_pt (@f n))
(ap (@f n) p) = Ω→(@f n) (loop_equiv_eq_closed q p) :=
by rewrite [▸*, con_inv, ↑ap1_gen, +ap_con, ap_inv, +con.assoc]
definition succ_add_tr_rep {n : } (k : ) (x : A n)
: transport A (succ_add n k) (rep f k (f x)) = rep f (succ k) x :=
induction k with k p,
exact tr_ap A succ (succ_add n k) _ ⬝ (fn_tr_eq_tr_fn (succ_add n k) f _)⁻¹ ⬝ ap (@f _) p,
definition succ_add_tr_rep_succ {n : } (k : ) (x : A n)
: succ_add_tr_rep f (succ k) x = tr_ap A succ (succ_add n k) _ ⬝
(fn_tr_eq_tr_fn (succ_add n k) f _)⁻¹ ⬝ ap (@f _) (succ_add_tr_rep f k x) :=
by reflexivity
definition code_glue_equiv [constructor] {n : } (k : ) (x y : A n)
: rep f k (f x) = rep f k (f y) ≃ rep f (succ k) x = rep f (succ k) y :=
refine eq_equiv_fn_eq_of_equiv (equiv_ap A (succ_add n k)) _ _ ⬝e _,
apply eq_equiv_eq_closed,
exact succ_add_tr_rep f k x,
exact succ_add_tr_rep f k y
theorem code_glue_equiv_ap {n : } {k : } {x y : A n} (p : rep f k (f x) = rep f k (f y))
: code_glue_equiv f (succ k) x y (ap (@f _) p) = ap (@f _) (code_glue_equiv f k x y p) :=
rewrite [▸*, +ap_con, ap_inv, +succ_add_tr_rep_succ, con_inv, inv_con_inv_right, +con.assoc],
apply whisker_left,
rewrite [- +con.assoc], apply whisker_right, rewrite [- +ap_compose'],
note s := (eq_top_of_square (natural_square_tr
(λx, fn_tr_eq_tr_fn (succ_add n k) f x ⬝ (tr_ap A succ (succ_add n k) (f x))⁻¹) p))⁻¹ᵖ,
rewrite [inv_con_inv_right at s, -con.assoc at s], exact s
parameters {X : → Type} (g : seq_diagram X) (x : X 0)
definition rep_eq_diag ⦃n : ℕ⦄ (y : X n) : seq_diagram (λk, rep g k (rep0 g n x) = rep g k y) :=
proof λk, ap (@g (n + k)) qed
definition code_incl ⦃n : ℕ⦄ (y : X n) : Type :=
seq_colim (rep_eq_diag y)
definition code [unfold 4] : seq_colim g → Type :=
seq_colim.elim_type g code_incl
intro n y,
refine _ ⬝e !shift_equiv⁻¹ᵉ,
fapply seq_colim_equiv,
{ intro k, exact code_glue_equiv g k (rep0 g n x) y },
{ intro k p, exact code_glue_equiv_ap g p }
definition encode [unfold 5] (y : seq_colim g) (p : ι g x = y) : code y :=
transport code p (ι' _ 0 idp)
definition decode [unfold 4] (y : seq_colim g) (c : code y) : ι g x = y :=
induction y,
{ esimp at c, exact sorry },
{ exact sorry }
definition decode_encode (y : seq_colim g) (p : ι g x = y) : decode y (encode y p) = p :=
definition encode_decode (y : seq_colim g) (c : code y) : encode y (decode y c) = c :=
definition seq_colim_eq_equiv_code [constructor] (y : seq_colim g) : (ι g x = y) ≃ code y :=
equiv.MK (encode y) (decode y) (encode_decode y) (decode_encode y)
definition seq_colim_eq {n : } (y : X n) : (ι g x = ι g y) ≃ seq_colim (rep_eq_diag y) :=
proof seq_colim_eq_equiv_code (ι g y) qed
definition rep0_eq_diag {X : → Type} (f : seq_diagram X) (x y : X 0)
: seq_diagram (λk, rep0 f k x = rep0 f k y) :=
proof λk, ap (@f (k)) qed
definition seq_colim_eq0 {X : → Type} (f : seq_diagram X) (x y : X 0) :
(ι f x = ι f y) ≃ seq_colim (rep0_eq_diag f x y) :=
refine !seq_colim_eq ⬝e _,
fapply seq_colim_equiv,
{ intro n, exact sorry},
{ intro n p, exact sorry }
definition pseq_colim_loop {X : → Type*} (f : Πn, X n →* X (n+1)) :
Ω (pseq_colim f) ≃* pseq_colim (λn, Ω→(f n)) :=
fapply pequiv_of_equiv,
{ refine !seq_colim_eq0 ⬝e _,
fapply seq_colim_equiv,
{ intro n, exact loop_equiv_eq_closed (respect_pt (prep0 f n)) },
{ intro n p, apply prep0_succ_lemma }},
{ exact sorry }
definition pseq_colim_loop_pinclusion {X : → Type*} (f : Πn, X n →* X (n+1)) (n : ) :
pseq_colim_loop f ∘* Ω→ (pinclusion f n) ~* pinclusion (λn, Ω→(f n)) n :=
-- open succ_str
-- definition pseq_colim_succ_str_change_index' {N : succ_str} {B : N → Type*} (n : N) (m : )
-- (h : Πn, B n →* B (S n)) :
-- pseq_colim (λk, h (n +' (m + succ k))) ≃* pseq_colim (λk, h (S n +' (m + k))) :=
-- sorry
-- definition pseq_colim_succ_str_change_index {N : succ_str} {B : → N → Type*} (n : N)
-- (h : Π(k : ) n, B k n →* B k (S n)) :
-- pseq_colim (λk, h k (n +' succ k)) ≃* pseq_colim (λk, h k (S n +' k)) :=
-- sorry
-- definition pseq_colim_index_eq_general {N : succ_str} (B : N → Type*) (f g : → N) (p : f ~ g)
-- (pf : Πn, S (f n) = f (n+1)) (pg : Πn, S (g n) = g (n+1)) (h : Πn, B n →* B (S n)) :
-- @pseq_colim (λn, B (f n)) (λn, ptransport B (pf n) ∘* h (f n)) ≃*
-- @pseq_colim (λn, B (g n)) (λn, ptransport B (pg n) ∘* h (g n)) :=
-- sorry
end seq_colim