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import .pushout types.pointed2 ..move_to_lib
open susp eq pointed function is_equiv lift equiv is_trunc nat
namespace susp
variables {X X' Y Y' Z : Type*}
definition iterate_susp_iterate_susp_rev (n m : ) (A : Type*) :
iterate_susp n (iterate_susp m A) ≃* iterate_susp (m + n) A :=
induction n with n e,
{ reflexivity },
{ exact susp_pequiv e }
definition iterate_susp_pequiv [constructor] (n : ) {X Y : Type*} (f : X ≃* Y) :
iterate_susp n X ≃* iterate_susp n Y :=
induction n with n e,
{ exact f },
{ exact susp_pequiv e }
open algebra nat
definition iterate_susp_iterate_susp (n m : ) (A : Type*) :
iterate_susp n (iterate_susp m A) ≃* iterate_susp (n + m) A :=
iterate_susp_iterate_susp_rev n m A ⬝e* pequiv_of_eq (ap (λk, iterate_susp k A) (add.comm m n))
definition plift_susp.{u v} : Π(A : Type*), plift.{u v} (susp A) ≃* susp (plift.{u v} A) :=
intro A,
plift.{u v} (susp A) ≃* susp A : by exact (pequiv_plift (susp A))⁻¹ᵉ*
... ≃* susp (plift.{u v} A) : by exact susp_pequiv (pequiv_plift.{u v} A)
definition is_contr_susp [instance] (A : Type) [H : is_contr A] : is_contr (susp A) :=
apply is_contr.mk north,
intro x, induction x,
exact merid !center,
apply eq_pathover_constant_left_id_right, apply square_of_eq,
exact whisker_left idp (ap merid !eq_of_is_contr)
definition loop_susp_pintro_phomotopy {X Y : Type*} {f g : ⅀ X →* Y} (p : f ~* g) :
loop_susp_pintro X Y f ~* loop_susp_pintro X Y g :=
pwhisker_right (loop_susp_unit X) (Ω⇒ p)
variables {A₀₀ A₂₀ A₀₂ A₂₂ : Type*}
{f₁₀ : A₀₀ →* A₂₀} {f₁₂ : A₀₂ →* A₂₂}
{f₀₁ : A₀₀ →* A₀₂} {f₂₁ : A₂₀ →* A₂₂}
-- rename: susp_functor_psquare
definition suspend_psquare (p : psquare f₁₀ f₁₂ f₀₁ f₂₁) : psquare (⅀→ f₁₀) (⅀→ f₁₂) (⅀→ f₀₁) (⅀→ f₂₁) :=
definition susp_to_loop_psquare (f₁₀ : A₀₀ →* A₂₀) (f₁₂ : A₀₂ →* A₂₂) (f₀₁ : susp A₀₀ →* A₀₂) (f₂₁ : susp A₂₀ →* A₂₂) : (psquare (⅀→ f₁₀) f₁₂ f₀₁ f₂₁) → (psquare f₁₀ (Ω→ f₁₂) ((loop_susp_pintro A₀₀ A₀₂) f₀₁) ((loop_susp_pintro A₂₀ A₂₂) f₂₁)) :=
intro p,
refine pvconcat _ (ap1_psquare p),
exact loop_susp_unit_natural f₁₀
definition loop_to_susp_square (f₁₀ : A₀₀ →* A₂₀) (f₁₂ : A₀₂ →* A₂₂) (f₀₁ : A₀₀ →* Ω A₀₂) (f₂₁ : A₂₀ →* Ω A₂₂) : (psquare f₁₀ (Ω→ f₁₂) f₀₁ f₂₁) → (psquare (⅀→ f₁₀) f₁₂ ((susp_pelim A₀₀ A₀₂) f₀₁) ((susp_pelim A₂₀ A₂₂) f₂₁)) :=
intro p,
refine pvconcat (suspend_psquare p) _,
exact psquare_transpose (loop_susp_counit_natural f₁₂)
open pushout unit prod sigma sigma.ops
parameters {A : Type*} {n : } [HA : is_conn n A]
-- we end up not using this, because to prove that the
-- composition with the first projection is loop_susp_counit A
-- is hideous without HIT computations on path constructors
definition pullback_diagonal_prod_of_wedge : susp (Ω A)
≃ Σ (a : A) (w : wedge A A), prod_of_wedge w = (a, a) :=
refine equiv.trans _
(comm_equiv_unc (λ z, prod_of_wedge (prod.pr1 z) = (prod.pr2 z, prod.pr2 z))),
apply equiv.symm,
apply equiv.trans (sigma_equiv_sigma_right
(λ w, sigma_equiv_sigma_right
(λ a, prod_eq_equiv (prod_of_wedge w) (a, a)))),
apply equiv.trans !pushout.flattening', esimp,
fapply pushout.equiv
(λ z, ⟨pt, z.2⟩) (λ z, ⟨pt, glue z.1 ▸ z.2⟩) (λ p, star) (λ p, star),
{ apply equiv.trans !sigma_unit_left, fapply equiv.MK,
