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Spectral Sequences in Homotopy Type Theory
Formalization project of the CMU HoTT group to formalize the Serre spectral sequence.
Update July 16: The construction of the Serre spectral sequence has been completed. The result is serre_convergence
in cohomology.serre
The main algebra part is in algebra.spectral_sequence
This repository also contains the contents of the MRC group on formalizing homology in Lean.
Jeremy Avigad, Steve Awodey, Ulrik Buchholtz, Floris van Doorn, Clive Newstead, Egbert Rijke, Mike Shulman.
- Mike's blog posts on ncatlab.
- The Licata-Finster article about Eilenberg-Mac Lane spaces.
- We learned about the Serre spectral sequence from Hatcher's chapter about spectral sequences.
- Lang's algebra (revised 3rd edition) contains a chapter on general homology theory, with a section on spectral sequences. Thus, we can use this book at least as an outline for the algebraic part of the project.
- Mac Lane's Homology contains a lot of homological algebra and a chapter on spectral sequences, including exact couples.
Contents for Lean spectral sequences project
These projects are done
- Given a sequence of spectra and maps, indexed over
, we get an exact couple, indexed overℤ × ℤ
. - We can derive an exact couple.
- If the exact couple is bounded, we repeat this process to get a convergent spectral sequence.
- We construct the Atiyah-Hirzebruch and Serre spectral sequences for cohomology.
Future directions
- Hurewicz Theorem and Hurewicz theorem modulo a Serre class. There is a proof in Hatcher. Also, this might be useful.
- Homological Serre spectral sequence.
- Interaction between steenrod squares and cup product with spectral sequences
- ...
To do
- Constructions: tensor, hom, projective, Tor (at least on groups)
- Finite groups, Finitely generated groups, torsion groups
- Serre classes
- vector spaces,
In Progress
- groups, rings, fields, R-modules, graded R-modules.
- Constructions on groups and abelian groups:: subgroup, quotient, product, free groups.
- Constructions on ablian groups: direct sum, sequential colimi.
- exact sequences, short and long.
- chain complexes and homology.
- exact couples graded over an arbitrary indexing set.
- spectral sequence of an exact couple.
- convergence of spectral sequences.
To do
- cofiber sequences
- Hom'ing out gives a fiber sequence: if
A → B → coker f
cofiber sequences, thenX^A → X^B → X^(coker f)
is a fiber sequence.
- Hom'ing out gives a fiber sequence: if
- fiber and cofiber sequences of spectra, stability
- limits are levelwise
- colimits need to be spectrified
- long exact sequence from cofiber sequences of spectra
- indexed on ℤ, need to splice together LES's
- Cup product on cohomology groups
- Parametrized and unreduced homology
- Steenrod squares
- ...
To do (short-term easy projects)
- Compute cohomology groups of
K(ℤ, n)
- Compute cohomology groups of
- Show that all fibration sequences between spheres are of the form
Sⁿ → S²ⁿ⁺¹ → Sⁿ⁺¹
. - Compute fiber of
K(φ, n)
for group homφ
in general and if it's injective/surjective - [Steve] Prove
Σ (X × Y) ≃* Σ X ∨ Σ Y ∨ Σ (X ∧ Y)
, whereΣ
is suspension. Seehomotopy.susp_product
In Progress
- prespectra and spectra, indexed over an arbitrary type with a successor
- think about equivariant spectra indexed by representations of
- think about equivariant spectra indexed by representations of
- spectrification
- adjoint to forgetful
- as sequential colimit, prove induction principle
- connective spectrum:
is_conn n.-2 Eₙ
- Postnikov towers of spectra.
- basic definition already there
- fibers of Postnikov sequence unstably and stably
- parametrized spectra, parametrized smash and hom between types and spectra.
- Check Eilenberg-Steenrod axioms for reduced homology.
- Most things in the HoTT Book up to Section 8.9 (see this file)
- pointed types, maps, homotopies and equivalences
- Eilenberg-MacLane spaces and EM-spectrum
- fiber sequence
- already have the LES
- need shift isomorphism
- Hom'ing into a fiber sequence gives another fiber sequence.
- long exact sequence of homotopy groups of spectra, indexed on ℤ
- exact couple of a tower of spectra
- need to splice together LES's
- We will try to make sure that this repository compiles with the newest version of Lean 2.
- Installation instructions for Lean 2 can be found here.
- Some notes on the Emacs mode can be found here (for example if some unicode characters don't show up, or increase the spacing between lines by a lot).
- If you contribute, please use rebase instead of merge (e.g.
git pull -r
). - We try to separate the repository into the folders
. Homotopy theotic properties of types which do not explicitly mention homotopy, homology or cohomology groups (such asA ∧ B ≃* B ∧ A
) are part ofhomotopy