It now contains the basic notions and most of the constructions, but not much properties/proofs
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Copyright (c) 2015 Ulrik Buchholtz, Egbert Rijke and Floris van Doorn. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Ulrik Buchholtz, Egbert Rijke, Floris van Doorn
Formalization of the higher groups paper
import .move_to_lib
open eq is_conn pointed is_trunc trunc equiv is_equiv trunc_index susp nat algebra
namespace higher_group
/- We require that the carrier has a point (preserved by the equivalence) -/
structure Grp.{u} (n k : ℕ) : Type.{u+1} := /- (n,k)Grp, denoted here as [n;k]Grp -/
(car : ptrunctype.{u} n)
(B : pconntype.{u} k)
(e : car ≃* Ω[k] B)
structure InfGrp.{u} (k : ℕ) : Type.{u+1} := /- (∞,k)Grp, denoted here as [∞;k]Grp -/
(car : pType.{u})
(B : pconntype.{u} k)
(e : car ≃* Ω[k] B)
structure ωGrp (n : ℕ) := /- (n,ω)Grp, denoted here as [n;ω]Grp -/
(B : Π(k : ℕ), (n+k)-Type*[k])
(e : Π(k : ℕ), B k ≃* Ω (B (k+1)))
attribute [coercion]
variables {n k l : ℕ}
notation `[`:95 n:0 `; ` k `]Grp`:0 := Grp n k
notation `[∞; `:95 k:0 `]Grp`:0 := InfGrp k
notation `[`:95 n:0 `;ω]Grp`:0 := ωGrp n
open Grp
open InfGrp (renaming B→iB e→ie)
open ωGrp (renaming B→oB e→oe)
/- some basic properties -/
lemma is_trunc_B (G : [n;k]Grp) : is_trunc (n+k) (B G) :=
/- some equivalences -/
definition Grp_equiv (n k : ℕ) : [n;k]Grp ≃ (n+k)-Type*[k] :=
definition InfGrp_equiv (k : ℕ) : [∞;k]Grp ≃ Type*[k] :=
-- maybe to do: ωGrp ≃ Σ(X : spectrum), is_sconn n X
/- Constructions -/
definition Decat (G : [n+1;k]Grp) : [n;k]Grp :=
|| ( (ptrunc n G) _ pt) ( (ptrunc (n +[ℕ₋₂] k) (B G)) _ pt)
abstract begin
refine ptrunc_pequiv_ptrunc n (e G) ⬝e* _,
symmetry, exact !loopn_ptrunc_pequiv
end end
definition Disc (G : [n;k]Grp) : [n+1;k]Grp :=
|| ( G (show is_trunc (n.+1) G, from _) pt) (B G) (e G)
definition Disc_adjoint_Decat (G : [n;k]Grp) (H : [n+1;k]Grp) :
ppmap (B (Disc G)) (B H) ≃* ppmap (B G) (B (Decat H)) :=
/- To do: naturality -/
definition Decat_Disc (G : [n;k]Grp) : Decat (Disc G) = G :=
definition InfDecat (n : ℕ) (G : [∞;k]Grp) : [n;k]Grp :=
|| ( (ptrunc n G) _ pt) ( (ptrunc (n +[ℕ₋₂] k) (iB G)) _ pt)
abstract begin
refine ptrunc_pequiv_ptrunc n (ie G) ⬝e* _,
symmetry, exact !loopn_ptrunc_pequiv
end end
definition InfDisc (n : ℕ) (G : [n;k]Grp) : [∞;k]Grp :=
|| G (B G) (e G)
definition InfDisc_adjoint_InfDecat (G : [n;k]Grp) (H : [∞;k]Grp) :
ppmap (iB (InfDisc n G)) (iB H) ≃* ppmap (B G) (B (InfDecat n H)) :=
/- To do: naturality -/
definition InfDecat_InfDisc (G : [n;k]Grp) : InfDecat n (InfDisc n G) = G :=
definition Loop (G : [n+1;k]Grp) : [n;k+1]Grp :=
have is_trunc (n.+1) G, from !is_trunc_ptrunctype,
|| ( (Ω G) !is_trunc_loop pt)
abstract begin
exact sorry
end end
definition Deloop (G : [n;k+1]Grp) : [n+1;k]Grp :=
have is_conn (k.+1) (B G), from !is_conn_pconntype,
have is_trunc (n + (k + 1)) (B G), from is_trunc_B G,
have is_trunc (n +[ℕ] 1 +[ℕ₋₂] k) (pconntype.to_pType (B G)), from transport (λn, is_trunc n _)
(ap trunc_index.of_nat (nat.succ_add n k)⁻¹ ⬝ !of_nat_add_of_nat⁻¹) this,
have is_trunc (n + 1) (Ω[k] (B G)), from !is_trunc_loopn,
|| ( (Ω[k] (B G)) _ pt)
( (B G) !is_conn_of_is_conn_succ pt)
(pequiv_of_equiv erfl idp)
/- to do: adjunction, and Loop ∘ Deloop = id -/
definition Forget (G : [n;k+1]Grp) : [n;k]Grp :=
have is_conn (k.+1) (B G), from !is_conn_pconntype,
|| G ( (Ω (B G)) !is_conn_loop pt)
abstract begin
refine e G ⬝e* !loopn_succ_in
end end
definition Stabilize (G : [n;k]Grp) : [n;k+1]Grp :=
have is_conn (k+1) (susp (B G)), from !is_conn_susp,
have Hconn : is_conn (k+1) (ptrunc (n + k + 1) (susp (B G))), from !is_conn_ptrunc,
|| ( (ptrunc n (Ω[k+1] (susp (B G)))) _ pt)
( (ptrunc (n+k+1) (susp (B G))) Hconn pt)
abstract begin
refine !loopn_ptrunc_pequiv⁻¹ᵉ* ⬝e* _,
apply loopn_pequiv_loopn,
exact ptrunc_change_index !of_nat_add_of_nat _
end end
/- to do: adjunction -/
definition ωForget (k : ℕ) (G : [n;ω]Grp) : [n;k]Grp :=
have is_trunc (n + k) (oB G k), from _,
have is_trunc (n +[ℕ₋₂] k) (oB G k), from transport (λn, is_trunc n _) !of_nat_add_of_nat⁻¹ this,
have is_trunc n (Ω[k] (oB G k)), from !is_trunc_loopn,
|| ( (Ω[k] (oB G k)) _ pt) (oB G k) (pequiv_of_equiv erfl idp)
definition nStabilize.{u} (H : k ≤ l) (G : Grp.{u} n k) : Grp.{u} n l :=
induction H with l H IH, exact G, exact Stabilize IH
theorem stabilization (H : k ≥ n + 2) : is_equiv (@Stabilize n k) :=
definition ωStabilize_of_le (H : k ≥ n + 2) (G : [n;k]Grp) : [n;ω]Grp :=
ω (λl, sorry) (λl, sorry)
/- for l ≤ k we want to define it as Ω[k-l] (B G),
for H : l ≥ k we want to define it as nStabilize H G -/
definition ωStabilize (G : [n;k]Grp) : [n;ω]Grp :=
ωStabilize_of_le !le_max_left (nStabilize !le_max_right G)
/- to do: adjunction (and ωStabilize ∘ ωForget =?= id) -/
end higher_group