{ intro z, induction z with a w, induction w with p q, exact p ⬝ q⁻¹ },
{ intro p, exact ⟨pt, (p, idp)⟩ },
{ intro p, reflexivity },
{ intro z, induction z with a w, induction w with p q, induction q,
reflexivity } },
{ fapply equiv.MK,
{ intro z, exact star },
{ intro u, exact ⟨pt, ⟨pt, (idp, idp)⟩ ⟩ },
{ intro u, induction u, reflexivity },
{ intro z, induction z with a w, induction w with b z,
induction z with p q, induction p, esimp at q, induction q,
reflexivity } },
{ fapply equiv.MK,
{ intro z, exact star },
{ intro u, exact ⟨pt, ⟨pt, (idp, idp)⟩ ⟩ },
{ intro u, induction u, reflexivity },
{ intro z, induction z with a w, induction w with b z,
induction z with p q, induction q, esimp at p, induction p,
reflexivity } },
{ intro z, induction z with u w, induction u, induction w with a z,
induction z with p q, reflexivity },
{ intro z, induction z with u w, induction u, induction w with a z,
induction z with p q, reflexivity }
-- instead we directly compare the fibers, using flattening twice
definition fiber_loop_susp_counit_equiv (a : A)
: fiber (loop_susp_counit A) a ≃ fiber prod_of_wedge (a, a) :=
apply equiv.trans !fiber.sigma_char, apply equiv.trans !pushout.flattening',
apply equiv.symm, apply equiv.trans !fiber.sigma_char,
apply equiv.trans (sigma_equiv_sigma_right
(λ w, prod_eq_equiv (prod_of_wedge w) (a, a))), esimp,
apply equiv.trans !pushout.flattening',
fapply pushout.equiv (λ z, ⟨pt, z.2⟩) (λ z, ⟨pt, glue z.1 ▸ z.2⟩)
(λ z, ⟨star, z.2⟩) (λ z, ⟨star, glue z.1 ▸ z.2⟩),
{ fapply equiv.MK,
{ intro w, induction w with u z, induction z with p q,
exact ⟨q ⬝ p⁻¹, q⟩ },
{ intro z, induction z with p q, apply dpair star,
exact (p⁻¹ ⬝ q, q) },
{ intro z, induction z with p q, esimp, induction q, esimp,
rewrite [idp_con,inv_inv] },
{ intro w, induction w with u z, induction u, induction z with p q,
esimp, induction q, rewrite [idp_con,inv_inv] } },
{ fapply equiv.MK,
{ intro w, induction w with b z, induction z with p q, exact ⟨star, q⟩ },
{ intro z, induction z with u p, induction u, esimp at p, esimp,
apply dpair a, esimp, exact (idp, p) },
{ intro z, induction z with u p, induction u, reflexivity },
{ intro w, induction w with b z, induction z with p q, esimp,
induction p, reflexivity } },
{ fapply equiv.MK,
{ intro w, induction w with b z, induction z with p q, exact ⟨star, p⟩ },
{ intro z, induction z with u p, induction u, esimp at p, esimp,
apply dpair a, esimp, exact (p, idp) },
{ intro z, induction z with u p, induction u, reflexivity },
{ intro w, induction w with b z, induction z with p q, esimp,
induction q, reflexivity } },
{ intro w, induction w with u z, induction u, induction z with p q,
reflexivity },
{ intro w, induction w with u z, induction u, induction z with p q,
esimp, induction q, esimp, krewrite prod_transport, fapply sigma_eq,
{ exact idp },
{ esimp, rewrite eq_transport_Fl, rewrite eq_transport_Fl,
krewrite elim_glue, krewrite (ap_compose' pr1 prod_of_wedge (glue star)),
krewrite elim_glue, esimp, apply eq_pathover, rewrite idp_con, esimp,
apply square_of_eq, rewrite [idp_con,idp_con,inv_inv] } }
include HA
-- connectivity of loop_susp_counit
definition is_conn_fun_loop_susp_counit {k : } (H : k ≤ 2 * n)
: is_conn_fun k (loop_susp_counit A) :=
λ a, sorry
end susp