Floris van Doorn 3367c20f9d make pointed suspension and spheres the default
There is one proof in realprojective which I couldn't quite fix, so for now I left a sorry
2017-07-20 18:03:13 +01:00

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import algebra.group_theory ..pointed ..homotopy.smash
open eq pointed algebra group eq equiv is_trunc is_conn prod prod.ops
smash susp unit pushout trunc prod
variables {A B C : Type*}
definition prod.pair_pmap (f : C →* A) (g : C →* B)
: C →* A ×* B :=
pmap.mk (λ c, (f c, g c)) (pair_eq (respect_pt f) (respect_pt g))
-- ×* is the product in Type*
definition pmap_prod_equiv : (C →* A ×* B) ≃ (C →* A) × (C →* B) :=
apply equiv.MK (λ f, (ppr1 ∘* f, ppr2 ∘* f))
(λ w, prod.elim w prod.pair_pmap),
{ intro p, induction p with f g, apply pair_eq,
{ fapply pmap_eq,
{ intro x, reflexivity },
{ apply trans (prod_eq_pr1 (respect_pt f) (respect_pt g)),
apply inverse, apply idp_con } },
{ fapply pmap_eq,
{ intro x, reflexivity },
{ apply trans (prod_eq_pr2 (respect_pt f) (respect_pt g)),
apply inverse, apply idp_con } } },
{ intro f, fapply pmap_eq,
{ intro x, apply prod.eta },
{ exact prod.pair_eq_eta (respect_pt f) } }
-- since ~* is the identity type of pointed maps,
-- the following follows by univalence, but we give a direct proof
-- if we really have to, we could prove the uncurried version
-- is an equivalence, but it's a pain without eta for products
definition pair_phomotopy {f g : C →* A ×* B}
(h : ppr1 ∘* f ~* ppr1 ∘* g) (k : ppr2 ∘* f ~* ppr2 ∘* g)
: f ~* g :=
phomotopy.mk (λ x, prod_eq (h x) (k x))
apply prod.prod_eq_assemble,
{ esimp, rewrite [prod.eq_pr1_concat,prod_eq_pr1],
exact to_homotopy_pt h },
{ esimp, rewrite [prod.eq_pr2_concat,prod_eq_pr2],
exact to_homotopy_pt k }
-- should be in wedge
definition or_of_wedge {A B : Type*} (w : wedge A B)
: trunc.or (Σ a, w = inl a) (Σ b, w = inr b) :=
induction w with a b,
{ exact trunc.tr (sum.inl (sigma.mk a idp)) },
{ exact trunc.tr (sum.inr (sigma.mk b idp)) },
{ apply is_prop.elimo }
namespace group -- is this the correct namespace?
-- TODO: modify h_space to match
-- TODO: move these to appropriate places
definition pdiag (A : Type*) : A →* (A ×* A) :=
pmap.mk (λ a, (a, a)) idp
section prod
variables (A B : Type*)
definition wpr1 (A B : Type*) : (A B) →* A :=
pmap.mk (wedge.elim (pid A) (pconst B A) idp) idp
definition wpr2 (A B : Type*) : (A B) →* B :=
pmap.mk (wedge.elim (pconst A B) (pid B) idp) idp
definition ppr1_pprod_of_wedge (A B : Type*)
: ppr1 ∘* pprod_of_wedge A B ~* wpr1 A B :=
{ intro w, induction w with a b,
{ reflexivity },
{ reflexivity },
{ apply eq_pathover, apply hdeg_square,
apply trans (ap_compose ppr1 (pprod_of_wedge A B) (pushout.glue star)),
krewrite pushout.elim_glue, krewrite pushout.elim_glue } },
{ reflexivity }
definition ppr2_pprod_of_wedge (A B : Type*)
: ppr2 ∘* pprod_of_wedge A B ~* wpr2 A B :=
{ intro w, induction w with a b,
{ reflexivity },
{ reflexivity },
{ apply eq_pathover, apply hdeg_square,
apply trans (ap_compose ppr2 (pprod_of_wedge A B) (pushout.glue star)),
krewrite pushout.elim_glue, krewrite pushout.elim_glue } },
{ reflexivity }
end prod
structure co_h_space [class] (A : Type*) :=
(comul : A →* (A A))
