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2021-01-28 01:58:59 -06:00
Chapter 1: Functional Programming
2021-01-28 02:26:32 -06:00
> import Prelude hiding (foldl, foldr)
> import Control.Exception
2021-01-28 01:58:59 -06:00
Exercise 1.2
Trawling through Data.List we discovered the function
> uncons :: [a] -> Maybe (a, [a])
of whose existence we were quite unconscious. Guess the definition of uncons.
> uncons [] = Nothing
> uncons (hd : tl) = Just (hd, tl)
Exercise 1.3
The library Data.List does not provide functions
> wrap :: a -> [a]
> unwrap :: [a] -> a
> single :: [a] -> Bool
for wrapping a value into a singleton list, unwrapping a singleton list into
its sole occupant, and testing a list for being a singleton. This is a pity,
for the three functions can be very useful on occasions and will appear a
number of times in the rest of this book. Give appropriate definitions.
> -- return should work here too
> wrap x = [x]
> -- TBH unwrap should be returning Maybe since otherwise this throws an
> -- exception on unmatched cases
> unwrap [x] = x
> single [x] = True
> single _ = False
2021-01-28 02:26:32 -06:00
Exercise 1.4
Write down a definition of reverse that takes linear time. One possibility is to use a foldl.
> -- This takes linear time because the list basically builds up backwards
> reverse :: [a] -> [a]
> reverse = foldl (\a x -> x : a) []
Exercise 1.5
Express both map and filter as an instance of foldr.
> map2 :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
> map2 f = foldr (\x a -> f x : a) []
> filter2 :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
> filter2 f = foldr (\x a -> if f x then x : a else a) []
Exercise 1.6
Express `foldr f e . filter p` as an instance of foldr.
> composed :: (a -> b -> b) -> (a -> Bool) -> b -> [a] -> b
> composed f p e = foldr f e . filter p
> composed2 :: (a -> b -> b) -> (a -> Bool) -> b -> [a] -> b
> composed2 f p = foldr (\x a -> if p x then f x a else a)
Exercise 1.7
The function takeWhile returns the longest initial segment of a list all of
whose elements satisfy a given test. Moreover, its running time is proportional
to the length of the result, not to the length of the input. Express takeWhile
as an instance of foldr, thereby demonstrating once again that a foldr need not
process the whole of its argument before terminating.
> -- I think the fact that foldr doesn't consume the whole thing here is only
> -- due to laziness, since foldr builds up the expression from the back.
> takeWhile :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
> takeWhile f = foldr (\x a -> if f x then x : a else []) []
Exercise 1.8
The Data.List library contains a function dropWhileEnd which drops the longest
suffix of a list all of whose elements satisfy a given boolean test. For
> _ = dropWhileEnd even [1, 4, 3, 6, 2, 4] == [1, 4, 3]
Define dropWhileEnd as an instance of foldr.
> dropWhileEnd :: Eq a => (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
> dropWhileEnd f = foldr (\x a -> if f x && a == [] then [] else x : a) []
Exercise 1.9
An alternative definition of foldr is
> foldr f e xs = if null xs then e else f (head xs) (foldr f e (tail xs))
Dually, an alternative definition of foldl is
> foldl f e xs = if null xs then e else f (foldl f e (init xs)) (last xs)
where last and init are dual to head and tail. What is the problem with this
definition of foldl?
> -- init and last are both O(n) operations since they require traversing to
> -- the end as opposed to head and tail which are O(1) which means overall this
> -- alternate definition of foldl is really expensive.
Exercise 1.10
Bearing the examples
> -- foldr (⊕) e [x, y, z] == x ⊕ (y ⊕ (z ⊕ e))
> -- foldl (⊕) e [x, y, z] == ((e ⊕ x) ⊕ y) ⊕ z
in mind, under what simple conditions on (⊕) and e do we have
> -- foldr (⊕) e xs = foldl (⊕) e xs
for all finite lists xs?
> -- (⊕) just needs to be associative and e the identity.
> -- This will give us x ⊕ (y ⊕ (z)) for foldr and (x ⊕ y) ⊕ z for foldl, which
> -- still preserves the order of x, y, and z so if (⊕) is associative then
> -- the statements are equivalent.
Exercise 1.11
Given a list of digits representing a natural number, construct a function
integer which converts the digits into that number. For example,
> _ = integer [1, 4, 8, 4, 9, 3] == 148493
Next, given a list of digits representing a real number r in the range 0 <= r <
1, construct a function fraction which converts the digits into the
corresponding fraction. For example,
> _ = fraction [1, 4, 8, 4, 9, 3] == 0.148493
> integer :: [Int] -> Int
> integer = foldl (\a x -> 10 * a + x) 0
> fraction :: [Int] -> Double
> fraction = (/ 10) . foldr (\x a -> fromIntegral x + a / 10) 0
Exercise 1.12
Complete the right hand sides of:
> -- map (foldl f e) . inits = ???
> -- map (foldr f e) . tails = ???
> -- TODO
Exercise 1.13
Define the function
> apply :: Int -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
that applies a function a specified number of times to a value.
> apply 0 f x = x
> apply n f x = apply (n - 1) f (f x)
Exercise 1.14
Can the function inserts associated with the inductive definition of perms be
expressed as an instance of foldr?
> -- TODO
Exercise 1.15
Give a definition of remove for which
> -- perms3 [] = [[]]
> -- perms3 xs = [x : ys | x <- xs, y <- perms3 (remove x xs)]
computes the permutations of a list. Is the first clause necessary? What is the
type of perms3, and can one generate the permutations of a list of functions
with this definition?