improve code
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 24 additions and 53 deletions
@ -6,49 +6,23 @@ import Data.List
import Data.List.Extra (stripSuffix)
import Data.List.Extra (stripSuffix)
import Data.List.Split
import Data.List.Split
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Maybe
import Debug.Trace
import Text.Read
import Text.Read
import Data.Set (Set, fromList, isSubsetOf)
data Attr
data Attr = Byr | Iyr | Eyr | Hgt | Hcl | Ecl | Pid | Cid
= Byr
| Iyr
| Eyr
| Hgt
| Hcl
| Ecl
| Pid
| Cid
deriving (Show, Bounded, Enum, Eq, Ord)
deriving (Show, Bounded, Enum, Eq, Ord)
type Passport = [Attr]
intval :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Maybe Int
intval lo hi n = guard (n >= lo && n <= hi) $> n
intval :: (Int, Int) -> Int -> Maybe Int
intval (lo, hi) = \n ->
if n >= lo && n <= hi then Just n
else Nothing
nDigits :: Int -> String -> Maybe String
nDigits :: Int -> String -> Maybe String
nDigits n = \s ->
nDigits n s = guard (length s == n && all isDigit s) $> s
if length s == n && all isDigit s then Just s
else Nothing
hexColor :: String -> Maybe String
hexColor :: String -> Maybe String
hexColor s =
hexColor s = guard (length s == 7 && s !! 0 == '#' && all (\c -> elem c "0123456789abcdef") (drop 1 s)) $> s
if length s == 7
&& s !! 0 == '#'
&& all (\c -> elem c "0123456789abcdef") (drop 1 s) then Just s
else Nothing
validEcl :: String -> Bool
validEcl :: String -> Bool
validEcl s = case s of
validEcl = flip elem ["amb", "blu", "brn", "gry", "grn", "hzl", "oth"]
"amb" -> True
"blu" -> True
"brn" -> True
"gry" -> True
"grn" -> True
"hzl" -> True
"oth" -> True
_ -> False
parseAttr :: String -> Maybe Attr
parseAttr :: String -> Maybe Attr
parseAttr s =
parseAttr s =
@ -56,13 +30,13 @@ parseAttr s =
let key = parts !! 0 in
let key = parts !! 0 in
let value = parts !! 1 in
let value = parts !! 1 in
case key of
case key of
"byr" -> (readMaybe value >>= intval (1920, 2002)) $> Byr
"byr" -> (readMaybe value >>= intval 1920 2002) $> Byr
"iyr" -> (readMaybe value >>= intval (2010, 2020)) $> Iyr
"iyr" -> (readMaybe value >>= intval 2010 2020) $> Iyr
"eyr" -> (readMaybe value >>= intval (2020, 2030)) $> Eyr
"eyr" -> (readMaybe value >>= intval 2020 2030) $> Eyr
"hgt" ->
"hgt" ->
((stripSuffix "cm" value >>= readMaybe >>= intval (150, 193)) <|>
let inch = stripSuffix "cm" value >>= readMaybe >>= intval 150 193 in
(stripSuffix "in" value >>= readMaybe >>= intval(59, 76)))
let cm = stripSuffix "in" value >>= readMaybe >>= intval 59 76 in
$> Hgt
(inch <|> cm) $> Hgt
"hcl" -> hexColor value $> Hcl
"hcl" -> hexColor value $> Hcl
"ecl" -> if validEcl value then Just Ecl else Nothing
"ecl" -> if validEcl value then Just Ecl else Nothing
"pid" -> nDigits 9 value $> Pid
"pid" -> nDigits 9 value $> Pid
@ -70,28 +44,25 @@ parseAttr s =
_ -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing
processLine :: String -> Maybe [Attr]
processLine :: String -> Maybe [Attr]
processLine line = sequence $ (map parseAttr $ splitOn " " line)
processLine = mapM parseAttr . splitOn " "
requiredAttrs :: [Attr]
requiredAttrs :: Set Attr
requiredAttrs = enumFromTo Byr Pid
requiredAttrs = fromList $ enumFromTo Byr Pid
combineAttrs :: [Attr] -> Maybe Passport
combineAttrs :: [Attr] -> Maybe [Attr]
combineAttrs attrs =
combineAttrs attrs = guard (isSubsetOf requiredAttrs $ fromList $ attrs) $> attrs
let intersection = intersect attrs requiredAttrs in
if sort intersection == sort requiredAttrs then Just attrs
else Nothing
processPassport :: [String] -> Maybe Passport
processPassport :: [String] -> Maybe [Attr]
processPassport lines = concat <$> (sequence $ map processLine lines) >>= combineAttrs
processPassport = combineAttrs . concat <=< mapM processLine
processLines :: [String] -> [Maybe Passport]
processLines :: [String] -> [Maybe [Attr]]
processLines lines = map processPassport $ splitWhen (== "") lines
processLines = map processPassport . splitWhen (== "")
countValid :: [Maybe Passport] -> Int
countValid :: [Maybe [Attr]] -> Int
countValid = length . filter isJust
countValid = length . filter isJust
main :: IO ()
main :: IO ()
main = do
main = do
content <- readFile "4.txt"
content <- readFile "4.txt"
let valid = countValid $ processLines $ lines content
let valid = countValid $ processLines $ lines content
putStrLn (show valid)
print valid
Add table
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