(colaw : pprod_of_wedge A A ∘* comul ~* pdiag A)
open co_h_space
definition co_h_space_of_counit_laws {A : Type*}
(c : A →* (A A))
(l : wpr1 A A ∘* c ~* pid A) (r : wpr2 A A ∘* c ~* pid A)
: co_h_space A :=
co_h_space.mk c (pair_phomotopy
ppr1 ∘* pprod_of_wedge A A ∘* c
~* (ppr1 ∘* pprod_of_wedge A A) ∘* c
: (passoc ppr1 (pprod_of_wedge A A) c)⁻¹*
... ~* wpr1 A A ∘* c
: pwhisker_right c (ppr1_pprod_of_wedge A A)
... ~* pid A : l)
ppr2 ∘* pprod_of_wedge A A ∘* c
~* (ppr2 ∘* pprod_of_wedge A A) ∘* c
: (passoc ppr2 (pprod_of_wedge A A) c)⁻¹*
... ~* wpr2 A A ∘* c
: pwhisker_right c (ppr2_pprod_of_wedge A A)
... ~* pid A : r))
variables (A : Type*) [H : co_h_space A]
include H
definition counit_left : wpr1 A A ∘* comul A ~* pid A :=
wpr1 A A ∘* comul A
~* (ppr1 ∘* (pprod_of_wedge A A)) ∘* comul A
: (pwhisker_right (comul A) (ppr1_pprod_of_wedge A A))⁻¹*
... ~* ppr1 ∘* ((pprod_of_wedge A A) ∘* comul A)
: passoc ppr1 (pprod_of_wedge A A) (comul A)
... ~* pid A
: pwhisker_left ppr1 (colaw A)
definition counit_right : wpr2 A A ∘* comul A ~* pid A :=
wpr2 A A ∘* comul A
~* (ppr2 ∘* (pprod_of_wedge A A)) ∘* comul A
: (pwhisker_right (comul A) (ppr2_pprod_of_wedge A A))⁻¹*
... ~* ppr2 ∘* ((pprod_of_wedge A A) ∘* comul A)
: passoc ppr2 (pprod_of_wedge A A) (comul A)
... ~* pid A
: pwhisker_left ppr2 (colaw A)
definition is_conn_co_h_space : is_conn 0 A :=
apply is_contr.mk (trunc.tr pt), intro ta,
induction ta with a,
have t : trunc -1 ((Σ b, comul A a = inl b) ⊎ (Σ c, comul A a = inr c)),
from (or_of_wedge (comul A a)),
induction t with s, induction s with bp cp,
{ induction bp with b p, apply ap trunc.tr,
exact (ap (wpr2 A A) p)⁻¹ ⬝ (counit_right A a) },
{ induction cp with c p, apply ap trunc.tr,
exact (ap (wpr1 A A) p)⁻¹ ⬝ (counit_left A a) }
variable (A : Type*)
definition pinch : ⅀ A →* wedge (⅀ A) (⅀ A) :=
fapply pmap.mk,
{ intro sa, induction sa with a,
{ exact inl north }, { exact inr south },
{ exact ap inl (glue a ⬝ (glue pt)⁻¹) ⬝ glue star ⬝ ap inr (glue a) } },
{ reflexivity }
definition co_h_space_susp : co_h_space (⅀ A) :=
co_h_space_of_counit_laws (pinch A)
fapply phomotopy.mk,
{ intro sa, induction sa with a,
{ reflexivity },
{ exact glue pt },
{ apply eq_pathover,
krewrite [ap_id,ap_compose' (wpr1 (⅀ A) (⅀ A)) (pinch A)],
krewrite elim_merid, rewrite ap_con,
krewrite [pushout.elim_inr,ap_constant],
rewrite ap_con, krewrite [pushout.elim_inl,pushout.elim_glue,ap_id],
apply square_of_eq, apply trans !idp_con, apply inverse,
apply trans (con.assoc (merid a) (glue pt)⁻¹ (glue pt)),
exact whisker_left (merid a) (con.left_inv (glue pt)) } },
{ reflexivity }
fapply phomotopy.mk,
{ intro sa, induction sa with a,
{ reflexivity },
{ reflexivity },
{ apply eq_pathover,
krewrite [ap_id,ap_compose' (wpr2 (⅀ A) (⅀ A)) (pinch A)],
krewrite elim_merid, rewrite ap_con,
krewrite [pushout.elim_inr,ap_id],
rewrite ap_con, krewrite [pushout.elim_inl,pushout.elim_glue,ap_constant],
apply square_of_eq, apply trans !idp_con, apply inverse,
exact idp_con (merid a) } },
{ reflexivity }
terminology: magma, comagma? co_h_space/co_h_space?
pre_inf_group? pre_inf_cogroup? ghs (for group-like H-space?)
cgcohs (cogroup-like co-H-space?) cogroup_like_co_h_space?
end group